Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 457 Sincerely

Chapter 457 Sincerely
Back to hotel room.

Zhang Ling's body felt tired and sleepy.

Didn't know why it disappeared instantly?

So she lay alone in bed and couldn't sleep.

to this end!

She blamed Li Xiang for her inability to sleep.

First, he accused Li Wan of typing the keyboard too loudly when using his laptop.

But Li wanted to give up using his laptop.

Looking around the room out of boredom.

Zhang Ling said in disgust that Li Xiang was a little dizzy as he lingered in front of her eyes.


Li Xiang thought to himself that he would leave the bedroom and go out alone to get some air.

That's alright.

But Zhang Ling felt inappropriate and stopped Li Xiang who had already reached the bedroom door.

Said Li wanted to leave the room.

She felt very insecure leaving her alone in the bedroom.

He urged Li Xiang to stay in the bedroom.


Could it be that Zhang Ling saw his intention of not letting her have a room alone?
It shouldn’t be!

Because when Zhang Ling made a request.

Li Xiang was very cooperative and took the initiative to call the front desk to ask for another room.


However, Zhang Ling heard from the front desk of the hotel that it was full through the landline phone.

of course!

It's not that the hotel is actually full.

But Li Xiang had already guessed that Zhang Ling would make such a request.

I just said hello to the front desk a long time ago.

However, Zhang Ling is definitely not easy to fool.

So she quickly asked about nearby hotels.


Li Xiang was already on guard.

Maybe it was because Xiaodouzi was traveling far away for the first time.

Previously, she asked Li Xiang privately at school to pick her up and sleep with her after school in the afternoon.

Li Xiang deliberately pretended to have almost forgotten.

He told Zhang Ling the news that Xiaodouzi was coming in the evening.

So Zhang Ling was able to give up the idea of ​​living separately.

After all, Zhang Ling knew Yi Xiaodouzi's sensitive character.

It would be bad if the little guy misunderstood me again.

Gradually deep.

Zhang Ling spent the night with a man in a hotel room for the first time.

No matter how much I tried to convince myself, I couldn't overcome the nervousness.

But it was almost time to go to bed and rest.

Li Xiang has stayed in the hotel room since he entered the room.

Didn't pick up Xiaodouzi at all.

This made Zhang Ling suspicious and asked:
"Li Xiang, are you sure Xiaodouzi will really come?"

Li Xiang smiled and nodded and explained:
"That's right! That's what Xiaodouzi said. At that time, the principal also offered not to let us pick up the child. He also promised that he would personally send the child to us when the time comes."

Zhang Ling glanced at the time on her watch subconsciously and then said:
"Look! It's already half an hour after the agreed time. Xiaodouzi hasn't been delivered yet. Li Xiang, are you not worried at all?"

Li Xiang's eyes flickered in confusion when faced with Zhang Ling's questioning.

He was sitting on a chair.

He stood up and walked around unconsciously.


A slightly worried look appeared on his face as he explained:
"Yes! I feel a little confused too. No, just wait a moment. I'll call the principal and ask. Did they encounter something on the way that delayed them?"

As he said this, Li Xiang took out his cell phone and prepared to go to the balcony of the room to make a call.

But before he could take two steps, he heard Zhang Ling calling out to him.

He looked back with a look of confusion and innocence and said:

"Why are you calling me? You don't want me to make this call."

He prayed in his heart that it was true.

Zhang Ling shook her head and said:

"This call you made is not an important work call. There is no need to avoid me and make a call."

Li Xiang explained with a slightly embarrassed smile:
"I'm used to it, I'm used to it, I'm sorry, I've developed this bad habit. Yes, you're right. There's no need to avoid you on this kind of call."

Zhang Ling's eyes seemed to have seen through all hypocrisy and urged:
"Then let's fight! Ask where Xiaodouzi is now? No, let's go together to greet..."

Li Xiang said with a look of embarrassment:
"Going to pick up Xiaodouzi?"

Zhang Ling pretended to be unhappy and said:
"I want you to accompany me to pick up my daughter. You look reluctant. Are you unwilling?"

Li Xiang quickly waved his hand in denial and said:
"No, no, I'm very willing. Forget it, no, I won't make this call. We'll go to school to pick up Xiaodouzi together."

The reason why he delayed making this call face to face.

It was entirely because Li Xiang had already received the news from the principal.

The principal can't come.

It is said that Xiaodouzi himself suddenly changed his mind and did not want to come.

This situation is what Li Xiang wants to see.

Because Xiaodouzi gave them the opportunity to create a world for two.

But this situation is something Li Xiang doesn't want to see.

Because if Zhang Ling learns about this situation.

I will definitely find a way to open a new room to sleep separately from Li Xiang.

to be frank.

If Li Xiang didn't know about the entanglement between Qi Diaozhe and Mr. Ma.

He will definitely choose to support Zhang Ling's decision without hesitation.

But he can rest assured about Zhang Ling's attitude towards these two men.

But he was absolutely worried that Qi Diaozhe and Mr. Ma would have the basic bottom line of being human beings.

In case someone uses dirty methods to bully Zhang Ling.

He would not be able to appear by Zhang Ling's side in time.

That will definitely make her regret it for the rest of her life.

However, Zhang Ling seemed to have seen through Li Xiang's little thoughts.

So Zhang Ling directly rejected Li Xiang's proposal.

Li Xiang was asked to call the principal immediately in front of him to ask about the situation.

Let's see how long Li Xiang can keep this secret from her.
I saw that Li Xiang's body instantly became as rigid as a piece of wood and was temporarily motionless.

Zhang Ling pretended not to understand and urged:
"Li Xiang, what's wrong with you? Why don't you call your principal? Look at you looking like you're about to cut off your head. It's like you've been found out for doing something terribly sinful."

Li Xiang heard this.

The muscle at the right corner of his mouth twitched before he regained consciousness.


He forced himself to say something.

Otherwise, it will definitely be considered as if he has really done something terribly wrong.

He forced himself to show a seemingly natural smile and said:
"Oh, look at what you said. Don't you understand my personality? I have always been honest and reliable in front of you."

Zhang Ling didn't care how Li Xiang tried to whitewash peace.

She looked at Li with a half-smile and wanted to say:
"Yeah, I know everything you said. But you said so much but you haven't called me yet. You should give me a reason."

Li Xiang took out his mobile phone and gestured:
"Hit! It's just a phone call. Look, I'm going to call the principal right in front of you."

Li Xiang took out his phone and swiped the screen in front of her.

Zhang Ling clearly saw him looking for the principal's phone number in the address book.

She could tell that Li Xiang was deliberately delaying time.

Because she clearly remembered that Li wanted to have a phone call with the principal.

Just open the call log and you can quickly find the principal's phone number.

But she didn't expose it in front of Li Xiang.

He just pretended to be simply worried about Xiaodouzi and urged Li Xiang to hurry up.

And Li wanted to cover up his guilty conscience.

Deliberately nagging and complaining about the principal:

"Really! This principal seems to be quite reliable. Why is he so unreliable in his actions? Zhang Ling, just watch. When the call is connected, I must give him a good scolding."

But Zhang Ling didn't answer Li Xiang's words. She pretended to be impatient and said: "Oh, Li Xiang, I've never seen you take so much trouble to make a phone call before. Are you okay? If not, just give me your phone." ."I'll make the call."

With that said, Zhang Ling reached out to snatch the mobile phone from Li Xiang's hand.

But Li Xiang subconsciously dodged and prevented Zhang Ling from succeeding.

In order to prevent Zhang Ling from getting angry.

That’s why he explained with a little bitterness in his smile:
"Don't rush it! Some things will get slower the more you push them."

When Zhang Ling just wanted to angrily accuse Li Xiang of a few words.

Li Xiang seemed to have already sensed the anger from Zhang Ling.

I saw beads of sweat visibly oozing out from his forehead. He looked excited and said:
"Found it, found it, lo and behold, I finally found it."

Only then did Zhang Ling forcefully suppress the anger that just arose in her heart and urged:
"You should dial quickly!"

Li Xiang gritted his teeth and stomped his feet before finally pressing the green dial button.

The sound of the ringtone coming from the phone was a classical piano piece.

Very familiar!

But Zhang Ling couldn't name the song for a while.

It can be seen from this small detail.

The principal is a very elegant person.

Maybe the sound of the ringtone on the principal’s cell phone has the effect of annihilating the anger in his heart.

So she almost forgot the purpose of forcing Li Xiang to call.

What's more, she didn't notice that the sweat on Li Xiang's forehead was dripping like a heavy rain.

There were less than five or six seconds before the ringtone on the phone ended.

Li Xiang felt that the principal was probably busy with something.

I can't answer the phone right now.

Then his crisis will be over soon.

So Li Xiang subconsciously raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

Prepare to breathe a beautiful sigh of relief.

did not expect!
With less than two seconds to go.

The principal's voice came from the mobile phone:
"Hey, Mr. Li, do you have anything to tell me on the phone at this time?"

Li Xiang was alert and immediately pretended to be angry and said:
"Principal XX, what do you mean? You promised me to send Xiaodouzi here before. This is far past the agreed time. Where did you send our child?"

The principal was confused by Li Xiang's accusations.

I thought, hadn't he already called Li Xiang to explain it before?

I really don't understand what Li wants to say.

So the principal was just about to open his mouth to defend himself.

Maybe Zhang Ling was too worried about Xiaodouzi's accident.

So I asked again in desperation:
"Principal XX, I am Xiaodouzi's mother. Don't scare me! Did my Xiaodouzi have any accident on the way? That's why you haven't sent the child here yet."

The principal seemed to have had a similar experience.

After hearing Zhang Ling's questioning voice, she instantly understood what it meant.

So he immediately said apologetically:

"It turns out to be Xiaodouzi's mother. I'm so sorry! I couldn't send the child there. It's all my fault."

Li wants to hear this.

His tense nerves finally relaxed a lot.

did not expect!
The principal is quite sensible.

Can help him cover in time.

Zhang Ling said anxiously:

"What? Something really happened to you!"

The principal explained:
"Something happened."

Zhang Ling asked:
"what's up?"

The principal said:
"Mrs. Li, don't panic! Something happened to my family. But please don't worry, Mrs. Li. The child is fine."

Zhang Ling asked again:

"What happened? You should tell me quickly!"

The principal explained:
"That's what happened. I was already on my way to send Xiaodouzi to see you. I just learned on the way that there was an emergency at home that needed to be dealt with. So I'm afraid we will be late."

Zhang Ling listened to the principal's explanation.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Oh, it's okay! Principal XX, how about you tell me your specific location. How about we pick up the child in person?"

The principal was silent for a moment.

Li Xiang heard this and felt a little guilty, worried that things would be revealed.

So he persuaded and explained in a low voice:

"Isn't that bad? People in this country have always been very privacy-conscious. They are generally most taboo about others asking about these things."

The principal deliberately pretended to be unhappy and said:
"Mrs. Li, I'm sorry! Let's leave it like this for now. I still have important things to deal with here. I'm sorry that I can't accompany you anymore. Goodbye!"

Zhang Ling obviously felt that the principal hung up the phone in a hurry.

When she was about to open her mouth to complain.

Li Xiang said again on behalf of the principal:
"Zhang Ling, you can't blame Principal XX for this. The key is that we were too abrupt. In this country, you casually ask for each other's private address. That's a big taboo!"

Zhang Ling said worriedly:

"But our children are still with the principal. Can I not worry?"

In her opinion, no stranger deserves complete trust.

Especially in a foreign country.

The principal did not send Xiaodouzi as promised.

Then the possibility that the principal is also a pawn of the old patriarch and others increases exponentially.

If you continue to let Xiaodouzi be alone with the principal.

Isn't it like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth?

Li wanted to say:
"I can understand your feelings. But that's the principal of Xiaodouzi's school. Zhang Ling, please don't worry! Xiaodouzi will be fine if you stay with him."

Zhang Ling looked more and more excited and said:

"Oh, I can see it. A man like you is always very calm in trouble."

Li Xiang thought this was a compliment to him!
So smile politely and naturally and say "thank you".


Zhang Ling changed the subject and said:
"Your calmness makes you clearly understand that Xiaodouzi is not your biological flesh and blood."

Li Xiang subconsciously opened his mouth in horror.

Then Li Xiang shook his head like a rattle.

I thought that this time the misunderstanding might have deepened.

Even if he quickly explained that he didn't mean what Zhang Ling said.

Zhang Ling also shook her head at him disappointedly and said:
"That's why you said things to reassure me in an understatement. I was right."

Li Xiang continued to deny Zhang Ling's statement.

But Zhang Ling still didn't want to hear it and accused Li Xiang angrily.

He said that his previous behavior of showing great affection for Xiaodouzi was all just an act.

Li Xiang listened to Zhang Ling's accusations against him.

His heart was already filled with anxiety.

At present, I can only keep shouting the word "unjust" to Zhang Ling.

But these two words still seemed so pale and feeble in front of Zhang Ling.

He wanted to confess the truth to Zhang Ling immediately.

Said that this is Xiaodouzi's affection for them.

But Li Xiang couldn't do this.

Because he was worried that Zhang Lingruo would know that he wanted to hide it.

Even this was Xiaodouzi's idea.

With Zhang Ling's current hostile mood towards him.

They will definitely think that Li Xiang’s behavior is malicious deception.

He also knows how much Zhang Ling hates cheaters?
If he fails, Li Xiang will become the next Qi Diaozhe.

She was completely blacklisted by Zhang Ling.

Do not!
He absolutely couldn't let himself end up like that.

So no matter what, I want to confess the truth to Zhang Ling.

We must first try our best to eliminate Zhang Ling's hostile mood towards her.

So he stopped crying about injustice.

He summoned up great courage to step forward and hug Zhang Ling into his arms.

No matter how hard Zhang Ling struggled and beat.

Li Xiang gritted his teeth and called out only the word "Zhang Ling".

This was done to let Zhang Ling understand his sincerity towards her.

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