Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 423 Little clever ghost

Chapter 423 Little clever ghost
A bitter smile appeared on Wu Man's face.

There wasn't a word of immediate justification for this.

Instead, he looked at Zhang Ling expectantly.

Let’s see how Zhang Ling plans to deal with Yan Yuan’s accusations and accusations against her.

But Zhang Ling hasn't spoken yet.

Xiaodouzi was the first to speak:

"Aunt Yan Yuan, why are you back so soon? Didn't grandpa look for you just now?"

Yan Yuan heard Xiaodouzi's question.

The tit-for-tat confrontation with Wu Man immediately ceased.

It’s a coincidence!

Instead, she sought refuge and begged Zhang Ling to help her.

"Oh... you seem to be right! Tell me. Let me first hear who is bullying..."

In the end, he gritted his teeth, looked at Xiaodouzi and admitted:

Crystal cakes were eaten.

So I immediately stopped thinking about blaming the child.

Pretending to be weak, she took Zhang Pengtian's arm and said in a pitiful voice:
"Uncle, I'm being bullied! You must consider that I am like a daughter. I will wash pots and dishes for you in the future. Please make the decision for me."

Even more irritating!
Zhang Ling deliberately ignored Yan Yuan's feelings.

At this time, her face was really burning.

A bullying smile immediately appeared on her face.

"Of course! My little Douzi is the most well-behaved."

At the same time, Yan Yuan heard Zhang Pengtian's voice calling her name getting closer and closer.

Yan Yuan was so panicked that she stopped asking Zhang Ling for an explanation.

In front of Yan Yuan, he reached out and touched the child's face and said:

Zhang Ling said jokingly:

"That's right! Xiaodouzi. Your grandfather did not call me just now. I just didn't want to answer your mother's question. That's why I lied and found an excuse to leave."

"Mom, look! Aunt Yan Yuan is lying. She's not as good as Xiaodouzi, right?"

"Hey, Yan Yuan, what are you doing? I've been calling you for a long time. You..."

"Before I help you, should you answer Xiaodouzi's question?"


Yan Yuan could hear that she was being looked down upon by a young child.

Yan Yuan said "Okay" and then said with a helpless smile:
"Very good! I said you mother and daughter are really good! You are deliberately joining forces to bully me, right?"

Zhang Pengtian happened to appear at the door at this time.

Zhang Pengtian seemed to be moved by Yan Yuan and said:

Those troubled and conflicted eyes kept wandering between Zhang Ling and Xiaodouzi.

"Xiaodouzi, you..."

She was always the first one to look for him, a habitual offender.

Yan Yuan suddenly remembered.

Xiaodouzi looked at Zhang Ling with eyes begging for praise and said:

At this time, Zhang Pengtian actually called "Yan Yuan" in an extremely unhappy tone.

She quickly came to Zhang Pengtian's side like an arrow from a string.

He looked at Yan Yuan with some displeasure and said:

Last night, I was a little greedy and secretly ate the crystal cake that my uncle had prepared in advance.

Yan Yuan didn't wait for Zhang Pengtian to finish accusing her.

Zhang Pengtian was stunned for a moment and couldn't say a word.

Yan Yuan was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Then it seems that she, Yan Yuan, is Zhang Pengtian's daughter.

You must know that my uncle always prepares meals according to the head.

Yan Yuan heard that Zhang Pengtian wanted to support her.

Yan Yuan said "Ah".

She let out a cry as if she had been greatly wronged.

Just finished speaking.

Especially those rabid eyes were fixed on Zhang Ling.

Zhang Ling couldn't help but shudder.

Zhang Ling knew that her father had always believed in what outsiders said.

If Yan Yuan could succeed in front of his father.

Fully express the accusation against her.

Then even her behavior is reasonable.

It is inevitable that he will be scolded by his father for no reason.

So Zhang Ling deliberately shouted "Wait a minute" before Yan Yuan could.

After getting his father's attention.

Zhang Ling went on to say:

"Dad, this isn't right! Yan Yuan washes pots and dishes for our family, but that was a promise she made after losing a bet. So her so-called daughter-like behavior is nonsense."

The father raised his hand and slapped his forehead.

Pretending to be suddenly enlightened, he looked at Yan Yuan and said:

"Yeah, I almost forgot about it. Hey, Yan Yuan, you didn't wash the dishes after you came here tonight. Then I'll punish you by washing the dishes for ten more days. Do you have any objections?"

A flash of reluctance flashed across Yan Yuan's face.

But she was afraid that Zhang Pengtian would see her thoughts.

This will affect her future status in this family.

So she quickly put on a smile and shook her head to express "no objection."

Zhang Pengtian is getting older.

Poor memory.

I was just disturbed like this.

I had already forgotten why he was chasing after Yan Yuan.
Wu Man reminded him and asked, "Uncle, are you ready to eat?"

Only then did Zhang Pengtian remember that the egg custard steaming on the kitchen stove was almost time.

So I urged the three sisters to prepare quickly and come over for dinner and then left in a hurry.

Yan Yuan saw Zhang Pengtian's back disappearing before his eyes.

He couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

I thought this was probably the best result for now.

However, Yan Yuan and Wu Man have conflicts.

But Yan Yuan is a person who knows how to repay kindness.

In the end, I didn't forget to say "thank you" to Wu Man.


When Xiaodouzi came out of the shower, she heard someone knocking on the door.

I shouted excitedly "Daddy is here" and quickly ran to open the door.

An alert Zhang Ling went through yesterday's events.

Halfway through brushing his teeth, he hurriedly followed the sound.

I'm afraid that some brave bad guys will come and commit murder at this time.

When he saw Li Xiang hugging Xiaodouzi with a smile.

The hanging heart was relieved.

Just as she was about to turn around and return to the bathroom.

Li Xiang looked at Zhang Ling with a slightly obsessed look and said:

"Mom, the way you look today is really... unique!"

Only then did Zhang Ling realize that she hadn't had time to wash her face and put on makeup.

A mouthful of toothpaste foam appeared in front of Li Xiang.

This is too disrespectful.

Think of this.

She did not answer.

With a look of horror on his face, he fantasized about how great it would be if he had the ability to teleport.

At this time, teleportation is initiated.

Quickly return to the bathroom.

Then you can use the excuse that Li Xiang just saw it wrong.

This can effectively avoid the embarrassment at this time.

But fantasy is still fantasy.

The most terrible thing is that Yan Yuan also appeared next to her at this time.

Yan Yuan glanced at Zhang Ling and said calmly:
"Are you trying to escape back to the bathroom?"

Zhang Ling actually said "hmm" subconsciously.

Lifting his feet and taking just two steps, he realized the problem and explained:

"No. I just..."

Her mouth was full of toothpaste foam which made it difficult to speak at all.

Yan Yuan smiled slightly and waved her hand and said:
"No need to explain. We are all women. I understand!"

Zhang Ling asked almost subconsciously:
"What do you know?"

This is because she doesn't believe that Yan Yuan really understands her inner thoughts at this moment.

Yan Yuan shook his head and said:

"Zhang Ling, there is no need for you to be so nervous. When you get married and live under the same roof in the future, you will see each other clearly..."

Zhang Ling listened to Yan Yuan's words.

In her mind, she couldn't help but start to fantasize about a life scene after marriage with Li Xiang.

Get up in the morning.

While she was brushing her teeth and washing her face in the bathroom.

Li Xiang walked into the bathroom barefoot and silently.

A slight cough.

She turned around and saw Li Xiang walking in shirtless.

A perfunctory greeting to each other. He hurriedly passed behind her.

The airflow around her was instantly disrupted.

As a result, her nose smelled a faint smell of sweat.

She was about to complain and ask him to take a bath quickly.

But he unabashedly sat on the toilet...

and many more.

How strange!

Why do these messy scenes appear in her mind for no reason?

to this end.

She shook her head desperately.

Trying to get rid of these images.

Li Xiang appeared next to her at some point, holding Xiaodouzi in his arms.

Look at her strange head shaking behavior.

Father and daughter looked at each other.

Xiaodouzi was finally selected as the spokesperson.

He habitually reached out to touch his earlobe and said:

"Mom, I just saw you shaking your head. Does this mean you don't welcome dad here?"

Zhang Ling said "ah".

Reacting and wanting to explain.

But Xiaodouzi pursed her lips unhappily and said:
"That means mom doesn't want us to go out and play together as a family. Mom, do you think that's what you think?"

Zhang Ling first glanced at Li Xiang fiercely.

Then he shook his head and said to Xiaodouzi:
"No, you misunderstood mom. Mom didn't..."

Maybe Xiaodouzi's status in Zhang Ling's mind is very good.

Zhang Ling wanted to speak more fluently.

He actually swallowed all the toothpaste foam in his mouth directly into his stomach.

This is also why toothpaste is rich in mint.

From the esophagus to the intestines and stomach, there is a refreshing and fire-reducing feeling.

So Zhang Ling speaks fluently.

But the tone of his speech lost the anxious and angry feeling at the beginning.

Maybe that's why.

This also made Xiaodouzi misunderstand that she was kidnapped yesterday.

Her status in Zhang Ling's mother's heart is also not as good as before.

Why does Xiaodouzi think so?

That's because Xiaodouzi read some unremarkable villain books in school.

So Xiaodouzi took it for granted that her situation was like a story told in a little book.

A girl in ancient times was kidnapped by bandits.

No matter whether the girl has been bullied by bandits or not.

The girl's reputation will be seriously affected.

In turn, the girl's status in the hearts of her parents and relatives will be greatly reduced.

So Xiaodouzi interpreted the meaning of Zhang Ling's neglect from her words and deeds.

So she began to suspect that the words Zhang Ling said to her were all lies.

A child is a child.

Mentally immature.

If you think about it again, what Zhang Ling's mother just said was a lie.

Then Zhang Ling is willing to lie to her.

That is enough to prove that she still has a high status in Zhang Ling's mind.

However, the taste of happiness is obtained through deception.

Naturally, it is not as good as using sincerity to obtain the lasting fragrance of happiness.

If you have to choose.

Xiaodouzi must be willing to choose the latter.

Because if you want to choose the former.

Xiaodouzi would rather stay in an orphanage for the rest of her life.

I don't want to leave the orphanage and suffer the pain.

You must know that lying to others and being cheated are both extraordinary torture to yourself.

Listen to Zhang Ling's explanation.

Li Xiang's heart was in a mess.

He just wanted to simply know what Zhang Ling meant by shaking her head?
But I have never been as understanding as Xiaodouzi.

Maybe the child went through yesterday's kidnapping incident.

What was originally a simple thought suddenly became much more complicated.

to be frank.

The growth of Xiaodouzi in this sense.

Li Xiang didn't want to see it.

In his heart, he hated Zhang Yu for kidnapping Xiaodouzi.

And the real murderer behind all this.

When he finds out who is the real culprit behind the scenes?
He vowed to make these bastards pay a heavy price for their actions.

of course!

Everything has its priorities.

The most important thing at the moment is to solve the problem that Xiaodouzi just created.

He recalled Zhang Ling's frightening look just now.

This was obviously misunderstood by Zhang Ling.

He misunderstood that what Xiaodouzi just said was instigated by him.

Because of what Zhang Ling just explained to Xiaodouzi.

There is a hint of Li Xiang's conspiracy between the lines.

what should we do?

I think there is only one way to go now.

That is to help Zhang Ling explain the misunderstanding to Xiaodouzi.

He took advantage of a pause in the conversation between mother and daughter and said:

"Xiaodouzi, my mother has explained to you that this was a misunderstanding. But what happened to you? Now even the mother you once trusted the most has begun to doubt it. Then I want to ask you, my child. Who can you trust from now on?"

Xiaodouzi said the three words "I believe" and couldn't continue.

She wanted to naturally say that she believed in Li Xiang as her father.

But I realized that what Li wanted to say was absolutely correct.

Now she is beginning to doubt even her mother whom she once trusted the most.

So how much trust does she have left in her father?

Think about it.

Xiaodouzi finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

Although the little guy can't express clearly what's wrong with his behavior?
But the person has sincerely started to apologize to Zhang Ling and admit her mistake.

A comforting "It's okay."

As a family of three, you look at me and I look at you...

In the end, the three of them hugged each other and smiled brightly and happily.

Yan Yuan has been standing aside watching the show.

Inexplicably, there were ripples of jealousy in his heart.

So some people took the initiative to make a weird sound like they were sour after eating acidic food and said:

"Oh, I'm talking about Zhang Ling. Can you, the three of you, be a little restrained? Please don't abuse the dog at will, okay?"

Xiaodouzi was the first to look at Yan Yuan doubtfully and said:
"Dog abuse! Aunt Yan Yuan, please tell me where there are dogs? Xiaodouzi likes cats, dogs and other small animals. I promise that I will never abuse small animals."

Because of what Xiaodouzi said.

Yan Yuan's proud smile froze instantly.

Then an increasingly intense bitter taste gradually appeared on his face.

Zhang Ling and Li Xiang looked at each other briefly and burst into laughter.

Xiaodouzi sensed that something was wrong with the current atmosphere.

So I asked with a little caution:
"Mom and Dad, look at Aunt Yan Yuan. Did I just say something wrong?"

How should I say this?

to be frank.

They are not willing to expose Xiaodouzi to these popular Internet terms prematurely.

Because they all felt that they let Xiaodouzi come into contact too early.

It is bound to deviate from Xiaodouzi's three views.

But the current situation seems to be the time when I have to explain to Xiaodouzi.

So Zhang Ling and Li Xiang both felt very embarrassed.

Wu Man had been standing silently observing all this from a distance.

It seemed that he understood the dilemma of the two of them.

At this time, he took the initiative to come over.

She showed a kind smile, stretched out her hand and gently pinched her chubby little face and said:

"You little clever guy! Didn't your Chinese teacher teach you what metaphors are when you were in school?"

Xiaodouzi suddenly understood and said:
"Oh, I understand. Aunt Wu Man means that Aunt Yan Yuan compared herself to a dog, right?"


Why did Yan Yuan feel something was wrong when he heard this?

Yan Yuan wanted to give her own explanation for this.

But Zhang Ling and others all agreed with Xiaodouzi's understanding.

As a result, even if Yan Yuan wanted to explain, there seemed to be no need to explain.

What's especially important is that Zhang Ling kept winking to prevent her from explaining.

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