Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 420 Why hit me?

Chapter 420 Why hit me?
Zhang Ling handed the wine glass to Muzi's hand.

Kindly reminded:
"Muzi, my wine is a bit strong! Let's drink less."

Muzi nodded and took the wine glass containing less than a tael of wine with a smile.

He drank all the strong wine in the glass in one gulp with a bit of manly arrogance.

This scene shocked Zhang Ling!

Because she only tasted a small sip and she almost couldn't stand the strength of the wine.

The burning and heat of this drink as it passes through the esophagus and intestines is like lava flowing through it.

It felt like I was about to be burned to death.

But if only I could have endured this extreme stimulation from the beginning.

Immediately your body will feel the relief of being reborn from the ashes.

despite this.

Zhang Ling's just taste was already her limit.

She really couldn't figure out how Muzi did it?
That's because in the eyes of everyone.

Muzi looked weaker than all the women present.

In a weak image, he drank a strong drink that even men may not be able to bear.

Such a strong contrast.

How could Zhang Ling accept it easily?

Especially Muzi took the initiative to ask Zhang Ling for another drink after finishing the drink.

The reason is that the glass of wine just now was a little short.

Even after you drink it, your throat won't feel wet.

So it doesn’t taste satisfying at all.

Listen to Muzi's words.

Zhang Ling was shocked and called "good guy" in her heart.

She thought she heard wrongly.

I asked again, "Are you sure you want another drink?"

Muzi put on an elegant smile and nodded slightly.

Looking at the obviously elegant smile.

It can actually give people a sense of heroism that can only be experienced by warriors who have been on the battlefield for a long time.

So far!

Zhang Ling really couldn’t stop trying to dissuade her.

Otherwise, it might be misunderstood that she is stingy and unwilling to give him a drink.

So I could only pour Muzi a glass of wine like the first time.

Just as he was handing back the wine glass with less than one ounce of wine to Muzi.

Muzi shouted "Wait a minute" in time.

Zhang Ling thought Muzi had figured it out and didn’t want to drink anymore.

So he looked at Muzi expectantly and said "hmm".

But what she didn't expect was that she didn't wait until Muzi said he wouldn't drink.

Instead, he saw Muzi raising his finger and pointing at the wine glass in Zhang Ling’s hand and then said seriously:

"Fill it up!"

Zhang Ling didn't react for a while.

These two taels of wine glasses.

Generally speaking, one or two shots of this kind of spirit is considered too much.

Unexpectedly, Muzi would urge him to fill it up.

at this time.

In order to show his charm as a man, Chen Jian.

He took the initiative to come over, looked at Muzi and persuaded:
"Miss Muzi, this kind of wine is good! But you can't drink too much just because the wine is good. It's not good for your health."

Muzi didn't speak for the time being.

He just looked at Chen Jian with a slight smile.

Li Xiang also came over and stood beside Zhang Ling at this time.

He first glanced at the wine in Zhang Ling's hand, then looked at Chen Jian in surprise and said:

"Hey, Chen Jian, doesn't your conscience hurt?"

Chen Jian asked without knowing why:
"What do you mean my conscience won't hurt?"

Li Xiang explained:
"We have drank this wine more than once. Why haven't I heard you say similar things to me? are too focused on sex and not friends!"

Chen Jian instead thought that this was a compliment from Li Xiang to him.

So he ignored Li Xiang and didn't answer.

Instead, he looked at Muzi and said with some affection:
"You heard it. This is the most important comment made by my long-time friend to me."

Muzi and Zhang Ling were so shocked by Chen Jian's words that they said "Ah" in unison.

They really didn't expect that Chen Jian would regard Li Xiang's words as an important comment.

Zhang Ling couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Chen Jian is indeed a playboy famous throughout Wuchuan.

This person is not the least bit thick-skinned.

Chen Jian ignored Zhang Ling's unusual reaction.

He still vowed and then looked at Muzi with some affection and said:
"Muzi, please remember. I, Chen Jian, despise Li Xiang as a friend, but it is you, Muzi, who care about sex more than others."

While talking.

He quickly tidied up his appearance.

Trying to show the most perfect side of himself in front of Muzi.

Then he put his hand on the table and continued:
"So Muzi, do you really feel my sincerity towards you?"

Muzi thought about a shameless Chen Jian.

How could he do something to belittle Li Xiang and elevate Muzi's status.

However, she wasn't angry.

On the contrary, I felt very interesting because of Chen Jian's behavior.

But she didn't show that smile.

Pretending to be serious, I just said the word "I".

Chen Jian couldn't wait to ask and answer questions for himself and said:

"If you feel it. Now I would like to solemnly invite you to watch a movie together tonight. It's the newly released XX. It is said that it is best for couples to watch together."

Muzi did not directly accept Chen Jian's invitation for the time being.

But looking at Chen Jian's coquettish look.

She finally couldn't help laughing and said:
"Mr. Chen, I heard that you come from a scholarly family."

Chen Jian believed that his label as a scholarly family was enough to attract Muzi.

So he turned around with a somewhat proud smile and said:

"That's right! Our Chen family is indeed well-known as a scholarly family in Wuchuan. Am I proud of it? No!"

The smile on Muzi's face turned a little bitter as he reminded:
"Sorry! You may have made a mistake. I really wasn't talking about something you were proud of."

When Chen Jian saw a man's face, a shyness that could only be seen in women suddenly appeared and said:
"Muzi, you are worthy of being my Chen Jian's confidante! You can actually see that I, Chen Jian, have always been very low-key in everything I do."

Chen Jian has this weird understanding of logic.

It can be regarded as defeating Muzi.

So Muzi smiled bitterly and said:
"Chen Jian, I seriously doubt that you have a misunderstanding about the word low-key?"

With the title of Chen Jian and Wuchuan's number one playboy.

How can it be worthy of the word low-key?

Chen Jian was a little confused about this and asked:
"Muzi, do you mean that I misunderstood what you said from the beginning?"

Muzi nodded and said:
"What I want to say is, didn't your parents teach you that you should always pay attention to your character as a scholar in front of the opposite sex?"

Chen Jian's face instantly turned to stone and turned ashen.

This is like a slap in the face saying that Chen Jian does not have the air of a serious scholar.

Rather, he is like a frivolous person who hangs around the alley of fireworks and willows.

Chen Jian was most afraid of having this kind of image in front of Muzi.

So he straightened his body and tried to restore his image forcefully and said:

"The character of a scholar! I understand."

Muzi said "oh" meaningfully.

Chen Jianze went on to argue:
"It's just that people always live in this world seriously. It's really boring. I just adjusted it appropriately."

Muzi said calmly:

"is it?"

Chen Jian nodded repeatedly and said:
"Muzi, if you don't like it, what if I always maintain the character that a scholar should have in front of you from now on?"

Muzi shook his head slightly and said:
"No need! I'm not yours. You don't have to do anything to make yourself uncomfortable just to cater to me."

"No." Chen Jian continued anxiously, "Muzi, can't you still see how much I feel for you? I, Chen Jian, am absolutely sincere to you!"

Muzi sneered and said:


Chen Jian nodded repeatedly and said:
"That's right! It's sincere."

Muzi continued:
"It seems that Mr. Chen regards me as a silly girl who is inexperienced in the world. The little girl you deceived with your casual words of sincerity is surrounding you."

Chen Jiangang said the word "I".

When trying to continue to justify his ridiculous behavior.

Li Xiang quickly stepped forward and covered Chen Jian's mouth at this time.

He pulled Chen Jian towards the door.

At the same time, he did not forget to find a high-sounding reason for his behavior.

That's when he suddenly remembered that the company had a particularly important foreign customer who came to discuss cooperation.

Now there is an urgent need for Chen Jian to go to the airport to pick him up.

You must know that Chen Jian was originally responsible for this kind of reception.

Chen Jian was unwilling to leave.

Just as he was about to speak, he said a few words of questioning.

Li Xiang interrupted Chen Jian's words and reminded him very quickly in his ear.

Remind Chen Jian to leave immediately if he still wants to pursue Muzi.

He, Chen Jian, should stop trying to get into trouble today.

Otherwise, the relationship between him and Muzi would have ended here.

Because Li Xiang clearly saw that Muzi was extremely disgusted with Chen Jian's attitude.

That’s a little strange! Muzi's main purpose is to make Chen Jian fall in love with her.

But why show so much hostility towards Chen Jian now?
That's because Muzi understands.

Men like Chen Jian have already regarded love as a game.

Facing every relationship is like playing a game.

Although Chen Jian gave his sincerity in every game.

But this kind of sincere dedication is too little!
It’s so little that it’s not as good as a dragonfly touching the water.

Because Chen Jian has had too many girlfriends.

Even if it rains and dews, it is like a drop in the ocean.

Muzi doesn't want to become one of Chen Jian's many ex-girlfriends.

What she wants is a pair of people for the rest of her life.

So she felt that Chen Jian must be reformed.

Transform into a lover who matches her three views.

Muzi has been a man.

I know that most men have a strong desire to conquer.

So she also knows a rule.

A man like Chen Jian.

The more difficult it is to pursue a woman, the more he is attracted to it.

That is, the more you want to conquer.

Muzi planned to use the drama of indulgence due to lust.

From then on, Chen Jian's heart fell completely and completely in love with Muzi.

So in the future, even if Chen Jian knew that Muzi was Li Xiang.

He is Chen Jian's best friend in his life.

He, Chen Jian, still couldn't help himself and chose to love her without hesitation.

Then Zhen Li's decision to choose to become Muzi for Chen Jian is worth it.

to be frank!
There was indeed a trace of worry in Muzi's heart.

Worried that Chen Jian would not be able to fall in love with Muzi wholeheartedly.

If the time comes, I will choose to leave her without any regret.

Or maybe Chen Jian has fallen in love with Muzi wholeheartedly.

Even if you know the truth!

Chen Jian still chooses to stay firmly with Muzi.

But the current social environment.

There are always a lot of feelings for what happened between them.

Maintain an extremely unfriendly attitude.

Chen Jian will eventually be unable to withstand the pressure of public opinion from society.

Finally, choose an extreme path.

Then it was not worth it for him to choose to become Muzi.

Because she became Muzi because she wanted to have a happy and long-lasting love that everyone expected.

Note the word "long" here.

A flash in the pan is equally beautiful!
But this is not what Muzi wants.

Muzi is greedy for that long-lasting happy love.

And two people who truly love each other can withstand all resistance and live together for a long time.

Maybe it's because Yan Yuan did love Chen Jian once.

Even with amnesia.

Yan Yuan's heart seemed to sense something?
She felt sore inexplicably.

I thought it was because I was hungry.

But Yan Yuan thought that she had eaten with Wu Man before she came back.



Zhang Ling also noticed Yan Yuan's reaction.

He took the initiative to come to Yan Yuan's side to comfort him and said:
"It's okay. If you don't look at it or think about it, the pain in your heart will disappear naturally."

Yan Yuan was shocked. Why did Zhang Ling know that she was heartbroken?

But I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of everyone.

So Yan Yuan smiled stubbornly and said:
"Zhang Ling, what are you talking about? I don't understand at all! How can I feel pain?"

Zhang Ling subconsciously glanced at Chen Jian before asking:
"You didn't?"

Yan Yuan was a little confused about Zhang Ling's behavior and shook her head and explained:

"Of course! It must be because I was too tired from shopping today. I ate less when I was eating. Maybe I was hungry..."

never mind!

Zhang Ling felt that Yan Yuan could make things right on his own.

That's not a bad thing.

Why worry so much?

So I can only comply with Yan Yuan's wishes.

Chen Jian is a smart man.

First, I felt the hostility from Zhang Ling.

Then, after Li Xiang's prompting, he realized the problem.

So he turned around and left Zhang Ling's house along the steps given by Li Xiang.

in this way!

He, Chen Jian, can also establish an image of a enterprising and good man in Muzi.

It can be regarded as a kind of compensation for the unpleasant topic before.

Chen Jian was sent away.

Li wanted to return to the dinner table.

I have seen that Xiaodouzi has finished her meal.

Zhang Ling was about to ask Xiaodouzi for some valuable information.


The police were well informed and came to the door.

No more valuable clues were obtained from Xiaodouzi.

Instead, it was because the police officers were unprofessional when asking questions.

The irritated Xiaodouzi yelled emotionally.

Zhang Ling felt distressed and angrily drove the police who came to the door out.

before leaving.

The police also took away the box containing the beans.

It is said that we hope to use technical means.

Extract some clues from the box.

For example, fingerprints, etc.

It's just a matter of luck that I found something on the box that could prove the murderer.

Shangguan Aoxue could still use the excuse that her box was lost.

Then he refused to admit that he had kidnapped or kidnapped Xiaodouzi.

In addition, the Shangguan family still plays a decisive role in Wuchuan.

Then the police can't do anything to Shangguan Aoxue.


Returned to its usual calm state again.

Those who drink drink, those who talk heart-to-heart.

Waves of happiness and peace are exuding everywhere.

But only Wu Man roughly understood the process of Xiaodouzi being abducted.

Only then did she realize that her task of protecting Zhang Ling from harm was not as easy as it first seemed.

To know an enemy who even a child dares to extend a sinful hand.

They will definitely do even more outrageous things in the future.

Wu Man also gradually realized that he had been trusted in front of Mrs. Kao.

She took it for granted that as long as she was by Zhang Ling's side.

Those evil hands will be cut off by her ruthlessly before they reach out.

But the reality was ruthlessly slapped in the face.

Wu Man watched Xiaodouzi suffer mental damage because of this incident.

Her heart really hurts!
So in the eyes of everyone, he said "I'm sorry" to Xiaodouzi inexplicably.

Yan Yuan spoke out Zhang Ling's feelings.

Somewhat puzzled, he reached out and touched Wu Man's forehead and said:
"You don't even have a fever! You didn't do anything to harm the child. I asked Wu Man, why are you so confused and talking nonsense?"

Only then did Wu Man realize that he quickly restrained himself and showed his guilt towards Xiaodou.

She was just about to open her mouth to defend her abrupt behavior.

Zhang Pengtian seemed to see Wu Man's dilemma.

So for the sake of Wu Man bringing back the gift.

He took the initiative to stand up and slapped Yan Yuan's neck hard with his hand.

Yan Yuan shouted "Uncle" with some grievance and resentment.

Zhang Pengtian did not soften his heart because of this "uncle".

Instead, he said to Yan Yuan with an unhappy look:

"What are you shouting for?"

Yan Yuan said:
"Uncle, what did I do wrong? Why did you hit me!"

Zhang Pengtian said:

"Yan Yuan, it's just that you are selfish and don't have any mercy. I just don't understand. How can you have the nerve to target Wu Man?"

Yan Yuan didn't realize where he was wrong?
So he took Zhang Ling's arm and said coquettishly:

"Zhang Ling, how can my uncle target me for no reason? I don't care. You should say something fair!"

Zhang Ling hasn't figured out how to word it yet?
Xiaodouzi was the first to show disappointment based on his intuition and said:

"Aunt Yan Yuan, you have changed! You don't love Xiaodouzi as much as before."

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