Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 412 Conscience Discovery

Chapter 412 Conscience Discovery
When Zhang Yu stood in front of Zhang Ling.

He even took the initiative to ask Zhang Ling if she had received Xiaodouzi?

Zhang Ling saw that he seemed completely unaware of the fact that Xiaodouzi was missing.

Looking behind Zhang Ling with some eagerness, she asked if Xiaodouzi was here too?
Because Zhang Yu thinks that the little girl Xiaodouzi is kind.

After learning that his child was gone.

He was probably thinking that he would pester Zhang Ling to come with him to see off his child for the last time.

When Zhang Yu saw Zhang Ling shaking her head ruthlessly.

He seemed to have guessed something.

A somewhat self-deprecating smile appeared on his face and he said:
"That's right! It's okay if she didn't come. What's more, this isn't a good place. If she comes, it won't be good if she gets scared again. That will make me suffer even more."

Zhang Yu felt that Xiaodouzi did not appear.

This was all stopped by Zhang Ling.

Zhang Ling can appear here.

At the same time, it means that Xiaodouzi’s heart has also arrived.

So if he forced it too much, it would be too much.

After hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang Ling couldn't help but sneered and said:

"Interesting! Are you still suffering inside? This sounds like a joke."

Zhang Yu said without fierce rebuttal to Zhang Ling's ridicule:
"Whether you believe it or not. What I said is true."

Zhang Ling then said seriously:

"Zhang Yu, if you are really suffering in your heart, you should not have quietly taken Xiaodouzi away in the first place."

Zhang Yu couldn't help but said "I'm sorry".

Zhang Ling said with disdain on her face:

"Is sorry useful?"

"I know it might be useless. But for the sake of my lost child. I have to say I'm sorry."

Zhang Ling said clearly and resolutely:
"I do not accept!"

Zhang Yu really wants to ask why?
But then I thought it was completely unnecessary.

Heart to heart.

If this happened to him.

He probably wouldn't accept it either.

So he expressed his understanding and said:

"I can understand if you don't accept it. Don't worry, I won't force you to accept it."

Zhang Ling couldn't help but sneered:
"You still dare to say you understand?"

She thought to herself that Zhang Yu was really good enough.

The words came out of his mouth.

Why do you feel a little righteous inexplicably?
Zhang Yu continued what he just said, waving his hands and saying:
"I am an adult. Now that things have been done, I will shoulder the responsibilities that originally belonged to me."

Zhang Ling's hostility towards Zhang Yu was instantly heightened to the extreme because of the word "responsibility".

She said unceremoniously:
"Don't your face hurt? How dare you talk to me about responsibility!"

Zhang Yu asked doubtfully:

"Why not?"

Zhang Ling complained emotionally:
"Because you were irresponsible and failed to hand over the child to me. So I will never accept your apology!"

Zhang Yu was shocked by Zhang Ling's hostile expression.

He guessed with a confused look on his face:

"I heard something was wrong with the way you said this. Could it be that something happened to me when I left my child alone at home?"

Zhang Ling nodded and acknowledged Zhang Yu's conjecture.

Zhang Yu said with some disbelief;

" is this possible?"

Zhang Ling didn't answer Zhang Yu's question whether it was possible or not?
Instead, he continued to question in an almost roaring voice:
"Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu, are you still a human being?"


Zhang Yu wanted to argue that he was a human being.

But when the words came to my mouth, it was like I was choked by something and couldn't speak anymore.

Zhang Ling continued to accuse Zhang Yu:

"If you have any objections to me, please just come to me. Why did you kidnap my child for a while?"

Zhang Yu seemed to have just given away his child.

From then on I had a great enlightenment.

So faced with Zhang Ling's accusation.

He actually maintained an attitude of accepting criticism and said "I'm sorry" again.

How could Zhang Ling's anger be extinguished by a simple "I'm sorry"?

She continued to say to Zhang Yu with gritted teeth:
"I really can't understand how you dare to talk about understanding and responsibility with me! If it weren't for your behavior, my child wouldn't be missing until now. It's all your fault. Do you know?"

Zhang Yu was so shocked when he heard this that his eyes almost burst and he rushed out.

He was also motivated by his love for Xiaodouzi.

So he quickly suppressed his shocked emotions and asked:

"Unaccounted for! Zhang Ling, please speak clearly. What happened to the child Xiaodouzi?"

Zhang Ling pointed at Zhang Yu’s nose and said loudly:

"I still want to ask you about this. It was you who abducted my child. I thought you would be willing to return the child to me if your conscience found it."

Zhang Yu nodded at Zhang Ling’s words and said:
"That's right! I did realize my conscience because of Xiaodouzi's kindness."

Zhang Ling said "poof" at Zhang Yu without caring about her personal image and then said:
"Can your conscience be found out?"

Zhang Yu asked with confusion on his face:

"if not?"

Zhang Ling said emotionally:
"But... I never expected it. When I went to the address you gave me, I didn't see the child."

"Don't you see the child?"

Zhang Yu recounted in shock.

He finally understood why Zhang Ling was so hostile?

If you really don’t see the child.

I'm afraid he himself will be more terrifying than Zhang Ling.

Zhang Ling roared almost madly at Zhang Yu and said:
"Where is the child? Where is the child? You tell me. Where is my child? Tell me quickly, why is there no child in the room you mentioned?"


Zhang Yu really didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Zhang Ling then said aggressively:
"Say! Where did you take my child?"

While talking, Zhang Ling still couldn't control her emotions.

Zhang Yu was not given a chance to explain at all.

She actually started to tear Zhang Yu's clothes violently.

The buttons of Zhang Yu’s shirt.

As a result, two or three pills were blown away.

But Zhang Yu knew that he was in the wrong and did not make any resistance.

His brain started thinking rapidly.

Why did Zhang Ling go to the address she provided but couldn't find anyone?
We learned from Zhang Ling’s words of accusation against him.

Xiaodouzi seemed to have mysteriously disappeared out of thin air.

It felt like someone had performed a dramatic transformation in front of Zhang Ling and the police.

What was even more clever was that Zhang Yuruo did not leave early.

He will inevitably become the biggest scapegoat.

Do not!
Even if he left.

He has also become the biggest scapegoat.

After all, he abducted Xiaodouzi himself.

The various negotiations with Zhang Ling were also his Zhang Yu.

No matter how much he tries to quibble, he can't escape the fact that he is the mastermind.

As for who can arrange such a wonderful game?

All Zhang Yu can think of now is Li Xi's mysterious think tank.

But as far as he knows.

Since Li Xi was imprisoned again.

That mysterious think tank seemed to have disappeared from the world.

Almost no one knows where he went?

But Zeng accidentally learned from Li Xi. The mysterious think tank also had issues with Zhang Ling.

So it makes sense to hide behind and control everything.


Zhang Yu suddenly felt so stupid.

It seemed like I had fallen into a huge trap unintentionally.

Do not!
He couldn't just accept his fate and let others manipulate him.

So he looked up at Zhang Ling with determination and tried to explain:
"I do not know."

"What! Zhang Yu, can you be more shameless? How dare you say you don't know."

"No, you should listen to my explanation."

"Okay, tell me. Let me see what you can say?"

"Zhang Ling, I really don't know where Xiaodouzi is right now?"


Zhang Yu quickly shouted "but" and then continued:
"Please listen to what I have to say. If you are willing to believe me, I do know someone. She may know where Xiaodouzi is?"

Zhang Ling reacted quickly after listening and said:
"Isn't the person you are talking about Shangguan Aoxue?"

Zhang Yu nodded repeatedly at Zhang Ling and said, "That's right."

Because apart from Li Xi, only Shangguan Aoxue had seen the true face of the think tank.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the think tank also has a close relationship with Shangguan Aoxue.

He guessed that the wise man had mysteriously disappeared.

It was probably Shangguan Aoxue's masterpiece.

Zhang Ling thought for a moment and asked:

"On what basis do you say these things?"

Zhang Yu replied without hesitation:

"Because Shangguan Aoxue regards you as her love rival. It is also her biggest stumbling block in revitalizing the Shangguan family. Of course! And the most important thing is."


"The property I told you belongs to the Shangguan family. Especially the room I live in was provided to me by Shangguan Aoxue for free."

Zhang Ling heard this and asked doubtfully:

"No. Shangguan Aoxue is not sick. Why would he let you live in that property for free? Don't tell me. You are Shangguan Aoxue's pretty boy."

Zhang Yu waved his hands repeatedly and said:
"How is it possible? Shangguan Aoxue, who thinks so highly of himself, cannot possibly fall in love with me. You are thinking too much!"

Zhang Ling said with a serious expression:
"Then there is only one explanation. You are deliberately slandering me. I said Zhang Yu, do you think I am a fool?"

Zhang Yu repeatedly waved his hands and said "I don't dare".

Then he went on to explain:
"You may not know that Li Xi and Shangguan Aoxue have been colluding together for a long time."

How could Zhang Ling not know?

But she couldn't let Zhang Yu know that she already knew.

The main purpose is to get some information from Zhang Yu that she doesn't know.

So she deliberately pretended to be surprised and said:

"It's impossible. I remember when I was in school, they were openly disrespectful."

Zhang Yu explained:
"That's school!"

Zhang Ling almost ignored Zhang Yu’s explanation and continued:
"Shangguan Aoxue especially dislikes Li Xi's vulgarity. How could they collude together? I think you must be talking nonsense."

Zhang Yu shook his head and showed confidence and said:

"Zhang Ling, don't you know that in this society full of interests, where can there be eternal enemies?"

Zhang Ling pretended to be suddenly enlightened and said:

"Oh, that's it! Why did I forget this?"

Zhang Yu continued:
"To tell you the truth. In fact, we all know that they have been grudges for a long time. Li Xi was actually not willing to join forces with Shangguan Aoxue at the beginning."

Zhang Ling asked:
"Then why did she agree again later?"

Zhang Yu explained:
"That's all because behind that idiot Li Xi there is an expert who has a grudge against you, Zhang Ling."

"A master who still has a grudge against me?" Zhang Ling couldn't help but sneered and then said self-deprecatingly, "Am I, Zhang Ling, so hateful?"

Zhang Yu did not answer Zhang Ling's words and continued:
"After the expert's guidance, Li Xi magically took the initiative to join forces with Shangguan Aoxue. Do you think this expert is awesome?"

Zhang Ling had to nod in admiration.

You must know that Li Xi only has a strong backer like the old patriarch.

She has a habit of making others surrender.

But I never know the concept of someone outside of others.

Therefore, the person who can easily convince Li Xi must not be simple.

"Have you ever met that so-called expert?"

Zhang Yu gave an ambiguous answer when he heard Zhang Ling's question.

This made Zhang Ling very unhappy and said:

"What's your answer?"

Zhang Yu then explained:
"I have only seen the back of that expert. I don't know if that expert is too cautious. I have never seen his face."

"So you don't know who that expert is?"

Zhang Yu first shook his head and then nodded strangely and said:
"I have never seen his face. But every time I see the master's back, I always feel like I should know him. Do you think it's strange?"

Zhang Ling heard this.

I personally think that Zhang Yu probably lost his biological child.

So now the sad nonsense begins.

never mind!

She couldn't bear to continue to struggle with this issue.

So he changed the subject and said:

"Okay, okay, I'm not here to discuss these issues with you. Since you just said that Shangguan Aoxue probably knows. If you don't say anything, I will go find Shangguan Aoxue to ask for someone."

Just say it.

Zhang Ling turned angrily and walked a few steps toward the crematorium gate.

Zhang Yu said again:

"Wait a minute, Zhang Ling, do you know where to find Shangguan Aoxue?"

Zhang Ling stopped and said without looking back:

"Of course I'm going to Shangguan Aoxue's house."

Zhang Yu then caught up and stopped in front of Zhang Ling, shaking his head and saying:
"It's unlikely that you'll find Shangguan Aoxue if you go to her house. Because Shangguan Aoxue usually doesn't stay at home."

Zhang Ling was reminded by Zhang Yu.

Only then did she realize that she didn't know much about Shangguan Aoxue's living habits.

Rushing around the world to look for Shangguan Aoxue is a waste of time.

Then I thought about it.

Zhang Yu dared to catch up and say these words.

Then Zhang Yu is very likely to know.

So she asked Zhang Yu with some doubts:
"So you know?"

Zhang Yu nodded and said:
"Of course!"

Zhang Ling asked in disbelief:

"How could you possibly know?"

Zhang Yu explained confidently:

"In the past, Li Xi asked me to be the intermediary to deliver and exchange information to them in order to cover up others' deception. So I know when and where to go to find Shangguan Aoxue."

When Zhang Ling heard this, she just wanted to signal Zhang Yu to continue.

Li Xiang, who was chasing after him, also approached Zhang Ling and expressed doubts:
"No way. Fortunately, I arrived in time. I'm talking about Zhang Ling. Are you really willing to believe what Zhang Yu said just now?"

Seeing this, Zhang Yu wanted to try his best to explain.

But the words of explanation were already on his lips, but Li Xiang's sharp look scared him into silence.

This was not intended to make Li Xiang more sure of Zhang Yu's guilty conscience.

So Li Xiang continued to talk to Zhang Ling:

"Don't even think about it if you really go with him. What if this is still the routine they discussed in advance?"

Zhang Ling hesitated for a while.

Considering what Li Xiang said is not unreasonable.

But in order to find Xiaodouzi as soon as possible.

Even though she knew that the road ahead was full of thorns.

Then she must go on without fear.

Just so that Xiaodouzi would no longer be tortured by the sins of the world.

Give Xiaodouzi a clean childhood.

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