Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 424: How about marrying me?

Chapter 424: How about marrying me?
never mind!

Yan Yuan seemed to understand Zhang Ling's intentions.

In the end, I chose to endure it and not explain.

However, it was Xiaodouzi who made Yan Yuan speechless.

She really didn't want to answer the question.

Xiaodouzi, however, kept pestering Yan Yuan to answer.

This is like forcing her to admit that she is a dog!
Especially Wu Man, a bad guy!

He even deliberately stood in Xiaodouzi's shoes and helped push her along.

She tried to beg Zhang Ling to help her say a few words.

But Zhang Ling seemed to be enjoying it and pretended not to see her eyes asking for help.


The sensitivity made her feel a little chilly on her back.

He is no longer as innocent as before.

despite this.

That was why the negative emotions that had just arisen in her heart quickly dissipated.

She couldn't figure out why Xiaodouzi was so sensitive?

Yan Yuan could only grit his teeth and nod in admission.

However, he only expressed half of his words when he found that Zhang Ling had returned to the bathroom and disappeared.

Zhang Ling suddenly stood up and shouted:

Think of this.

This child is so protective of his parents at such a young age.

One person is Zhang Pengtian.

Yan Yuan was happy because of what Wu Man just said.

He even took the initiative to accuse Yan Yuan of being a bad person who made fun of his mother behind her back.

Wu Man then got annoyed in front of Xiaodouzi.

Her uncle would never take the initiative to say a word to her.

"Oh my God! Why am I sitting here eating before I've even finished brushing my teeth?"

It was also difficult to conceal her perfect image in his mind.

Yan Yuan was a little uneasy.

Even though Xiaodouzi just accused her of being a bad person.

He actually laughed out loud unkindly.

The culprit who caused all this was the villain who abducted Xiaodouzi and put it in a box yesterday.

Then he showed a very angry look and sent out the word "Go away".

Yan Yuan did not expect this behavior of his which was usually considered normal.

Yan Yuan saw the embarrassed look on Li Xiang's face.

It's obvious that this kid's movements are incredible.

Things have become abnormal here at Xiaodouzi today.

After observing myself for a while, I realized that she actually had a toothbrush in her hand.

She glanced briefly before hastily looking away.

Based on Yan Yuan's understanding of his uncle.

As soon as Zhang Ling sat down, she felt something was wrong.

Deliberately leaned into Yan Yuan's ear and whispered:
"Well, that's right! Yan Yuan, you sacrifice yourself so much for your child. From today on, you make me look higher on you."

As long as she doesn't deliberately make herself uncomfortable.

"The meal is ready. Stop chatting and come and eat."

But when I see another person is Xiaodouzi.

Li Xiang was going to take this opportunity to say a few more naughty words.

For example, even if Zhang Ling doesn’t brush her teeth.

After hearing this, Yan Yuan raised her hand and pushed Wu Man away.

Yan Yuan soon felt two pairs of displeased eyes staring at her.

To her, Wu Man's words were somewhat like the highest praise from the unit leader.

Zhang Pengtian's words brought everyone to the dinner table.

From the bottom of her heart, she still sympathized with Xiaodouzi's unfortunate experience yesterday.

to this end!

Yan Yuan wanted Xiaodouzi to feel better.

So she took the initiative to compromise and admit her mistake, saying that she shouldn't have said bad things about Zhang Ling behind her back just now.

What's especially important is that Xiaodouzi's face is filled with a smile of understanding for Yan Yuan.

This smile looks so bright on the surface.

You can faintly feel the child's smile.

They have lost a lot of the innocence that children of this age should have.

So she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

What happened to her, Yan Yuan, recently?
It seems like everything I do is wrong.

It’s okay to be disliked by adults.

Now I am starting to be disliked by children.

Can be imagined.

She, Yan Yuan, does have some problems as a person.

So Yan Yuan weighed it in his mind.

I plan to take advantage of Zhang Ling’s family’s outing today.

I deliberately stayed at home to talk to Zhang Pengtian.

Trying to hear some answers from her uncle that could solve her problem.

After all, Zhang Pengtian is considered an elder who watched her grow up.

Apart from Zhang Ling, probably only her uncle understood her best.

This morning seems destined to be unusual.

Halfway through breakfast.

The knock on the door sounded again.

Xiaodouzi seemed to have had a premonition of who the visitor was?
So he jumped off the chair first and shouted to open the door.

Zhang Ling quickly followed him uneasy.

The moment I saw Xiaodouzi open the door.

Muzi stood at the door wearing a gray and white sportswear.

This child seemed to be very friendly to Muzi because of what happened yesterday.

In front of Zhang Ling, she threw herself into the other person's arms and called her "Aunt Muzi".

Zhang Ling felt quite uncomfortable when she saw this.

I feel like the phrase "Aunt Muzi" is a variation of my mother's name.

The keen Muzi noticed Zhang Ling's thoughts.

He reached out and stroked the child's head, looked at Zhang Ling and explained with a smile:
"Don't get me wrong. This little guy has a really sensitive sense of smell. She probably noticed that I brought her a small gift again."

Xiaodouzi heard the word "gift".

The little eyes are emitting dazzling light.

He asked even more expectantly:

"Auntie, what gift did you bring to Xiaodouzi this time? I..."

As he spoke, Muzi placed the small gift box hidden behind his back in front of Xiaodouzi.

Zhang Ling saw the scolding Xiaodouzi's hand stretching out to receive the gift box.

At the same time, he was a little embarrassed and gave Xiaodouzi a wink to calm down.

After Xiaodouzi lowered his head obviously unhappy, he continued:
"It always costs you so much. How does this make us mother and son embarrassed?"

Muzi motioned to Xiaodouzi to take away the gift box, but to no avail.

Then he waved to Zhang Ling and explained:
"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. She's a little girl. She should be raised like a princess."

Zhang Ling retorted firmly:

"Muzi, your behavior can easily spoil the child."

Muzi also knew the consequences of his actions in his heart.

But her behavior was a test for Zhang Ling.

Let’s see if Zhang Ling is qualified to be a qualified mother.

So I deliberately pretended to be confused and said:

"As a rich girl, I am the most popular parenting concept at the moment. Could this popular concept be wrong?"

Zhang Ling explained:
"What's popular may not be suitable for everyone. How can you copy other people's ideas across the board? It's better to educate according to the actual situation of each family."

Muzi smiled and nodded and said:

"Oh, what you said seems to make sense."

Zhang Ling continued:
"I don't want this child to become a useless person without the life of a princess. He will also develop a useless person with princess disease. So please don't pamper Xiaodouzi like this, okay?"

Muzi nodded sincerely and said "Okay."

He looked at the small gifts prepared for Xiaodouzi.

I thought it wouldn't be good to just take it back.

So Muzi went on to say:
"That Zhang Ling, please wait a moment."

Zhang Linggang obeyed her father's wishes and invited Muzi to invite him inside.

They all turned around and took Xiaodouzi for two steps.

After hearing Muzi's call, he stopped and looked back in confusion and asked:
"what's up?"

Muzi deliberately shook the gift box in his hand towards Xiaodouzi.

Confirm that Xiaodouzi really wants this gift.

So he opened his mouth and said to Zhang Ling:
"You see, I have already bought all the gifts for this child. Since the gifts are customized, it is not easy for me to return them. It would be a waste for me to throw them away."

Xiaodouzi shouted excitedly when he heard this:

"No, mom can't throw it away."

Zhang Ling heard this and looked down at Xiaodouzi's expectant eyes.

Her heart began to compromise...

Muzi struck while the iron was hot and said:

"For the sake of what happened to the child yesterday. In order to make Xiaodouzi happy, let the child accept it this time."

Zhang Ling said the word "this" slightly hesitantly. Muzi obviously felt that Zhang Ling's attitude was not as firm as it was at the beginning.

So she struck while the iron was hot and continued to Zhang Ling:
"I promise not to give random gifts to my children unless there is a special occasion in the future. Do you think so?"


Muzi looked at Zhang Ling with eyes full of expectation.

I thought to myself, it was just to give you the gift you wanted.

Auntie, I have worked very hard.

If this doesn't convince your mother.

Xiaodouzi, you can’t blame me!


Zhang Ling finally felt that it was time to give Xiaodouzi a gift because of what happened yesterday.

Originally, this gift should have been prepared by her mother.

Now Muzi was ready to take the lead.

No matter how she thought about this, Zhang Ling felt extremely uncomfortable inside.

A "Okay".

Xiaodouzi happily hugged Muzi's hand.

Even before I took it apart, I was already smiling happily.

After Zhang Ling asked Xiaodouzi to express her gratitude to Muzi.

He felt that Xiaodouzi’s behavior was a bit strange and said:
"Xiaodouzi, why don't you open it and see if you like the gift Aunt Muzi gave you?"

First of all, Xiaodouzi was very perfunctory when expressing his gratitude to Muzi.

That perfunctory feeling was like the gift Muzi gave her that she deserved.

Zhang Ling didn't care too much about Xiaodouzi's misfortune yesterday.

Secondly, it feels like Xiaodouzi already knows what the gift is.

So I smiled and said "I like" without hesitation.

The last thing I want to say is that Xiaodouzi seemed to have accurately predicted Muzi's arrival.

That's why I'm so happy when I hear the knock on the door.

He rushed to open the door happily.

She had seen Xiaodouzi open the door twice this morning.

Xiaodouzi was significantly more happy to see Muzi after opening the door than Li Xiang.

This is probably because Xiaodouzi knew that Muzi had the gift she wanted.

That's right!

Xiaodouzi did know about the gift Muzi sent.

Because yesterday after the little guy came out of the box.

Muzi wanted to calm down Xiaodouzi's excitement as soon as possible.

So I promised Xiaodouzi that I could ask for whatever gifts I wanted.

Bring it to Xiaodouzi the next time we meet.

That's why Xiaodouzi was so close to Muzi yesterday.

of course!

Muzi's gift was not given in vain.

Xiaodouzi felt that the gift from Muzi was just in vain.

I always feel a little guilty.

It also goes against Zhang Ling’s mother’s careful teachings to her.

That’s why I was waiting for my parents to come back.

Privately, he promised to help Muzi.

Because the little guy saw that Muzi took the initiative to contact his parents because he wanted to ask for something.

Muzi was a little surprised by Xiaodouzi's expression at that time!
But when I think about it carefully, I feel that there is nothing wrong with it.

Because children in orphanages will more or less observe the words and deeds of adults.

This infers the preferences of adults.

This is also to make myself feel more comfortable in the orphanage.

Therefore, the ability of children in orphanages to observe words and emotions is much better than that of their normal peers.

These are cruel parents who deserve to be judged.

He ruthlessly helped the children in the orphanage develop survival skills ahead of their peers.

So Muzi readily accepted Xiaodouzi's proposal.

The father saw that Muzi had not asked Zhang Ling to bring him over.

So it was like entertaining a dear daughter whom I had not seen for a long time.

He came to the door in person and pulled Muzi to the dining table.

He even drove away Yan Yuan who was sitting close to him on his right.

Let Muzi sit on his right side.

Yan Yuan felt a little unhappy about this.

But it still depends on the gift Muzi once gave her.

Take the initiative to endure this unfair treatment.

Zhang Pengtian also enthusiastically helped Muzi pick up the vegetables.

He even took away the crystal cakes and steamed dumplings that Yan Yuan wanted to eat and placed them in front of Muzi's eyes.

Yan Yuan couldn't bear it anymore and shouted at Zhang Pengtian:
"Uncle, you gave all that to Muzi. But I also want to eat it."

Seeing this, Muzi compromised and let Yan Yuan eat.

But Zhang Pengtian immediately stopped Muzi's behavior.

He even turned to Yan Yuan with a disgusted look on his face and said:
"Look at you, you never seem to have enough food no matter what you eat. It's not like you're not being given food."

Yan Yuan heard this.

I thought I had an opportunity.

So I took the opportunity to snatch a piece of crystal cake.

Unexpectedly, he was stopped by Zhang Pengtian.

Yan Yuan said with a bit of coquettishness:

"Oh, uncle, you told me to eat it. Why are you still stopping me?"

Zhang Pengtian then slowly explained:

"That's right! I'm letting you eat it. But not now."

Yan Yuan asked urgently:

"When was that?"

Zhang Pengtian looked at Muzi with a smile exuding rich doting and said:

"At least you have to wait until Miss Muzi has finished eating. If you don't want to eat, then you can eat."

After hearing this, Yan Yuan was so angry that she stamped her feet and shouted "uncle".

But Zhang Pengtian's intention still did not change.

Yan Yuan wanted to continue eating here in the future.

I could only complain that Zhang Pengtian was bullying others with great displeasure.

But Yan Yuan still had a smile on his face.

She didn't dare to let Zhang Pengtian notice the complaint in her heart.

This is the necessary awareness to live under someone else’s roof.

However, Yan Yuan is also a person who will not compromise easily.

during the rest of the meal.

Yan Yuan didn't look at anyone.

Just stare at Muzi.

Muzi picked up a piece of her favorite crystal cake.

She would make a heavy breathing sound on purpose.

It was as if she was expressing the unhappiness in her heart.

But when Muzi noticed Yan Yuan's hostility.

Turn around and look over.

And there was no hint of hostility in Yan Yuan's smiling face.

So Muzi could only ask:
"Yan Yuan, why do you always look at me like this?"

Yan Yuan glanced at Zhang Pengtian subconsciously.

I thought that she would not be stupid enough to reveal her purpose directly.

So he replied with a smile:

"Muzi, you are so good-looking. Even though I am a woman, I can't help but want to look at you more. You said it would be great if you were a man with your appearance!"

Yan Yuan looked at it for a long time.

There was indeed a faint thought that Muzi was a man.

Because Yan Yuan felt that she had seen many beautiful women before.

No matter how beautiful a woman is, she will not be so attracted to her.

But after seeing Muzi's elegant female form.

Yan Yuan quickly believed that the beautiful women she had seen before were just ordinary people.

In Yan Yuan's ideology, he had long believed that Muzi was the kind of otherworldly fairy.

in this way!

The logic that attracted her to want to see Muzi more made sense.

"M... man!"

Yan Yuan's reminder made Muzi's heart tighten.

I think a woman's sixth sense is very powerful.

Could it be that Yan Yuan noticed the fact that Muzi was originally a man?

Yan Yuan's face immediately became more serious.

She held one of Muzi's hands in her hands.

It’s very similar to the picture of expressing affectionately to your lover:
"Muzi, you are already a woman in this life. I won't say anything else."

Muzi said "Ah" slightly nervously.

Yan Yuan continued to express affectionately:

"In the next life, if you become such a beautiful man, please agree to marry me?"

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