Chapter 421 Malice
Yan Yuan wanted to explain this.

But Xiaodouzi spoke as if she was extremely worried about something.

He threw himself into his arms and hugged Zhang Ling tightly, shouting:

"Mom, Xiaodouzi is so scared!"

Zhang Ling stroked Xiaodouzi’s head and said comfortingly:
"Don't be afraid, kid!"

She thinks Xiaodouzi has not gotten over the shadow of kidnapping.

But Xiaodouzi unexpectedly continued:
"Xiaodouzi is so afraid that her mother will be like Aunt Yan Yuan. She has changed! She doesn't love Xiaodouzi so much anymore."


Xiaodouzi became sensitive after experiencing what happened today.

Sensitive worries that they will be abandoned again.

No matter how many words of comfort Zhang Ling said, she was sensitive.

Xiaodouzi repeated her worries back and forth in disbelief.

It's also this guy Yan Yuan.

Ever since he got together with Wu Man, things have become abnormal.

One day I always thought about competing with Wu Man.

Put it in the past.

Yan Yuan's concern for Xiaodouzi is no less than that of Zhang Ling.

But now?
Not to mention the keen Xiaodouzi who sensed Yan Yuan's neglect of her.

She, Zhang Ling, felt the same.


When she was distraught, both Li Xiang and Muzi came over to help comfort her.

Especially Muzi, it seemed like he had guessed it long ago.

The root of Xiaodouzi's problem is Yan Yuan.

So she comforted Zhang Ling and looked at Yan Yuan when she was not in a hurry.

I am very confident that Xiaodouzi will be fine soon.

Because Muzi could see that Xiaodouzi still had a high status in Yan Yuan's heart.

That's why I bought a lot of sweets for Xiaodouzi when I went shopping today.

Xiaodouzi smiled after seeing the candy in Yan Yuan's hand.

Yan Yuan took the opportunity to proactively admit that there was something wrong with her attitude just now.


The unhappy little mouth immediately changed his words and said:
"Aunt Yan Yuan still loves her so much."

Zhang Ling said "Ah" in shock.

A helpless smile appeared on his face.

At the same time, he said silently to himself:
"Xiaodouzi is really a child at heart! A few pieces of candy instantly captured this child's heart."

of course!

In Zhang Ling's heart, she admired Muzi's accuracy in judging people.

It even gave her the feeling that Muzi had completely taken control of the situation.

Is this an illusion?

Do not!
Zhang Ling is like appreciating and appraising an antique.

He looked at Muzi carefully for a while.

She still came to the same conclusion.

That's why Muzi, a woman, looks so kind and beautiful on the surface.

But the overall temperament exuded has a vague and unfathomable feeling that is difficult to detect.

Zhang Ling couldn't help but admire in her heart.


Muzi's various behaviors are all because he wants to make friends with her.

If you are an enemy of Muzi.

Zhang Ling was not completely sure of guarding against the hostility from Muzi.

Maybe it only takes one round to make Zhang Ling lose her armor.

Think of this!

Muzi seemed to see Zhang Ling's little thoughts.

So he put a hand on Zhang Ling's shoulder and said with a smile:

"Zhang Ling, what are you still worried about? Don't worry, your friend Muzi will always be by your side to support you."

There was a bit of bitterness in Zhang Ling's smile.

I was just about to ask Muzi if he had misunderstood something?

But Zhang Ling didn’t expect it!

Yan Yuan and Wu Manzai heard Muzi's statement.

Do you mistakenly think that Zhang Ling needs support for something important?
Ever since!
They all rushed to express their loyalty to their friendship to Zhang Ling.

Li Xiang said not to be outdone:
"That Zhang Ling. Now that your sisters have expressed their opinions, it would be wrong if I didn't say something. What should I say?"

Li Xiang briefly fell into deep thought...

Zhang Ling waved her hands slightly anxiously and said:
"No! Li Xiang, why are you joining in the fun if you have nothing to do?"

Li Xiang shook his head and said firmly:

"This is not just joining in the fun. This is a necessary statement."

Zhang Ling glanced at Muzi helplessly and said to Li Xiang in a compromise:

"Okay, okay. If you want to say it, just say it."

I felt somewhat reluctant when I saw Li Xiang's expression earlier.

Emotional things.

Zhang Ling has always pursued volunteerism.

That's why Li Xiang was told not to join in the fun.

But at this moment she felt that this might be an opportunity.

An opportunity for everyone to witness their feelings.

This way.

I believe the relationship between them will be much stronger.

So her heart was full of expectations.

What do you expect Li Xiang will say?

I saw that Li Xiang was performing a poetry recitation.

First, I tidied up my appearance.

Then he coughed twice and let his feelings brew for a while.

Then he took Xiaodouzi's small hand with one hand, and Zhang Ling's big hand with the other. Then he looked at Zhang Ling with a serious face and said:
"Zhang Ling, as long as you don't give up! Please rest assured. We will always be the happiest family in the world."

The words just fell!

Zhang Ling clearly saw Xiaodouzi nodding and calling her "Mom".

Suddenly the other people present felt like they were being fed a mouthful of dog food.

At this time, Zhang Pengtian had just finished washing the dishes and chopsticks of Xiaodouzi.

Walked out of the kitchen.


After listening to the statements of Li Xiang and his daughter.

Suddenly I felt that the current atmosphere in the room was a little too serious.

So Zhang Pengtian coughed suddenly.

Everyone in the room thought that Zhang Pengtian also wanted to take this opportunity to express his attitude.

So their expectant eyes were all focused on Zhang Pengtian.

But what shocked everyone was when Zhang Pengtian said:

"I know I ate pig's trotter soup today. So I am much more handsome today than before. But you don't have to all look at me like that. It will make me embarrassed."

After listening to Zhang Pengtian's words.

All the adults started looking at each other.

In the end, Zhang Ling took the lead and couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Pengtian saw everyone starting to laugh.

I don’t know if he really doesn’t know what they are laughing at?
So Zhang Pengtian looked puzzled and asked:
"Zhang Ling, don't laugh. I just ate pig's trotter soup and became much more handsome. What's so funny?"

at this time!

Xiaodouzi also expressed confusion that he didn't understand what they were laughing at?
So Zhang Ling looked at her father with a smile and explained:
"We were laughing at your grandpa who said he has become much more handsome and handsome today."

Zhang Ling was conflicted about whether she should tell the truth.

After all, if the truth is told.

It is bound to make the father feel embarrassed in front of his children.

If not, it will directly lead to a kind and kind education from an angry father.

But if you don't tell the truth.

She was also worried that Xiaodouzi would learn bad things and become dishonest.

After all, parents’ example is crucial to their children’s education.

So after careful consideration, Zhang Ling decided to tell the truth.

Never thought about it!
She did not immediately welcome her father's kind education.

But because of what Xiaodouzi said next, his father.

The happy look is like a child who has not grown up. Xiaodouzi saw that his father prepared delicious meals with all his heart every day.

So he said with a bit of doubt in his sweet smile:
"Mom, what's so funny about this? You're usually too busy to notice it, right? Xiaodouzi did see that grandpa is much more handsome today than before."

Zhang Ling felt stung in her heart because of the sentence "You are usually too busy to notice."

So he stared at Zhang Pengtian with a ashamed expression.

She suddenly discovered that there were more and more gray hairs on her father's head.

But my father is just as Xiaodouzi said.

He is indeed much more handsome today than before.

Li Xiang saw Zhang Ling's facial muscles twitching irregularly.

Especially those beautiful eyes filled with crystal tears.

He knew that Zhang Ling's heart was touched.

I just couldn't express my inner thoughts in words for a while.

So Li Xiang took the initiative to stand up and say to Zhang Pengtian on behalf of Zhang Ling:

"Uncle, you saw it. Zhang Ling must have suddenly realized that what Xiaodouzi said was true! You are indeed much more handsome today."

Zhang Pengtian expressed doubts about Li Xiang's words.

After all, Li Xiang had just lied to him about Xiaodouzi's disappearance today.

Xiaodouzi was skeptical when he saw his grandfather.

He anxiously shook Zhang Ling's arm and said:

"Mom, is this true? You really think what Xiaodouzi just said is right!"

Only then did Zhang Ling react and nodded again and again and said:

"Yes, yes, yes. Xiaodouzi is right!"

As she spoke, Zhang Ling turned to look at her father with a sincere smile and said:
"Dad, I'm sorry. It's all because my daughter was too busy and didn't care enough about you!"

Zhang Pengtian waved his hand and said:

"It's okay. You're a young man. It's always good to be busy. I'm a bad old man and I'm not too old to move. I don't need you to care about me all the time."

Zhang Ling shook her head and continued:
"Ashamed! As a daughter, I am so ashamed!"

Zhang Pengtian asked:

"Uh, why are you saying these things suddenly?"

Zhang Ling continued:
"I'm your daughter. I'm not as observant as Xiaodouzi for a while. I didn't notice that you are indeed much more handsome today."

Zhang Ling's words seemed to be what Zhang Pengtian was always looking forward to hearing.

So I am as happy as a child who has not grown up again.

The current picture of Zhang Ling’s family being harmonious and happy.

But this is what Muzi has always wanted to have since he was a child.


Muzi is in the Li family.

The idea of ​​inheriting the family business has been instilled in me by my parents since I was a child.

So Muzi's childhood seemed to be nothing but various studies.

When Muzi's parents learned that Muzi had the idea of ​​becoming a woman.

Muzi completely lost his basic freedom as a human being.

A relaxed and happy family atmosphere like Zhang Ling's family.

For Muzi, it is a luxury wish.

Yan Yuan on the side noticed Muzi's unusual expression.

So he quietly appeared behind Muzi.

Whispered in Muzi’s ear:
"Muzi, what's wrong with you? There's something wrong with your expression. Don't tell me. You haven't seen such a scene since you were a child."

Muzi was shocked!
But then he turned to Yan Yuan with a relieved smile and said:
"Yes, you are right. I have never seen such an enviable picture of happiness since I was a child."

Wu Man heard what Muzi said.

He also nodded with some emotion.

Yan Yuan, who caught these small details, shook his head and said:

"Oh my god! Why do I feel like you two are from an alien planet? That's why I have never seen this common scene."

Muzi and Wuman seemed to have an inexplicable resonance deep in their hearts.

So after looking at each other for a while.

A bit of sadness appeared on their faces and they nodded in unison and said:
"Yan Yuan, you are right! These may be common to you, but they are precious to us."

Yan Yuan listened to these two women as if they were one person.

She felt an unprecedented sense of superiority in her heart.

So he waved his hands somewhat complacently and said:

"Okay, okay, if I call you fat, you'll be out of breath immediately. However, since we are all friends, I won't argue with you."

Zhang Ling didn't understand why Yan Yuan said these words?
There is obviously some element of deliberate showing off in it.

There is also a feeling of not appreciating the life that we are currently accustomed to.

Yan Yuan's words and deeds clearly run counter to his father's educational philosophy for them.

So Zhang Ling nervously looked at where her father was just now.


My father didn't like playing with young people.

So at some point I went back to my room and listened to the radio on the radio.

Otherwise, if my father heard what Yan Yuan just said.

Most likely, Yan Yuan will be severely criticized.

But even if the father is not present.

Zhang Ling also wanted to give Yan Yuan a friendly reminder.

To prevent Yan Yuan from going astray.

This is a habit Zhang Ling has developed over the years.

Where is Yan Yuan?
Every time, I would listen to Zhang Ling’s words as if they were my mother’s teachings.

It's just that Yan Yuan is a little different today, as if he suddenly had a traitor.

Not only did he not accept Zhang Ling’s teaching words humbly.

And he also deliberately retorted:
"Hey, Zhang Ling, you're not much older than me."

Zhang Ling said puzzledly:

"Yan Yuan, why did you suddenly say these words?"

Yan Yuan said a little aggressively:

"Are you addicted to being a mother to Xiaodouzi? So you habitually educate people in a mother's tone."

Zhang Ling tried to defend this:
"No, Yan Yuan, do you have any misunderstanding about me? I..."

Yan Yuan said impatiently:

"Okay. There is no misunderstanding. I just tolerated you for too long! So I just don't want to tolerate it today."

Yan Yuan said this as if he had some deep hatred.

to this end!

Zhang Ling tried her best to recall where she had offended Yan Yuan.

Maybe the same expressions as before have become a habit.

So no matter how Zhang Ling thinks about it, she thinks those words and deeds are normal.

However, Zhang Ling may have forgotten one fact.

Some words!
When the two said.

No matter how you express it, there is nothing inappropriate.

But Zhang Ling forgot that there was a third person present at the scene.

And there is more than one third party.

So originally you thought it was normal for two people to talk to each other.

It may also become abnormal because of a third party.

The other party may think that you are deliberately humiliating her in front of outsiders.


Just when Zhang Ling couldn't figure it out because of Yan Yuan's words.

Li Xiang took the initiative to whisper in Zhang Ling's ear at this time.

Zhang Ling suddenly realized something and said to herself:

"Oh my god! It turns out that she was too negligent."

How to do?

Maybe there were too many people present.

So Zhang Ling's apology words came to her lips and she swallowed them back.

Li Xiang seemed to understand Zhang Ling's dilemma.

So he took the initiative to stand up and said to Yan Yuan:
"Okay, Yan Yuan, you have been sisters for many years! Don't get into tit-for-tat disagreements over such trivial matters. This is not good!"

At this time, Muzi also stepped forward and took Yan Yuan's hand and said:
"Sister, I understand the grievance you feel. But what Zhang Ling said to you is also for you. I think you are smart and can't hear it."

Yan Yuan looked at Zhang Ling and nodded and said:
"I know. But..."

"No buts!"

Muzi interrupted Yan Yuan to clap his hands and continued:
"Li Xiang is right! You and Zhang Ling have been sisters for many years. With your understanding of each other, I would like to ask you if you feel Zhang Ling's malice toward you?"

Yan Yuan shook his head.

Muzi showed a relieved smile and said:

"That's right! Yan Yuan, how can you have the nerve to be malicious to a sister who cares about you?"

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