Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 199 Hot Chat about the Plot

Chapter 199 Hot Chat about the Plot
Qi Diaozhe was not satisfied with Li Xiang's endorsement.

He stood up immediately with some dissatisfaction, and glared at Li Xiang with a rare ferocity in his eyes.

He pointed one finger at Li Xiang, turned to Zhang Ling, and said in a somewhat pleading tone:

"I don't believe it! I don't believe that what he said is what Zhang Ling you want to say to me. Zhang Ling, I need you to tell me personally."

To be honest, if she had said it herself, at least half of the sentences would not have been expressed in the way Li Xiang meant.

She might even choose to forgive on the spot for the harm Qi Diaozhe had caused her over the past decade.

However, now she is grateful from the bottom of her heart that Li Xiang expressed those words for her.

She said with a bit of gritted teeth in her tone:

"Are you sure you want to hear it?"

"Yeah." Qi Diaozhe nodded excitedly.

He even looked at Li Xiang deliberately with a bit of pride.

It felt like showing off.

Or is it a tremor that warns Li Xiang to be ready to accept the truth?
Because he felt that Zhang Ling would definitely scold Li Xiang in order to maintain his dignity and dignity like before.

"Zhang Ling!" Li Xiang looked at Zhang Ling a little nervously and said.

Because he himself also knew that only a small part of those words could be regarded as what Zhang Ling wanted to say.

With Zhang Ling’s character, it’s very possible that she won’t show him any kindness.
However, I can scold this bastard Qi Diaozhe for Zhang Ling.

He was already very content.

Zhang Ling also stood up slowly, with unexpected warmth in her eyes. She held his arms in her arms, smiled and leaned on his shoulders and said to Qi Diaozhe:

"Master Qi, listen carefully! There is indeed something wrong with what Li Xiang just said."

Qi Diaozhe seemed not to see the current situation clearly. He pointed at Li Xiang excitedly and yelled:

"Li Xiang, how dare you..."

When he heard "Master Qi" interrupting him again.

Only then did he realize the problem and stopped saying a word.

Because if Zhang Ling really looked at him, she would never use such a strange name.

Qi Diaozhe's heart was already cold at this moment.

On the other hand, Li Xiang never paid attention to his clamor.

Only then did he truly realize the horror of more than ten years.

Zhang Ling, who was once familiar to him, has become a stranger to him.

Zhang Ling stood up straight and said sternly to him:
"You heard me clearly. Li Xiang's biggest mistake was that he used too conservative words."

"Ah? No..."

"Aha!" Zhang Ling continued with a ghastly laugh, "What do you mean you are willing to suffer those crimes? Li thought, he deserves it, okay? He deserves it!"

The special emphasis on deservedness was like tens of thousands of poisonous arrows piercing his heart.

Qi Diaozhe was in a trance for a while, his legs could not support his body, and he collapsed on the chair with a plop.

All his plans failed.

I originally wanted to play the tragedy card, thereby stimulating Zhang Ling's kind-hearted sympathy for him buried deep in her heart.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ling was not moved by it.

It seems that his previous insistence on Zhang Ling's fantasy was wrong.

He should listen to the advice of those in the Li family.

You shouldn't be so persistent that you have to completely win Zhang Ling's heart first.

In fact, according to those people's wishes, it would be good to get Zhang Ling first.

Then a strange smile appeared on his face again that Zhang Ling could not understand.

Zhang Ling did not realize that this was an early warning of approaching danger.

Instead, he thought it was just the nature of people like Qi Diaozhe.

She lamented in her heart that she was young and ignorant.

I have been obsessed with Qingqi Diaozhe for more than ten years without even looking at him.


Now that I think about it, I feel really ridiculous.

Qi Diaozhe probably already felt that there was no point in staying.

So she said to Zhang Ling with a smile that seemed like parting and reluctance:
"Okay, okay, very good. Zhang Ling, I hope you won't regret today's decision!"

These words made her feel very funny!
I really don’t understand why Qi Diaozhe can still say such things?

She could only think that he had been bullied abroad for many years and had developed an incomprehensible abnormal psychology.

When he saw Qi Diaozhe's back, he completely disappeared.

Zhang Ling suddenly felt that she was surrounded by many pairs of burning eyes.

Coupled with Li Xiang's hug, she felt unprecedentedly hot.

It's the kind of heat where even the air you breathe is filled with the smell of fire.

She subconsciously struggled to break free from Li Xiang's arms.

Blushing and lowering his head, he fled to his seat and sat down.

He quickly picked up a glass of water and drank it like a cow.

The feeling of pleasure that hit her instantly made her feel that this was love.

It was a state of physical and mental pleasure that Li Xiang brought to her.

She didn't know when she started to like this feeling.

Was it when Li wanted to scold Qi Diaozhe for her?
No, maybe longer.

It was the first time in a long time that I took Xiaodouzi to visit Disneyland, and it was the first time I stood on the top of a mountain to see a wind turbine...

Maybe this feeling doesn’t happen overnight.

Subtly present in every moment spent with him.

do not care!
No matter how long this feeling lasted.

She just needs to know that she is happy now.

The meal is almost done.

Li Xiang looked at the smile on her face and felt that the time was right. He smiled and called "Ling'er".

at the same time.

Zhang Ling also called her "Mr. Li."

Li Xiang quickly stopped his smile and said with a serious face:
"Then you go ahead."

Although it was already clear what Zhang Ling wanted to say?
But he still chose to let Zhang Ling speak first.

Zhang Ling asked:
"Mr. Li, should we talk about cooperation now?"

She didn't expect that Li Xiang still said "it's not urgent" with a somewhat nonchalant evasion.

In fact, there is no need to continue talking about cooperation.

If there are no accidents, the signing ceremony can be held in the afternoon.

Although the relationship between the two has eased temporarily because of Qi Diaozhe.

But he will never talk about work directly first.

I was worried that Zhang Ling would leave without hesitation after talking about work.

Now we can only take the lead in solving the misunderstanding in the morning.

So he went on to explain with a smile:
"I don't like to waste my food. Look, there's still a lot of food here that I haven't eaten yet. Wait until I finish eating. If you've finished eating, you can also like them, check the video on your phone and wait for me for a while."

Li Xiang hated the fact that there were people everywhere who were watching videos on their mobile phones.

However, in order to prevent Zhang Ling from having nothing to do, she turned over the table on the spot.

I can only say this contrary to my nature.

She knew that Li Xiang was trying to shirk.

So the favorable impression he had just established in her mind began to dissipate.

I couldn't help but start to complain in my heart about Yan Yuan's opinion that all men in the world are equally annoying.

However, in order to work, she could only keep calming herself down and not getting angry.

Finally, he loosened his clenched fists and nodded to accept Li Xiang's suggestion.

It just so happens that she is watching a TV series called "Ode to Joy" recently.

I'm currently watching the last few episodes of the second series.

It just so happens that I can take some time to watch it again.

For her, there are too many bugs in today's TV series, and she really doesn't want to take another look at them.But in order to integrate into the social circle, she had to take a selective look.

Otherwise, it won't be too embarrassing if you casually mention the plot when chatting with colleagues and clients.

Except for the biggest bug in this drama, the love brain Qiu Yingying in 2202 Sanmei.

The plot design is quite interesting!

But it can only be called interesting.

Why is Qiu Yingying said to be the biggest BUG?

The simplest reason is based on the analysis of Fan Shengmei's accounting book in the sixth episode where she had a headache about rent.

The rent paid to Qiu Yingying was at least 3026.66 yuan.

You must know that Fan Shengmei, as the eldest sister, lives in a separate room.

Qiu Yingying lives in a decent bedroom, and the rent will probably increase by several hundred yuan.

Then the problem is coming.

Qiu Yingying's initial salary in the company was as high as 3000 yuan.

My parents’ family conditions are not very good either!
Also, Ai Nao put himself out of work for Supervisor Bai.

I really don’t understand what capital she has so she can’t work hard?
In the end, He Yingqin, who committed suicide, loved her to death.

He was even admitted to the hospital.

You know, medical expenses are very expensive!
So I really can’t figure out how this BUG Qiu Yingying lives?
never mind!

Nowadays, watching dramas is just to kill time.

You can't look at it with your brain at all.

Zhang Ling opened the video software and started her journey of watching TV series.

When Zhang Ling saw that Xiao Bao had deceived Andy along with him in order to successfully seize power from his father.

Li Xiang glanced at Zhang Ling's mobile phone and said with a smile:
"Ling'er, I'm a little confused. Why did Andy not choose Mr. Wei from Singularity in the play, but instead chose Mr. Bao?"

"What!" Zhang Ling looked at Li Xiang in surprise, paused for a long time, then shook her head and said, "I didn't expect you to have watched this drama too?"

You know, usually only women watch dramas like this.

Men generally like to watch military fantasies about fighting and killing.

Li Xiang replied feeling slightly embarrassed:
"That's not because I see you looking at it from time to time during family sacrifices. So when I have free time, I come here to have a look out of curiosity."

Zhang Ling naturally understood Li Xiang's intention.

I just want to know more about her through various channels.

It was as if she had never understood him as well as he had.

During the days she spent with Li Xiang, she had always been pampered and loved.

And she always seemed to love to make fun of him.

Think so.

She really looks like an ignorant child.

She felt a little ashamed in her heart for this.

"Really?" She paused for a moment and continued with interest, "Tell me where you saw it?"

"I've finished watching it! I've finished watching both seasons." Li wanted to say.

"What! You've finished reading!"

Zhang Ling was even more shocked.

She watched it off and on for almost half a month without finishing it.

According to Li Xiang, he finished reading it in less than a week.

Li Xiang said with a shy smile:

"Don't be surprised! I think you are almost finished reading it. That's why I asked you this question."

He wanted to use this question to determine the compatibility of each other's three views.

So this issue is important to him.

Zhang Ling glanced at the phone screen and said:

"Oh, you're talking about why Andy chose Xiaobao in the end, right?"

She raised her eyes and received a nod from Li Xiang for confirmation. She continued to look at the phone screen and said:
"Before answering this question, we must first talk about why Andy gave up Mr. Wei on Singularity?"

"Yeah, tell me."

"You should remember that at the beginning of episode 41, Andy drove towards the edge of the parking lot at a very high speed, and Wei Wei screamed in horror."

"Yeah, I remember." Li tried to suppress a smile when he answered.

"Andy stepped on the brakes, and Wei Wei suddenly realized with the words "We will not die." This was Andy's test for him."

"Testing?" Li Xiang said with a bit of ridicule, "It seems that women are keen on testing."

These words clearly touched Zhang Ling's heart.

She and Li Xiang were testing each other when they first met.

That's why the scene where the teahouse waiter embarrassed Li Xiang happened.

However, she didn't want to admit this to Li Xiang face to face.

So she deliberately pretended to be angry and threatened:
"Hey, what do you mean? Do you still want to hear the explanation?"

Li Xiang's goal was not achieved.

He could only compromise and say:
"Listen! You say it! I'm listening."

Zhang Ling deliberately rolled her eyes at Li Xiang.

Then, he breathed a long sigh of relief and said as if he had escaped a disaster:

"Because a sane person would not give up his life like this, Andy told him that he didn't want him to live in such fear in the future, being on tenterhooks because of the slightest abnormality."

After listening, Li Xiang proposed:

"According to your explanation, Andy can make Xiaobao live in such fear and make him nervous because of the slightest abnormality? Then this Andy is too..."

He shook his head deliberately and did not continue.

Zhang Ling thought for a while and forcefully explained:
"Isn't that the singularity that Mr. Wei failed Andy's test?"

Li Xiang said with a meaningful smile:
"Andy doesn't seem to have used the same test on Mr. Bao."

Zhang Ling suddenly heard the problem in Li Xiang's words.

She asked warily:
"Stop beating around the bush. What exactly do you mean?"

Li Xiang smiled lightly and said:
"I'm afraid there are not many people in this world who can pass Andy's life-and-death test. I don't think even Mr. Xiao Bao can pass it. You must know that Mr. Xiao Bao is a person who even Andy can conceal and deceive in order to seize power. .”

Zhang Ling suddenly realized something and said:

"According to your logic, Singularity Wei always loves Andy more. Because Mr. Wei gave all his wealth to Andy in episode 39. His sincerity is obviously higher than Mr. Bao. So Andy made the wrong choice. Got someone, right?"

Li Xiang did not answer this question immediately.

It made her feel like she was already thirsty after just saying a few words.

So in front of her, he drank the glass of water next to him like a cow drinking water.

Zhang Ling asked obviously anxiously:

"Hey, tell me! Is that what you mean?"

Li Xiang then slowly spoke:

"I didn't mean that. As for how Andy should choose? It all depends on Andy's views."

Zhang Ling asked with great interest:

"So tell me Andy, what are your three views?"

Li Xiang said with a smile:
"Her third view is of course that she would choose Mr. Bao, who has a richer family fortune and is taller and more handsome than Mr. Wei. TV dramas have been acting like this for a while!"

"You are so cunning!" Zhang Ling said with a smile after hearing this.

"Really?" Li Xiang said deliberately pretending to be confused, "I just told the truth."

Zhang Ling seemed to understand.

Li Xiang suddenly mentioned Andy's choice in the TV series.

Andy's personality happens to be somewhat similar to hers.

Li Xiang probably wanted to try to figure out how Andy chose by asking her.
Thinking of this, she smiled and said to Li:

"You said that if I were Andy, would you most like to be President Wei of Singularity, or would you rather be President Xiaobao?"

When Li Xiang heard Zhang Ling's words, he immediately stopped his easy-going smile, stared into her eyes seriously for a while and said:
"Singularity Mr. Wei!"

Zhang Ling looked at Li Xiang in surprise and asked:

"Why not Mr. Bao?"

(End of this chapter)

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