Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 414 Private Club

Chapter 414 Private Club
Listen to Zhang Yu's words.

Zhang Ling couldn't help but look at Li Xiang on the side.

Although she hasn't spoken yet.

Li Xiang seemed to already know what Zhang Ling meant.

It was a silent attempt to persuade him to stay in the car and not go in.

Li Xiang instantly felt like he was simply being treated as a driver.

This feeling is very unpleasant!
to this end!

Li wanted to park the car at the gate of XX Palace and resisted righteously:
"Zhang Ling, please don't look at me like that. I'm Xiaodouzi's father. You shouldn't want to stop me from following you, right?"

Zhang Ling gestured to Zhang Yu who was standing aside and said:

This is to use Zhang Yu's words to persuade Li Xiang.

Use the words of an outsider to persuade him.

In Li Xiang's opinion, this was the biggest insult to him.

Li Xiang interrupted firmly and said:

"No but. I have to go in for Xiaodouzi."

Zhang Yu explained at this time:

"Zhang Ling, because this place is very private. If I don't go in, you probably won't be able to see Shangguan Aoxue."

Li Xiang asked, showing doubts.

How is the privacy here so strong?

Because as far as Li Xiang knows, there are many entertainment venues that claim to be very private.

Most of them are just gimmicks to sell dogs over sheep's heads.

There is no privacy at all.

of course!

Li thought about the last time he came.

It is true that no one has introduced him to the current rules of play in the club.

This time I also used Zhang Yu to learn about it.

Zhang Yu talked with a sense of pride.

He said people who go in here.

No matter what your status is, there is no fixed place.

All are determined by the membership system based on the customer's use of the room.

Automatically match rooms with corresponding functions.

For example, some people just want to rest, some are engaged in mysterious business negotiations, some want to have a party with friends, etc.

The rules for matching rooms are different every day.

And most of the waiters here are deaf-mute.

Even some special positions (such as front desk) still use good-looking blind people.

The purpose is to ensure that the privacy of guests will not be leaked.

If a guest wants to find someone.

A secret word must be agreed upon in advance.

The secret phrase can be created by the guest.

Naturally, it can also be provided by the club membership system.

Then use the membership card to obtain three sets of codes through the club system.

Translate the code to get the room location of the person you are looking for.

The first set of codes is the general area of ​​the room.

You can be brought there by the club attendant.

The second set of codes is led by an artificial intelligence waiter.

But you can only go to the corridor entrance where the room is located.

The third set of codes is entered into the access control system.

Only in this way can the guest's specific room number be obtained.

So even if family members or the police come to look for someone.

There is no way to know where the guest is in Palace XX.

This set of procedures is comparable to a spy drama.

And you, the person involved, are the protagonist in a spy drama.

This kind of club has a special way of playing.

The decoration style and furnishings of each room are different.

I even heard from old members who come here every day.

I have been in XX Palace for three or four years.

He had never encountered a room the same.

It gives people a brand new feeling every time they come.

This is also a fundamental reason why many people are willing to come here to spend money.

At first glance!
Zhang Yu seemed to be promoting this place and soliciting customers.

Li Xiang couldn't help but praise in his heart that the real Li Xiang is definitely a business genius.

To think of such an interesting club.

When Zhang Ling listened to Zhang Yu's general introduction to XX Palace.

She felt more and more that Xiaodouzi was probably brought here by Shangguan Aoxue.

Even when she looked at the gate of XX Palace, she could hear Xiaodouzi calling for help.

So she stopped discussing anything with Li Xiang.

With an eager look on his face, he took the initiative to grab Zhang Yu's hand and walked towards the door of the club.

Li Xiang looked at the backs of Zhang Ling and Zhang Ling.

He really felt bad in his heart.

Because Li Xiang felt that if a man had to stand next to Zhang Ling.

That man can only be him, Li Xiang.

So Li Xiang rushed forward without politeness.

He personally separated the two people's hands that shouldn't be held together.

Then there was hostility between the two.

He deliberately used his body to knock Zhang Yu away a few steps.

Li Xiang still glared at Zhang Yu fiercely.

That is asserting sovereignty.

Trying to tell Zhang Yu a truth!
The man standing next to Zhang Ling could only be Li Xiang.

Zhang Yu looked at Zhang Ling with an aggrieved face.

Trying to win Zhang Ling's sympathy with this gesture.

But Zhang Ling didn't have time to sympathize with Zhang Yu.

She was forcefully pulled by Li Xiang towards the gate of XX Palace.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yu shouted loudly to remind:

"Hey, Zhang Ling, wait for me. You can't barge in without a membership card. Otherwise..."

Zhang Yu didn't have time to say "otherwise".

He saw with his own eyes that Li Xiang took Zhang Ling's hand and walked in so easily.

The doorman is very strict about checking membership cards.

Not only did they not check their membership card.

Instead, he greeted Li Xiang and the others with a very respectful salute.

Zhang Yu thought to himself, wouldn’t it be necessary to see the membership card now when entering?
In order to verify this conjecture.

Zhang Yu didn't intend to show his membership card and walk in brazenly.

As a result, he was unexpectedly stopped by the doorman.

He even signaled that Zhang Yu would not be allowed in unless he showed his membership card.

Zhang Yu understood instantly!
It turns out that this is the so-called upper class circle.

People like Li Xiang only need to swipe their faces.

People like him, Zhang Yu, can only swipe their cards obediently.

When Zhang Yu expressed his intention.

Through the membership system, I obtained the room code that allows me to find Shangguan Aoxue.

Following the procedure, we came to the entrance of a long corridor.

Watching the bulletproof tempered glass door open slowly and automatically.

Follow the service robot at the door.

Finally we arrived at the door of a small single-family villa.

That's right!

On the surface, XX Palace is a club.

In fact, this is similar to a high-end community.

The community is composed of single-family villas and courtyards.

Press the doorbell.

Zhang Yu used the excuse that he had something important to report.

Thus gaining the qualification to enter the small villa.

of course!

Don't think that Shangguan Aoxue doesn't know that there are two outsiders around Zhang Yu.

Because when Zhang Yu obtained the code through the membership system.

The membership system has already passed all the visit information to Shangguan Aoxue.

Shangguan Aoxue even passed the security system.

It had been clearly seen that Zhang Yu was accompanied by Li Xiang and Zhang Ling.

The reason why he agreed to let Zhang Yu bring people in.

That's because Shangguan Aoxue is confident enough to know.

Zhang Ling and Li Xiang can't do anything to her here?
Instead of turning people away.

Might as well invite people in.

Look at Xiaodouzi after she was taken away without anyone noticing.

Zhang Ling and Li wondered how anxious they would be.

This can be regarded as a way to kill boring time.

When Shangguan Aoxue noticed that Zhang Yu had brought everyone over.

While trying her best to look elegant, she pretended to trim the green plants in front of her;
On the one hand, he complained unhappily that Zhang Yu came at the wrong time.

Each visit disturbed her naps.

He even threatened Zhang Yu if there was nothing important. Then she must take back everything she gave to Zhang Yu before.

Zhang Yu now maintained an attitude of not hearing Shangguan Aoxue's scolding.

Instead, he was admiring the environment here with a somewhat shocked expression.

Shangguan Aoxue didn't hear Zhang Yu's response as she spoke.

Pretending to inadvertently detect an abnormality in the atmosphere of the room.

She looked back with a bit of surprise to see Zhang Ling and Li Xiang.

He deliberately glanced at Zhang Ling with some displeasure.

"Li Xiang, why are you here?"

Then he took the initiative to greet Li Xiang with cheerful steps.

She even threw herself into Li Xiang's arms without any scruples in front of Zhang Ling.

No matter how hard Li Xiang struggled, he refused to let go.

This intimate state lasted for almost ten seconds.

Li Xiang was afraid that he really couldn't bear the jealous pressure from Zhang Ling.

Only then did he push Shangguan Aoxue away with a cruel force.

Li Xiang took advantage of the situation and warned Shangguan Aoxue in front of his fiancée.

There is something wrong with giving a hug.

But Li Xiang hasn't expressed his meaning yet.

Shangguan Aoxue was eager to show her loyalty to the landlord and dragged Li Xiang away to the sofa in the living room.

What makes Li Xiang a little confused is that he wants to break away from Shangguan Aoxue's drag.

But I don’t know what happened?

He always looked at Shangguan Aoxue who was weak.

My hands are extremely strong today.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free.

He wanted to prevent Zhang Ling from misunderstanding.

Ben thought about calling Zhang Ling to come over and help him.

But the moment he looked at Zhang Ling with pleading eyes.

He knew it was too late.

Zhang Ling has misunderstood.


Think of him as a man who wants to get rid of Shangguan Aoxue's shackles.

That's not a piece of cake.

He didn't get rid of it.

That only shows that Li Xiang doesn't want to get rid of him at all.

This kind of logic.

If he were a woman.

He would think so too.

never mind!

At this time, Li Xiang planned to break the jar.

Since Zhang Ling has misunderstood.

Then let’s be misunderstood for now.

Because Li Xiang felt that now was not a good time to explain this misunderstanding.

The most important thing at the moment is to get some news about Xiaodouzi from Shangguan Aoxue.

of course!

When Zhang Ling saw Shangguan Aoxue, she deliberately made some intimate moves with Li Xiang in front of her.

Naturally, her heart was already in turmoil.

I wish I could turn around and leave this place of right and wrong immediately.

But in order to find Xiaodouzi as soon as possible.

She forced herself not to think or look at Shangguan Aoxue and the others for the time being.

Instead, start looking around your surroundings.

Trying to find some clues.

The solid wood decoration and furnishings here have the atmosphere of an ancient imperial home.

Combined with some just the right amount of modern design elements.

It won't make people look less abrupt.

In particular, Shangguan Aoxue is really a person who can integrate with the current environment.

Wearing a classic cheongsam with a blood red floral pattern on a white background.

It actually made Shangguan Aoxue feel a little more feminine.

It's no wonder that Li Xiang was entangled by Shangguan Aoxue.

It was obvious that there was a feeling of wanting to resist but to welcome.

After looking around.

Zhang Ling saw the stairs leading to the second floor.

A modern silver-gray trolley case is placed unexpectedly.

Obviously inconsistent with the classical style here.

Maybe that trolley case had indeed been tainted with the scent of Xiaodouzi before.

So the moment Zhang Ling saw it.

She was a little dazzled when she saw Xiaodouzi standing there calling for help.

Zhang Ling was so excited that she had the urge to rush over and hug Xiaodouzi (the trolley suitcase).

However, she had just taken a few steps.

Shangguan Aoxue seemed to be guilty and afraid and couldn't help but speak in time:
"Zhang Ling, why don't you come over for a cup of tea. Where are you going?"

Zhang Ling turned around and said with a smile after hearing the words of restraint:
"Well, I thought Miss Shangguan only had Li Xiang in her eyes. She would never see my existence."

Shangguan Aoxue said "Oh", followed by an awkward laugh, and then walked towards Zhang Ling and explained:

"Look at what you said. It makes me seem like an ungrateful person. How is this possible? It's impossible."

While talking.

Shangguan Aoxue has arrived at Zhang Ling's side.

She was as friendly as meeting a good sister she hadn't seen for many years.

She took Zhang Ling's arm with both hands and pulled her towards the sofa with a smile and continued:
"Come on, come on, Zhang Ling, let me tell you! Their refreshments here are absolutely outstanding. My friend, if you can come this time, you definitely can't miss it."

Where does Zhang Ling have the extra thought to have some refreshments?
But faced with Shangguan Aoxue's abnormal enthusiasm.

Zhang Ling really didn’t know how to refuse for a while?
So the guest followed the host casually and sat down on the sofa in the reception area.

Just sat down not long ago.

There was a clear sound in the room as if the elevator had reached the corresponding floor.

Everyone then heard the voice of artificial intelligence:
"Hello, distinguished guest! Your order has arrived. XX Palace wishes you a pleasant meal!"

Hear the sound.

Shangguan Aoxue pretended to be mysterious and did not make any reaction.

It feels like what are you waiting for?
Zhang Ling looked at the door almost subconsciously.

I didn't see any service staff delivering food.

So I asked out of curiosity:
"The order has been delivered. Where is it?"

Shangguan Aoxue finally arrived.

That's right!

I was waiting for Zhang Ling's question.

Shangguan Aoxue's purpose was to take this opportunity to show off to Zhang Ling.

What does it look like to show off the noble life that a person of her status should enjoy?
Then Zhang Ling saw a somewhat arrogant smile on Shangguan Aoxue's face.

He looked down upon everyone present with a somewhat domineering feeling.

Then the corners of his mouth were raised slightly and he said the word "serve".

Then a door appeared on the wall at the stairs.

The door opens automatically.

A food delivery robot was slowly walking out of the door.

Under the gaze of everyone present, he arrived at the coffee table.

Robot via mechanical arm.

Place all the refreshments that have been kept warm inside your body on the coffee table.


Zhang Yu, who knew the inside story, explained to Zhang Ling.

In order to absolutely guarantee the privacy of guests, XX Palace.

Minimize contact between guests and service staff.

So a huge underground passage for food delivery was built.

Although Li Xiang had seen this kind of food delivery method for the first time.

But he still tried his best to maintain a calm and unsurprised attitude.

Zhang Ling was the only one who seemed to have never seen the world.

Watching all this happening in a daze.

Until the food delivery robot returns to its original path.

The room returned to normal as if the food delivery robot had never been there.


All that is happening right now.

It really made Shangguan Aoxue pretend to be in front of Zhang Ling.

So Shangguan Aoxue continued to signal with a proud smile on her face:

"Zhang Ling, don't be stunned! The tea here has to be eaten while it's hot to taste. Hurry up and try it first."

Zhang Ling finally came back to her senses, shook her head and waved her hands and said:
"No! Tea, tea, tea first, tea last. How can anyone rush to eat snacks without tasting the tea first?"


Zhang Ling first picked up the tea in front of her and tasted it elegantly in front of everyone.

That's right.

Shangguan Aoxue was ridiculed in return for not being able to drink tea.

Because of what Zhang Ling said.

Shangguan Aoxue clenched fists as big as sandbags with both hands.

Her face instantly looked as ugly as if a close relative at home had died.

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