Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 463: Sincerity

Chapter 463: Sincerity
Zhang Ling didn't wait for Li Xiang's answer for a while.

He urged with a "say" filled with anxiety and anger.

Li Xiang's body trembled as he thought of a reason that was not a reason.

So I could only bite the bullet and explain:
"Zhang Ling, you should know how the phone contacts are generally sorted."

Zhang Ling said unhappily:

"Let's get down to business. Why are you talking to me about this?"

Li Xiang said with a firm look:

"This is business."

Zhang Ling said doubtfully:

"Is this the business?"

Li Xiang nodded and explained:
"Address books are usually sorted in alphabetical order. So in the children's address book, my name is ranked before yours. Naturally, I will be the first choice when they send messages."

Zhang Ling silently followed Li Xiang's instructions.

She put the names of the two people (including dad and mom) in order.

I found that she was indeed ranked behind Li Xiang.

According to habit, it is indeed most convenient to send messages to Li Xiang.

She was basically convinced by this explanation.

That's why I gave up and said "Oh".

Li Xiang mistakenly thought that the storm was over.

So I glanced at my watch out of habit.

A bit like a child.

He smiled and stroked his belly and said:
"I'm full! I think it's still early. Let's take a look at the scenery around here. There are green trees, rivers, lakes, etc. So overall it's pretty good. How about we go out for a walk and eat together?"

Although I am not used to Western breakfast.

But with the support of Li Xiang Games.

She was indeed a little full today.

So he agreed to Li Xiang's proposal without much hesitation.

Walking along the riverside path under the shade of trees towards the lake.

Along the way, you can often see some frogs whose tails have not yet completely degenerated active around the path.

If you look carefully at the river.

You can also see the grass that looks like green gauze.

There are countless unhatched black tadpole eggs scattered around, like black sesame seeds.

Zhang Ling pointed at the green grass in the river and shouted happily:

"Li Xiang, look! Those are tadpole eggs that are about to hatch. This kind of scene is no longer seen in the fields near Wuchuan."

Li Xiang smiled and nodded and said:
"That's right! This is not caused by some experts."

Zhang Ling asked:
"What does this have to do with some experts?"

Li Xiang explained:
"Nowadays, farmers in Wuchuan rural areas are not allowed to burn straw. Therefore, the pest eggs attached to the straw cannot be effectively killed. As a result, the frequency of pests destroying crops in the second year is too high."

Zhang Ling said:
"Then use pesticides!"

Li wanted to say:
"Yes! In order to get a good harvest of the crops we grow, we should use pesticides. But farmers are using pesticides more and more frequently."

Zhang Ling said:
"Oh, I see! When pests develop resistance to pesticides, farmers use increasingly concentrated concentrations of pesticides. So it's a miracle that the frogs are able to survive!"

Li Xiang nodded and said with a nostalgic look:
"I used to hear the noise of frogs in the summer in rural areas. Especially after it rained, you could see frogs jumping in the yard, on the road, in the fields, etc. But now it's hard to find any frogs even if you look for them specifically."

Zhang Ling said curiously:

"I don't understand. Why are you looking for frogs specifically?"

Li Xiang's face flashed with sadness and he explained:

"That's because grandma has been in the hospital ward for too long. She missed the sound of frogs in the countryside. So I thought of catching a few frogs for grandma to listen to."

Zhang Ling shook her head in confusion and asked:
“What’s there to miss about the croaking of frogs?”

Li Xiang smiled and continued:
"You can't figure it out. When I lived in the countryside, I remember my grandma couldn't fall asleep at night because of the frogs' calls. She wished she would never have to hear such calls again in her life."

Zhang Ling also has a deep understanding of this.

For example, any sound in life is considered noise.

Then people will feel extremely irritated after hearing the noise.

It's like a city dweller on break time.

It seems like there are people upstairs who often make irregular noises.

That’s why she nodded repeatedly and said:

"That's right! If anyone disturbs my rest, I will argue with him. But it's not easy for humans to reason with animals."

Li Xiang continued:
"But when you get used to the sound of frogs, you start to miss them when you haven't heard them for a long time. This may be the contradiction of human nature sometimes."

Zhang Ling did not continue Li Xiang's topic.

Instead, he asked with some curiosity:

"So did you find any frogs for Grandma?"

She thought this was her grandmother's last wish!

No matter what, we have to find a way to complete it.

Li Xiang was silent for a while, then shook his head and said:

"No! But I chose a place where I could hear the croaking of frogs to bury my grandma. I guess that fulfilled her last wish."

The place he was talking about was not the nearby rural area of ​​Wuchuan.

But their relatively remote hometown in the mountainous area.

despite this.

Zhang Ling still felt very sorry.

A wish that was relatively simple and ordinary in the past.

It cannot be achieved during one’s lifetime.

I can only let my loved ones make up for it with regret.

This really sounds funny and ironic!


A sudden sound cut through the sky.

Qi Diaozhe walked towards them like a ghost.

At the same time, he said with some curiosity:

"I think I heard Mr. Li talking about grandma just now. That's not right! According to rumors, Mr. Li and grandma don't have a good relationship. But why would Mr. Li be so filial and look for frogs for grandma?"

Zhang Ling looked at Li Xiang with a look of panic on her face.

But Li Xiang refuted calmly:
"Hasn't Master Qi heard that rumors are not to be believed?"

Qi Diaozhe pretended to wake up and slapped his forehead and said:
"Oh, it's my fault! How could I forget that? Yes, rumors are not to be believed."


Zhang Ling said with annoyance on her face:

"Qi Diaozhe, why are you haunting me again?"

Qi Diaozhe just smiled at Zhang Ling without answering.

He looked at Li Xiang again and continued:
"However, from what I understand, Mr. Li's grandmother seems to be an elegant lady living in the luxurious Li Mansion. How could she be accustomed to the croaking of frogs in the countryside?"

Zhang Ling heard the sound.

He also looked at Li Xiang with a curious look of a bystander.

Li Xiang still said without panic:

"Master Qi, you really know a lot about my affairs. But is what you know the truth?"

Qi Diaozhe asked with a hint of self-doubt:
"Is not it?"

Li Xiang shook his head and continued:
"There are many elderly people in my Li family who are my grandmother's generation. Are you sure we are talking about the same person?"

Qi Diaozhe stared at Li Xiang in a daze and stopped talking.


He had indeed forgotten that fact.

The Li family does have some grandmothers who like to live in the beautiful countryside to retire.

And there are quite a few elders like this.

Therefore, there is no guarantee that any of these elders have a close relationship with Li Xiang.

Think of this.

Qi Diaozhe's smile was a little more awkward as he explained:
"This... seems, probably, not the same person. Sorry! I was indeed abrupt just now."

Zhang Ling first looked around to see if there were any fans of Qi Diaozhe.

Then he said in a similarly weird tone:

"Oh my, I didn't realize that. Master Qi would take the initiative to apologize. This is a bit strange. It doesn't seem like he's acting."

This is a satire on Qi Diaozhe's untruthfulness!
But Qi Diaozhe didn't seem to understand the implication of Zhang Ling's words.

So he looked at Zhang Ling seriously and explained:
"Zhang Ling, don't say that. Don't you know me? I've always been the kind of person who can correct my mistakes."

Zhang Ling smiled sneerily and shook her head, saying:

"Funny! Are we familiar with each other? Qi Diaozhe, please remember that people change. Since the moment you disappeared for more than ten years, we are no longer familiar with each other." Qi Diaozhe said with a bitter smile:
"I know. But please give me a chance to get to know each other again, okay? I promise that this time..."

Qi Diaozhe hasn't finished speaking yet.

A single "Shut up" interrupted the other person's narration.

Zhang Ling's face was grim, and then she shook her head in disappointment and said:

"Master Qi, you have lived for decades in vain. Don't you understand that it is impossible to undo what has been done?"

Qi Diaozhe said seriously:
"I understand! It's hard to take back what has been spilt. But it's not impossible to take it back. I just ask you to give me a chance. I will definitely try my best to take it back."

Zhang Ling didn't expect Qi Diaozhe to say such shameless words.

To be honest, if Li Xiang was not by her side.

In her heart, there was actually a trace of desire to compromise and accept Qi Diaozhe's idea.

That’s because Zhang Ling truly saw Qi Diaozhe’s sincerity and determination towards her.

Li Xiang seemed to see through Zhang Ling's thoughts.

He leaned close to Zhang Ling's ear and whispered:
"Zhang Ling, if you want to agree, then agree."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Ling turned her head and looked at Li Xiang with surprise.

Li Xiang did not restrain himself because of this.

Instead, he continued to smile and whispered:
"To be honest, as a man, I am moved by the sincerity shown by Qi Diaozhe."

Zhang Ling swallowed her saliva and asked:
"are you serious?"

This sentence is a question.

But for Li Xiang, it is an affirmative sentence.

What does this mean no matter how he answers next?

There is only one answer.

So he didn't answer.

He just nodded slightly at her.

Zhang Ling felt Li Xiang's cautiousness.

She also realized that some inappropriate thoughts had just come to her mind.

to this end!

She began to feel intense self-blame in her heart.

How could she forget the pain after the wound healed?

What's more, the damage Qi Diaozhe caused her has not yet healed.

Every time I meet Qi Diaozhe, I can't help but recall every tormenting day and night over the past decade.

It felt like someone had deliberately reopened a wound that had just scabbed over.

It was like she was trying to prove his existence with her bloody wounds.

How can such a selfish behavior be worthy of the word "sincerity"?
So she glanced at Qi Diaozhe without any hesitation.

Then he raised a hand and pointed at Qi Diaozhe, deliberately asking Li Xiang loudly:

"Hey, you're not mistaken, are you? Do you think the word 'sincere' is really appropriate to describe him?"

Zhang Ling's questioning stunned the two men present.

Qi Diaozhe's heart suddenly felt cold.

It feels like falling into an ice cellar and being frozen.

His body began to tremble involuntarily.

After being stunned for a while, Li Xiang showed some joy.

He drew an important conclusion from Zhang Ling's answer.

That's because the thoughts he just had were too ridiculous.

But in order not to let Zhang Ling feel that he was not serious.

Then he immediately showed a serious look, shook his head and said:
"Of course I think it's inappropriate. But if you, Zhang Ling, think it's appropriate, I will agree with your point of view."

Zhang Ling shook her head and said:

"I thought you understood me. I was wrong. It seems you never understood me."

As she spoke, she raised her hand and glanced at the time on her watch.

Maybe I felt it was almost time to leave for the airport.

So he turned around and went to the hotel angrily.

Even though Li Xiang followed closely and asked her to wait and listen to his explanation.

Zhang Ling didn't even look back.

Qi Diaozhe stood behind them, looking at their backs with a smile that showed a trace of success.

That's right!

The main purpose of Qi Diaozhe's appearance next to Zhang Ling this time is to create estrangement and conflict between them.

This will lay an important foundation for him to enter Zhang Ling's heart again.

Wuchuan Airport.

Zhang Ling walked in front.

Li Xiang followed closely with an anxious look on his face.

Because it started from the moment we left the lake.

Zhang Ling never said a word to Li Xiang.

I guess this is a punishment for Li Xiang.

Wu Man, who pretended to be there to pick them up, appeared in front of them together with Yan Yuan.

Yan Yuan felt the tense atmosphere between the two.

So after the hug, he took Zhang Ling's hand, looked at Li Xiang and said:
"Sisters, you went abroad together. Did something special happen? It seems like you look at each other strangely."

Wu Man deliberately glanced at the two of them and pretended to be confused and said to Yan Yuan:

"What's so strange about that? I see that they are no different from before they left."

Yan Yuan glanced at Wu Man with disdain and said:

"If you can see that, then the decades of sisterhood between Zhang Ling and I would have been in vain!"

Wu Man asked inquiringly:

"Then tell me in detail. What's so strange about them?"

Yan Yuan explained with a sense of pride:
"Look! The look in Zhang Ling's eyes when she looked at Li Xiang was filled with the strong hostility of enemies meeting each other. And the look in Li Xiang's eyes when she looked at Zhang Ling was filled with the strong anticipation of reuniting with her family after a long separation."


What puzzled Yan Yuan was that Wu Man did not refute anything.

Instead, he let out a silly laugh of acceptance.

However, Yan Yuan did not forget her purpose because of Wu Man's difference.

So Yan Yuan continued to ask Zhang Ling to explain quickly.

Zhang Ling helplessly suppressed her hostility towards Li Xiang.

She waved to Yan Yuan and looked at Li Xiang beside her and asked:

"Do we have it?"

Li Xiang immediately shook his head and said:

Then he turned his head and looked at Yan Yuan and said:

"I say, Yan Yuan, what's wrong with you? Are you hoping that we won't get along?"

Yan Yuan was unwilling to take the blame.

She denied it to Zhang Ling with a look of horror:


But Li Xiang didn't intend to let Yan Yuan explain further.

So I deliberately raised my voice and said first:

"Zhang Ling, look at the kind of friends you have. You should be careful when making friends in the future. You don't want friends like this."

Wu Man looked at Yan Yuan, who was anxious and had nothing to say.

A gloating smile appeared on her face.

He even joked with the intention of adding insult to injury:

"Yan Yuan, Yan Yuan, you said that you and Zhang Ling have been good friends for many years. Why do you need to explain such a small matter? If that's the case, then don't explain it."

Yan Yuan is not stupid!
At first, I was really angry when I heard Wu Man's gloating.

But he went over Wu Man’s words in his mind.

Got it immediately.

Weren't the words Wu Man just said a reminder to her?

Remind her that with the relationship between her and Zhang Ling, they can understand each other's feelings without too much explanation.

So Yan Yuan said "thank you" to Wu Man in a somewhat abnormal way.

Maybe Li Xiang's mind was on Zhang Ling.

So I asked out of confusion:
"Yan Yuan, why do you have to thank Wu Man if you have nothing to do?"

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