Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 170 Questions Questions

Chen Jian obviously felt that Xiaodouzi was too sensible.

Sensible and well-behaved to make people feel distressed.

Vaguely feel that he seems to have done something wrong?
Chen Jian walked up to Xiaodouzi, and said "I'm sorry" with a sense of guilt.

Before turning around and leaving, he patted Li Xiang's shoulder with his hand, and said with a bit of choking feeling:

"In the past, I was a little bit against it. You became a father for no reason in order to pursue Zhang Ling. Now I want to tell you, brother, you are a good father. Come on!"

This is what Chen Jian said in his heart.

If possible, he would also like to have such a sensible daughter.

Li Xiang knelt down and hugged Xiaodouzi into his arms, saying:

"Silly boy, don't talk like that. Don't worry, there will never be a time when Dad doesn't want your mother Zhang Ling. As long as your mother doesn't dislike Dad. We will always be a family."

Zhang Ling was slightly surprised by Li Xiang's answer.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiang was still cunningly asking her to make a clear statement at this time.

Zhang Ling looked at Xiaodouzi on the side, and really couldn't do it, so she avoided answering this question.

If you escape this time!
She felt that not only would she damage her image as a mother of her child, but she might also cause serious character trauma to her child.

Zhang Ling could only walk over at this time, leaned over and hugged the father and daughter in her arms, and said with a smile in their ears:
"Yes, your father is right, we will always be a family. Silly boy, completely forget about the oil bottle. As long as Xiaodouzi is willing to call us Mom and Dad for a day, we will be Mom and Dad for Xiaodouzi for a day."

She thoughtfully handed over the choice to Xiaodouzi.

The goal is to increase the child's sense of security as much as possible.

The little girl's body tried her best to feel the warmth from her parents.

The warmth made her pink face blush, she pursed her lips as if she was licking the remaining sweetness, and said with a slightly raised corner of her mouth:

"Not for a day, but for Xiaodouzi, forever, for a lifetime. Is this okay?"

"Okay, then forever." The two adults replied tacitly at the same time.

After a while, the three sat around the table under Chen Jian's disturbance.

What did Xiaodouzi seem to think of?
The tone is full of doubts:
"But... But Mom, I have a question that is very confusing. Can you answer it for Xiaodouzi?"

Zhang Ling was secretly delighted!

When Li Xiang was with her, Xiaodouzi first thought of asking her for help.

"If you have any questions, just ask your mother."

Zhang Ling glanced triumphantly at Li Xiang who was slightly depressed.

He deliberately said some boastful words to Xiaodouzi.

On the one hand, it is intended to show that she is very knowledgeable and that what she said has a high degree of authority;
On the other hand, it is to show off to Li Xiang, her pride as a mother.

When she saw Li Xiang's drooping face, she looked at her daughter and said:
"Tell me. What question do we little beans want to ask?"

Xiaodouzi watched Zhang Ling's operations, quietly thinking that adults can be so childish.

Habitually touched the earlobe, organized the language in my mind, and then looked at Zhang Ling and said:

"Mom, there is something strange! Other people's children can live with their parents every day. Why does Xiaodouzi still live in the orphanage?"

Xiaodouzi naturally has the clearest answer to this question.

The main purpose of asking this question is to have a home of your own.

Although the status of the three of them is already a family of three, there has never been a home that can really give Xiaodouzi a strong sense of belonging.

The big family at the orphanage was great too!

There is also the dean's mother who loves her, as well as brothers and sisters with deep affection.

But in the bottom of Xiaodouzi's heart, he just wants to have a home that only belongs to their family of three.

Xiaodouzi's question made Li Xiang extremely happy.

This is indirectly helping him force Zhang Ling to marry him!
Sure enough, this daughter definitely did not love her in vain.

Like Xiaodouzi, he looked at Zhang Ling pretending to be puzzled and asked:
"Why do you say this is? I want to know too."

Ben also thought about pushing this question to Li Xiang to answer.

What she didn't expect was that Li Xiang wittily formed a united front with Xiaodouzi.

Zhang Ling looked at Li Xiang who had fallen into trouble, and gritted her teeth with hatred.

But in order not to scare Xiaodouzi, she still kept smiling.

Chen Jian on the side completely put on a look of complacent crowd eating melons.

The predicament in front of her made her feel very uncomfortable.

Xiaodouzi heard Zhang Ling's gnashing of teeth, and asked in a strange way:
"Mom, listen! What was the sound just now? It feels like someone is stealing fried broad beans (the kind of fried broad beans that are harder)."

The two men at the scene looked at Zhang Ling and smiled at the same time.

It seemed to tell Xiaodouzi indirectly that the person who stole the fried broad beans was Zhang Ling.

Xiaodouzi's question hasn't figured out how to answer it yet?

In front of the child, he was given a notoriety of stealing food.

Zhang Ling just felt that it was even more embarrassing now!

She couldn't just be stumped by the child's questions so easily.

She swallowed her saliva, tried her best to stabilize her mind, looked at the child with a smile and said:
"Little Douzi..."

Li Xiang also seemed to sense that Zhang Ling was a little embarrassed.

During a slight pause, he took the initiative to help her and explained to Xiaodouzi:

"You can't be too greedy! You ask mom so many questions at once, so that mom doesn't know how to answer for a while? Remember, you have to eat food bite by bite, and you have to ask questions one by one."

The well-behaved little Douzi replied:

Li wanted to feel Zhang Ling's appreciative gaze on him.

Maybe he thought he was helping her out by saying that.

But he glared at him pretending to be displeased and said:

I won't take your favor.

If it weren't for you, how could I be forced to answer this question?

He glanced sideways at her and smiled.

It seemed to be responding to Zhang Ling, he didn't need her acknowledgment, and he just wanted to be like Xiaodouzi, listening to her accurate answer to this question.

Then he looked at the child again and said:
"Xiaodouzi, how about this. Then let's let mother answer the question of why Xiaodouzi still lives in the orphanage. Would you like it?"

Xiaodouzi also wanted to know this question most in his heart.

That is, she simply wanted to ask her mother for one, which only belonged to their family of three.

"Okay, okay!" Xiaodouzi nodded excitedly and asked Zhang Ling, "Mom, why do you think this is?"

Zhang Ling immediately restrained her admiring gaze towards Li Xiang, and instantly turned into a bit of anger, and gave him a vicious look.

Just this one glance almost caused Li Xiang to suffer serious internal injuries.

However, as far as Li Xiang is concerned, it is good to just use Xiaodouzi's mouth to let him get a clear answer from Zhang Ling.

That way he can start preparing for an unforgettable proposal.

That's right!

Li Xiang has long wanted to make a marriage proposal ceremony.

It's just because I can't figure out Zhang Ling's real attitude towards him.

So he was afraid of self-defeating, he has been procrastinating and dare not implement.

Zhang Ling looked at Chen Jian at the side, remembered the courier documents sent, looked at him with a weird smile and asked:

"Little Douzi, don't worry! Before answering this question, mom has to ask your dad a question. Otherwise, mom really doesn't know how to answer your question?"

Before Xiaodouzi could answer, Li Xiang was the first to speak excitedly:

"Ask me a question? Tell me what you say. I promise to tell you everything, and I can tell you everything."

He felt that answering a question was not a piece of cake as long as he could get a definite answer from her.

But after being excited, he seemed to understand instantly what Zhang Ling wanted to know?
So he didn't wait for Zhang Ling to ask a question.

Li Xiang generously placed the document in his hand in front of Zhang Ling and said:

"I guess your question must be about this document. Here you go, let's see for yourself."

Zhang Ling was completely stunned by Li Xiang's behavior!
If, if it were really a hidden marriage document about Li Xiang, how could he show it to me so generously?
That can only show that she misunderstood Li Xiang.

Zhang Ling waved her hand with a slightly embarrassed smile and said:

"What does this mean? It's not good to show me the confidential documents sent to you. Please take them back. I, Zhang Ling, am a principled person."

Li Xiang said with a smile:
"I know you are a man of principle. This is indeed a confidential document for me. I roughly browsed the content and it is about you and me. So you have the right to see it too."

"The documents about the two of us were sent to you?" Zhang Ling looked at Li Xiang incredulously.

So he boldly guessed whether Li Xiang would secretly send someone to investigate her?
If this is the case, she is a little unacceptable.

After thinking about it, Li Xiang deliberately emphasized "two people" in his tone.

Then this conjecture is self-defeating.

She really couldn't figure out what file could be used by two people.

So ever!
Her interest in the documents in Li Xiang's hands was instantly full.

"Yes, you might as well take a look and understand." Li Xiang gestured while shaking the file.

She stretched out her hand, and her fingertips had already touched a corner of the document, but she retracted her hand like an electric shock and said:
"Forget it, I think this is still a bit abrupt."

Li Xiang asked with some incomprehension:

Zhang Ling explained:
"This document is your secret to me. I have no taste for prying into other people's secrets."

"But this is what I voluntarily let you see!"

"Yes, you are now willing to do so! But it is worth noting that you did not want me to see the contents of the document in the first place."

"Zhang Ling, I..."

Zhang Ling waved her hand to signal that Li Xiang should stop talking and let her finish speaking.

Li Xiang felt a little helpless and could only signal for her to continue.

"Since you planned to keep it a secret from me from the beginning, then I can only say that you must have a secret that you cannot tell me."

She clearly saw a bit of panic and worry on Li Xiang's face.

She continued to say with a slight smile in a calm tone:

"Don't worry! I won't force you to ask what you are hiding."

"Thank you!" Li Xiang said with a smile.

"You don't need to thank me! To be honest, I also have a lot of secrets from you. Didn't you also force me to ask?"

She specifically refers to the real source of the "little flea", and the past with Qi Diaozhe and so on.

Li Xiang glanced at Chen Jian next to him, and continued to say to Zhang Ling with some relief:

"Even Chen Jian doesn't know this unspeakable secret."

He just wanted to tell Zhang Ling that this matter was not aimed at her personally.

"Oh, tell me what these are for?" Zhang Ling said with a nonchalant look.

Before, I really thought that this secret was only for her.

At this moment, the uncomfortable knot in her heart seemed to be untied.

"What?" Chen Jian stood up in surprise and looked at Li Xiang and roared, "Well, Li Xiang, you still have a secret that I don't know!"

Li Xiang said a few words in a bad mood:

"What are you being hypocritical about? Who doesn't have any privacy that they don't want to share with others? I just want to ask you, will you share with me the details of when Chen Jian dated those girlfriends?"

"Oh..." Chen Jian looked at Li Xiang with a smirk on his face and continued, "So Li Xiang is so nice to you! Tell me. Who do you want to know about my affair with? As long as you bring it up, I promise..."

Li Xiang pushed Chen Jian back to his seat in disgust and scolded:
"Shut up! There are children here. What are you talking nonsense?"

Chen Jian originally wanted to argue with Li Xiang stubbornly.

When he saw Zhang Ling put on a gloomy and cold face at him.

Chen Jian was so frightened that his body trembled, and he immediately used his hand as a clamp to pinch his lips.

Seeing Chen Jian's funny actions, Xiaodouzi couldn't help laughing happily.

Li Xiang looked at Zhang Ling and explained:
"Ling'er, don't worry! I will confess this secret to you when the time is right. However, I can confess one thing to you now."

Li Xiang's tone became more serious, she looked at him with interest and asked:


She was full of anticipation and thought that Li Xiang was about to confess his love.

The heart in his chest was so active that it was about to pop out of his throat.

Li Xiang looked at her calmly and said:

"Please rest assured! This secret of mine has absolutely nothing to do with romance. You, Zhang Ling, are indeed my first love, Li Xiang."

Chen Jian was just right at this time, putting his hand on Li Xiang's shoulder and said seriously:
"That's right! Sister-in-law, I can prove it. You are indeed this fool's first love."

Zhang Ling lowered her head shyly and muttered:
"Who wants you to prove this?"

To be honest, her heart has already blossomed with joy.

Li Xiang seemed to have heard Zhang Ling talking to himself.

He continued:

"Of course, I also hope that you, Li Xiang, can become my only love in this life. A couple for the rest of my life, never leave, never give up, never betray."

She was a little shocked when she heard Li Xiang's statement!

Because of the words "a couple for life, never leave, never abandon, never betray", she has never expressed anything in front of Li Xiang.

She didn't expect Li Xiang to say this.

Perhaps the bastard Qi Diaozhe mentioned it to Li Xiang;

Maybe two people who really love each other can achieve mutual integration of the spiritual world when the love is strong.

Relatively speaking, she is more willing to believe the latter explanation.

Because when she heard these words, she clearly felt the souls of the two people, and they resonated extremely deeply at this moment.

Zhang Ling can clearly perceive Li Xiang's strong and sincere love for her.

She already got the answer she most wanted to know.

So he looked sideways at Xiaodouzi beside him, held his little hand with his big hand, and said with an unspeakable smile on his face:
"Son, the answer I want to know has been found. Next, I will answer your question."

Xiaodouzi put on an excited and expectant smile and called "Mom".

The two men present also looked at Zhang Ling expectantly.

"Since Xiaodouzi wants to have a small family of our own so much, then mother will ask your father to follow the procedure to pick you up from the orphanage immediately. Do you think this is okay?"

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