Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 200 1 twist 3 twists

You must know that considering Li Xiang's social background, no matter how you look at it, it is Xiao Bao's personality.

Why did he choose Singularity Mr. Wei?
Therefore, she couldn't help but think of Lao Zhou and Lao Liu.

I feel more and more that Li Xiang is the Li Xiang they call him.

At this time, he smiled and said:

"Because I feel that I am a little more similar to Mr. Qidian Wei."

Zhang Ling said with some doubts:
"Resembling it? I didn't see it at all."

The atmosphere is here.

Li Xiang once again had the urge to confess his identity.

He thought this might be a good opportunity.


He looked around at the people eating in the restaurant.

Considering that the secret of the substitute cannot be made public.

In the end, I still resisted the urge.

"Can't you tell? That's normal!" Li Xiang then changed the subject, "But Ling'er, I have already made my choice. I just don't know if you will continue to choose Mr. Bao like Andy in the TV series?"

Zhang Ling clearly felt the expectation in Li Xiang's eyes.

I hope she can give an answer that is different from the one in the TV series.

She said in a deliberately provocative tone:
"You really want to know?"

Whatever you choose is secondary.

She especially enjoys this feeling now.

It’s that feeling of deciding someone else’s lottery winning numbers.

Li Xiang confirmed again and nodded in agreement.

And she said without directly answering:
"This is a secret. I won't tell you for now."

For Zhang Ling, she already had the answer deep in her heart.

But somehow I just don’t want to admit it directly.

When he saw Li Xiang, he lowered his head in frustration.

Instead, she felt a sense of joy in her heart.

Not because she likes to base her joy on the pain of others.

It's because she found her self-worth through his micro-expressions.

In other words, she has a position that can tug at his heartstrings at any time.

That's why she feels joy.

Li Xiang looked up suddenly.

It felt like I was remembering something.

He continued:

"You don't have to tell me this question. However, there is something you need to understand."

Zhang Ling looked at him curiously and said:

"Since I have chosen Mr. Wei of Singularity, I, Li Xiang, am not Mr. Wei of Singularity. So I will not watch Andy fall into the arms of Mr. Bao without doing anything."

No matter how she heard it, she felt that these words were like a different kind of confession.

That is, whatever her answer is?
There will be no change in his original intention to pursue her.

"You are so overbearing!"

There was a hint of disgust in her voice when she said this.

But she still liked it in her heart.

"Am I not a domineering president in the eyes of outsiders?" Li Xiang said with a bit of domineering pride in his tone, "Otherwise, you wouldn't stay here to eat with me at this time."

From the bottom of his heart, he was still a little grateful that he had the identity of the real Li Xiang's stand-in.

Because as a senior engineer, he would not have asked Zhang Ling out for dinner in such a domineering way.

I'm afraid that even if I take the initiative to go to the company to find Zhang Ling, I won't be able to see him in person.

Zhang Ling's face became more serious and she said:

"So you admitted that the delay in signing the contract was a lie, and your original intention was to have me come and have dinner with you?"

Li Xiang didn't speak, and kept looking at her intently with a bit of a silly smile.

In her mind, he admitted it.

At this point, she no longer had any scruples.

So he stood up from the chair with a long sigh of relief, and said to Li with a bit of displeasure in his eyes:
"Forget it, I don't want to argue with you anymore. It seems that we have no work to discuss in the future. Then if I still have something to do..."

He guessed right!
Once Zhang Ling knew that delaying the cooperation signing was a lie.

She will leave immediately without hesitation.

However, he did not panic and immediately stood up to try to stay.

Instead, he glanced at her back calmly and said:

"I don't know what you misunderstood. But I have to tell you one thing. You can leave right now. But the cooperation between the two companies will also be completely dead because of your departure."

Zhang Ling felt that what Li Xiang said was unreasonable.

Stopping and looking back at Li Xiang, he found a somewhat proud smile on his face.

This smile couldn't help but make her feel like she was being tricked.

In order to work, she could only suppress her anger and ask:
"You are joking?"

Li Xiang shook his head slightly and did not continue to express a word.

It felt like they were supposed to be such strangers.

It even made Zhang Ling suddenly feel that her previous friendship was all false.

"Then what do you mean? Mr. Li, I'm really busy. Please speak clearly. I don't have time to watch you pretend."

"Very busy?" Li Xiang didn't panic, as if he had expected this answer, so he smiled coldly, "Please, Vice President Zhang, there is no one here to stop you from leaving. Please feel free to do it!"

Li Xiang still looked indifferent.

She felt an unprecedented sense of strangeness.

Zhang Ling vaguely heard the ridicule of strangers ringing in her ears.

She is so angry!

Angry, Li didn't even think about trying to save her.

As long as there is a symbolic attempt to persuade her to stay, she will definitely turn around and stay.

She didn't really want to leave.

I just want to gain the initiative of this meeting by leaving.

What Li wanted to say made her feel very passive.

No way!

In order to work, she can only lower her profile.

He could only move back to his previous position and sit down.

She just called out "Li Xiang", and at the same time Li Xiang said to her inexplicably:

"Vice President Zhang, you were not very busy and wanted to leave, so why did you sit down again? We have agreed. You sat down voluntarily. No one forced you."

"Okay, okay! This has nothing to do with you, right?" Zhang Ling interrupted with a sense of embarrassment.

His purpose is to keep Zhang Ling.

It's done now.

His heart has long been happy.

But he still tried his best to nod "Yeah" expressionlessly.

Zhang Ling gasped, already cursing Li Xiang thousands of times in her heart.

This kills a thousand swords!
When we got along before, I never saw him so calm.

It can only show that Li Xiang is cunning in nature.Oh my God!

Or she was careless.

After all, how can a person who can make Zhihua Technology the leader be an ordinary man and woman of faith?

The deceitful appearance he had shown in front of her before was all lies.

So he is essentially a liar.

It seemed like her decision this morning was the right one.

In addition to preventing Xiaodouzi from being poisoned.

Living under the same roof with someone like Li Xiang will definitely make her blood pressure rise every day.

However, she seemed to have overlooked that her father was largely responsible for her decision in the morning.

This is people!

When dealing with one thing, we will habitually ignore the mistakes of people close to us, and on the contrary, we will infinitely magnify the mistakes of people who are far away from us.

Even though her relationship with Li Xiang is already good.

But after comparing with her father, Zhang Ling will naturally target Li Xiang more.

After all, she and Li Xiang are not really family members.

Zhang Ling was sulking like a little girl.

Li Xiang signaled the waiter to remove the food from the table.

During this period, he observed Zhang Ling as if he were studying a piece of antique porcelain.

His behavior made the waiter who had collected the dishes couldn't help but smile when he left.

The look of the stuffy old man who laughed at him was matched with the movements of a funny clown.

For example, there was nothing in his hand, but he held it as if he were holding a magnifying glass, moving it back and forth in a graceful manner, and muttering something from time to time.

Even though Zhang Ling kept asking him what he said in confusion?
He said "nothing" with a somewhat embarrassed smile.

And the reason why the waiter snickered.

It was because I heard him say:
"It's so beautiful! It's simply a work of art created by a top master. Especially the pointed nose, like a flawless white jade ornament, with a bit of sleek beauty..."

Obviously, this was to sneer at him for being a complete idiot.

To be able to talk so obsessively in front of the opposite sex.

How could Zhang Ling easily believe Li Xiang's lies?
Especially when I accidentally saw the departing waiter snickering.

She couldn't sit still and asked:
"No, I've seen it all. You must have said bad things about me. Tell me, what did you say? Otherwise, I will never end it with you today."

Li Xiang immediately stopped smiling, stopped making any strange moves, cleared his throat calmly and said:
"Oh, are you going to fight me until death?"

"Yes, the kind that won't stop until death!" A proud smile appeared on Zhang Ling's face, "You're afraid. Then hurry up and tell the truth."

What puzzled her was that Li Xiang didn't show any worry or fear at all.

Instead, he said calmly and calmly:
"Oh, it feels pretty good to have a beautiful girl who can always think about me."

"Even if I thought about killing you, would you still feel good about it?" Zhang Ling asked.

Li Xiang finally had a smile on his face and said:

"Death under the peony flowers, you can be a romantic ghost. I used to hate this sentence very much. Today it came out of my mouth. It actually made me fall in love with this sentence again. Because she really said what I am feeling now. "

Zhang Ling called out in her heart what a good guy!
How did Li Xiang do it?
Simply judging from the expression and tone, there is no hint of love talk.

But these words were so strange, and she felt a little excited inside when she heard them.

A happy blush appeared on her originally angry face.

"Disgusting!" Zhang Ling lowered her head shyly, like an innocent little girl, and kept twisting her fingers, "Don't think I don't know the purpose of your sudden words."

"Ling'er, you know me. I have always been pure and sincere in front of you. What's the purpose?"

These words were indeed a bit disgusting to Li Xiang.

But he still had the courage to say it.

Zhang Ling was amused by this sentence when she heard it.

"You suddenly said these words to me. Do you dare to say that you didn't mean to persuade me to take Xiaodouzi and return to your home tonight?"

Li Xiang said without denying:

"What is my home? If you are willing, it will always be your home."

"Come on!" Zhang Ling pouted slightly like a child.

Li Xiang continued:
"Xiaodouzi is right. We are a family. Since we are a family, what can't we sit down and talk about slowly?"

"I don't want to talk to a liar." Zhang Ling said with a bit of arrogance.

Li Xiang blinked his eyes, calmed down the uncomfortable feeling in his heart and said:
"Ling'er, do you know that your rash decision to leave home is the biggest hidden danger to the stability of the family. I think you, a virtuous and virtuous person, don't want to disappoint Xiaodouzi."

"Little bean!"

This is indeed Zhang Ling's biggest weakness.

After all, it was indeed because of Xiaodouzi that she left home angry in the morning.

What's more, Xiaodouzi does have a wish that the family will never be separated.

Li wanted to see Zhang Ling finally moved.


He then remembered Xiaodouzi's phone call before coming here, and he had a new reason to say:
"To tell you the truth, I am here because of more than an hour of phone calls from Xiaodouzi. It was Xiaodouzi who let me know that I am the only man in the family. At this time, I have to take more responsibility. So I came. .”

"Really!" Zhang Ling asked obviously excited, "How many phone calls did Xiaodouzi really make?"

"That's right!" Li Xiang was delighted, but still said calmly, "I know you must be worried that this child won't study hard because of us."

Zhang Ling nodded repeatedly and said, feeling a little worried and self-blame:
"It's all my fault. It's all my fault. I didn't take this into consideration. I didn't expect this child to...not be able to do it. I have to call their teacher to confirm."

Li Xiang looked at her looking for the phone number and comforted:
"Ling'er, don't panic. Don't worry, I've already confirmed everything."

Zhang Ling stopped sliding her fingers on the screen, looked up at Li and wanted to say:
"Have you paid attention to the teacher and helped keep an eye on this child? Don't do anything like skipping class again."

Li Xiang shook his head and said:
"Oh, you! This will make Xiaodouzi sad."

Only then did Zhang Ling realize something.

So he tentatively said to Li:

"You mean I wrongly blamed Xiaodouzi? This girl didn't do anything like skipping classes!"

Li Xiang nodded with satisfaction and said:
"That's right! Xiaodouzi happened to be in physical education class when she called. The physical education teacher just let them move freely. It's just because this child is too worried about our relationship. That's why she called persistently."

"Oh!" Zhang Ling suddenly thought of another question, "I'm very surprised! Why did Xiaodouzi only call you. Why didn't you call me?"

She actually felt a little jealous when she said this.

She feels that in terms of relationship intimacy.

Xiaodouzi should call her first.

Li Xiang explained calmly:

"Thankfully you are Xiaodouzi's mother. You can't even see your daughter's little thoughts."

"What?" Zhang Ling looked at Li Xiang in confusion.

"Of course it's because the child loves you as a mother more. I hope that you as a mother will always be happy. So I was afraid that you would miss the father of such a good child like me. That's why I called her and tried every means to try to keep her. Let me take the initiative to talk to you."

Zhang Ling listened to Li Xiang's explanation and the corners of her mouth unconsciously turned up in a graceful arc.

I thought that Li Xiang was really a bit narcissistic.

At this time, don’t forget to use your children to boast.

However, when it comes to this matter, it is true that she did it a bit hastily.

She swore it wasn't because she didn't want to miss such a good man like Li Xiang.

She just hopes that the family will never be separated for Xiaodouzi's wish.

Think here!

Her eyes were full of disdain and pride and she said:

"Stop being narcissistic! Don't think I don't know whether Xiaodouzi said those things. However, if you want me to take Xiaodouzi back to that home tonight, shouldn't you show some sincerity? Otherwise, I will It’s so shameless.”

Li Xiang then showed a bright smile and said:
"Vice President Zhang, if you want to save face, that's fine. However, we, Vice President Zhang, must give me some face first. Otherwise, the signing press conference between the two companies in the afternoon will not be held."

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