Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 411 Driver Master

Chapter 411 Driver Master
Zhang Ling glanced at the phone screen again with some displeasure.

But deep down in her heart, she still liked listening to what the driver said.

In particular, the words "madam" and "couple" are the most useful.


She did not mention a word to the driver about her relationship with the caller Li Xiang.

Why is the driver's tone so sure?

Then a trace of curiosity arose in her heart and she asked:

"Why do you say it was my husband who called?"

The driver glanced at Zhang Ling, the co-pilot, and said with a smile:
"It was the look on your face when you looked at the caller ID on your phone that told me. And the most important thing is that you specifically looked back at the gate of the community behind you before getting in the car."


The driver drives a taxi.

I don’t know how many people I have to deal with every day.

Nature knows something about all kinds of people.

Who is the person who can infer a call on a guest's cell phone from their facial expression?

Naturally it's a breeze.

Therefore, Zhang Ling did not deny the driver's words.

Instead, he continued to ask:
"Why is the most important thing when I get in the car and take a look at the gate of the community?"

The driver smiled and said:
"When you look back at the gate, it means that the person you care about is in the community."

Zhang Ling nodded in agreement and said:
"Suppose you are right."

She admitted that she was worried about Li Xiang.

Worried that Li Xiang would not be able to find her when he came out later, he was anxious.

But in order to find Xiaodouzi as soon as possible.

She had to rush to get into a taxi and go to the crematorium.

The driver continued:
"I also noticed that you anxiously looked at the gate of the community after getting in the car. That was an expression of expectation that someone would chase you out as soon as possible."

Zhang Ling said "uh" and said calmly:
"That's right. I did have some expectations at the time. But, what does that prove?"

The driver explained with a confident smile:
"Based on the cases I have received from similar customers before. Generally, young people who have this kind of situation are young couples who are having conflicts. The woman wants to see if the man cares about her. This is why she runs away from home. ”

Zhang Ling repeated it with some surprise:

"The young couple is having a conflict! And there's a drama about running away from home?"

The young couple had a conflict.

Zhang Ling is understandable.

Because in a sense, she and Li Xiang did have a slight suspicion of conflict.

But this runaway drama was outrageous.

She doesn't live anywhere at all.

The driver said:
"That's right! Madam, I guess an important relative of yours must have passed away. So you are in a hurry to go to the crematorium."

Zhang Ling faced the driver's increasingly outrageous remarks.

Because I care about Xiaodouzi.

She really didn't have any intention to explain.

Just showed a bitter smile.

Use a simple shaking of your head to deny.

The driver thought that some things were really inconvenient to explain clearly to him, an outsider.

So he expressed understanding and continued to Zhang Ling:
"But your husband has a very negative attitude towards it. So you are very annoyed about it!"

Zhang Ling's face showed strong impatience and she wanted to deny it.

He just said "Master".

The driver interrupted with a "ma'am" and then talked eloquently:
"Speaking of which, I have to apologize for your husband. Actually, men are usually rational and consider solving problems. They are not as unhuman as you women seem on the surface."

Zhang Ling had no intention of arguing with the driver.

So her expression was obviously perfunctory:
"Oh, I know that."

Zhang Ling's affirmation was like encouragement to the driver.

So the driver continued to speak passionately:
"So I think it is very possible that an important relative of yours has passed away. Some of your husband's behaviors have been misunderstood by you as being cold-blooded."

Zhang Ling gave a perfunctory "hmm" twice.

The driver seemed to be encouraged again invisibly.

So I said to Zhang Ling more confidently:

"To be honest, when we men hear that our wives' important relatives have passed away, we will also feel grief from their perspective."

Zhang Ling said "oh" suspiciously.

The driver continued to explain to Zhang Ling:

"It's just that the way of expressing grief is crude. More importantly, I am really doing things for my wife seriously. The main purpose is to prevent my wife from hurting her body."

Zhang Ling asked perfunctorily:

"is it?"

The driver nodded and said "Yeah" before continuing:
"So your husband's expression of grief is not as direct, clear and delicate as your woman's."

Zhang Ling said obviously impatiently:

"What exactly do you want to express?"

You must know that the driver's expression is clear enough.

But her mind was not here at all.

Of course I didn't understand.

The driver shook his head after hearing Zhang Ling's answer.

But he was still warm-hearted and took the trouble to explain:
"It has been said that we have spent hundreds of years sleeping together. The fate of you and your wife is hard-won. I advise you, madam, to answer the phone."

Zhang Ling looked down at the phone screen and began to hesitate.

Upon seeing this, the driver reminded him:
"Madam, no matter what misunderstanding there is, it's best to let it go. Don't break up if the misunderstanding gets too big. Being together is not easy, so let's do it and cherish it."

Just say it.

At this time, Li Xiang just called Zhang Ling for the 13th time.

Zhang Ling looked down at the phone screen and thought for a while.

Finally, I chose to press the answer button.

The moment the call was connected.

Zhang Ling clearly heard Li Xiang take the lead and said impatiently:

"Oh, Zhang Ling, you finally answered the phone. Why did you leave without waiting for me?"

Just by the tone of her voice, she could tell that Li Xiang was nervous about her.

Zhang Ling seemed to be afraid that a stranger would see through her little thoughts.

So he tried his best to pretend to be indifferent and said lightly:

"Oh, a taxi is coming just now. I'm in a hurry."

"Why don't you answer the phone?"

"I don't want to answer. I want to be quiet for a while."

"Do you know that your behavior of not answering the phone almost scared me to death?"

"What's there to be scared of?"

"Xiaodouzi was kidnapped calmly. I haven't seen anyone yet. If something happens to you again, how will I survive?"

Hear this.

Zhang Ling's nose couldn't help but feel sore.

Tears welled up in those worried eyes.

It seems that what the driver said makes some sense.

Li Xiang remained calm and restrained while accompanying her to search for Xiaodouzi.

It seems that after learning that she left without saying goodbye.

Li Xiang kept making phone calls because he was worried about her.


Zhang Ling really felt that Li Xiang really cared about her.

So she said with a bit of choke:

"I...I'm not a child. What can happen? Don't worry! Before I find Xiaodouzi, I will definitely not get into trouble easily."

Li Xiang was not relieved when he heard this.

Instead, he said with a bit more worry in his tone:
"I'm not at ease! This is a bunch of bastards who are willing to do anything to children. How can I be at ease? They won't do even more despicable things to you."

Zhang Ling was moved from the bottom of her heart and called out "Li Xiang".

My original intention was to say that Li Xiang was overthinking.

Because Zhang Ling confidently believes that as long as she wants. There shouldn't be any evil person in this world who can get close to her.

What Li wanted was not just to impress Zhang Ling.

But I really hope that I can always be by Zhang Ling's side and protect her.

At least until Xiaodouzi is retrieved.

Otherwise, his worried heart will always be uneasy.

At this time, the driver beside him couldn't help but said:

"Madam, you see what I said is right. These words your husband said to you. Every word reveals his deep concern for you."

Li Xiang vaguely heard what the driver said.

It's just because the driver's foreign accent is too strong.

He didn't understand even half of the sentence.

So he immediately asked nervously and loudly:
"Who? Who's talking?"

Zhang Ling is a little convinced!

How come Li Xiang has become a brainless person?
The taxi he took.

Naturally, there was also a taxi driver in the car.

So she chose silence with some intentionality.

But Li Xiang felt a little excited.

He said with a threatening tone:
"Hey, I'm warning you, don't try to catch our Zhang Ling's attention. Otherwise, even if you go to the end of the world, I will make sure you look good."

The driver smiled and said without any scruples:
"Madam, you have seen it. See how much your husband cares about you."

Zhang Ling smiled bitterly and nodded "Yeah".

Unexpectedly, the driver really thought the misunderstanding was not big enough.

He still said to her enthusiastically and persistently:

"Listen to my advice. Stop quarreling with your husband. Just take this opportunity to reconcile quickly."

at this time.

Li Xiang asked emotionally:
"Zhang Ling, are you okay? Tell me who is the man who spoke?"

Zhang Ling said helplessly:

"The person speaking is the taxi driver. Why are you so nervous?"


"Let me tell you, my driver has been praising you all the time. It's a bit too much for you to wrongly accuse me like this."

"Really? If that's the case. Zhang Ling, you must say sorry to the driver for me!"

Zhang Ling looked at the driver on the side after hearing this.

The driver seemed to have heard clearly what Li Xiang was saying on the phone.

So he glanced at Zhang Ling with a smile and said:

"It's okay, it's okay. As long as you two resolve the misunderstanding, you can live your own lives happily from now on. I can be regarded as doing good deeds."

After hearing this, Zhang Ling said to the driver:
"Master, you are such a good person!"

Li Xiang heard Zhang Ling's praise.

I also felt the kindness of the driver.

So I also imitated Zhang Ling's words and praised the driver on the phone.

A bitter smile appeared on the driver's face after hearing their compliments.

Zhang Ling could tell from this smile that the driver was a person with a story.


Forced to wait for a green light at an intersection.

The driver stopped his smile and looked ahead. The pedestrians who were walking across the zebra crossing said:
"A good person? Haha, remember when I hit and run, my child's legs and feet were permanently disabled. At that time, I no longer deserved to have these two words."

Zhang Ling was almost fooled by this powerful amount of information.


She asked with some caution:

"Master, if I understand you correctly, you accidentally hit your child while driving. Then you also hit and run?"

The green light comes on.

The driver shook his head and continued to drive forward with a serious expression.

The atmosphere in the car was instantly depressing to the extreme.

When passing through the intersection safely.

The driver finally said with relief:

"That's right! What you understood is not wrong. Decades have passed. I have been trying to atone for my actions to my children. But my children have not forgiven me until now."

Zhang Ling really didn't know what to say for a moment.

But the steering wheel of the car I was riding in was still in the hands of the driver.

She had no choice but to put on a smile and comfort her, saying:

"Master, an outsider like me can clearly feel your sincerity. I believe that sooner or later your children will be moved by your sincerity."

The driver couldn't help but choked up.

Then he wiped away the tears that were about to fall from the corners of his eyes with his hands.

Then he forced a smile to flash across his face and said seriously:
"I think the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life was probably the traffic accident that night. Unexpectedly, it became the pain of my life."

A "really".

It attracted Zhang Ling's great attention.

The driver looked at Zhang Ling sincerely and continued:

"I really don't force him to forgive me. But I ask that my actions can truly atone for the sins I committed."

Zhang Ling agreed and said:
"Yes, it will, I believe it will."

The driver seemed to be greatly inspired.

Finally, his serious face was filled with a confident smile and he said:

"We're here, madam, look at the intersection with green plants in front of you, which is the crematorium."

Zhang Ling raised her eyes and said:

"Arrived so soon!"

Li Xiang said in surprise over the phone:

"What? You are all already here! My navigation shows that there is still almost 20 minutes of driving left."

Zhang Ling listened to Li Xiang's words.

I felt in my heart that he was indeed an experienced driver.

We actually arrived at the crematorium at least a quarter of an hour early.

It seems that the two hundred yuan is well spent!
After explaining to Li Xiang, the taxi stopped steadily at the entrance of the crematorium.

So she said "thank you" to the driver.

He hurriedly opened the car door and left.

But a steady and urgent voice "Wait a minute" rang in his ears.

Zhang Ling's heart trembled, thinking that the driver might have had some bad intentions.

She mustered up the courage to look back at the driver and said:
"What's wrong? Master. I remember giving you the fare before getting in the car. Are you planning to ask me for double fare?"

The driver shook his head, took out a hundred yuan, placed it in front of Zhang Ling and said:
"No. Don't get me wrong. The fare you gave me before was too much. Here, here is one hundred yuan in change for you."

Zhang Ling reached out to take the money and asked "why" with some confusion.

The driver showed a frank smile and said:
"It's like the story you just heard. I am atoneing for the sins I have committed in the past. So I only take what I deserve."

What else can Zhang Ling say?

I could only say a few words of encouragement to the driver again.

Because there are too many hardships in life.

When you are confused, you most need someone to say a few words of encouragement.

When bidding farewell to the taxi driver.

Zhang Ling stepped into the crematorium alone.

What a coincidence!

As soon as she entered the gate, she saw Zhang Yuzheng, who was in a daze, walking towards her.

From a distance, Zhang Yu seemed to be holding a few pieces of paper in his hand.

I thought Zhang Yu would turn around and run away when he saw her.

Zhang Ling is already ready to start a chase battle with Zhang Yu.

But what Zhang Ling didn't expect was that Zhang Yu didn't do this.

Instead, after seeing her, he quickened his pace and came over to meet her.

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