Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 419 Growing up

Chapter 419 Growing up
Li Xiang's words have already reached this point.

Zhang Pengtian would not care about it any more.

So he left in a hurry on the pretext that there was still soup simmering in the pot in the kitchen.

Zhang Ling never expected that her father would spare her so easily this time.

He didn't give her a good scolding like before.

This is simply a rare and rare thing in the ages.

So she felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

Muzi took the initiative to come to Zhang Ling at this time.

Zhang Ling didn't notice it in time.

Until she heard Xiaodouzi's voice calling "Aunt Muzi".

Only then did Zhang Ling react and turned to look at Muzi and said:

"Muzi, you're here. I didn't treat you well because of Xiaodouzi's matter. I'm really sorry!"

Muzi waved his hands and said with a smile:
"We are all friends! How can we say that we are not well-received? You are outspoken by saying this."

Zhang Ling glanced at the kitchen where her father was, and continued with a slight smile:
"This is not an affair! My dad said that no matter how good friends are, they must have basic etiquette. Otherwise, the friendship is destined to not last long."

Because Zhang Pengtian said that no matter how good the friendship is.

If there were no etiquette and boundaries.

Then there will be people with evil intentions who will do deviant things without any sense of proportion.

This leads to the collapse of friendship.

Even turn against each other.

For example, there are always friends with evil intentions who cross the line and do things that are rude to their friends’ wives (husbands), etc.

After hearing this, Muzi also glanced in the direction of the kitchen and said:

"It turns out it was my uncle who said it. It's really philosophical."

Zhang Ling nodded and continued to ask:
"Muzi, I want to ask you, don't you hope that our friendship will last forever?"

Muzi shook his head repeatedly and explained:
"Zhang Ling, don't get me wrong! I naturally hope that our friendship will last forever."

Li Xiang, who was on the side, smiled and suggested:
"In order for the friendship between you two to last forever. Zhang Ling, I wonder if you would like to have a drink together!"

Li Xiang thought that he had experienced the disappearance of Xiaodouzi.

At this time, Zhang Ling really needed something happy to relax her body and mind.

The two women looked at each other and smiled and thought Li Xiang's proposal was a good one.

So he nodded at the other party at the same time.

A familiar voice sounded suddenly.

The two women looked for words and walked over.

Yan Yuan took the lead in walking in from the door at this time and said:
"Zhang Ling, I think I heard about drinking. I said drinking is such an important thing, why didn't you call me?"

Zhang Ling had a helpless smile on her face and said:
"Yan Yuan, do you still need to scream? You have always been the most blessed. As long as there is delicious food in my house, you can always smell it and show up at my house in time."

Yan Yuan regarded Zhang Ling's words as a kind of praise.

So he stood beside them and said with a smile impatiently:

"That's true! Let's not talk about this anymore. Where is Zhang Ling's wine? I'll go pour it for you right now."

Muzi suggested that if there was no wine at Zhang Ling’s house.

She did have a few bottles of good wine in her car.

As he spoke, he was already moving to get the wine.

Zhang Ling quickly grabbed Muzi's hand as he was leaving and shook his head to signal him not to leave.

Then he looked at Yan Yuan and pointed at a cabinet in the room and said teasingly:
"Yan Yuan, are you sure you are just pouring wine for us? Don't you want to drink it yourself?"

Yan Yuan walked straight to the cabinet.

At the same time, he did not forget to turn around and argue with a smile:
"Oh, Zhang Ling, you are becoming more and more stingy now. I have worked hard for you. You can't bear to let me take a sip of wine."

Zhang Ling responded:
"You have to drink after working hard? Then please don't work hard. I'll do it..."

In order to be able to taste good wine smoothly today.

She would not let Zhang Ling go in person easily.

So he quickly continued:
"Don't, don't, never! Zhang Ling, you are becoming more and more stingy now."

Zhang Ling pretended to be angry and threatened:
"You dare to say that I am stingy? Believe it or not, I will show you how stingy you are now."

Yan Yuan would not easily choose to compromise when facing Zhang Ling.

Especially he couldn't tolerate the wine that was about to reach his mouth disappearing so easily.

So he said with a bit of stubbornness:
"Wait a minute, Zhang Ling. I remember that my uncle won't let you drink easily. Believe it or not, I will go find your uncle and file a black record against you right now. You won't be able to drink either."

This person cannot talk about it.

Yan Yuan just finished speaking.

Zhang Pengtian walked out with the food prepared for Xiaodouzi.

He glared at Yan Yuan with an unhappy look and said:

"Are you clamoring for a drink?"

Yan Yuan was afraid of Zhang Pengtian to her core.

Therefore, Zhang Ling was shaken out without any backbone.

Just when her father was about to say something to Zhang Ling.

Muzi opened his mouth with a smile and said to Yan Yuan's rescue:
"It's me, I want to drink. Uncle, if you don't like it, we don't have to drink."

Zhang Pengtian heard that Muzi wanted to drink.

Immediately his attitude changed drastically, he looked at Yan Yuan and scolded:
"Hey, Yan Yuan, didn't you hear that Miss Muzi wants to drink? Can you move a little more smoothly? Go and get the wine."

Yan Yuan couldn't get used to it and said "ah" for a while.

He could only continue to collect wine according to Zhang Pengtian's request.

But she was thinking about her uncle, what was going on?

The behavior is a little weird!
When I heard she wanted to drink.

Zhang Pengtian treated her as if he had seen a life-or-death enemy.

He wished he could crush the opponent to death with his own hands.

Just to get her to give up the idea of ​​drinking as soon as possible.

And when I heard that Muzi wanted to drink.

It feels like many elders doting on their children nowadays.

I can't wait to pile all the good things in front of my children.

Afraid of wronging the child.

Wu Man, who had just come in from the door at this time, couldn't help laughing.

Yan Yuan heard the sound and glanced at Wu Man.

Feeling unhappy.

But it didn't quite show.

Because for Yan Yuan, as long as he can drink the wine collected by Zhang Ling, he is already very happy.

All other displeasures are negligible.

Zhang Pengtian came back after seeing Wu Man.

He quickly put the food in his hands on the table.

He simply signaled to Li Xiang to go to eat with Xiaodouzi in his arms.

He then came to Wu Man in three steps and two steps at a time and asked:
"Did you buy the things I asked you to buy for me?"

Buy on behalf of others!

Yan Yuan had never heard Zhang Pengtian tell him what to buy.

So he asked with some doubts:

"Uncle, what did you ask Wu Man to buy for you? Why didn't you tell..."

She wanted to express why Zhang Pengtian didn't let her buy on his behalf.

After all, she, Yan Yuan, knew the basics better than Wu Man.

It is even more trustworthy.

Zhang Pengtian said with a bit of impatience:

"Yan Yuan, do you know that you are very annoying sometimes?"

Yan Yuan shook his head with a sense of grievance and said:

"Uncle, do you know that it's really hurtful for you to speak like this?"

Zhang Pengtian said with a bit of laughter:
"I know! But I also know that you, Yan Yuan, have always been very thick-skinned. You can't just say a few words and end up seeking death."

Yan Yuan complained and shouted "uncle" with a bit of pleading.

Zhang Pengtian then said:
"Okay, how many times have I told you. I want you to know something. Speak as an adult and don't talk too much as a child. Why can't you remember it?"

Yan Yuan has hated this sentence the most since she was a child.

Some elders who rely on their elders like to choke on people with this sentence.

Now she, Yan Yuan, has grown up.

But her uncle would still say this to her.

You Qi said it in front of Wu Man, who was of the same age as her.

This was undoubtedly a mockery of her. Yan Yuan was still a child here in Wu Man.

How could this make Yan Yuan calm down?

So Yan Yuan reminded him with a bit of stubbornness:

"Uncle, you seem to have made a mistake. Wu Man seems to be a child to you."

Wu Man was about to agree with Yan Yuan's reminder.

Zhang Pengtian waved his hand to signal Wu Man not to speak for the time being.

Then he showed a meaningful smile to Yan Yuan and said:
"No, you are the one at fault."

Yan Yuanfei explains:
"I was wrong?"

Zhang Pengtian continued:

"Many people in this world look at people who look like adults. However, when doing things, they are not as reliable and trustworthy as a child. Such people are still children no matter how old they are."

Yan Yuan argued:
"Uncle, are trying to make sense."

Zhang Pengtian looked at Yan Yuan and shook his head and pointed out:
"Am I arrogant? No, it's not that I'm arrogant. It's because you don't understand what it means to grow up." Yan Yuan sneered unconvinced and said:

"I don't know how to grow up? Uncle..."

As Yan Yuan spoke, he explained the legal concepts about adults to Zhang Pengtian.

Zhang Pengtian smiled and shook his head and said:
"No, you still don't mean growing up."

Yan Yuan didn't understand.

So I asked in turn:

"You said what I said was wrong. Then uncle, tell me the right one."

Zhang Pengtian continued:
"Since you asked sincerely, I will tell you today."

Yan Yuan gestured:
"You said."

In fact, everyone else present also turned their attention.

Also looking forward to what Zhang Pengtian will say?

Zhang Pengtian said:

"The real sign of growing up is learning to control your desires. The simplest thing is when you see an expensive designer bag. But after considering the practicality of the bag, you decide not to buy it."

Yan Yuan said proudly:

"Then I must have grown up. Because I have actually done the example you mentioned, uncle."

Zhang Pengtian smiled and shook his head and said:
"You have grown up. But you are not fully grown up yet."

Yan Yuan continued to ask:
"What does it mean to be a fully grown adult?"

Zhang Pengtian continued:
"To fully grow up is to understand one's inner needs and know how to satisfy one's basic desires through legitimate and reasonable channels. Being able to completely restrain desires that go against personal principles and morality."

Although Yan Yuan didn't fully understand.

But he still said with a somewhat proud smile:

"Uncle, I think I have already done it!"

Zhang Pengtian still shook his head and said:

"No, you didn't do it!"

Yan Yuan asked in confusion:

"Uncle! Where did I fail?"

Zhang Pengtian said:

"Yan Yuan, Yan Yuan, you have the nerve to pretend to be confused! Let me ask you how many boyfriends you have had in these years? The number is so many that you can't even count it yourself."

Yan Yuan looked at Wu Man aside with her last stubbornness and said:
"Then...what does that mean?"

Zhang Pengtian said:

"You can't even restrain your basic desire to find men at will. How dare you say that you are an adult?"

Yan Yuan defended himself and said:

"I...I only want one marriage for the rest of my life. I call that pre-screening, okay?"

To be honest, Yan Yuan's marriage goal is pretty good.

It was just for her to accomplish this goal.

The method used was wrong.

Zhang Pengtian said:

"The screening itself is correct! But you have been screening for too long. And your screening criteria are too childish. Is it accurate?"

Because Yan Yuan’s selection criteria have never been unified.

Almost every boyfriend has his own set of screening criteria.

I wonder if we can continue to filter according to Yan Yuan's method.

All men in the world pass through Yan Yuan's sieve.

I believe that I can't find a boyfriend who meets Yan Yuan's standards.

Because Yan Yuan himself has no standards at all.

Yan Yuan was speechless for a moment when facing Zhang Pengtian.

Because she realized that if she analyzed it according to the standards of her uncle's adult life.

It's really like a child who hasn't grown up yet.

Li Xiang was eating with Xiaodouzi.

Xiaodouzi suddenly asked:

"Dad, I have a question."

Li Xiang saw that this was a good opportunity to establish a profound knowledge.

So let Xiaodouzi ask.

Xiaodouzi first looked at Zhang Pengtian, then at Yan Yuan and said:
"Grandpa said Aunt Yan Yuan is a child. So should Xiaodouzi be called Sister Yan Yuan in the future?"

Everyone looked at Yan Yuan and laughed because of Xiaodouzi's words.

Yan Yuan looked at Zhang Pengtian with an embarrassed look and shouted "uncle".

This is complaining that Zhang Pengtian talks too much and doesn't save her face.

So much so that she was embarrassed in front of Xiaodouzi.

After the laughter.

Zhang Pengtian deliberately pointed at Yan Yuan and said to Xiaodouzi:
"Child, what did you call her? You shouldn't ask your father. He definitely doesn't know. You should ask her most."

Li Xiang, who was a little embarrassed by the question, nodded quickly and said:
"Okay. Since your grandpa has already told you to ask Yan Yuan, just ask Yan Yuan."

When Xiaodouzi saw Li Xiang, his father said so.

So she seemed to be greatly inspired.

Asked Yan Yuan that question.

Yan Yuan looked embarrassed and couldn't say a word when facing Xiaodouzi.

at this time!

Wu Man also smiled and nodded with understanding at Zhang Pengtian's expression of growing up.

She lifted the gift box in her hand and gave it to Zhang Pengtian.

Zhang Pengtian came out of his absolute trust in Wu Man.

Without looking at it in advance, he walked up to Muzi carrying the gift box and said with a smile:
"Miss Muzi, I really liked the gift I received from you last time. As the saying goes, it is indecent to reciprocate. This is a gift specially prepared by my uncle for you. I hope you will accept it."

Muzi looked at the gift box in Zhang Pengtian's hand.

He took it without hesitation and said "thank you" at the same time.

"Not bad, not bad!" Zhang Pengtian nodded with a smile, then raised his finger and pointed at the gift box and said, "Miss Muzi, please open it quickly and see if you like it?"

Muzi opened the gift box.

She saw a lifelike emerald jade cicada brooch appearing in front of her.

Especially Yuchan's pair of wings shone with light.

It always gives people the feeling that Yuchan is about to spread her wings and fly high.

Maybe Yu Chan is too realistic.

The moment Muzi saw it.

It seemed like I heard the sound of cicadas chirping.

Then she smiled and said the word "like" repeatedly.

Talking time!
She couldn't wait to wear the brooch in front of Zhang Pengtian.

Zhang Ling smiled and praised:
"It's so beautiful! This brooch matches you perfectly."

Immediately, other people also said similar words of appreciation to Muzi.

Zhang Pengtian looked at Muzi and seemed to like him very much.

He couldn't help but turn around and cast a grateful look at Wu Man.

Zhang Pengtian's attitude towards Wu Man was seen by Yan Yuan, who had just taken out the wine.

You must know that although Yu Chan was selected by Wu Man himself.

But Yan Yuan paid for the purchase of Yuchan.

Now only Wu Man received Zhang Pengtian's approving gaze.

Yan Yuan's heart suddenly surged with many unbalanced emotions.

So she hurriedly put the wine she took out on the dining table.

Then he walked quickly towards Wu Man.

Even at this time Zhang Ling raised her doubts.

Ask Yan Yuan where he is going if he doesn't pour wine?

But Yan Yuan ignored Zhang Ling at all and stopped in front of Wu Man and said angrily:
"Hey, sister, you are too unkind. I paid for the Yuchan brooch. In the end, it was you who won my uncle's praise."

Wu Man smiled calmly and said:
"So what? Don't forget. We agreed from the beginning. I lent you the money to buy Yuchan."

Yan Yuan continued to say unhappily:

"This is true! But why didn't you say from the beginning that Yuchan's gift was chosen for uncle for Muzi?"

Yan Yuan tried to use Yu Chan to regain Zhang Pengtian's favor with her.


I realize it's a little late now.

She regretted why she had taken advantage of him in the first place.

I had to talk to Wu Man about the loan and interest.

Wuman said:
"Because my uncle told me this matter in private. So I don't think there is any need to tell it!"


Zhang Ling saw Wu Man and Yan Yuan getting together and whispering for some reason?
But she didn't have much thought to explore the reason now.

She just needs to know that Yan Yuan is not in the mood to drink for the time being.

The pull between Yan Yuan and his father.

A lot of time has been wasted.

Zhang Ling was afraid of neglecting Muzi.

So he took Muzi's hand and came to the dining table.

I plan to pour the wine myself and have a toast to their friendship.

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