Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 446 How to Treat Me

Chapter 446 How to Treat Me
The three of them met at a Chinese restaurant.

Mr. Ma seems to be a regular visitor here.

Almost every server in the restaurant seemed to know Mr. Ma.

Everyone looked at Mr. Ma with a cordial and enthusiastic look that was different from other guests.

Even the lead manager would deliberately chat with someone after meeting him.

Zhang Ling could hear and understand every word they talked about.

But after being put together by them, Zhang Ling didn't understand.

For example, does the little eggplant still peel the eggplant skin at night and boil the water for drinking?
Such a sentence.

If someone who doesn't know the inside story hears it.

I wonder who can understand the meaning?
I don’t know if Li Xiang understands it or not.

Anyway, Zhang Ling didn't understand the meaning of the words.

That's why Zhang Ling can conclude that the relationship between Mr. Ma and the restaurant service staff is not as deep as usual.

So Zhang Ling felt a little abrupt and took the initiative to ask:

"Mr. Ma, it looks like you are familiar with the staff here. Have you worked here before?"

Mr. Ma smiled calmly and said:
"Yes! I used to work here. But now they all work for me."

That's right!

Zhang Ling indeed heard it right.

Wuman once helped the old lady of the wooden house perform tasks here.

During her mission, she pretended to work in this Chinese restaurant.

Everyone in the Chinese restaurant did not have the cunning intrigues that are common in society.

Some only have sincere mutual help.

To this day, Wu Man can still remember an incident when she caught a bad cold and had a high fever.

I woke up the little eggplant when I was talking nonsense at night.

(Note: Little Eggplant is a nickname given to a colleague with an eggplant-like face.)
The kind-hearted little eggplant called all the colleagues in time.

Just because it's late at night.

There are no more taxis on the streets.

It just so happened that the restaurant's only truck was taken to a repair shop.

So everyone unanimously decided to use a stretcher to carry Wu Man to the hospital in a relay manner.

There was a worried head manager who stayed by the bedside all the time.

Follow the method taught by the nurse to physically cool down Wuman.

For example, wipe the body with alcohol, etc.

It was also because of this medical trip.

This made Wu Man truly feel that the Chinese restaurant is like a big family.

Since she was abandoned by her biological parents.

It felt like home for the first time.

However, the mission is over.

The former Chinese restaurant owner ran away because of Wu Man's mission.

Chinese restaurants are also facing closure.

The old lady in the wooden house saw that Wu Man really didn’t want the Chinese restaurant family to disintegrate like this.

So I used my money power to successfully buy a Chinese restaurant.

Wu Man was already very moved when he learned about it.

I am grateful to the old lady of the wooden house for saving her second home.

So the old lady in the wooden house didn’t feel like Wuman’s family?
The answer is definitely no.

Because in Wu Man's opinion, she only had a transaction with the old lady of the wooden house.

of course!

This is also the request of the old lady in the wooden house.

Because the old lady just wants to keep all her maternal love.

When the time comes, give them all to Zhang Ling without any reservation.

However, Ling Wu Man never expected it!
When the old lady celebrated her birthday in Wuman.

He actually bought this Chinese restaurant and gave it to Wu Man as a gift.

At that time, the old lady seemed to be afraid that Wu Man would misunderstand.

He also deliberately pretended to be indifferent.

Give a reasonable reason when giving Wu Man such a big gift.

That was Wu Man's great contribution in the mission of lurking in the Chinese restaurant.

The Chinese restaurant is a special mission bonus given by the old lady.

So this is also the most valuable gift Wuman received from the old lady.

It was precisely because of the old lady that Wu Man basically had a home.


To be precise, it should be the bond and harbor of the soul.

You can feel tired from running around outside, feel wronged, etc.

I started to have the desire to come back here.

Chat with your family, eat, etc. and relax.

This may not be a big deal to a normal family.

But for Wu Man, just thinking about it makes her happy.

Not to mention actually having hard-won happiness!

at this time.

Li Xiang immediately cheered up after hearing Mr. Ma's explanation.

A "円" sound.

He first looked around at the restaurant, which was fairly high-end and elegant.

Then his body naturally tilted a certain arc in the direction of Mr. Ma and continued:
"I'm sorry! It turns out that the person sitting in front of me is Boss Ma."

Mr. Ma looked at Li Xiang with a look of shame, waved his hands and said with a smile:
"Don't dare!"

As he spoke, Mr. Ma paused for a moment, turned to look at Zhang Ling, and said modestly:

"It's just a small fight, a small fight."

Then Mr. Ma looked at Li Xiang again and said:
"How dare I call myself boss in front of Mr. Li, who has a big business in my family. Mr. Li, please stop making fun of me."

Li Xiang looked at Mr. Ma alertly and seriously and asked:

"Why did you use the words "big family and big business" to me?"

Mr. Ma was not panicked at all.

Deliberately pretending to glance at Zhang Ling subconsciously.

Then he smiled coolly and said to Li:
"Mr. Li, you seem to have forgotten one thing. We got on the plane together from Wuchuan International Airport."

Li Xiang said almost subconsciously without thinking:
"So what?"

Mr. Ma covered his face like a woman, smiled, shook his head and explained:
"It seems that Mr. Li doesn't know his influence in Wu Chuan!"

Li Xiang then asked:
"What influence?"

"Mr. Li, you are so funny!"

"I'm not kidding you. I really don't know what influence you are talking about."

Mr. Ma seemed to suddenly understand.

It’s not that Li Xiang is unaware of his influence.

But he wanted to take this opportunity to show off to him, Mr. Ma.

So Mr. Ma understood and said in a complimentary tone:
"Oh, I understand! How can a man like Mr. Li, who values ​​​​practical work, know these false names? It seems that Ma is too small."

Li Xiang smiled bitterly and said "Ah" before asking:
"What do you know about this?"

Mr. Ma quickly explained:

"The streets and alleys in Wuchuan are now promoting Mr. Li's glorious deeds. They say that Li Xiang is a leader in technology, the future of artificial intelligence, etc. Even if Ma doesn't want to know, he is forced to know a lot. It's just..."

Li Xiang thought to himself that those false names were all those of the real Li Xiang.

This has nothing to do with him.

But in order to fulfill the responsibilities of a substitute.

Li Xiang could only imitate the real Li Xiang and pretend to be humble, smiling without deliberately denying it.

However, when he heard Mr. Ma deliberately paused.

Li Xiang also asked cooperatively:
"Just what?"

Mr. Ma said:

"It's just that today I was lucky enough to meet Mr. Li, the most famous person in Wuchuan, but I was a little disappointed."

Zhang Ling was also as surprised as Li Xiang and asked:
"What are you disappointed about?"

Mr. Ma then looked at Li with a meaningful look and wanted to say:
"I'm disappointed that Mr. Li doesn't have three heads and six arms like the folk rumors in Wuchuan. Instead, he looks very ordinary. I feel that the Mr. Li who founded Zhihua Technology is not you."

That's right!

Recently, Wu Man accidentally learned an important piece of news from the old man in the wooden house.

That is, the Li Xiang sitting in front of her is not Li Xiang from Zhihua Technology.

It was Li Xiang who obtained the senior engineer qualification certificate many years ago.

A person who disappeared out of thin air after applying for a technical position in the new product R&D department of Zhihua Technology.

Therefore, Wu Man removed his responsibility to ensure Zhang Ling's life safety.

Recently, I took on another important task. Then try every means to test whether Li Xiang's feelings for Zhang Ling are sincere?
The old lady of the wooden house will not interfere with Zhang Ling's choice.

But I also don’t want to see people with evil intentions bullying Zhang Ling.

That's why I chose to use this insinuating method.

So we can see how sincere Li Xiang is to Zhang Ling.

This task was indeed a bit difficult for Wu Man, who had never been in love before.

But fortunately, it was the old lady of the wooden house who made the judgment as to whether Li Xiang was sincere.

At most, Wuman is a human-shaped camera.

He is only responsible for performing as required and recording Li Xiang’s relevant reactions.

Then report everything to the old lady of the wooden house without missing a thing.

Wu Man has rehearsed Li Xiang's words and deeds in advance according to the script provided by the old lady.

So an important conclusion can be drawn from what Wuman did.

That is, those who work for the old lady are not ordinary people.

of course!

The reason why Wu Man dared to use Mr. Ma's identity to say this.

That was because of several previous interactions with Zhang Ling.

Zhang Ling did mention Li Xiang’s true identity.

Li Xiang was shocked when he heard Mr. Ma's words.

That moment!
It felt like I had been ruthlessly stripped of my disguise.

Anxiety and panic made him almost stand up.

Zhang Ling seemed to have known everything about him for a long time.

Just at the critical point where he was about to stand up.

Her hands were gently placed on his shoulders in time.

At the same time, she smiled at him and said:
"Li Xiang, listen! What Mr. Ma just said is so interesting. It can also be said that you, Li Xiang, are not Mr. Li of Zhihua Technology. Such contradictory and ridiculous words."

There was a hint of unnoticeable bitterness in Li Xiang's smile.

No words were spoken for the time being.

Zhang Ling then turned to look at Mr. Ma and said with a smile:

"Interesting, interesting, I mean Mr. Ma. I didn't expect that your words could be so interesting."

Mr. Ma did not immediately give Zhang Ling any response.

It was as if he didn't hear Zhang Ling's words.

He turned to look at Li Xiang in a daze.

For a while.

Mr. Ma continued to ask:

"Li Xiang, do you, like Zhang Ling, think what I just said is interesting?"

Li Xiang originally nodded subconsciously and answered.


He may have received a message from God.

I saw that what Mr. Ma just said was a trap.

So he shook his head subconsciously and looked at Mr. Ma first and said:

"Funny? I don't think so."

Li Xiang turned to look at Zhang Ling with an extremely serious attitude and said:
"Lingling, please listen to me."

Zhang Ling said with confusion and shock:
"Li Xiang, you look serious. What do you want to say?"

Li Xiang then raised his hand to signal Mr. Ma and said:

"The words Mr. Ma just said that I am not Mr. Li of Zhihua Technology are contradictory and absurd. Zhang Ling, how should you treat me?"

Zhang Ling began to panic inexplicably.

She subconsciously glanced at Mr. Ma with a natural expression.

Then he deliberately pretended to have seen through all this and it was a conspiracy between the two men.

She forced herself to laugh coldly and said:

"Oh, I understand! Li Xiang, you and Mr. Ma have known each other for a long time, right? You deliberately said these words in front of me today. In fact, you are testing me."

Don’t think that only women test a man’s loyalty to love.

Smart men are always smart.

He will also test his girlfriend’s loyalty for love.

The above is Yan Yuan’s experience.

Yan Yuan faced the test at the beginning.

Will still show anger.

But Yan Yuan experienced a lot later.

Instead, she would regard a man's testing of her as a kind of fun.

From time to time, relevant and interesting tests will be conducted.

Share it with Zhang Ling as an interesting story.

Over time!
Zhang Ling was familiar with many of the tricks men used to treat women.

But Li Xiang didn't immediately answer Zhang Ling's words.

Instead, he said with a more serious face:

"Zhang Ling, listen clearly! I'm not joking with you now. It's not some ridiculous test you think."

Zhang Ling reacted abnormally because of Li Xiang.

He glanced at Mr. Ma with a hint of resentment.

I felt like I was subconsciously blaming Mr. Ma for what he just said.

Mr. Ma felt a little aggrieved and quickly explained.

But as soon as she mentioned Zhang Ling's name, she was interrupted by Li Xiang.

Li Xiang then said:
"Zhang Ling, the questions I asked have always been what I wanted to ask. You don't need to look at Mr. Ma. This has nothing to do with him."

Zhang Ling said "Ah" subconsciously.

I thought to myself, Li Xiang, what is going on?

So aggressive!

Mr. Ma couldn’t stand it and asked:
"Hey, Li Xiang, what do you want to do?"

Li Xiang looked at Zhang Ling intently and continued:
"You must also want to ask me what I want to do."

Zhang Ling nodded somewhat dullly.

Li Xiang then said:
"It's very simple! Don't think too much. I just want you to answer me seriously. How will you treat me?"

to be frank.

Zhang Ling had already had a premonition of something through some clues from Li Xiang.

I just feel comfortable with the status quo and don't want to make any decisions.

So Li Xiang was right to raise issues similar to decision-making.

Zhang Ling would always find various reasons to escape and not want to answer.

It's the same this time.

But look at Li Xiang's aggressive appearance.

She seemed unable to escape.

Then she fell into deep thought for a short time.

For a while.

She suddenly looked up with firm eyes and said:
"What can I do? Hey, Li Xiang, you are the father of the child! What can I do? For the sake of the child, everything will continue as usual."

This answer.

Li Xiang was very dissatisfied.

It felt like he was holding her child hostage.

He didn't like this feeling very much.

So he asked closely:
"Then please don't think about the child for the time being. I just want your true thoughts in your heart. How should you treat me then?"

Zhang Ling looked embarrassed.

Mr. Ma couldn't help but tried to defend Zhang Ling and said:

"Li Xiang, you are going too far. Zhang Ling has already given you the answer. How can you..."

Mr. Ma hasn't finished speaking yet.

He was so frightened by Li Xiang's sharp look that he didn't dare to say any more.

Li Xiang said coldly:
"Mr. Ma, this is between me and the mother of the child. Please don't talk too much, as an outsider."

Zhang Ling cannot allow outsiders to take the blame for her.

Just then he said Li Xiang's title.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiang saw through Zhang Ling's little thoughts.

The voice was louder than Zhang Ling could stop and said:

"Zhang Ling, tell me the truth. When I ask you questions like these, you always fail to answer me directly. Do you think I'm not worth it?"

Zhang Ling tried to explain without hesitation:


But Li Xiang didn't give Zhang Ling the chance to explain and continued:

"That's not it. Then you must also want to enjoy the same feeling as Yan Yuan, like Qi Diaozhe, Mr. Mi, and Mr. Ma, etc. pursuing you? That's why you have been reluctant to fully accept me."

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