Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 432 I understand you

Chapter 432 I understand you
She saw determination and strength in Xiaodouzi's eyes.

Recalling Xiaodouzi's various behaviors after experiencing the kidnapping incident yesterday.

They felt that Xiaodouzi was not as fragile as they thought.

in the growth of children.

We shouldn't always be afraid that our children won't be able to tolerate terrible things.

Thus preventing any opportunity for children to learn about the sinister side of society.

We should let nature take its course and experience it with our children.

And do a good job of psychological counseling of children in a timely manner.

Because people should grow after experiencing various events.

Children cannot be allowed to grow up under the care of their parents.

Just like Lu Xun’s point of view.

Treat the child as a person.

Can the child grow up healthily?

The key depends on the education and influence of guardians and teachers on children.


Social functional departments should perform their respective duties and do their best to eliminate negative factors that affect the healthy growth of children.

For example, the classification of audio-visual, text and other works, the true underage model of electronic product development, etc.

at this time.

Zhang Ling said "oh" calmly when she saw Xiaozui.

There was even a flash of perfunctory and disappointed emotion.

It was as if Zhang Ling had expected this answer.


Xiaodouzi was not interested in this answer at all.

Do not!
It's not so much that I'm not interested at all.

It would be better to say that Xiaodouzi didn't want to be interested at all.

The adult world is too complicated for Xiaodouzi.

I just want to stay in the innocent childhood for a little longer.

This seems to contradict Xiaodouzi's desire to grow up quickly and be filial to his parents.

Human beings are inherently a complex of contradictions.

Besides, this kind of contradiction is not a contradiction to a certain extent.

Because there is no contradiction between growing up and the psychological age of being in a simple childhood.

Zhang Ling's nervous heart finally relaxed a little.


The sound of the car door being opened sounded.

Xiaodouzi said impatiently:
"Dad, you're finally back! Those policemen are so stupid. It takes them so long to ask for directions."

"Ask for directions?"

Li Xiang didn't react for a while.

After seeing Zhang Ling winking, she suddenly understood and continued:
"Yes, Xiaodouzi is right! They are indeed too stupid."

Xiaodouzi listened and looked at Zhang Ling and happily called her mother.

It was like showing off that she was right.

Zhang Ling smiled and nodded without saying a word.

Li Xiangze went on to explain:
"I dictated how to go? They couldn't remember it. I could only spend time drawing a picture for them..."

The more Xiaodouzi listened, the more unhappy he became and asked with a slumped face:

"Don't they know there is navigation?"

Li Xiang smiled and said:

"Yes! However, I heard that it won't be used for a long time. And today's mission is urgent. So I thought of asking for directions."

Xiaodouzi’s little eyes flashed and asked again:
"Ah, the navigation thing can break if it is not used for a long time?"

Li Xiang nodded and replied:
"Of course! Electronic products like navigation will not be used for a long time. The electronic components will be damaged due to temperature, humidity and other conditions. In the end, they will become unusable."

Xiaodouzi continued to ask:

"Then why don't they usually use it?"

Li Xiang said "uh".

Think about it for a moment and explain:

"Maybe the path I usually take is too familiar. There is no need to use it at all. Maybe..."

His voice suddenly stopped for some unspeakable reason.

Xiaodouzi may not insist on the answer to this question.

Because she knows that her father is not them.

How is it possible to know that their navigation doesn’t work?

So Xiaodouzi then expressed that she missed her grandpa.

Ask Li Xiang to go home as quickly as possible.

His eyes returned to the place where the hands grew in the soil.

The police had already completely exhumed the body.

Based on the belongings, it was initially determined that the deceased was Zhang Yu.

Buried alive!

This method of death seems a little too cruel.

He finally struggled to stretch his hand out of the soil.

Perhaps his physical strength has been exhausted and he cannot climb out of the soil completely.

The time of death was around 12 o'clock last night.

The police had already conducted an investigation after seeing Li Xiang's car near the scene.

Li Xiang had no time to commit the crime.

Asking Li Xiang for routine questioning also hopes to get some valuable clues.

But the substitute Li Xiang is a smart man.

He cannot do anything that is detrimental to the interests of Zhihua Technology.

So even though he was 70 to 80% sure that this matter was the work of Shangguan Aoxue.

He couldn't reveal a word either.

You must know that the Shangguan family can stand firm in Wuchuan for many years.

This is not without reason.

What if one day his substitute returns to his original identity.

Shangguan Aoxue learned about today's report through some channels.

Then Li Xiang is likely to be the next Zhang Yu.

to be frank.

It had been almost half an hour since he drove away from the scene.

When he glanced at Xiaodouzi through the rearview mirror.

His mind immediately recalled the place where hands grew out of the soil.

Zhang Yu looked miserable and unwilling when someone dug him out of the soil.

He was sincerely frightened.

Even if he is an adult.

He couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't have nightmares at night.


Xiaodouzi was not allowed to see that scene.

Xiaodouzi seemed to have read Li Xiang's mind.

Called "Dad" appropriately.

This "Dad" is like a deformed word of thanks.

Li thought it sounded strangely pleasant to him.

Wu Man saw a happy smile on his face.

So he said angrily:
"Oh my, I really can't stand you guys. You show off to me that you are a happy family almost all the time."

Xiaodouzi smiled like a critical attack and said:
"Then Aunt Wuman, please hurry up and find a man to have a child. Then Xiaodouzi will have a little brother."

Wu Man then asked with some doubts:
"Why not a little sister like you?"

Xiaodouzi seemed to have guessed Wuman's problem a long time ago.

With a confident smile on her little face, she said:

"Because Xiaodouzi really wants to have a little brother who can be bullied."

Wu Man looked at Zhang Ling with some distress and said:

"Xiaodouzi wants a little brother who can be bullied, so why don't you ask your parents to have one for you?"

Xiaodouzi fell into Zhang Ling's arms like a kitten and rubbed her little face, "Of course, because the little brother born from mom and dad needs to be loved and loved. He can't be bullied!"

Wu Manxian looked at Xiaodouzi in surprise and said "Ah".

I thought to myself, this is really the nature of a child!

Li Xiang, who was driving, found it very interesting and laughed out loud.

Although Zhang Ling also smiled.

But the smile was obviously a little more embarrassing.

That's because she didn't realize that Xiaodouzi had bullying thoughts before.

In other words, bullying is the evil hidden deep in everyone's heart.

As a mother, she failed to discover and guide Xiaodouzi in time.

We must learn to suppress the emergence of such ugly thoughts.

That's why Zhang Ling was embarrassed because of her negligence.

Feeling humiliated and ashamed due to embarrassment.

This is a manifestation of shame.

Knowing shame is an important manifestation that distinguishes humans from animals.

That is, if people are shameless, they are no different from animals.

Still, she should feel lucky.

At least Xiaodouzi can distinguish between closeness and distance.

I know that my little brother who is close to me cannot be bullied.

This coincides with the family concept promoted in the film and television drama "Silly Spring".

That is, unite everyone in the family at all times.

Join hands to resist all external difficulties.

Zhang Ling thought of this.

I feel it is necessary to guide and remind Xiaodouzi.

People don't offend me, I don't offend people.

In order to make society more harmonious and beautiful.

The emphasis is on being kind to others.

So she gently patted the little head in her arms twice and said:

"How do you talk? Mom never taught you to bully others. Xiaodouzi, from whom did you learn to bully the weak?"

Xiaodouzi noticed something was wrong with her mother's tone of voice.

He took the initiative to sit up from his arms, looked at Zhang Ling seriously and explained:
"Mom, Xiaodouzi didn't learn to bully others. Don't get me wrong! Just now...just now I was just playing with Aunt Wuman. I didn't really want to bully my future little brother."

Zhang Ling looked at Xiaodouzi suspiciously and asked:

"Is it really just that?"

I saw those small, aggrieved eyes looking at Zhang Ling.

At the same time, a pair of small hands held Zhang Ling's big hand in his arms.

Once again, like a well-behaved cat, she rubbed her little face against Zhang Ling’s arm and said:

"Mom, please don't worry! Xiaodouzi can have a little brother. How can he be bullied if he doesn't have time to love him? Absolutely not."

When Wu Man heard this, he interrupted reluctantly and said:
"Hey, mother and daughter, wait a minute. What do you mean by singing in harmony? In the blink of an eye, the gender of my future child has been determined. Are you going too far?"

Xiaodouzi responded quickly and immediately continued:
"Yes. Mom, we seem to have gone too far. Aunt Wuman hasn't found a man like dad yet. It's really inappropriate to talk about the little brother now."

Wu Man smiled bitterly and said "Ah".

I wanted to open my mouth and explain to Xiaodouzi that he had misunderstood her.

But then I thought about why she, an adult, and a child were so worried about each other?
That way she won't look too petty.

never mind!

Besides, what Xiaodouzi said is also true.

Wu Man decided to just make a mistake.

Originally, Zhang Ling was still a little worried about how to respond to Wu Man's words?
But Xiaodouzi’s answer was not the explanation for the question.

Zhang Ling felt that there was no need to explain anymore.

As for Li Xiang.

It's like a conversation between women.

As a man, he would never say a word if he could avoid it.

This is done to prevent some people of the opposite sex with evil intentions from taking it for granted.


Xiaodouzi recounted her happy experience of eating hot pot on an outing with her parents.

The next day, I couldn't wait to share it with A Shuang.

Ah Shuang not only cast an envious look at Xiaodouzi.

He also served as a publicity ambassador.

For several days in a row, she expressed her envy of Xiaodouzi to other classmates.

At the same time, Xiaodouzi also gained many little fans (fans).

So Xiaodouzi has basically become a popular figure in the class recently.

No matter where she goes, she can see classmates casting envious glances at her.

There were even some classmates who would never take the initiative to talk to her.

Also because of eating hotpot in the suburbs.

Take the initiative to get close to Xiaodouzi and ask what you need to prepare to eat hotpot in the wild?
It can be said that the past few days have been Xiaodouzi’s highlight moments.

Xiaodouzi proudly answered all the students' questions without rejecting anyone.

She enjoys the honor brought to her by her parents very much.

However, Xiaodouzi was not very happy.

Because she has something bothering her recently.

That was after the kidnapping incident.

It is officially on the agenda for Xiaodouzi to go to a prestigious foreign school.

It's just that Xiaodouzi is a little frustrated that today is her last day in this school.

Originally, the only person she missed in school was A Shuang.

But recently she discovered that her classmates are pretty good!
Some classmates kindly reminded her to hand in her homework, some took the initiative to support and care for her after she accidentally fell down during morning exercises, and some classmates shared delicious food on each other's plates during lunch...

These friendly behaviors made Xiaodouzi feel the love from his classmates like never before.

Maybe she hasn't enjoyed enough friendly love from her classmates.

She is also worried that she will not be able to integrate into the new learning environment quickly.

And soon developed a harmonious relationship with classmates.

So Xiaodouzi began to regret the decision he made.

Little did she know that the current friendly relationship between classmates was created specially for her by A Shuang.

The purpose is to let Xiaodouzi, who is about to leave, have a good memory of his classmates.

This can be regarded as the last gift prepared by A Shuang for Xiaodouzi.

Good times always go by so fast.

Xiaodouzi didn't feel anything yet.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for school to end in the afternoon.

I heard from my parents that they would pick her up at the school gate earlier than usual today.

On the one hand, to prevent another accident on the last day;

The other party also came to the school to handle the final procedures for Xiaodouzi's transfer.

Xiaodouzi and A Shuang walked out of the school gate hand in hand, surrounded by their classmates.

After saying "Mom, Dad," some students took the initiative to stand up and say:
"Xiaodouzi, you are so happy! You can see your parents coming to pick you up. My grandma has been picking me up since I was in school."

Immediately afterwards, many students responded with voices of approval one after another.

The student who took the initiative to stand up continued with confusion and grievance:

"I really can't figure it out. Why do my parents always say they are too busy to take me home? Just once."

Xiaodouzi said based on his own situation:
"Classmate XX, don't say that. My parents sometimes don't have time to pick me up. Maybe your parents are really busy."

"No, they are not busy! They have time to party and drink with their colleagues, have time to get off work to do body care, etc. But they just don't have time to pick me up. In my opinion, I am not that important in their hearts."

Even Zhang Ling and Li Xiang felt uncomfortable hearing what classmate XX said.

Xiaodouzi really wanted to say a few words of comfort.

But after just saying a name, my throat felt so dry that I couldn't make a sound.

Student XX’s eyes were full of resentment as he continued:
"Since I'm not that important in their hearts, why did you bring me into this world in the first place? you understand my grievances, little Douzi?"

Xiaodouzi was quite touched when he heard the familiar sentence patterns!
Because she had questioned her parents like this to the dean's mother and Zhang Ling countless times.

That is, since her little Douzi is a burden and burden to her biological parents.

Why did they bring her into this world in the first place?

Are they so perverted that they want to experience the pleasure of discarding their own flesh and blood?
So Xiaodouzi nodded repeatedly and stepped forward to hug classmate XX and said in his ear:
"I understand you. But so what? We can't change their minds at the moment. But what we can do is to make ourselves stronger and happier in this world..."

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