Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 431 The water tower has arrived

Chapter 431 The water tower has arrived
Li Xiang didn't panic at all when faced with Wu Man's accusation.

It wasn't until he swallowed the meatballs in his mouth with enjoyment that he spoke:

"Is it too much? I don't think so at all."

Wu Manjian couldn't make sense in front of Li Xiang.

So he stamped his feet angrily and looked at Zhang Ling and said:

"Your daughter is being bullied. As a mother, you should say something!"

Only then did Zhang Ling react.

She looked at Li Xiang with serious eyes first.

Finally, he fell on Xiaodouzi and said lightly:

"Have you realized your mistake from your father?"

Xiaodouzi hasn't answered yet.

Wu Man was the first to shout "What" in surprise.

Then he said with some confusion:
"Zhang Ling, did I hear you right? You asked Xiaodouzi if he knew he was wrong?"

Zhang Ling did not look at Wu Man. She stared at Xiaodouzi with serious eyes and said:

"You heard me right! I was just asking if Xiaodouzi knew he was wrong."

Xiaodouzi, who was hesitant at first, understood that her mother's problem could not be avoided.

Then he answered:

"Xiaodouzi knows that he is wrong!"

Xiaodouzi's answer shocked Wu Man even more.

Wu Man almost subconsciously looked at Zhang Ling and continued to ask:

"Where did she go wrong?"

Zhang Ling still didn't look at Wu Man.

He continued to stare at Xiaodouzi with serious eyes and said:

"Answer your Aunt Wu Man, tell me where you went wrong?"

When Xiaodouzi heard this, he looked at Wu Man with some embarrassment, then looked at Li with a hint of resentment in his eyes and wanted to say:

"I'm sorry, Dad, I know I was wrong! Xiaodouzi shouldn't have been too happy before eating the meatballs..."

Wu Man finally understood.

As the saying goes, it's not like a family doesn't live in the same house.

It seems that this sentence is really correct!
They were definitely born as a family of three.

That's why we can understand the meaning of each other's words so tacitly.

As a result, she, an outsider, became an unreasonable outsider.

Very embarrassing!

This outdoor hot pot meal is over.

Maybe it's because of the beautiful outdoor scenery.

The four people present all ate more than usual.

despite this.

No one said they were full.

Maybe Xiaodouzi didn’t eat the last meatball.

That’s why she said she still wanted to eat.

To be honest, all the food they had prepared when they came was finished.

Zhang Ling could only make an excuse for Xiaodouzi's health.

She has eaten a lot more than usual.

Tasty words.

The family will meet for a picnic next time.

These words are exactly what Xiaodouzi wants to hear.

So I quickly asked:
"Mom, when is the next time?"

Zhang Ling is really hard to say.

So I subconsciously looked at Li and wanted to say:

"It depends on your dad. When he is free. Let's go on a picnic."

After hearing Xiaodouzi's "Dad", Li Xiang replied with a hint of panic:

"Let me think about that... let's do this. Isn't Xiaodouzi taking the joint entrance examination soon?"

Xiaodouzi let out an unpleasant "ah" in her heart.

Li Xiang continued without paying attention:
"If your grades can be among the top three in the class, our family will have another picnic. What do you think, Xiaodouzi?"

Zhang Ling thought that what Li Xiang said was the reaction a father should have.

Always care about your children's academic performance.

After all, at Xiaodouzi's age, she should focus on her studies.

Use this method to motivate Xiaodouzi to study hard.

A good idea indeed.

Xiaodouzi obviously hesitated!

Because her current results are slightly above the middle of the class.

It is indeed very difficult to get into the top three in the class.

But the feeling of a family of three going out for a picnic is so wonderful.

She didn't want this picnic to be her last.

So Xiaodouzi gritted his teeth and nodded to Li Xiang in agreement.

But after Xiaodouzi agreed, he said a little unconfidently:

"Dad, let me tell you, if Xiaodouzi doesn't get good results in this joint entrance examination. Then..."

Xiaodouzi couldn't organize his words for a while.

As he spoke, he stuttered a little.

Li Xiang reacted quickly after hearing a few keywords about the exam.

So following Xiaodouzi's words, he waved his hand and said:
"I understand. Xiaodouzi, listen to me."

Xiaodouzi stopped his meaningless stammering and said "Yeah".

Li Xiang continued:
"From now on, we will be among the top three in the class in mid-term and final exams. Then we will go out for a picnic as a family of three."

Xiaodouzi finally learned it!

After hearing what Li Xiang said, he immediately jumped up without getting excited.

Instead, he turned to look at Zhang Ling.

Because the clever little guy understands that Zhang Ling has the final say.

When she saw Zhang Ling nodded in agreement with Li Xiang's promise.

Only then did Xiaodouzi dance and express his inner joy.

After dinner!

Li Xiang gave Xiaodouzi a garbage bag.

Let the trash left at the site of their picnic be picked up.

Li Xiang took the initiative to put out the fire and put stoves, pots and other unused items in the car.

It's still early days.

Xiaodouzi saw a water tower standing not far away.

After hearing Li Xiang introduce that the water tower has the basic function of storing and transferring domestic tap water.

Xiaodouzi was particularly interested and wanted to go and have a look.

Even if Li wants to say that the water tower he sees now is just an abandoned building that symbolizes an era.

So I couldn’t see anything in the past.

But when he heard Zhang Ling say that she had never seen a water tower.

He said that he really wanted to go over and explore the working principle of the water tower.

Li Xiang immediately stopped thinking about not wanting to go.

When I saw the weeds on the road leading to the water tower, they were almost half a meter high.

He took the initiative to carry Xiaodouzi on his back before leaving.


Xiaodouzi almost tripped over weeds several times when he saw Zhang Ling's mother.

So there was a slight thought in my mind that I didn’t want to go.

But Zhang Ling chose the goal of cultivating Xiaodouzi.

The attitude of never giving up on your goals no matter what difficulties you encounter.

Leading by example, Xiaodouzi did not listen to Xiaodouzi's temporary retreat.

Xiaodouzi understood Zhang Ling's intention.

And gave up the idea of ​​giving up halfway.

But Xiaodouzi secretly vowed in his heart that he would never go his own way before deciding anything.

You must take the lead in learning to be considerate of the people around you.

Try not to cause trouble or harm to those around you.

The water tower has arrived.

I saw that the water tower was a grenade-style cylindrical water tower built with red bricks.

He pushed open the decaying wooden arch and walked in.

Looking up at the blue sky above the water tower.

I can't help but think of the story of sitting in a well and looking at the sky.

Li Xiang raised his hand and pointed at the remaining iron ladders, fixed cards, etc. on the inner wall.

A brief introduction to the general water tower structure.

It is said that water towers generally have iron ladders, overflow pipes, upper and lower pipes, lightning rod wires and other equipment.

Most of these devices are designed to maintain the safe operation of water towers.

Xiaodouzi asked with some confusion after hearing this;
"Dad, how come I haven't seen a few of those things you mentioned?"

An awkward smile appeared on Li Xiang's face and he explained:
"That's because after the water tower was abandoned, someone demolished all the steel that could be demolished."

Xiaodouzi said a little inquiringly:
"Where did all the steel go after it was dismantled?"

Li Xiang explained:
"Some are sold for money, some are used where needed, and some are recast into steel. In short, they are all more useful than leaving them to rust in an abandoned water tower." Xiaodouzi said "Oh" with some disappointment. After a while, he continued:
"Then why don't you use it?"

Li Xiang explained:
"That's because with the unified water supply from the water company, the safety of tap water can be guaranteed to the greatest extent, and resources such as land and equipment can also be saved..."

Xiaodouzi must have not fully understood Li Xiang's explanation.

But words such as "safety" and "saving" can also be roughly understood.

In short, Xiaodouzi seemed to have nothing but disappointment.

So the little mouth made the sound of "oh" again.

Li wanted to say:
"Listen to Xiaodouzi's voice. Do you regret coming here?"

Xiaodouzi nodded without hesitation and said:
"If I had known there was nothing bare in here, I wouldn't have come."

Wu Man had seen the water tower before.

I didn’t agree with it at first.

Because she is the same as Li Xiang.

I had long expected that Xiaodouzi would regret it when he saw the current dilapidated water tower.

So Wu Man poured cold water on him and said:

"But the actual situation is that you are here."

A look of self-blame appeared on Xiaodouzi's face and he sighed and said:
"It won't make my parents scratch their clothes. No matter how you think about it, this seems like a big loss."

Zhang Ling raised her hand and touched her little head and said:

"Silly boy, don't think like that. At least we have all witnessed the existence of the water tower, a product of history."

Xiaodouzi asked:

"Mom, what's the use of this?"

Zhang Ling explained:
"History always needs to be remembered."

Xiaodouzi didn't expect that Zhang Ling's mother would stop talking after just one sentence.

Still looking at Zhang Ling with expectant little eyes.

Until Xiaodouzi saw Wu Man put a hand on Zhang Ling's shoulder and reminded:

"We've seen what we need to see. There's no point in staying here any longer. Let's go, Zhang Ling."

Zhang Ling looked at Wu Man and showed no intention of leaving.

He just smiled lightly and said nothing.

Wu Man thought the reasons she gave for leaving were not convincing enough.

So, like Zhang Ling, they all looked at Xiaodouzi and continued:

"What's more, it's chilly standing here and being blown by the wind. Don't let the child catch a cold."

Xiaodouzi has lost interest in this place.

Under Wu Man's reminder, a cold war broke out unconsciously.

The little mouth also called "Mom" immediately.

Although there is no expression of what to do.

But Zhang Ling already knew Xiaodouzi's intentions.

The group of people returned the same way and came to the car.

I saw that the area where the hands were found growing in the soil had been cordoned off by the police.

A policeman even came over to ask about the situation.

Li Xiang asked Zhang Ling and Xiaodouzi to get in the car first without thinking too much.

He negotiated with the police alone.

Xiaodouzi sitting in the car.

You probably guessed what happened.

So he asked Zhang Ling what the police wanted to do with his father.
Zhang Ling smiled and said perfunctorily:
"It's nothing, the police got lost. I asked dad specifically for directions."

Wu Man burst out laughing after hearing what Zhang Ling said.

Xiaodouzi then asked:

"Auntie, why are you laughing?"

Wu Man felt the threatening and scrutinizing gaze from Zhang Ling.

Said with some caution:

"Do you need a reason to laugh? Not necessarily. I just want to laugh."

Zhang Ling shook her head and said:
"No, your smile just now was obviously not innocent."

at this time.

After some pulling.

Wu Man had already thought of words to respond.

He deliberately sighed without any panic and said:
"Okay. Now that you've seen it, I won't hide it. My smile is indeed not innocent."

Xiaodouzi also became interested and asked:

"Auntie, why are you laughing? Xiaodouzi also wants to know."

Wu Man reached out and touched the child's earlobe and said softly:

"You kid. Why do you want to know everything?"

Xiaodouzi laughed innocently.

Wuman continued:
"It's not impossible if you want to know. However, it depends on whether your mother allows you to know."

Xiaodouzi turned to look at Zhang Ling with some confusion and called "Mom".

Zhang Ling stared at Wu Man with cold eyes and said:
"Wu Man, what you said is really interesting! We are all adults. Don't make yourself look like a child who needs to be taught by adults to even speak."

After saying that, she glanced at Xiaodouzi.

That's right!

She was just reminding Wu Man to be careful with what he said.

Don't act like a naive child.

You can say whatever you want.

Wu Man was stunned for a moment and said with a smile:
"Yes! Xiaodouzi, it seems that your mother has no objection to what I am going to say next."

Xiaodouzi urged even more excitedly:
"Auntie, tell me quickly!"

This strong sense of expectation comes from the younger generation.

This made Wuman feel extremely happy physically and mentally.

There was a moment when she suddenly thought that Xiaodouzi was her child.

She was just answering questions for her children on a routine basis.

This is a supreme honor.

So Wu Man glanced at Zhang Ling first and said:

"Honestly. I really didn't laugh at anything. But you must not believe it!"

Zhang Ling just showed a disdainful smile.

It seems to be silently saying that if anyone believes you.

It's better to make me believe that there are ghosts in this world.

Wu Man did not stop because of Zhang Ling's disdainful expression.

She then said to Xiaodouzi, pretending to be a role model for others:

"Since Xiaodouzi also asked me why I was laughing? That means I probably really had some idea before I laughed. What is this idea?"

As he spoke, Wu Man held his abdomen with one hand and naturally raised his other elbow.

At the same time, the other hand was placed naturally on his mouth, making a thoughtful expression.

He hesitated for a moment and then said:

"Well, I think I think that Xiaodouzi's mother, Xiaodouzi's mother, is too good at talking. She can always say something with a pun..."

The police are lost.

On the one hand there is the literal policeman who is lost;

On the other hand, when police are handling cases, they often lose their way in discovering the truth of the case.

So it doesn’t matter what the actual situation is.

They are also a kind of lost.

of course!

The above are two situations where police officers get lost.

Wu Man said everything under the attack of Xiaodouzi's probing questions.

Xiaodouzi already had a rough judgment in his mind.

Because so much time has passed.

If the police are simply asking for directions.

It's time for dad to come back.

Look at the cordon surrounding the place where the hands grow in the soil.

That is enough to prove that the thing that looks like a human hand is really a human hand.

A flash of panic flashed across Xiaodouzi's face.

But he quickly calmly said to Zhang Ling with relief:

"Oh, Mom, what do you think Dad will be like?"

Although Zhang Ling doesn't know exactly what's going on?

But she saw worry about Xiaodouzi on Li Xiang's face when he met the police.

Then he recalled Li Xiang’s hurried instructions before leaving with the police.

He told her not to let Xiaodouzi be stimulated anymore.

Zhang Ling already had a rough understanding.

It is speculated that Li Xiang deliberately concealed some terrible fact about Xiaodouzi.

The arrival of the police made it possible that Li Xiang's deliberate concealment could no longer be concealed.

If the kidnapping hadn’t happened yesterday.

Zhang Ling doesn't have to worry about this.

Direct and generous admission is the second situation mentioned by Wu Man.

How to do?
She weighed it carefully and replied with a smile:
"Okay. Xiaodouzi, your Aunt Wuman is right. The police really need to find out some information from your father because of a case..."

Why did Zhang Ling admit the truth directly?

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