Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 169 Child Request

Chapter 169 Child Request
After listening to Xiaodouzi's words, Li Xiang lost his composure.

He quickly looked at Zhang Ling beside him and asked:
"Is this all true?"

Zhang Ling looked at Li Xiang and nodded.

Li Xiang put Xiaodouzi on the ground, grabbed Zhang Ling's shoulders with excited hands and shouted:

"Why? Why didn't you tell the truth just now?"

He thought about what if Zhang Ling had told the truth just now.

I will definitely greet the old patriarch personally for Xiaodouzi.

Zhang Ling questioned:
"Do you think if I told the truth at that time, would our family of three still be able to walk out of that yard safely?"

Li Xiang's brain buzzed non-stop.


It seemed that the surge of Qi and blood in his chest completely overwhelmed his mind.

I just want to ask for an explanation for Xiaodouzi.

"No, I have to go back and slaughter that old bastard myself!"

Zhang Ling watched Li Xiang turn around with scarlet eyes and walked quickly towards the old patriarch's courtyard.

Xiaodouzi seemed to see that Li wanted to fight people desperately.

At this time, I sat on the ground with a plop and cried "Dad" and burst into tears.

Zhang Ling yelled at Li Xiang in a commanding tone:

"Li Xiang, come back to me! You are stupid to fight with others on their territory!"

Perhaps Xiaodouzi's crying softened Li Xiang's heart.

Perhaps he heard from Zhang Ling's words that he held an important position in her heart.

He finally stopped and looked back at Zhang Ling.

Zhang Ling felt that Li Xiang was a good father who was dedicated to his daughter.

Of course, she also saw that Xiaodouzi, who was sitting on the ground and crying, could not do without Li Xiang, his father.

For her daughter she went on to say to him:
"Yes, even for the safety of me and Xiaodouzi, but also for our family, please calm down and don't be impulsive?"

These words deeply awakened Li Xiang's rationality.


He is not alone.

At least he still has a home.

So he can't act impulsively without scruples.

He walked towards Zhang Ling slowly and steadily, and said with a smile of enjoyment:

"Okay, I'm not impulsive. Just can you repeat what you just said to me? I want to hear it."

Only then did Zhang Ling think through what she said casually just now.

Even she herself didn't expect to say this.

Especially in the tone of those words, not only full of concern for Li Xiang, but also subconsciously think that they are actually a family.

In order to avoid Li Xiang's request, she glanced at Xiaodouzi who was sitting on the ground, but she didn't step forward to help him immediately, and then looked at Li Xiang and said:

"I said Li Xiang, you are a bit incompetent as a father. Your daughter is sitting on the ground crying and calling your name, but you are thinking of laughing and teasing the child's mother."

"Molesting the child's mother? Hmm... This molesting is very good. I really like it." Li Xiang looked at Zhang Ling with a meaningful smile and said.

"Hate!" She subconsciously replied casually.

When he saw Zhang Ling blushing, he turned his head uncomfortably to the left and turned slightly to look at a locust tree in the distance.

Li Xiang only felt that her graceful figure at this moment aroused his emotions the most.

If it wasn't for the interference of Xiaodouzi crying beside him, he really wanted to take a few more greedy glances.

Day and night.

After comforting Xiaodouzi, the three returned to the room.

Xiaodouzi ran to the table to drink water because he was thirsty.

Probably crying is indeed a waste of water in the body.

The vigilant Zhang Ling saw something strange in the room.

Quickly walked a few steps and held Xiaodouzi in his arms.

Because the half cup of tea that was originally placed on the table was gone, the cup was still upside down on the plate.

What's even more bizarre is that the window is clearly closed, while the curtains on one side are clearly fluttering.

"Mom, Xiaodouzi is thirsty and needs water!"

While Xiaodouzi was talking, he reached out and tried to touch the teacup on the table.

Li Xiang, who was on the side, watched her stop Xiaodouzi's behavior and asked suspiciously:
"what happened?"

Zhang Ling looked around the room solemnly and said:

"A guest came before the master came back. It's just that this guest seems a little too impolite. I don't say anything about eating and using the master's food without permission. How can I hide when the master returns?"

"Mom, what kind of guest is this? It's obvious that the house has been burglarized. Call the police, let's call the police as soon as possible."

Li Xiang also quickly glanced around the room, as if he already knew who the "thief" was?

Picking up a solid wooden chair, while walking towards the wardrobe in the corner, he obviously suppressed a smile and said:
"Ling'er, you are too polite. Where are there any guests? I didn't see it. However, our little Douzi is right. This is indeed a burglar at home, so call the police."

"Okay, I'll call the police."

She took out her mobile phone knowingly, and pretended to dial the alarm number.

The person hiding in the closet and peeking at him finally couldn't hold back at this moment.

Wanting to jump out to stop Zhang Ling from calling, he found that the cabinet door had been blocked by Li Xiang with a chair.

"Hey, it's me, it's me, I'm Chen Jian! Don't call, sister-in-law, don't call." Chen Jian pushed the cabinet door a few times, but didn't open it, and shouted anxiously, "Li Xiang, I'm here to deliver something to you. Don't be like this, let me out."

Chen Jian always takes Li Xiang's home as his own.

There has never been a rule of thumb in and out.

If there is only the hostess in the house, is it really okay to rush in like Chen Jian when doing some private things?

I'm afraid that at this time, even my own brothers can't tolerate this kind of thing happening.

At this time, as long as the male host is normal, most of them will have a friendly and in-depth exchange with the intruder.

Li Xiang looked at their mother and daughter with a proud smile like a child who couldn't grow up.

"Who are you? I didn't hear you wrong, right? The little thief is really rampant now! Being caught by the master, how dare you pretend to be the master's relatives and friends to cheat!"

Li Xiang has long wanted to cure Li Xiang's problem of not seeing outsiders and directly breaking into his room.

Especially after dating Zhang Ling, this desire became stronger.

Today happened to be a good opportunity.

Of course, he did this for another purpose.

The main reason is to make Xiaodouzi happy.

Let the children forget the horror experience of being locked up in the small black room amidst laughter.

"Chen Jian, I'm really Chen Jian!" Chen Jian shouted as loud as he could, and then said in a pleading tone, "Li Xiang, brother Li Xiang, no, you are my own brother. Please let me out Okay? It's really boring in here."

Zhang Ling burst out laughing after hearing my words from Chen Jian.

It never occurred to her that she was just making up a reason at random.

Now it has become a fact.

Chen Jian really came to find Li Xianglai.

It's just that this way of meeting is really a bit special.

Only then did she let go of Xiaodouzi in her arms with confidence.

Then he poured a cup of tea for Xiaodouzi himself.

Xiaodouzi held the teacup in both hands, looked up at Zhang Ling and said:
"Mom, why is the thief in the closet still called Dad and Brother?"

Before Zhang Ling could answer, Xiaodouzi suddenly thought of something.

Looking at Li Xiang with a look of surprise, he continued:
"Oh... I finally know. Does Dad still have the identity of the boss of the thief? That's why the thieves in the cabinet are so afraid of Dad."

Zhang Ling opened her eyes wide and looked at Xiaodouzi, and then looked at Li Xiang, who had a frozen smile and a livid face. She still couldn't suppress her smile and burst out laughing.

Chen Jian in the cabinet kept repeating the words "the thief boss".

These three words kept stimulating Li Xiang's angry nerves.

Li Xiang was angry and slapped the cabinet hard with his hand.

Chen Jian in the cabinet couldn't bear it and hurriedly begged for mercy:
"Brother thief, please spare me! No, no, Brother Li, please forgive me! You can't bully my brother like this. The thief boss was first mentioned by your daughter, not by me, Chen Jian. How could you catch me so vigorously?" Bullying alone?"

After drinking the water, looking at Li Xiang, who was a little irritable, and hearing Chen Jian's provocation in the cabinet, Xiaodouzi was obviously a little scared.

He hurriedly hid behind Zhang Ling and poked his head out, saying:

"Mom, look, Dad looks so scary. Did I say the wrong thing again?"

Before Zhang Ling opened her mouth to speak, Chen Jian, a bit of a criminal |, heard Xiaodouzi's question and shouted loudly:

"That's right! Little Douzi, you didn't..."

Li Xiang was a little puzzled!
He hadn't seen Xiaodouzi's happy smile yet.

Instead, he saw the fearful expression on Xiaodou's face.

This made him even more worried.

So his body movements were a little exaggerated, and he slapped the cabinet again with his hand and scolded:
"Be quiet, be quiet, be quiet for me!"

As long as it's not work, it would be great if Chen Jian is so obedient in life.

Enduring the loud beating, Chen Jian said stubbornly:

"If you tell me to be quiet, I will be quiet. This makes me, Chen Jian, more face-saving."

Or Li Xiang's hand hurts and wants to rest;
Or maybe Chen Jian has what Li Xiang wants most, so he continues to say confidently:

"Xiaodouzi, you did say the wrong thing. However, according to your thinking, I know that your name is Xiaodouzi, and you are the eldest daughter of the thief. If you say it, it can be understood that Xiaodou is also a thief?"

Li wanted to hear that Chen Jian didn't say anything excessive.

His tense heart calmed down a lot for a while.

It seems that Xiaodouzi encountered such a difficult logic problem for the first time.

Habitually touched the earlobe and pondered for a while, then looked up at Zhang Ling again and said:
"Mom, what did that thief mean? Xiaodouzi didn't understand."

Did the little girl really not understand?
Not also!

The clever little guy seemed to have guessed Chen Jian's intentions.

So I'm pretending to be confused.

Chen Jian saw Xiaodouzi's subtle expression when he was contemplating through the gap, and wanted to praise Xiaodouzi for being quite as wise as Li Xiang.

The result surprised him a bit.

Xiaodouzi thought for a long time before saying such a thing.

Little did she know that the little girl just didn't want an outsider to expose her deep and astute little thoughts.

Chen Jian, who has never been missed by observers, had to admire Li Xiang who was outside the cabinet and said:

"I said brother, this daughter of yours is definitely a talent!"

"How to say?" Li Xiang wondered.

Without saying anything, Chen Jian first smiled, and then said:

"You will understand this in the future. But, Li Xiang, are you sure you don't plan to let me out? I have a signature here to express the documents to my brother. Then I can only convey the contents of the documents to you in the cabinet."

Li Xiang felt the air in the room freeze immediately after listening.

He saw Zhang Ling walking slowly with a strange smile, and asked:

"What documents did this person who called you Miss Brother send you? I'm also very interested to find out. Chen Jian, tell me!"

She thought that this vixen was probably that Shangguan Aoxue.

Compared to this, she was more curious about the content of the document.

The sound of tearing the seal of the document was clearly heard in the cabinet.

Then Chen Jian said with a little excitement in his tone:

"Okay, sister-in-law, since you want to hear it, I will risk my life to tell you..."

Before he finished speaking, the door of the cabinet was opened by Li Xiang.

Taking advantage of the weak light from the gap, Chen Jian moved closer to the document and tried his best to read the text.

Before Chen Jian could react, Li Xiang snatched the document in his hand, with a nervous expression like a guilty conscience.

Because this kind of document is not someone else, it is Zhenli who wants to send it.

It would be bad if the secret of his double was mentioned in the document.

Li Xiang's reaction made Zhang Ling even more curious!

It further confirmed her conjecture.

She obviously guessed with a bit of yin and yang and said:
"What document is this for you? Look at your nervous appearance. It feels like a document about your hidden marriage was sent to you. That's why you are so afraid of being seen by me."

After speaking, she regretted a little.

I secretly blamed myself in my heart for why I said these words?

She could feel the strong jealousy when she heard it.

Chen Jian at the side walked out of the cabinet, and said without forgetting to make a knife:

"Sister-in-law, you are really a god! I remember that there are indeed many words about marriage in the document."

Li wants to be in a hurry!

This matter will be brought up again by Chen Jiangong.

Zhang Ling's misunderstanding of him will definitely get deeper and deeper.

If it weren't for the fact that Xiaodouzi was still there, he really wanted to slap Chen Jian directly.

So he could only wink at the talkative Chen Jian and scold loudly:

"Shut up! If you don't say a few words, no one will sell you as a dumb person. Go away and stay, and stop messing around here."

After finishing speaking, Li Xiang obviously avoided everyone, walked to another corner of the house, and quickly scanned the contents of the document at a glance.

He just wanted a quick overview of what the document said.

Chen Jian failed to satisfy his parents' wishes recently, and managed to bring Yan Yuan back to have a family dinner.

Parents have united all relatives to isolate him.

In addition, the relationship between Li Xiang and Zhang Ling seems to be in full swing.

Li Xiang had no time to talk to Chen Jian at all.

As a result, Chen Jian, who made his heart jealous, has been very absent recently.

Finally caught an opportunity to gain a sense of presence.

How could Chen Jian let it go so easily?
So for Li Xiang's wink, he pretended not to see it at all, and still vowed:

"Sister-in-law, it's true! I, Chen Jian, can swear to the sky that I am absolutely true."

Zhang Ling had already successfully suppressed the overflowing jealousy.

After watching the performance of the two brothers, she glanced at the document in Li Xiang's hand, looked at Chen Jian and said with a bit of sour taste:

"Forget it! It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not. Even if someone really wants to abandon our mother and daughter, I, Zhang Ling, will never say a word to keep them. Let it go."

The clever little Douzi heard the meaning of Zhang Ling's words.

I saw her shaking her body, mustering up the courage to come to Li Xiang's side, please pull the skirt of her clothes with her little hands and say:
"Dad, Dad, they all said that Xiaodouzi is a drag bottle. So are you planning to leave your mother because of Xiaodouzi?"

Li Xiang leaned over to look at Xiaodouzi and asked:

"Tug oil bottle! Little Douzi, where did you hear this word? Tell me!"

Xiaodouzi didn't answer Li Xiang's question, but shook his head with tears in his eyes and continued:
"If this is the case, Xiaodouzi can stay with the dean's mother forever. Just please don't leave Zhang Ling's mother, okay? Because mother really likes you. Xiaodou doesn't want to be a bad child who destroys the happiness of parents."

Listening to Xiaodouzi's words, everyone present felt a burst of bitterness.

In particular, two bitter tears flowed down the cheeks of Zhang Ling and Li Xiang almost at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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