Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 415 1 Fire Pit

Chapter 415 A fire pit

This time!

Zhang Yu burst into laughter a little inappropriately.

Shangguan Aoxue undoubtedly felt that the laughter was mocking her.

So she glared at Zhang Yu fiercely.

Zhang Yu was like a frightened kitten.

Curled up in the corner of the sofa, shivering.

Zhang Ling just felt a little more comfortable inside.

But then she saw that Li wanted to follow Shangguan Aoxue's suggestion.

He took the initiative to lean over and pick up a piece of tea and took a sip.

In particular, his face was filled with a happy smile.

Zhang Ling felt quite unhappy after seeing this and just wanted to express her dissatisfaction to Li Xiang.


Li Xiang seemed to have seen her little thoughts.

So he took the lead and smiled at her and said:

"My dear, Miss Shangguan is right. The tea here is really good. Why don't you take a bite too."

While talking, Li Xiang actually brought the tea that he had just taken a bite to in front of her.

She looked at Li Xiang's expectant smile.

She planned to reject it ruthlessly.

But somehow her body was so unsatisfactory.

The words were already on his lips.

Not only did he not say it out loud.

He even opened his mouth in a hopeless manner.

In front of Shangguan Aoxue, she gave Li Xiang a provocative look and told him to feed her.

The smile on Li Xiang's face almost overflowed with honey as he shook his head.

There was a sense of helplessness to Zhang Ling's request.

They are still very willing to pamper each other.

With the words "It's up to you", he continued to bring the refreshments in his hand to Zhang Ling's mouth.

When Zhang Yu watched Zhang Ling take all the tea into her mouth.

Zhang Yu suddenly shouted "Wait a minute" to Zhang Ling.

Zhang Ling and Li Xiang both paused and looked at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu reminded with a nervous expression:

"Zhang Ling, I remember that you used to hate it when others gave you their leftovers. I'll get you another piece."

With that said, Zhang Yu quickly picked up another piece of tea.

Carefully place your hands in front of Zhang Ling.

A somewhat attentive smile immediately appeared on his face and he continued:
"Why don't you come and have this snack?"

Li Xiang glared at Zhang Yu in disgust.

Then he looked at Zhang Ling beside him with a bit of expectation in his warm eyes and said:
"Lingling, is this true?"

Zhang Ling glanced at the tea snack that Li Xiang had taken a bite of.

A hint of imperceptible disgust flashed unconsciously in her eyes.

She was about to nod and admit.

At the same time, he reached out and took the refreshments handed over by Zhang Yu.

Unexpectedly, I accidentally saw Shangguan Aoxue's expression as if she was watching a show.

Zhang Ling couldn't help but feel that she had accidentally fallen into Shangguan Aoxue's trap.

Maybe Zhang Yu was cooperating with Shangguan Aoxue to act in front of them from beginning to end.

The purpose was to reveal that she was dissatisfied with the food Li wanted to give her.

That proves that she also dislikes Li Xiang.

This made her admit in front of Shangguan Aoxue that she did not love Li Xiang.

Because a true lover will never dislike this little detail.

They will even regard such details as a means to deepen their feelings for each other.

Think of this.

Zhang Ling smiled at Li Xiang and leaned over to take a bite of the tea in Li Xiang's hand.

Moreover, he showed no disdain and bit into the gap that Li Xiang had bitten.

This action shocked Zhang Yu and made him unable to hold the refreshments in his hands.

It fell directly to the ground.

Zhang Yu originally wanted to lean over and quickly pick up the refreshments on the ground.

However, he was stopped by Shangguan Aoxue.

Perhaps Shangguan Aoxue saw the intimate behavior between Zhang Ling and Li Xiang.

Her jealous heart caused her to feel very unhappy.

So he told Zhang Yu that since the food had fallen on the ground, it had become garbage.

Shangguan Aoxue would never allow herself to entertain guests with garbage.

Then ask the smart housekeeper in the room to send a sweeping robot to clean it up quickly.

No matter how Zhang Yu listened to Shangguan Aoxue's words about "trash", it seemed like she was talking about him.

Said that he turned into rubbish like a piece of tea dropped on the ground.

Watching the cold sweeping robot clean up the garbage.

Zhang Yu's heart also began to feel sad inexplicably.

Because he seemed to have seen the end of himself being cleaned up like garbage.

Do not!
He recalled the whole story of his pursuit of Zhang Ling over the years.

There wasn't even a chance to turn into garbage in front of Zhang Ling.

It directly became trash that was despised by others.

So far!

Zhang Yu was confused and kept asking himself why?
Unconsciously, he began to compare him with Li Xiang.

I think Zhang Yu's appearance is not inferior to Li Xiang's at all.

Feeling good about myself in terms of temperament...

Zhang Yu finally made a comparison and determined that the only thing he lacked was money and status.

So I began to make silent calculations in my mind.

If, in the future, Zhang Yu can also have the money and status that Li Xiang has now.

Maybe Zhang Ling will turn around and fall in love with Zhang Yu.

So Zhang Yu couldn't help but start to imagine Zhang Ling falling in love with him...

This is strange!

Zhang Ling thought she had broken through her taboos like this.

It is bound to make your stomach and intestines turn upside down.

Not only did the intestines and stomach not resist.

Instead, bursts of sweet warmth surged out of her heart.

It feels a bit like the pleasant happiness of soaking in a warm hot spring in the winter.

Very comfortable and beautiful!

If she wasn't concerned about Xiaodouzi's safety.

I really want to immerse myself in this and never wake up.

So she swallowed the food in her mouth.

He turned to look at Shangguan Aoxue and said:
"You are right. The snacks are indeed not bad! However, Shangguan Aoxue, we are here to come to you. We are not just here to drink tea."

Shangguan Aoxue said with some doubts in his smile:
"Oh, then I'm a little curious. I wonder if Vice President Zhang has any advice for today's visit? I'm willing to listen."

She had just returned from a business trip abroad for the Shangguan family.

It’s really a bit too tiring!
I want to take a quiet rest after taking a bath.

When I learned that Zhang Ling and Li Xiang were among the visiting guests.

Shangguan Aoxue became excited instantly.

I personally thought that Zhang Ling was bringing humiliation upon herself by coming to her door.

Then she can live the differences through each other.

Remind Zhang Ling to recognize the gap between herself and Li Xiang.

Judging from Zhang Ling's intelligence, she must be able to come up with a truth.

That is if she insists on being with Li Xiang.

There will definitely be endless pain in the future.

However, the only thing that worried Shangguan Aoxue was the trolley box at the top of the stairs.

For a moment, I forgot to hide it before Zhang Ling and Li Xiang came.

And it was placed in such a conspicuous position.

Zhang Ling glanced at the trolley box at the stairs again and asked:
"My daughter is lost. I want to know where you have been today?"

Shangguan Aoxue was stunned at first.

She suppressed the panic in her heart, and then said with a smile:

"Interesting! Zhang Ling, you are really interesting. Your daughter is lost. You don't go to the police to help find the child. It's very strange that you come to me all the time! Are you suspecting that I abducted your daughter?"

Zhang Ling shouted uncontrollably for her child:
"That's right! Tell me if you have..."

Li wanted to see Zhang Ling so excited.

He immediately went forward and hugged her while shouting at Zhang Ling to calm down.

And reminded Zhang Ling that they had no actual evidence to prove it. Xiaodouzi was abducted by Shangguan Aoxue.

A contemptuous smile appeared on Shangguan Aoxue's calm face and she shook her head and said:
"Zhang Ling, Zhang Ling, how do you want me to say hello to you? I, Shangguan Aoxue, don't have that kind of hobby like you. I would go to the orphanage to pick up a wild child as my daughter."

Zhang Ling said "you" angrily.

Shangguan Aoxue didn't give Zhang Ling a chance to continue.

Then he glanced at Zhang Yu and said:
"Zhang Ling, let me tell you the truth. Even if I have a lot of money, I have nowhere to spend it. I would rather raise a dog than have a person who only knows how to cook to live around."

On the one hand, these words are ironic that Zhang Yu is just a dog here in Shangguan Aoxue.

On the other hand, it is said that the character of Taoists in today's world is far inferior to that of a dog.

By the way, I was also telling Zhang Yu.

If he doesn't have the same value as a dog.

Then there is no need to keep Shangguan Aoxue.

But in Zhang Ling's opinion.

Shangguan Aoxue deliberately compared Xiaodouzi with dogs.

Maybe some people will raise dogs as their own children.

But no matter how spiritual a dog is, it is still a dog.

You can't humanize a dog.

Zhang Ling is greedy for the happiness of Xiaodouzi saying "Mom".

She is also willing to take on the responsibility of being a mother.

That's why she did something that even she thought was ridiculous.

That is, appearing in front of Shangguan Aoxue.

To listen to all kinds of ruthless mocking words from Shangguan Aoxue towards her.

All this she did was for Xiaodouzi.

The keen Zhang Ling did not completely lose her mind because of Shangguan Aoxue's words.

But he clearly saw Shangguan Aoxue saying these words.

I accidentally saw the trolley box at the top of the stairs.

Subconsciously, he raised his hand and glanced at the time on his watch.

Then a look of worry quickly flashed across the other person's face.

That's because the effect of the drug that paralyzed Xiaodouzi's body has almost worn off.

Shangguan Aoxue was worried that Xiaodouzi was deliberately making strange noises during their conversation.

at the same time.

Zhang Pengtian had just returned from helping his neighbor move cabinets.

Along the way, he was cursing and saying that his neighbor was stingy.

I didn't even give him a sip of water after I was busy.

When he walked to the door of his house.

I saw a silver-gray box with some confusion.

He thought to himself that this guy Chen Jian had sent the footbath in disguise.

So he was a little angry and was about to call Li Xiang to ask for Chen Jian's number.

He vowed to personally scold Chen Jian and pull the box away as soon as possible.

He took out his cell phone and just found Li Xiang's phone number.

The sound of "uncle" stopped Zhang Pengtian from dialing the number.

He followed the sound.

Muzi stood not far away and smiled at him.

Chen Jian, holding the footbath he had brought earlier, said to him:

"Uncle, hello! This time I asked Muzi himself to come over and prove it for me. Do you think I can bring this footbath into the house now?"

Zhang Pengtian first looked at Muzi, then looked at the trolley case in confusion, raised his finger and said "No".

Muzi interrupted Zhang Pengtian's words with "That's right."

Then Chen Jian nodded and continued to explain:
"Uncle, you misunderstood Chen Jian before. I did have important things to deal with before."

Zhang Pengtian said "Oh" and looked at Chen Jian.

But for this statement.

He wasn't very convinced.

Because Zhang Pengtian's logic is somewhat confusing.

An elegant and intelligent woman like Muzi.

How could you choose to believe Chen Jian?

It’s unscientific to think about this!
Muzi also glanced at Chen Jian and continued to explain:

"What a coincidence! I met Chen Jian in the mall. So I entrusted Chen Jian to bring you a footbath. I didn't expect to cause confusion to you. I'm really sorry."

While speaking, Muzi bowed to Zhang Pengtian very politely.

Chen Jian looked at Muzi with some distress and said:

"Muzi, you don't have to do that. How could you make a mistake in giving a gift?"

Chen Jian quickly put down the footbath he was holding in his arms.

The man who tried to help Muzi up immediately said:

"Muzi, I can't bear to let you go! Get up quickly. I will really feel bad if you do this."

Muzi looks weak.

Chen Jian's support was as if he hadn't eaten.

I tried several times but couldn't help him.

Zhang Pengtian felt happy when he saw this.

He even cursed Chen Jian in his heart for being a useless man.

However, Zhang Pengtian couldn't bear to see Muzi keep apologizing like this.

He personally stepped forward and tried to help Muzi up.

He tried to help Muzi up before he said "It doesn't matter."

Only then did I realize that Chen Jian was not useless just now!
But the Muzi in front of him was too extraordinary.


After Muzi heard Zhang Pengtian's forgiving and careless words.

He stood upright very cooperatively.

This prevented Zhang Pengtian from losing face.

Muzi took the opportunity to point to the footbath on the ground and continued:
"Uncle, do you think we can let Chen Jian bring the footbath into the house now?"

Chen Jian heard the sound and picked up the footbath again and urged:
"Uncle, let us go in quickly so that Muzi can teach you how to use this high-tech footbath safely."

The reason why Chen Jian urged.

That's because Muzi promised Chen Jian to go watch a movie together tonight.

Chen Jian also prepared other projects before watching the movie.

So I was afraid of spending too much time here with Zhang Pengtian.

This severely reduced his opportunity to be alone with Muzi.

Zhang Pengtian does not like Yan Yuan on the surface.

But it was also seen that Chen Jian had taken the initiative to pursue Yan Yuan.

Although it’s not clear to what extent the relationship between Chen Jian and Yan Yuan is?
But then I saw Chen Jian shifting his pursuit to Muzi.

Zhang Pengtian felt really sorry for Yan Yuan in his heart.

Pointing to the trolley box at the door again, he said:
"No, wait, I want to ask if this box was sent by one of you?"

Muzi and Chen Jian looked at each other in confusion.

After checking their eyes, they shook their heads in unison and said:
"No, I didn't send it."

Zhang Pengtian looked at the two people's tacit understanding.

With a kind-hearted face and a mysterious face, he pulled Muzi aside and asked in a low voice:

"I'm talking about Muzi. You..."

Zhang Pengtian stopped temporarily when he felt someone was eavesdropping.

Suddenly looking back, Chen Jian, sensing the crisis, quietly came over.

Want to eavesdrop on what Zhang Pengtian is going to say to Muzi?
Chen Jian smiled slightly awkwardly and said:
"Uncle, what can't you say in front of me? You have to do it in a mysterious way. You are like this..."

Zhang Pengtian glared at Chen Jian with great displeasure and said:

"Is it still reasonable to eavesdrop? Just leave me and play!"

Chen Jian stubbornly wanted to defend.

Muzi smiled and took the initiative to say:

"Mr. Chen, could you please step aside?"

Chen Jian immediately stopped his stubborn smile, nodded and returned to his original position.

Only then did Zhang Pengtian feel relieved and said to Muzi:

"Daughter, for the sake of calling me uncle, I have to remind you of something."

Muzi gestured piously:

"Uncle, tell me."

Zhang Pengtian glanced at Chen Jian warily but did not move.

Then he said somewhat mysteriously:

"It seems to uncle! That stinky boy Chen Jian is following you to show your courtesy. He must be pursuing you."

Muzi nodded with a slightly blushing face and said:

"It seems so."

There was a trace of panic on Zhang Pengtian's face and he shook his head and said:

"Muzi, Chen Jian is obviously a pit of fire! You must think clearly. If you jump, you will probably be doomed."

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