Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 201 The Supernatural Building

Only then did Zhang Ling realize that everything had been arranged by Li Xiang.

She was specially asked to attend the afternoon press conference.

The main purpose is to highlight the cooperation between the two companies this time.

She Zhang Ling plays a pivotal role.

However, there was an unexpected episode at the end of the signing ceremony.

Everyone was ready to leave.

Manager Ming, the HR manager who was kicked out of the group by Zhang Ling, broke into the venue.

He picked up a machete in his hand, and like a shrew, he yelled that he wanted to fight Zhang Ling.


Before the machete was about to hit Zhang Ling, Li Xiang used his body to protect Zhang Ling in his arms.

It’s just that the machete looks like a prop used in a movie.

From a distance, the knife looked extremely dangerous.

But the chop on Li Xiang's body did not leave any scratches.

When Manager Ming was taken away by the security guards, he kept shouting.

If Zhang Ling doesn't let him live, he will kill Zhang Ling sooner or later.

This makes Zhang Ling very strange!

I specifically called the security guard and asked:
"Manager Ming, why didn't I let you live? Please explain it to me clearly."

Manager Ming said that after leaving the group company, he had to look for jobs everywhere in order to make a living.

Unfortunately, he applied to hundreds of companies, but no one wanted to hire him.

Later, he asked someone to find out that this was all because Zhang Ling said hello to these companies.

Zhang Ling was shocked and quickly said that she had never done this.

But Manager Ming's words and deeds indicate that even if she herself has not done so, people around her may do so to please her.

After saying that, she looked at Li Xiang who was standing aside and asked:
"Honestly, did you do this?"

Li Xiang shook his head helplessly and explained:

"Impossible! Manager Ming's difficult behavior in the workplace is a very common trivial matter. I believe you, Ling'er, can handle it properly. There is no need to do so."

After hearing what Li Xiang said, Zhang Ling really thought it was unnecessary.

Besides, her original intention for Manager Ming was to make Manager Ming retreat in spite of the difficulties.

There was no intention at all to let Ming pack up and leave.

The decision to let Manager Ming leave was an order from the group general manager.

She also thought about whether she would be the general manager of the group?

After a second thought, he immediately dismissed this idea.

You need to know who usually sits in the position of group general manager.

They are not so small-minded as to bully someone who cannot influence their status.

Besides, I have never heard of any dispute between the general manager of the group and Manager Ming.

However, Manager Ming, who was deeply hurt by this, was still unwilling to believe Zhang Ling's words.

What can I do?
Zhang Ling also didn't want to see this kind of thing happen again.

You can only ask the security guard to send it to the police for processing.

Although the person was handed over to the police.

This matter is not over for Zhang Ling.

It’s not clear whether the person who helped her target Manager Ming is an enemy or a friend?

If she is a friend, besides Li Xiang, she should be the only one who has this ability, Qi Diaozhe.

But Qi Diaozhe's return to China was obviously much later.

So it's unlikely.

Apart from that, no one else has the ability to help her target Manager Ming.

So now it seems that they can only be enemies.

There are such enemies lurking around.

This made her a little restless.

Obviously, similar events like Manager Ming's are likely to become as routine as eating.

Li Xiang seemed to see Zhang Ling's worries.

He smiled and comforted:
"Don't worry. As long as I'm here, I will protect you."

These words reminded her again of the thrilling scene just now.

Zhang Ling can be sure that he can indeed protect her.

The worry in her heart was instantly annihilated by the surge of security.

So she also smiled and said to Li:

"Ok, I know!"

This is a sincere trust in him.

It's all because of Li Xiang's desperate attitude when facing Manager Ming's attack.

Zhang Ling reluctantly bid farewell to Li Xiang and returned to the company with Shan Liu.

I felt strange even before I entered the office building.

Always feel like something is missing?
It wasn't until I stepped through the door that I realized there was no one there.

She subconsciously raised her hand and glanced at her watch and said:

"Farewell Shanliu, what day is it today? It's obviously working time but there is no one in sight. Have you received the holiday notice?"

"No." Bie Shanliu also checked his phone inexplicably. After confirming that it was not there, he said with a gesture, "Vice President Zhang, look, it is indeed not there!"

Zhang Ling looked solemn!

There are many possibilities in my mind.

Have you ever thought that they went to the wrong place and accidentally walked into another time and space, the same office building without people;

I also thought that what happened today was all a dream, so I tried to squeeze my arm to wake myself up;
She also thought that someone had tampered with her watch and deliberately set it to the wrong time...

Bie Shanliu on the side saw that Zhang Ling didn't speak for a while.

Obviously a little panicked, he grabbed her hand and asked:

"Vice President Zhang, what's going on? I didn't see my colleagues during work hours. Did we break into a supernatural building?"

Zhang Ling was a little scared after being guided like this by Bie Shanliu.

But at least she is a leader who has seen the world.

It is not good to show your timid side in front of employees.

I can only bite the bullet and rebuke:
"What nonsense are you talking about in broad daylight? Forget it, let's go upstairs and have a look. Maybe everyone is having a meeting upstairs."

While talking, Zhang Ling took the lead in moving towards the elevator door. At the same time, she dialed the number of the general manager of the group on her mobile phone, trying to find out what was going on?

I called the general manager twice but didn't answer the phone.

When she was about to call for the third time, the elevator bumped and shook for no reason, which frightened Bie Shanliu.

It was the first time I saw Bie Shanliu, who looked as strong as a man on the surface. Due to inexplicable fear, his mentality collapsed. He hugged Zhang Ling tightly and shouted "scared".

Zhang Ling is holding Bie Shanliu and comforting her, "Don't be afraid."

The moment the elevator door slowly opened, the sound of the fireworks tube sounded, and colorful strips and sequins flew around.

Then I heard the general manager of the group leading everyone to burst into applause and praising Zhang Ling as a hero of the group.

But as soon as the general manager finished speaking, he saw the scene in the elevator with a look of shock.

Someone happened to whisper in the ear of the group general manager:

"Isn't our Vice President Zhang a man of both genders?"

Because the pictures seen from these people's perspectives are a bit harsh on the eyes.

When Bie Shanliu saw the flying colorful sequins, the fear in her heart disappeared, and then she let go of Zhang Ling in public.

Zhang Ling noticed the strange looks from the onlookers.After tidying up his appearance, he smiled slightly awkwardly, then walked out of the elevator gracefully and said:

"General manager, is this a surprise? I feel a little scared! There is no one in the lobby on the first floor, which made us think we had broken into a supernatural building."

The scene in the elevator appeared in the general manager's mind, and he couldn't help but murmured in his heart, where is the surprise in this?

Zhang Ling's violent scene just now was frightening!
However, the general manager of the group has also experienced ups and downs.

First of all, he agreed with Zhang Ling's view of being "scared", and then immediately adjusted his current state, and in a very ritualistic manner, he cleared his throat and spoke in public.

Continue to highly praise Zhang Ling's great achievements in recent times.

Then, he habitually called on all employees in the group to learn from Zhang Ling.

Originally, in this grand ceremony, Zhang Ling was asked to say a few words briefly.

The purpose is to let everyone in the group get to know Zhang Ling again.

However, the general manager overheard someone talking about the scene in the elevator.

He mockingly said that Zhang Ling and her subordinates did something "eye-catching" in the elevator.

It made many people burst into laughter for a while.

There is always a kind of person in this world who doesn't like other people's strength.

It’s just that he doesn’t have the ability and doesn’t strive to make progress. He always likes to use their despicable malice to deliberately discredit people who work harder than him.

Therefore, in order to prevent the scene from being difficult to control, the general manager had no choice but to cancel this link.

At the same time, Zhang Ling was asked to go to the general manager's office alone for a lecture with a stern attitude.

A perfect opportunity for her to show her face was lost.

Bie Shanliu on the side felt that it was not worth it for her to argue with those people.

Fortunately, Zhang Ling successfully calmed down Bie Shanliu who only listened to her words before leaving.

Entering the general manager's office.

She saw that the leader's face was no longer serious.

He even made a cup of coffee for her with a smile.

While delivering it to her, he said:
"Sorry, Vice President Zhang, you were frightened."

"No, general manager, don't you want to give me a lecture?" Zhang Ling said with a hint of ridicule in her tone.

The general manager of the group said with a somewhat embarrassed smile:

"Vice President Zhang, don't say that. You are a great contributor to our group. You saw the situation at that time. I don't say that. I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to escape."

Although Zhang Ling did not agree with the general manager's view.

But he still replied politely:
"Thank you so much, general manager!"

The general manager of the group said with a bit of anger:

"This Vice President XX is too ignorant of current affairs. He is just living a simple life. He also has the stinking habit of being jealous of others."

As he spoke, he smiled again and said to Zhang Ling:
"Vice President Zhang, don't worry! Sooner or later, I will ask someone like Vice President XX to retire early."

He felt that this expression was inappropriate, so he said firmly:
"No, I promise to let him retire early within half a month. So as not to cause trouble to Vice President Zhang in the future."

Zhang Ling was surprised when she heard the words of the group general manager.

It was obvious that their identities had been exchanged.

The general manager actually said this to one of her vice presidents.

This feels really good!
There is a vague feeling that the protagonist of the novel is counterattacking.

But she knew that when the leader spoke like this, there must be something important waiting for her to do.

So she went straight to the point and said:
"General manager, don't say that. If you have any work, feel free to leave it to me. I will do my best to complete every task you give me."

The general manager did not answer Zhang Ling's words.

He glanced at her empty coffee cup, stood up, picked it up and said:
"No rush, no rush, no rush. When I see you taking the initiative to work, I know I've got the right person. This is many times better than Vice President XX. I'd better refill your cup of coffee first."

The general manager's behavior aroused Zhang Ling's curiosity.

What kind of job would make him so careless?
When she took the coffee again and put it on the coffee table, she said:
"General manager, you can speak now. What kind of job makes you so embarrassed?"

Because the general manager poured coffee for her during this period.

She could clearly see the embarrassment on his face at all times.

The general manager was hesitant to speak at first. After Zhang Ling asked again and again, he handed her a red folder and said:
"You look at it first."

Zhang Ling took the folder and flipped through it. At the same time, she heard the general manager introduce:
"I know you may be a little embarrassed. After all, I have also heard about what Shangguan Aoxue did during the Li family's sacrifice. However, the board of directors unanimously agreed that this cooperation project..."

This is another collaborative project.

The above clearly requested that Zhang Ling be personally responsible.

She really wasn't sure what Shangguan Aoxue was going to do?
However, from her professional perspective.

Shangguan Aoxue's cooperation project is indeed very profitable.

The old men on the group's board of directors are also very discerning.

She put the document in her hand on the coffee table and said:
"General Manager, I have accepted this cooperation project."

The general manager of the group was confused.

He had originally prepared a truckload of words to persuade Zhang Ling.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ling immediately agreed to take the job after reading it.

He said a little at a loss:

"Okay! As expected, Vice President Zhang is still the most sensible one. So at eight o'clock tonight, please meet with the person in charge of the other party, Shangguan Aoxue."

"Eight o'clock tonight?" Zhang Ling felt a little embarrassed.

She had promised to accompany Xiaodouzi to watch the animated movie "Bear Bears".

The alert general manager asked:

"Are you in trouble?"

Zhang Ling immediately smiled and shook her head in denial and said "no".

He also promised that he would arrive on-site on time.

Before leaving, the general manager reassured him that he would definitely punish Vice President XX.

At this time, Zhang Ling remembered the thrilling scene at the signing ceremony with Zhihua Technology.

So I decided to ask for knowledge:

"General manager, I want to ask you a question."

"What are you asking?"

"Do you remember that manager Ming who was fired by you before?"

"Remember, of course I remember. What's wrong?"

"Have you used my name to say hello to many companies so that after Manager Ming leaves, it will be impossible to find another job?"

Zhang Ling clearly saw the general manager's facial muscles tightening for an instant, and then with a somewhat stiff smile, she quickly waved her hands in the negative and explained to her:

"No! I don't have any deep grudge against Manager Ming. Why do you do this? You can't do it!"


Zhang Ling obviously felt that the general manager was not telling the truth.

But what I just can't figure out is the purpose of the general manager doing this?
She, Zhang Ling, seemed to have no relationship with the general manager other than a superior-subordinate relationship that would allow him to do such a thing behind her back.

The general manager, obviously a little flustered, asked:
"Vice President Zhang, why do you ask so suddenly? You met Manager Ming today."

So she deliberately said tentatively:
"After signing the contract with Zhihua Technology, Manager Ming rushed over and slashed me."

"Ah? You're injured!" The general manager's face was livid, and with panicked eyes, he began to look Zhang Ling up and down and asked, "Have you seen a doctor? Is it serious? Why didn't you tell me earlier? If I had known better, I shouldn't have rushed to make arrangements for you. Works in stages.”

Zhang Ling then smiled and shook her head and said:
"It's okay, it's okay! Fortunately, Li Xiang blocked it for me at that time."

The general manager wiped the sweat from his forehead with one hand, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and said:
"That's good! That's good! You have just experienced this kind of thing, no, you should rest for two days. As for the Shangguan family's cooperation project, how about I help you make another appointment?"

That's what he said, but he didn't really think so in his heart.

Zhang Ling certainly knew what the general manager was thinking.

Politely declined the general manager's offer.

She also said that she would go to XX Hotel in person to discuss cooperation tonight as agreed.

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