Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 456: Fans of younger brothers and younger sisters

Chapter 456: Fans of younger brothers and younger sisters
Zhang Ling did not immediately answer Qi Diaozhe's question.

Instead, his cold eyes began to look at Qi Diaozhe from top to bottom.

Qi Diaozhe was a little confused about this and followed Zhang Ling to look at herself.

He himself began to suspect that there was something wrong with his appearance today.

But nothing amiss was found.

Are you ready to ask Zhang Ling again what she is looking at?
Zhang Ling was the first to shake her head and said:

"Qi Diaozhe, Qi Diaozhe, what amazing skills did you learn in that free country? I haven't discovered it yet. But I have discovered that you have made your face thicker than the corners of the city wall."

Qi Diaozhe has a fan who can't understand what Zhang Ling means.

So he asked with confusion:

"Master Qi, have you really made your face thicker than the corners of the city wall? But why can't I see it?"

Li Xiang and Mr. Ma, who had been watching the show, couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

In particular, Li Xiang was unwilling to miss this opportunity and explained:
"What you don't know is that this is the genius of the Master Qi you know. His face is obviously thicker than the corner of the city wall. But most outsiders can't see it."

Then Qi Diaozhe attracted more fans.

At this time, one after another stood up and clamored to invite Master Qi.

We must teach you how to make your face thicker than the city wall.

This is mainly based on the idea that if you love an idol, you must learn all the skills of the idol.

So Li Xiang did not forget to say jokingly:

"Master Qi, these fans of yours absolutely love you!"

Many fans and fans agreed with Li Xiang's point of view.

He kept saying "Yes" one after another.

Li Xiang continued to say to Qi Diaozhe with a smirk on his face:
"So, Master Qi, please make sure not to hide your secrets and teach them the skills to build a thicker skin."

Because Li wanted to make fun of the words.

Fans who don’t understand cultural differences.

Each one of them innocently thanked Li Xiang for speaking his mind for them.

He even took advantage of the situation and asked Qi Diaozhe to teach them the skills of building a thicker skin as Li wanted to say.

However, Qi Diaozhe directly refused to explain the situation because it was difficult to do so in front of many fans.

Therefore, an imperceptible gloom appeared on Qi Diaozhe's face.

At the same time, he also explained to his fans and excused himself by saying "next time".

Mr. Ma saw an interesting game between two men.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud and said "interesting" several times.

Maybe Mr. Ma is afraid of getting into trouble.

So no matter who asked Mr. Ma what interesting things he found.

Mr. Ma just smiled and waved his hands and said, "I can't say."

of course!

Mr. Ma's actions made Qi Diaozhe's fans very unhappy.

Everyone is accusing Mr. Ma of being a boring person who likes to pretend to be serious.


Qi Diaozhe just said the word "Lingling".

Then she saw Zhang Ling's cold eyes looking at her.

So he immediately changed his mind and said:
"Zhang Ling, what I just said is sincere. Although I don't understand why you don't believe me. But I sincerely request you to tell me again. What do you want me to do so that you are willing to believe that I am sincere to you? ?”

Zhang Ling repeated the word "sincerely" with a cold snort.

It was as if the mention of Qi Diaozhe caused Zhang Ling to have an unconscious retching reaction.

The three people stepped forward nervously and asked with concern:
"Zhang Ling, what's wrong with you? Are you okay? Or I'll send you to the hospital for a checkup."

But Zhang Ling showed extreme disgust.

He raised his hand and pushed Qi Diaozhe away.

And took advantage of the opportunity to glare at him fiercely and said:
"Go away, please get away from me immediately. I want to vomit just by looking at you one more time. As long as you disappear from my front immediately, I will be fine."

Zhang Ling's words were like a bolt from the blue.

Qi Diaozhe felt dizzy for a moment.

As for Qi Diaozhe’s fans.

Some came forward to support Qi Diaozhe distressedly, asking for help;

Some blamed Zhang Ling for Qi Diaozhe's injustice.

Dare to say in front of Li Xiang that Zhang Ling is not worthy of Qi Diaozhe's efforts.

She even recommended herself with the confidence of a fan girl.

He is willing to replace Zhang Ling and become Bai Yueguang in Qi Diaozhe's mind.


This fan girl obviously touched the bottom line between Li Xiang and Qi Diaozhe.

They actually yelled loudly one after another to tell the rude girl to get away immediately.

Just because this enigmatic and confident fan girl is a hotel employee.

The two men's scolding had an immediate effect.

The confident fan girl looked aggrieved and had no choice but to turn around and leave.

Qi Diaozhe then continued to look at Zhang Ling with some reluctance and said:
"Why! Zhang Ling, for the sake of our childhood sweethearts. I sincerely ask you to give me a chance to make up for my mistakes, okay?"

At this time, the fans of Qi Diaozhe will play a key role.

Everyone rushed to say good things to Qi Diaozhe.

He said that no matter what Qi Diaozhe had done to Zhang Ling.

Please ask Zhang Ling to give Qi Diaozhe a chance for the sake of his sincere remorse.

Maybe I have learned from the past mistakes of confident fans.

Therefore, the remaining fans did not dare to touch Qi Diaozhe's reverse scale.

It was wrong to speak rashly about Zhang Ling.

Zhang Ling looked at the well-meaning people in front of her who thought they knew the whole truth.

I was stunned to think that Zhang Ling and Qi Diaozhe were lovers who had been in love for many years.

Think of Li Xiang as a vicious third brother.

One by one, they turned their guns to attack Li Xiang's despicableness.

To be honest, Zhang Ling truly admired Qi Diaozhe.

You can let your brain grow smoothly on the shoulders of many ignorant people.

Then he leads many ignorant people to swarm to confuse right and wrong and oppress the good.

If mindless ignorance is a sin.

This kind of bullying of good people for no reason is a heinous crime.

Because there are just such people who are brainless and ignorant.

After carrying someone else's sinful head, the good social atmosphere is ruined.

Just like, sinful people deliberately slandered and fabricated some of the original sins of MSG in order to promote chicken essence.

However, anyone with a brain will find that the main ingredient in the ingredient list of chicken essence full of technology is MSG.

The ingredient list of MSG is very clean and only contains one kind of grain.

Zhang Ling was driven crazy by ignorant people!

She brewed up her emotions and yelled "enough".

The scene was temporarily quiet.

Her cold eyes full of disgust looked at Qi Diaozhe and said:
"Qi Diaozhe, is this your sincerity in wanting to make up for your mistakes?"

Qi Diaozhe pretended to be ignorant and aggrieved, nodded "Hmm" twice and then asked:
"what happened?"

Zhang Ling continued:

"You don't care whether I agree or not? You just want the mouths of these ignorant people. Force me to agree, right?"

Qi Diaozhe shook his head with obvious guilt and explained:
"No, Zhang Ling, you misunderstood me. I really didn't think about it that way. I just simply thought..."

Zhang Ling interrupted Qi Diaozhe's explanation with another "enough".

She went on to say:
"Qi Diaozhe, have you forgotten what you promised me when we last met? If you have, I can remind you again."

Qi Diaozhe is not willing to let his many fans and fans know that he has not kept his word.

So with a nervous look on his face, he quickly waved his hand to stop and said:
"No, no need! Of course I remember. But Zhang Ling, you seem to have forgotten one fact."

Zhang Ling suppressed the anger in her heart and asked:

"What?" Qi Diaozhe explained with a smile:
"That's because you forgot that I am also staying in this hotel. The probability of meeting you is very high. So I think this is not a violation of the promise I made to you last time."

Zhang Ling was so angry at Qi Diaozhe's explanation that she only said the word "you".

She really couldn't think of better words to rebuke and refute Qi Diaozhe.

He could only stare at Qi Diaozhe angrily with eyes that could eat him up.

Li Xiang felt sorry for Zhang Ling being bullied in public.

In addition, Qi Diaozhe appeared by chance after Mr. Ma arrived.

It made Li Xiang think that these two shameless men had formed an alliance.

So he glared at Mr. Ma fiercely and said:
"Okay. Mr. Ma, I can see it. Your behavior is nothing more than playing the role of Master Qi's lackey. So far, the situation has developed into what it is now. Is it satisfactory to you?"

Mr. Ma was eager to deny Li Xiang's accusation to Zhang Ling.

But Li Xiang didn't want to give Mr. Ma a chance to defend himself.

Then he looked at Qi Diaozhe with sharp eyes and continued:
"Oh, no, that's not right. I shouldn't have asked Mr. Ma just now. The most important thing to ask is whether Master Qi is satisfied with the current results?"

When Mr. Ma heard about Li Xiang's firepower against him, he turned to Qi Diaozhe.

to this end!

Mr. Ma was a little gloating and kept watching the show.

Qi Diaozhe said without understanding for a while:
"Ask me! Why ask me?"

Zhang Ling first looked at Mr. Ma, who turned from astonishment to watching a show.

That was determined to be irrefutable evidence of guilty conscience.

Then he looked at Qi Diaozhe's pretending to be aggrieved.

And her fans were aggressive towards her.

More confirmation that what Li wanted to say was absolutely correct!

Mr. Ma and Qi Diaozhe have really been together for a long time.

Naturally, Mr. Ma couldn't admit it so easily.

So I tried every possible means to defend myself.

But the more she explained, the more Zhang Ling became convinced that they were the same.

At the same time, he became less willing to hear Mr. Ma's voice again.

So Zhang Ling took the initiative to take Li Xiang's arm.

He glanced at the two of them with disdain.

Then he naturally leaned on Li Xiang's shoulders.

He looked very weak and said:

"Li Xiang, I'm not at all interested in whether they are working together. Now I just want to go back to the room and rest. Forget it! Just stop making things difficult for them, okay? Let's go."

This feeling of being ignored made the fans of Qi Diaozhe become restless.

Everyone was accusing Zhang Ling of not allowing such contempt for their dear brother.

What's more, someone blocked Zhang Ling's departure path.

Zhang Ling was forced to apologize for their dear brother.

Zhang Ling watched the behavior of these brainless fans.

He couldn't help but sneered contemptuously.

Then he turned to look at Qi Diaozhe and said:

"Master Qi, it's okay if you don't want to take the initiative to get out of my sight. But I just don't want to see you again. Can't I even take the initiative to avoid you?"

Qi Diaozhe is very willing to see the behavior of his fans.

Because at least he could see Zhang Ling taking the initiative to talk to him.

So he began to feel a little happy in his heart.

Little did they know that Qi Diaozhe was definitely a person who couldn't recognize reality.

Zhang Ling saw that her angry words to Qi Diaozhe just now had no effect at all.

Then he shouted "Qi Diaozhe" with a ferocious face.

For a moment, everyone present looked at Zhang Ling in shock.

Then she continued:

"I miss the friendship we had in high school. I don't want to be strangers to you after we break up. Look at the current situation. You, Qi Diaozhe, don't appreciate this friendship, do you?"

Qi Diaozhe clearly smelled danger.

So I asked almost subconsciously:

"Zhang Ling, what do you want to do?"

Zhang Ling looked around at the fans of Qi Diaozhe.

Then he smiled meaningfully and said:
"Master Qi, you shouldn't know what I want to do, right? Think about it! Since you plan to break up with me, then I can only explain the facts to them without any scruples."

Qi Diaozhe immediately panicked when he heard this!
It seems that Zhang Ling has indeed missed her old relationship with him very much.

Otherwise, if Zhang Ling takes the initiative to announce the mistakes he committed against Zhang Ling.

The reputation he had built up over the years was bound to plummet.

That's not to mention wanting to complete the main purpose of this return.

Because he also knows that Zhang Ling has the temperament to do what she says.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have asked Zhang Ling for forgiveness over and over again to no avail.

I saw Qi Diaozhe saying "goodbye" several times in a trembling tone.

And said that what he just did was wrong.

He also took the initiative to evacuate the fans who were watching.

Not only that.

She also had a good attitude and took the initiative to apologize to Zhang Ling on behalf of those fans.

Even if the elevator door is already open at this time.

However, Qi Diaozhe changed his mind about getting on the elevator at first.

Instead, he headed towards the hotel entrance.

It felt like he had something more important to deal with.

Qi Diaozhe's attitude changed inexplicably.

Mr. Ma on the side was confused and asked:

"I really can't understand! Zhang Ling, I didn't hear you say anything substantive. Why was Qi Diaozhe so frightened that he ran away immediately?"

Zhang Ling didn't have time to answer.

Li Xiang was the first to say angrily:

"Mr. Ma, did you ask the wrong person? I think you should go and ask Master Qi yourself. Aren't you..."

Mr. Ma naturally understood the meaning of Li Xiang's words.

But he ignored Li Xiang's continued accusations against him.

He turned directly to Zhang Ling and explained:
"Zhang Ling, please believe that I have absolutely nothing to do with Qi Diaozhe. I can swear to you about this."

However, Zhang Ling showed indifference to Mr. Ma's words and said:
"Mr. Ma, you and I are strangers. There is no need to swear."

Mr. Ma tried to explain:

"It's necessary! Zhang Ling, listen to me..."

Zhang Ling waved her hand and interrupted:
"Okay, I'm really tired now. I want to go back to my room and rest. Let's say goodbye. It's best not to see each other from now on."

With that said, Mr. Ma wanted to try to save something.

But all his words seemed so feeble.

He still couldn't call Zhang Ling to look back for him.

He could only watch helplessly as Zhang Ling signaled Li Xiang to the side.

Then he watched the two of them holding hands and supporting each other into the elevator.

The moment the elevator door closes.

Mr. Ma did not follow him in either.

Maybe he felt that it was not necessary to follow him.

When I saw Zhang Ling in the elevator car, looking like a little bird next to Li Xiang.

On the contrary, his attitude towards him was ruthless.

Mr. Ma surprisingly felt that lonely and sad feeling that only occurs when someone is broken up in love.

So I looked at the rising numbers in the elevator with some sadness and said:

"Mr. Ma sincerely hopes that you can work together to resist the evil spirits and monsters in your life who try to destroy your relationship."

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