Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 194 Bad thoughts

The next morning.

Zhang Ling obviously found that there was a problem between Li Xiang and his father.

His father changed his usual friendly attitude toward Li Xiang and always deliberately avoided contact with Li Xiang.

It's a bit like running away from a debt collector.

Li Xiang mistakenly thought that his father's attitude was a test, so he became more attentive and considerate to his father.

Either helping to make tea or water, or helping to make breakfast.

However, Li Xiang's real purpose was to find an opportunity to ask his father why he escaped last night.

Many times when he wanted to ask, his father always found various excuses to avoid him.

Even though he offered to help his father catch the mouse, his father was a little nervous and refused, saying that the mouse had already been caught.

Chen Jian on the side deliberately leaned into Li Xiang’s ear and asked with a smile:
"Brothers, what happened to you two sons-in-law last night? The relationship between you feels very strange today! It's a bit like my uncle suddenly learned that you are his illegitimate son."

"Fuck you, get out of here."

Li Xiang heard Chen Jian's teasing and pushed Chen Jian away angrily.

This seemed like a normal action.

In his father's opinion, these two people were blatantly flirting in front of him!
So his father glared at Li Xiang even more fiercely.

Trying to remind Li to restrain herself a little in front of her daughter.

Li Xiang's body trembled obviously.

Chen Jian, who was standing aside, kept laughing.

She laughed at him for almost losing his basic dignity as a man in pursuit of Zhang Ling.

Xiaodouzi saw his father glaring at Li Xiang.

So he asked in front of everyone:

"Grandpa, were you dissatisfied with Dad just now? I saw you glared at Dad fiercely."

"Ah!" The father looked at Xiaodouzi with a slight embarrassment. After seeing Zhang Ling's strange gaze, he quickly looked at Li Xiang and explained, "Li Xiang, tell me, did I glare at you just now?"

Li Xiang clearly saw his father wink at him.

"Oh, no, no." He agreed with his father, then turned around and put a hand on Xiaodouzi's shoulder and said with a smile, "Xiaodouzi, did you see it wrong?"

Xiaodouzi did not answer Li Xiang, but quickly came to Zhang Ling's side, tugged on the corner of her clothes, pointed at her father and said:
"Mom, did you just see that? Grandpa was winking at Dad."

This indirectly exposed Li Xianggang's lies.

He looked at her with an embarrassed look and quickly explained:

"No. Ling'er, I..."

Zhang Ling really didn't pay attention just now. She looked at Li Xiang and shook her head.

To him, this was an expression of disappointment.

Because she is more willing to believe what Xiaodouzi said.

So it fully shows that Li Xiang lied just now to cover up.

What's even more absurd is that he still wants to mislead Xiaodouzi.

And he found that his father smiled secretly at this.

It feels like I really want to see him in his current situation.

He didn't want to explain anything anymore.

Be prepared to face Zhang Ling's complaints against him.

He thinks that even this is happiness.

Because he knows that only those who truly love you will be willing to blame you.

So Li Xiang still had the slightest hope in his heart that she would complain and scold him.

Zhang Ling happened to see her father's smile.

The sound of "Dad" made my father's body tremble.

So he tried his best to hide it and said:

"Oh my god, you scared me to death. Why are you talking so loudly so early in the morning?"

"You used to say you couldn't lie in front of your children. How could you instruct Li Xiang to lie in front of Xiaodouzi?"

Li Xiang looked at Zhang Ling with wide eyes.

He didn't hear her complaining about him, so he sighed with obvious disappointment.

He saw that his father seemed to enjoy Zhang Ling's complaints and said:

"Which of your eyes saw my instigation? My dear daughter! Why did you learn to tell lies? You wronged your own father for the sake of a man."

Zhang Ling smiled bitterly!

Unexpectedly, my father, who has always been reasonable and focused on the demeanor of an elder, would somehow learn to behave like a naughty child.

I was just about to open my mouth to defend with a bit of helplessness.

The father then pointed to Li Xiang aside and said loudly:
"Zhang Ling! Doesn't your conscience hurt? Your old father has supported you for more than 30 years because of this man's lies and false accusations."

Zhang Ling glanced at Chen Jian with some embarrassment and said:

"Dad, this is not our home. Can we stop making such a fuss? It's very embarrassing."

At this time, everyone looked at Chen Jian in unison.

Chen Jian thought he was an outsider.

So he showed a bit of an outsider's attitude and said:

"It's okay, it's okay. Uncle, you continue. You can completely pretend that I don't exist."

But Chen Jian still feels a little strange?
The only person who could be called an outsider at the scene was at least Yan Yuan.

Why are you targeting him alone?

"Take it as if you don't exist." Yan Yuan was worthy of being her best friend. At this time, she took the initiative to push Chen Jian towards the door in the distance. "I'm talking about the air, why are you still here? Get out of here and give it to me quickly. go away."

Chen Jian was afraid of Yan Yuan's violent tendencies, so no matter how much reluctance he felt in his heart, he could only leave in despair.

Father is obviously a little unhappy!
"What? You dare to say that you are making a fuss and you still think I am embarrassed! Well, you little heartless person. I am a father and a mother at the same time. I shit and urinate all the time. Do you think I am old now? It worked. So I lost your person, right?"

Zhang Ling's throat was a little choked and she said with discomfort:

"No, dad..."

Li Xiang felt mixed emotions in his heart.

Regardless of whether his father's accusations were true or not, he couldn't be happy.

He, Li Xiang, was not willing to imitate those people in society who resolutely abandoned family ties for the sake of narrow true love.

He feels that a person who abandons family ties absolutely does not understand what true love is.

Forcing true love on someone who doesn't understand true love.

This was meant to be a funny joke.

Because this kind of narrow true love is bound to be short-lived and difficult to last.

When the time comes, true love will be gone, and family ties will be deeply hurt by you.

Even if your loved ones are willing to accept you back into the family at that time.

As long as you are a person with a basic conscience.

Are you ashamed to return to the arms of your loved ones with peace of mind?
So Li Xiang didn't want to see Zhang Ling's relationship with his father become tense because of it.

It's not that Li Xiang has no confidence in the relationship between them.

What he has always wanted is family and love.

Never thought of giving up one for the other.

Because only children in this world can do multiple-choice questions.

There are no multiple-choice questions in the world of capable adults, only mandatory questions that require intellectual answers.

Father interrupted Zhang Ling's words, beat his chest and beat his feet, a bit like rolling around, pointed at her and said with tears:
"Oh my god! Damn my child, why is my life so miserable? You have seen it. I, Zhang Peng, am really ashamed of you. I raised a good daughter into a white-eyed wolf."

Xiaodouzi felt uncomfortable at being manipulated by her father.

She just told the truth of the matter in front of her mother.

She began to suspect that what she just saw was not the truth.

Her young face was filled with the distress that only an adult would have, and she said:
"Look at grandpa's sad look. It seems that Xiaodouzi really saw it wrong just now. It's even more wrong to tell lies after he saw it wrong. Xiaodouzi, I don't want to see the relationship between mother and grandpa get into conflict because of me. This is all because of me. Bean’s sin…”

Xiaodouzi took the initiative to take on all responsibilities.

That's because she always wanted to have a harmonious family.

Whenever there was a quarrel, she felt fear in her heart.

Afraid that she would be abandoned as a burden again.

Zhang Ling didn't wait for Xiaodouzi to finish her words, she stepped forward with tears in her arms and hugged the child, and comforted her gently in his ear: "Stop talking, child. This is not your fault, and there is absolutely no need for you to blame yourself. If someone has to be held responsible, it would be..."

Zhang Ling paused here and stared at her father with disappointed eyes.

It made my father's heart tighten.

I thought that this rebellious girl would not blame him for abusing minors directly in front of the child.

Although the blame for today's matter is indeed his.

But after all, he is the elder father.

In front of a group of juniors, it is also necessary to have a dignified face.

The father naturally looked at Li Xiang aside.

The intention is to let the future son-in-law stand up and take the blame.

Li Xiang saw his father's thoughts.

Just as she was about to speak, she heard Zhang Ling continue:
"Mom's fault!"

The two grown men looked at Zhang Ling in surprise.

I don't understand why she takes the initiative to take all the responsibilities.

Xiaodouzi, who was also confused, asked in confusion for them:


Zhang Ling reached out and stroked Xiaodouzi's head and explained:
"Mom's biggest mistake was to let her adult father and grandfather lie in front of Xiaodouzi. She couldn't provide a healthy living environment for Xiaodouzi."

The father listened to Zhang Ling's words about the concept of raising children.

It also relied on a very positive film and television drama clip.

Tell Zhang Ling about the importance of parenting environment.

I remember the movie scene was in a grocery store.

All the guests present were heinous villains, fighting to rob something.

At this moment, a teenage boy suddenly appeared at the door asking to buy candy.

Therefore, everyone in the grocery store was instantly at peace.

A villain held a wine bottle in his hand and was about to hit another person on the head, but he stopped and opened the bottle with a smile and started drinking;
A pair of thugs who were tearing each other apart by their collars also smiled and helped each other tidy up their appearance;

The two scuffling villains got up and helped up the knocked down table, and each pulled out a chair and sat down...

All of them are smiling to welcome the boy buying candy into the door.

Until the boy finished buying the candies and left, the figure completely disappeared.

The villains in the grocery store continued their previous fight.

Such cinematic details may seem ridiculous.

But the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Children should not be allowed to be poisoned by the dark side of society at any time.

To be honest, there are too few well-intentioned film and television plots.

As a result, today's children have been eroded by various dark sides of society since childhood.

It is impossible to have a positive and healthy heart.

For example, some brainless fans, because a fallen star was imprisoned, ridiculously planned to rob the prison.

Although Zhang Ling cannot change the current environment.

But she still works very hard to make Xiaodouzi’s living environment as positive and healthy as possible.

Ben thought that his father was the person who could understand her best.

But she didn't expect that her father's words and deeds today would be the person who disappointed her the most.

What does father want to say at this time?
Maybe it's because he can't lose face as a father.

So every time the words came to my lips, I swallowed them back.

Today's breakfast.

She was no longer interested in waiting to enjoy it together.

Zhang Ling is eager to give Xiaodouzi a healthy living environment.

Decided to move out of this home where I had just stayed for one night.


Xiaodouzi very well-behaved said that the place where her mother is is her home.

Li wanted to hear Zhang Ling's decision.

He panicked!

In the past, he simply wanted to improve his status in Zhang Ling's heart by pleasing Zhang Pengtian.

This completely ignores the basic integrity of interactions between lovers.

At this moment, Zhang Ling also completely ignored his feeble explanation.

Under the watchful eyes of the two men, he led Xiaodouzi away.

Until his back disappeared, he looked at his father beside him and asked:

"Uncle, what should we do with this? Zhang Ling doesn't look like she is joking."

The father said calmly:

"Aha, what can I do? My daughter has moved out of this home. It seems that it will not be good for my old man to live here again. If we move, we can only move again."

"Moving?" Li Xiang looked at Zhang Pengtian in disbelief.

"That's right!" Dad sighed and continued, "It's really hard. I just moved in yesterday and I have to move out again today."

A proud smile immediately appeared on Zhang Pengtian's face.

It gives people an illusion!
Moving was something he was looking forward to.

Yan Yuan and Chen Jian also clearly heard the news of the move.

Chen Jian happily came to Li Xiang to confirm the authenticity.

That's because Zhang Ling and her daughter are leaving.

Yan Yuan had no reason to stay at home.

Then spring is coming for Chen Jian.

So Yan Yuan came to Zhang Pengtian with some sadness and asked:
"Uncle, are you kidding me? Why do you have to move again? I don't want to move again."

Yan Yuan had already taken half a day off yesterday because of the move.

I purchased a small family package on an APP.

Rented a van with a 2.4-meter cabin.

He found two masters to carry them up and down, and helped move the many shoes, bags, etc. he bought.

It took me several hours to sort it out last night.

Today she was unwilling to move again.

The father smiled meaningfully and replied:
"Of course I'm not kidding. However, our father and daughter are moving, but I think you can continue to live here. I guess Li Xiang won't take the initiative to drive you away."

When Li Xiang heard Zhang Ling's answer, he nodded dully and habitually.

Because it has become Li Xiang's habit to agree to his father unconditionally.

Chen Jian, who was least willing for Yan Yuan to stay, immediately jumped out and asked:

"Hey, don't you claim to be Zhang Ling's best friend? Zhang Ling has already moved away. What is your intention in living here?"

Yan Yuan approached Chen Jian step by step with a bit of a smirk and said teasingly:

"What are your intentions? Then what are my intentions?"

"I, I said..." Chen Jian suddenly realized that he had fallen into a trap, so he said with a somewhat tough tone, "How should I know what your intentions are? You..."

Before Chen Jian could finish his words, Li Xiang suddenly spoke loudly:

"Want to leave? Impossible."

Everyone present looked at Li Xiang.

He then snorted and said:

"Now that you have moved into my territory, it is absolutely impossible to leave easily. See how I can let you step back into the house tonight?"

The three of them looked at Li Xiang with a little more expectation.

And my father temporarily forgot about his decision to leave.

Want to wait and see how Li Xiang keeps Zhang Ling who insists on leaving?

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