Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 195 Undercurrent

Just sent Xiaodouzi through the school gate.

Zhang Ling was going to drive to work.

A small truck hit Zhang Ling's car head-on due to a slippery accident.

She was worried that she would be late for work today.

At this time, Qi Diaozhe drove by like a god descending.

Regardless of whether Zhang Ling was happy or not, he came over and said hello with a smile:
"Zhang Ling, what a coincidence! I didn't expect to meet you here. It seems that the fate between us is not over yet."

Zhang Ling glanced at him with a bit of boredom and scolded him to leave angrily.

And how could Qi Diaozhe leave so easily?

He watched Zhang Ling continue to argue with the minivan driver about compensation.

So I took the initiative to contact my lawyer to help handle it.

Then, regardless of whether Zhang Ling agreed or not, she grabbed Zhang Ling's hand and forced her into his car.

Zhang Ling wanted to leave in rebellion.

Because Qi Diaozhe helped her analyze it, saying that it was at least 20 minutes' drive away from the company building.

It just so happens that I will be late for work in less than 20 minutes.

At this time, everyone is rushing to get to work, and it is difficult to take a taxi on the currently congested road section.

Zhang Lingruo insisted on waiting for a taxi to go to work.

Then you can only be late for work.

It's just that some of the group's middle and senior management will definitely criticize Zhang Ling.

After hearing this analysis, Zhang Ling compromised and accepted his arrangement.

Qi Diaozhe, who was sitting in the driver's seat, didn't start the car in a hurry and left.

Instead, he looked at Zhang Ling, the co-pilot, with a somewhat reminiscing and obsessed smile.

For a moment, Zhang Ling seemed to have returned to her high school days.

At that time, Qi Diaozhe often looked at her with eyes like this.

Why is it similar?
After more than ten years, Qi Diaozhe's state of mind was no longer the same as before.

Although Qi Diaozhe tried his best to perform.

You can always feel the vicissitudes of maturity in his eyes.

Perhaps that was why she was able to quickly wake up and say:
"Why are you still standing there? Let's go."

"Yeah, let's go." Qi Diaozhe slowly started the car and said with a greasy smile, "Lingling, you look as beautiful as before when you are angry."

Zhang Ling is not a saint!

Some people praised her in person, even if she didn't show it to her face, she felt happy in her heart.

She raised her hand and glanced at her watch, her face filled with anxiety and she said:
"Please drive carefully. Otherwise, I will get off the car immediately."

"No, no, I'll drive right now." Qi Diaozhe said with a bit of nervousness.

The sound of the car door locking sounded, and she naturally looked at Qi Diaozhe beside her.

Obviously, this was to prevent her from actually jumping out of the car.

His little thoughts couldn't help but make her feel a little ridiculous.

However, she had no intention of exposing it face to face.

Qi Diaozhe turned on the car's audio equipment without asking her permission and played her favorite songs from back then.

The familiar melody rang in my ears.

The opening song is "My dear, did you ever know that there is a heart burning for you..."

He glanced at her and said with a smile:
"I remember that this song "Forever With You" was your favorite back then. No matter where you are, whenever this song sounds, you always have to stop and listen to it."

"Oh, really?" Zhang Ling said as calmly as she could, "I almost forgot that such a thing happened."

She clearly recalled the third year of his disappearance.

In order to prevent her from falling too deep, Yan Yuan deliberately hid the tape of this song.

He also deliberately provoked Zhang Ling by saying that she threw the tape into the trash can.

The purpose was not to make her sad about Qi Diaozhe anymore.

For this reason, she had a conflict with Yan Yuan and didn't speak to her for half a month.

Another three years passed.

During a New Year cleaning, she discovered that the tape had been hidden and stuck under the bed board by Yan Yuan.

When she saw the tape again, she did not continue listening to the song obsessively.

Glue the tape under the bed board again.

So many years have passed.

Zhang Ling always thought that she had completely forgotten that she ever liked this song.

When the song reached the middle, the words "There is a heart burning for you" were sung again.

She turned off the speaker and said with a bit of ridicule:

"I'm sorry, this song is no longer my favorite. Because the heart burning for you has long been reduced to ashes. It cannot be revived. So you'd better stop torturing my ears."

The smile on Qi Diaozhe's face was stiff and he said:
"Okay, okay."

While waiting for the traffic light at an intersection, he looked at her with some reluctance and said:
"Lingling, can you tell me what songs you like now?"

Zhang Ling looked at him impatiently and asked:

"What does this have to do with you?"

"I, I just want to get to know you better. To enhance our relationship. After all, you and I used to..."

Zhang Ling interrupted impatiently:

"No need. I said that I had no choice but to get into your car today. Did you think too much?"

"Am I thinking too much?" Qi Diaozhe said.

This did make him mistakenly think that their relationship could go further.

Zhang Ling continued to explain:

"I know what you are thinking. Please know that the reason why you are willing to ride in your car is just because you and I are colleagues. Remember, the relationship between us will only be ordinary colleagues in the future. It is absolutely impossible And then there are the others.”

Qi Diaozhe was unwilling to explain:


"Stop it." Someone honked the horn from behind and urged. Zhang Ling glanced at the indicator light ahead and said, "Let's go quickly. The light is green, please don't block other people's way. I don't want to be late today."

Qi Diaozhe could only move on helplessly.

Recalling Zhang Ling's words just now in his mind.

Is this advising him not to block Li Xiang's pursuit of her?
No, they are not...

That's right!

The coincidental appearance of Qi Diaozhe is not a coincidence in the true sense.

But he learned through special channels that Zhang Ling and Li Xiang had a conflict.

So he, who originally wanted to leave Wu Chuan quietly, once again came up with the idea of ​​taking this opportunity to improve his relationship with Zhang Ling.

The parking lot below the company.

As soon as Zhang Ling got off Qi Diaozhe's car, many colleagues stared in surprise.

Qi Diaozhe is worthy of being an artist.

Take advantage of him to play with great proficiency.

Just a few short walks.

Or being misunderstood and seen supporting someone in an intimate manner;
Or they were mistakenly seen kissing each other.

What's more, some people with good intentions directly uploaded relevant photos to the company website forum.

This time, she did not directly slander Zhang Ling as a shameless woman who relies on her body to gain power.

An insider revealed the relationship between Zhang Ling and Qi Diaozhe when they were in junior high school.

Public opinion seems to be deliberately guided.

Many uninformed people came forward one by one.

He gave her a blessing out of nowhere.

This made Zhang Ling, who had been working hard, a little confused.

The main purpose of these blessings is to envy her for rekindling a relationship with someone.

It wasn't until she asked her secretary Xiao Jin that she suddenly understood the reason.Xiao Jin was taking a break while Zhang Ling was checking forum posts.

An intriguing smile appeared on her face.

So I mistakenly thought that Zhang Ling was in a good mood at this time.

So I decided to stay and gossip.

Xiao Jin also tentatively said with a somewhat envious smile:
"Vice President Zhang, I heard that Master Qi returned to China this time just to pursue you. Is this true? If my first love could be like Master Qi and come back thousands of miles to renew our relationship. Then I I really have no regrets in this life!"


Zhang Ling looked up at Xiao Jin as if looking at an alien.

After all, this woman lived for more than 20 years.

Nor is it the kind of professional housewife who only has her husband and children in her eyes.

How could she say such shocking words?

And Xiao Jin didn't realize that there was something wrong with his eyes.

Continuing to mind his own business, he sighed for Li Xiang and said:
"It's just that Mr. Li from Zhihua Technology is really good!"

Zhang Ling heard that Xiao Jin had preceded Li Xiang and said "oh" unconsciously.

She also unconsciously thought of Li Xianghao in her mind.

For example, good cooking skills, careful care of children, etc.

Xiao Jin seemed to be encouraged by Zhang Ling and continued to talk:

"A big boss of a well-known domestic technology company, and a master of jade carving who has returned from China. No matter how you compare, it seems difficult to choose. That Vice President Zhang just doesn't know what you would choose?"

Zhang Ling's eyes instantly revealed endless coldness.

At first glance, Xiao Jin was regarded as a sculpture.

Xiao Jin also noticed Zhang Ling's strange look that made her uncomfortable.

So he suppressed his smile and asked carefully again:
"Vice President Zhang, did I say something wrong?"

Only then did Zhang Ling come back to her senses and pretended to be a little calm and said:
"Oh, no. But have you finished the work at hand? Then bring me the XX data report."

Xiao Jin quickly explained with a panicked look:
"No, Vice President Zhang, didn't you tell me to hand in the report before I get off work in the afternoon? I haven't finished that report yet."

Xiao Jin understood immediately after speaking.

This is driving her away in disguise.

Zhang Ling said with a serious face:
"Then why are you still standing here? You are waiting for me to buy you a drink."

"No, I don't dare." Xiao Jin hurriedly backed toward the office door, almost falling down and said, "Vice President Zhang, I'll go back and make a report right now."

Xiao Jin escaped from the office, touched his chest and sighed deeply and said:
"What a risk! Sure enough, the mood of a woman in love is always intriguing. Before, I was obviously very happy to see her. How come it turned from sunny to gloomy in the blink of an eye?"

Xiao Jin went through some analysis.

I think Zhang Ling is unwilling to share this joy with outsiders.


Xiao Jin turned back and complained towards the door of Zhang Ling's office.


Xiao Jin vaguely heard a burst of laughter through Zhang Ling's office door.

This is an interesting thing that Zhang Ling chatted about when answering a call from a customer.

That is, some car company employees are demanding a salary increase, and their bosses are very worried.

Don't get me wrong, the boss's concern is not that his profits are decreasing.

The main concern of the boss is that employees will not spend money after the salary increase.

That's why Zhang Ling burst out laughing because of this.

Xiao Jin didn't know someone called before he escaped from the office.

That's why Xiao Jin misunderstood that Zhang Ling was very happy when she learned that Qi Diaozhe loved her.

So she decided to spread Zhang Ling's reaction immediately.

This can also be regarded as a gesture of goodwill towards Qi Diaozhe.

Xiao Jin even fantasized about having the opportunity to claim credit and reward in front of Qi Diaozhe.

at the same time!

There were two uninvited guests sitting in Li Xiang's office.

He said slightly curiously:
"Li Xi, when did you and Shangguan Aoxue become so close? You could actually walk into my office holding each other's arms. It made me think there was something wrong with my eyes."

The relationship between Li Xi and Shangguan Aoxue is definitely not that close on the surface.

Li Xi even got hurt because of Shangguan Aoxue's frivolous words.

He once regarded Shangguan Aoxue as his enemy.

This frivolous sentence said, "In the whole of Wuchuan, only I, Shangguan Aoxue, can be called a lady."

Someone deliberately interpreted this sentence in front of Li Xi, and Shangguan Aoxue laughed at it. Misses from other families are at best Xiaojiabiyu.

Even if the family has money, it can be considered a nouveau riche at best.

She simply does not have the calm temperament that every lady should have, her emotions and sorrows are not fully reflected in her appearance, she is polite and considerate in dealing with others, and she is well-informed and courteous in social situations.

Some people even instigated that Li Xi was not even considered Xiaojiabiyu in the eyes of Shangguan Aoxue.

Therefore, the simple-minded Li Xi did not conduct any investigation at all.

From then on, he regarded Shangguan Aoxue as an enemy.

The two women looked at each other and asked in unison:
"You explain it, or do I explain it?"


Such a tacit understanding surprised Li Xiang.

Then he saw them laughing at the same time and said:
"Then let's talk together."

After saying that, the two women nodded knowingly and smiled.

Li Xi was the first to speak:

"Brother Li Xiang, who stipulated that our relationship shouldn't be so good? We don't have any deep hatred to begin with."

Shangguan Aoxue continued:
"That's right! What's more, we all love you so deeply. So naturally this relationship should be better. After all, we don't want to embarrass you in the future."

It was as if Shangguan Aoxue and him had become a recognized couple.

Li Xi continued:
"That's right! Brother Li Xiang, I came here this time to accept..."

"Wait!" Li Xiang realized this and interrupted nervously, then put forward his own point of view and said, "What do you mean you all love me so deeply? Please don't talk like that! I don't want Zhang Ling to Hence the misunderstanding.”

Shangguan Aoxue showed an unhappy expression and wanted to say something to Li.

Probably he wanted to directly mention the love Li Xiang expressed to her during the family sacrifice at this time.

But what Shangguan Aoxue didn't expect was that she was stopped by Li Xi, who was rarely sane.

Li Xi explained with a smile:

"Okay! By the way, people sometimes faint. I think Aoxue must have made a slip of the tongue. Please don't worry about it, brother Li Xiang."

Li Xiang felt more and more that it was unusual for these two women to appear together.

He asked with some vigilance:

"Tell me. What is your purpose of coming to me this time?"

Li Xi smiled and responded:
"Look at my brain! If Brother Li Xiang hadn't reminded me, I almost forgot. It's like this. The patriarch said that for you to join the Li Group, you need to sign some documents in person. He said that you must go there tonight when you are free. There he is."

Li Xiang asked alertly:

“Can’t we send a law firm to deliver the documents?”

"No!" Li Xi's expression was serious, as if he was a different person. "The patriarch also said that there are some important seal keys that need to be handed over to you in person."

At this point, Li Xiang didn't hear any questions.

Because there are indeed some things that cannot be borrowed from outsiders' hands.

He could only choose to agree.

Li Xi finished what he wanted to say.

It seemed like he was a little worried that something would be revealed if he stayed a little longer.

So he stood up anxiously and pulled Shangguan Aoxue to leave.

However, Li Xiang saw a problem with their parting reactions.

Li Xiang was a little confused when he saw an excited smile on Shangguan Aoxue's face.

I really don’t understand what benefit it would bring to her if he agreed to sign the document?

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