Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 445: Going with the flow

Chapter 445: Going with the flow
That's right!

Qi Diaozhe finally understood.

Choosing to stay shamelessly is not only asking for humiliation.

She was also fed a mouthful of sweet dog food by Zhang Ling and Zhang Ling for no apparent reason.

This taste is quite unpleasant.

Weigh again and again.

He had no choice but to make the decision to listen to Zhang Ling and leave temporarily.

I will look for new opportunities in the future.

However, he was planning to leave.

He also did not forget to express his attitude to Zhang Ling stubbornly and said:
"Okay, then I'll listen to you. I'll leave now. But Zhang Ling, please remember. My leaving means that you have forgiven me for my mistakes. I will come to you again in the future."

Just when Zhang Ling wanted to angrily criticize Qi Diaozhe again.

Qi Diaozhe's feet were oiled and he could slip away really fast.

She didn't even have a chance to speak before she was out of sight.

Li Xiang said with a bit of joking:

"The last words Qi Diaozhe said. Why do they sound so familiar to me?"

Zhang Ling didn't understand what Li Xiang said for a while.

So I just looked at Li Xiang and said "uh" in confusion.

Li Xiang then said:
"I think of what Qi Diaozhe said at the end. It's a bit like the classic line from a character called Big Big Wolf in the anime that Xiaodouzi likes to watch."

Zhang Ling made a slight comparison in her mind, nodded with a smile and said:

"It does look a bit like it."

Li Xiang shook his head again and said:
"It's just that the gray wolf Qi Diaozhe is a little too stupid!"

He knew that Qi Diaozhe was a "little flea" in front of Zhang Ling in the past.

But now the flea was completely his.

He would never allow anyone to continue to use the nickname "flea" in front of Zhang Ling.

So he thought of using Big Big Wolf instead.

Zhang Ling asked subconsciously:
"Why do you say that?"

Li wanted to say:
"It's just because he's so stupid that he can't find his own red wolf. Why is he so stupid that he keeps pestering my Maine Coon cat?"

Zhang Ling accepted it happily and said with a smile:
"I didn't expect that! You are so bad as a flea."

Li Xiang then looked aggrieved and said:
"Am I bad? It seems that I am the one who feels wronged the most. This is all caused by Qi Diaozhe."

If it weren't for this guy Qi Diaozhe.

He didn't think it would be extremely difficult to pursue Zhang Ling.

So in his opinion, Qi Diaozhe was the culprit.

What's more, Qi Diaozhe still doesn't give up.

He also noticed Zhang Ling's expression when she saw Qi Diaozhe just now.

It fully shows that there is still the shadow of Qi Diaozhe deep in her heart.

So he was always on guard to prevent Zhang Ling's feelings for Qi Diaozhe from resurrecting.

He Li Xiang was really tired and aggrieved.

Zhang Ling thought Li Xiang's expression was an ordinary daily complaint.

So he said without taking it seriously:

"Then you are still very bad!"

In Li Xiang's opinion, this is the most convincing evidence that Zhang Ling subconsciously defends Qi Diaozhe.

He couldn't help but let out a deep sigh.

Then he said with a somewhat stubborn expression:

"What an injustice! Even you don't understand me so much. Who else can I turn to to express my grievances? No more. That's why I hand-drawn what happened between us into a comic. Trying to..."

Li Xiang hasn't finished speaking yet.

Zhang Ling's eyes were filled with surprise and a sense of admiration.

A "what" interrupted Li Xiang's narration.

Then he looked at Li Xiang full of expectation and excitement and said urgently:
"You can also draw comics? Come on, come on, take it out and let me see it."

Besides watching reality shows, Zhang Ling likes to watch.

Also because Xiaodouzi fell in love with reading comics (including anime).

He said that he wanted to select some suitable comics for Xiaodouzi to read in advance.

Who would have thought that reading comics is addictive.

She has read nearly a hundred comics.

But so far I haven't chosen a suitable comic for Xiaodouzi to read.

Li Xiang felt the admiration from Zhang Ling.

So he nodded with a bit of pride and said:
"I have posted my comic work on the XX website. It's called "Maine Coon Cat and Little Flea". But so far, less than ten people are reading it."

The admiration in Zhang Ling's eyes became even stronger and she smiled and said:
"I happen to be among the ten less than that."

That's right!

She chose to read this comic simply because of the name.

The content of the comics also made her fascinated by the familiarity.

Li Xiang could not conceal his excitement and said in disbelief:
"What! What did you say? You're in it!"

Li Xiang also didn't expect Zhang Ling to become her fan.

Little did they know that Zhang Ling was still the fan who was most dissatisfied with him.

Because what makes Zhang Ling a little dissatisfied is that the image of the Maine Coon cat he painted is a bit too ugly.

Except for the chubby ones.

There is no trace of the majestic and domineering sense of sight that a Maine Coon cat should have.

In particular, it left a bunch of white hair in the middle of the Maine Coon cat's head.

I have to say that having a bunch of white hair is bearable.

The most unbearable thing is that the tuft of white hair is like a spring-shaped tadpole.

There is also a tail swaying to the right in the wind with a somewhat arrogant feeling.

At first glance!
This is a Maine Coon cat with a strong evil ruffian vibe.

Reading comics also requires a sense of immersion.

Zhang Ling looked at the cartoon that had been so vilified by the author.

It’s really a show!
So she wanted to question the author's Maine Coon cats in the comics many times.

Who was he based on?

But I just heard Li want to say that the comic is appropriately adapted from the story that happened between them.

She really couldn't think of any place where she had such ugly spring comma bangs?

Think of this.

Zhang Ling's anger grew even stronger.

But the little flea looks extremely cute and lovable.

At first glance, it looks like a concentrated version of Xiaodouzi.

So far!

Zhang Ling was a little confused.

Why did Li Xiang paint the fleas that represent his image as cute as little beans?
Could it be that she wanted to prove Xiaodouzi’s extraordinary status in her heart?

If that's the case.

Zhang Ling was still very happy in her heart.

At least Li Xiang is really good to Xiaodouzi.

Because she thinks Maine Coon cats are too ugly!
It’s hard to put her in the shoes.

So she left messages under the comic many times asking the author to revise the image of the Maine Coon cat.

But the author never got back to her.

This also made Zhang Ling a little angry.


Today I finally had the pleasure to meet the author himself.

Zhang Ling's expression suddenly changed and she asked:
"Why? Li Xiang, as a comic author, why don't you always reply to my comment messages?"

Li Xiang was surprised and said with a hint of apology:
"You gave me a comment? Sorry! I really don't know."

That's right!

Li thought he really didn't know.

Because he had no intention of making money from comics.

Posting comics is also just to express some thoughts or emotions in life.

Expressed in the form of comics.

That's it!

The negative emotions buried deep in his heart will not affect his work and life.

So Li Xiang never thought about running his own comic works.

Naturally, I don’t read comics reviews.

Even if there are language errors in the comics.

He was too lazy to modify it.

Zhang Ling obviously didn't want to believe it and said:
"What? How dare you say you don't know!"

This kind of sentence expression is to judge again by Li Xiang's facial expression.

Did Li Xiang tell the truth?

When he saw Li Xiang, he nodded firmly and said "Yeah" twice.

Only then did Zhang Ling confirm that there was nothing wrong with Li Xiang's answer.

Li Xiang then asked again:

"What did you say in your message? Why don't I reply to you in person now. This kind of super high-standard fan treatment. Others may not get it if they want it."

Zhang Ling glanced at Li Xiang disdainfully.

At the same time, he said "tsk tsk" a few times in disgust and said:
"It's okay for you to be a painter. But you don't want to talk about yourself as if you are a famous artist. You think that others are very rare for you. Wake up."

If someone else had said these words just now.

Li Xiang would definitely feel extremely embarrassed and unhappy.

But it came from Zhang Ling's mouth.

Instead, he argued excitedly:
"I don't care if others care about me or not. Because as long as you, Zhang Ling, care about me, I will be the happiest person in the world." These words seemed to have entered Zhang Ling's heart.

Her happy face had a charming blush.

It felt like she instantly returned to her youthful 18-year-old self.

Anyone who sees her will be intoxicated by it.

Zhang Ling deliberately complained with two points in her smile:

"Oops, disgusting! Don't think you talk like this. People will forgive you for not replying to my comic comments on you in time."

Li Xiang shook his head and explained:
"I'm not asking you to forgive me. But I just want to hear one thing from you."

Zhang Ling asked "What" almost subconsciously.

Li Xiang then said:
"Then please tell me personally what your comic comments said?"

Zhang Ling said with a bit of stubbornness:

"I just don't want to tell you. What can you do to me?"

Li Xiang smiled calmly and said:
"I can't do anything to you? But I still hope you can tell me."

Zhang Ling asked:
"The reason! I want to know your reason."

Li wanted to say:
"Because only if you tell me, can I answer you face to face in the most sincere manner. So that you can understand the importance of you in my mind."

When he said this.

Sincerity in attitude.

It feels like a student who has just entered campus.

I dare not tell half a word of lies when facing the teacher.

Zhang Ling was already happy when she heard this.

But he still said a faint "Oh" with a deliberately expressionless expression.

Two seconds!

She seemed to have thought of something again and said,

"I still don't understand something."

Li Xiang asked curiously:

Zhang Ling said:
"Since I am so important in your mind, why do you insist on asking me but don't see it with your own eyes?"

Li Xiang thought for a moment and explained:

"The sense of ritual! Because only this kind of ritual atmosphere has the strongest feeling. Such is your status in my heart. I think you should understand."

But the actual situation is that he doesn't want to directly expose his stand-in's identity.

Because the identity authentication of the comic account is senior engineer Li Xiang.

Zhang Ling was quite satisfied with this explanation.

So she nodded and said with a smile:
"Yeah, I understand."

Li Xiang became more serious and then asked:
"Can you tell me what you commented on my comics now?"

Only then did Zhang Ling reveal her repeated messages asking Li Xiang to modify the image of the Maine Coon cat.

She also said that her proposal also received support from other comics readers.

If Li Xiang fails to pay attention to correction, he will offend the public.

In order to prevent Li Xiang from not taking this matter seriously.

Zhang Ling even forced him to express his position on the spot.

Li Xiang looked at the somewhat aggressive Zhang Ling.

I thought to myself, is this a problem only famous cartoonists have?

Some fans openly came to the author to force him to revise the manuscript.

It's just that Li Xiangzhen was unwilling to change the draft.

Because the final draft of Maine Coon Cat was decided by him after at least half a month of consideration.

Especially the tuft of white hair on the cat’s head is also full of special meaning.

First of all, the white color of the hair symbolizes the pure and flawless relationship between them.

This was Li Xiang's initial desire for the relationship between them.

Secondly, the bunch of white hair is like a spring-like spiral.

That is a symbol of their desire to be together.

All kinds of twists and turns encountered and experienced.

Finally, the tail of the white hairs swayed to the right like a tadpole.

The implication is that Li Xiang hopes that Zhang Ling can also rush to him.

Because Li Xiang would stand on the left side of Zhang Ling every time he appeared.

Just like the little flea in the cartoon, it always appears on the left side of the Maine Coon cat.

He really wanted to tell Zhang Ling these moral thoughts.

But it's fate.

The words he explained were already on his lips.

But at this time, Bie Shanliu called.

Mainly reporting some work to Zhang Ling.

By the way, I want to know if Special Assistant Wu Man went abroad with Zhang Ling?
Because none of my colleagues saw Wu Man at work today.

Wu Man didn't go to work?
She clearly remembered that Wu Man said last night that she owed a huge debt and needed to pay it back.

It means that you dare not slack off and you are absent from work casually.

After all, Wu Man's special assistant has a perfect attendance bonus of three to four thousand yuan.

I believe that no one who is short of money will struggle with a few thousand dollars.

Bie Shanliu hung up the phone.

Zhang Ling was worried and quickly called Wu Man again.

Because she remembered Xiaodouzi's determination when she saw Wu Man disguised as the man.

I think she saw the Wuman aura exuding from that man for the first time.

This is undoubtedly Wuman.

She was misled by Li Xiang's conclusion that people are different but have the same breath.

of course!

Another point is after she checked into the hotel.

She had seen that man who looked like Wu Man appear around her more than once.

Every time a man sees her he smiles brightly and says it's a coincidence.

How could there be such a coincidence in the world?

Zhang Ling is not stupid.

Judging from her words and deeds, you can tell that the man deliberately used this method to get close to her.

Maybe it's hard for a man to have the same aura as Wu Man.

Zhang Ling was not too resistant to this kind of approach.

It was also because I spoke a few more words when I was in contact with men.

The feeling that the man is Wu Man is getting stronger.


Because Li Xiang's preconceived negative remarks convinced her.

So Zhang Ling repeatedly convinced herself that those feelings were just illusions.


The knock on the door sounded again.

This time Zhang Ling heard the voice of the visitor, the man who looked like Wu Man.

So she unconsciously muttered in her heart:
"This man really can't help but talk about it. He said Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here."

Li Xiang heard the man knocking on the door and directly said Zhang Ling's name.

So he was a little jealous and pretended to be surprised, pointing at the door and saying:

"Zhang Ling, that's amazing!"

Zhang Ling asked displeasedly:

"Why am I so awesome?"

Li Xiang thought that everyone had already come to the door.

You Zhang Ling still dare to pretend to be confused in front of me.


But he still tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart and continued:
"In less than a day in a foreign country, a man has come to see you. Open the door quickly! Aren't you going to introduce me to him?"

Zhang Ling heard the yin and yang flavor in Li Xiang's words.

Although it sounds very uncomfortable.

But this feeling of being misunderstood by Li Xiang seems to be good.

So she raised her hand and opened the door while explaining with a smile:
"It seems you have misunderstood me. Li, I want you to listen to my explanation. Here's what happened. Mr. Ma, oh, that's the gentleman Xiaodouzi accidentally bumped into on the plane."

After the door was opened, Mr. Ma, who looked like Wu Man, appeared at the door.

After greeting Li Xiang politely, he explained:
"Beautiful Ms. Zhang, please stop saying that. It is fate that we can meet again in a foreign country."

Although Li Xiang was very unhappy.

But after seeing Zhang Ling, she already agreed with Mr. Ma's words.

He could only nod.

Mr. Ma responded with a smile at first.

Then he naturally raised his hand and glanced at his watch and continued:

"For this rare fate. It's time to eat now. I know a good Chinese restaurant. Why don't we go and check it out together."

Li Xiang really wanted to refuse directly.

Because he wanted to have a world with Zhang Ling selfishly.

I really don’t want to have another light bulb around me.

But he clearly saw that Zhang Ling was eager to try Mr. Ma's proposal.

at this time.

If he refuses ruthlessly, it is tantamount to digging his own grave.

never mind!

There is no way to avoid what is coming.

It's better to just go with the flow and watch it together.

Let’s see what conspiracy this Mr. Ma, who has a completely different personality from the Wu Man-like person we met on the plane, has?

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