Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 464 Sharing joys and sorrows

Chapter 464 Sharing joys and sorrows
Li Xiang's question received no answer.

Instead, he was met with a burst of laughter from the three women.

He still didn't react though.

But it doesn't matter to him anymore.

Because he finally saw Zhang Ling laugh.

Yan Yuan called out "Qi Diaozhe".

Everyone looked over in the direction of the sound.

Yan Yuan continued in a somewhat sarcastic tone:
"Recently, I've heard that Master Qi has turned into a dog-skin plaster and likes to stick to places where Zhang Ling is."

Yan Yuan's words caused Li Xiang and Wu Man to laugh.

Qi Diaozhe showed a bitter smile.

Just waved his hand softly.

I want to express that there is no such thing at all.

Who believes it?
No one here believes it.

Yan Yuan continued:

"At first, I didn't want to believe it was true."

Qi Diaozhe felt like he had met a close friend.

He shouted excitedly at Yan Yuan:

Yan Yuan shook his head and continued:

"But today I saw Master Qi appear. I believe it."

Qi Diaozhe heard this!

Some were forced to find excuses to explain:
"Yan Yuan, it's not nice to say that. It's fate."


Yan Yuan sneered at Qi Diaozhe's explanation.

Qi Diaozhe nodded repeatedly and explained:

"Yes, it just means that Zhang Ling and I are destined to be together. So wherever Zhang Ling is, I will appear there."

Yan Yuan did not respond to Qi Diaozhe's explanation.

Then he turned his head and looked at Zhang Ling and said:
"Sister, did you hear that? That dog-skin plaster said it was meant for you. Do you believe it?"

Zhang Ling snorted coldly, glanced at Qi Diaozhe fiercely and said:
"I'm not sick! Why should I be associated with a dose of dog-skin plaster?"

Zhang Ling’s answer.

Once again, everyone present laughed at him.

Qi Diaozhe is really thick-skinned.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have turned around and quietly slipped away in shame.

But he continued with an attitude of becoming more courageous as the battle went on:
"Zhang Ling, you are a little short-sighted. Experts have said that medication is not necessarily for curing diseases. It can also be used to prevent diseases."

Zhang Ling went on to say:
"Didn't the experts also say that a person's affinity with a dose of dog-skin plaster is to prevent disease?"

Qi Diaozhe actually dared to nod and say "hmm" twice.

Yan Yuan chuckled and said:

"Interesting! It's really interesting!"

Qi Diaozhe asked doubtfully:
"Why is it interesting?"

Yan Yuan then said with a smile:
"The expert actually knew that the purpose of Master Qi's dog-skin plaster was to prevent disease. Now I finally understand why Master Qi has so many fans?"

Wu Man asked with some curiosity:


Yan Yuan explained:
"That's because people nowadays are generally afraid of death! So in order to prevent illness, they must stay close to Master Qi's dog-skin plaster."

Qi Diaozhe's face was so gloomy that he almost fainted because of Yan Yuan's words.

Wu Man pretended to be enlightened and looked at Zhang Ling and said:

"Oh, if that's the case. Zhang Ling, you should thank Master Qi the most."

Zhang Ling said inexplicably:

"Wu Man, you look healthy. Why did you say such a crazy thing?"

Yan Yuan seemed to understand Wu Man's thoughts best.

So he explained:

"Because Master Qi has good intentions and wants to prevent you from getting sick, he took the initiative to get closer to you. This is definitely true love!"

Wu Man pretended to share the same feeling.

Looking at Li Xiang who was standing aside, he reminded:
"Look, look, how strong is Master Qi's love for Zhang Ling. Li Xiang, you should learn from him."

Li Xiang glanced at Qi Diaozhe with some disdain and said:
"What should I learn? How to make a dog-skin plaster?"

Yan Yuan was just about to pretend to be disappointed in his friend.

Deliberately blame Li Xiang.

It's too unrighteous.

But Zhang Ling took over the conversation and said:
"Well said! Li Xiang, if you really become a dog-skin plaster, then you are not worthy of being Xiaodouzi's father."

Li Xiang was overjoyed by Zhang Ling's affirmative words.

He said immediately without hesitation:
"I am very happy to be a human being! Why should I torture myself into becoming a dog-skin plaster? Don't worry! I am very sure that I am not sick. I don't need to be destined to be a dog-skin plaster."

The implication.

Only a sick person like Qi Diaozhe would be willing to make a dog-skin plaster.

So Qi Diaozhe was very angry about Li Xiang's words.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

Because after Li Xiang finished speaking, he took Zhang Ling's hand and left, deliberately showing their love.

Qi Diaozhe really wanted to catch up again from the bottom of his heart.

But he was stopped by Shangguan Aoxue who appeared out of nowhere.

After calming down, Qi Diaozhe said:
"Ms. Shangguan, I asked you to send someone to follow up and investigate Mr. Ma. What was the result?"

Shangguan Aoxue shook her head somewhat dejectedly and said:
"no result."

Qi Diaozhe said in surprise:
"What! How can you, Shangguan Aoxue, say that there is no result?"

You should know that Qi Diaozhe proposed to Shangguan Aoxue to track and investigate Mr. Ma.

Shangguan Aoxue said very confidently that there would be results after Qi Diaozhe returned to Wuchuan.

Now there is no result.

Shangguan Aoxue explained:
"The person who was following us has lost us. Based on the information we have, we investigated Mr. Ma. All we can find out is that he just worked in that restaurant. There is nothing more to it."

Qi Diaozhe complained angrily:

"What kind of rubbish are your subordinates? They can even lose people!"

That's what it says.

But Qi Diaozhe was clear in his mind.

The people who work for Shangguan Aoxue are all veterans.

It's impossible to lose someone easily.

That only proves one thing.

Mr. Ma has an extraordinary identity.

That’s why preventive measures are necessary.

Shangguan Aoxue explained with some grievance:

"It's not that my men are useless. It's that Mr. Ma you mentioned is a little too powerful. When we were tracking, there was always someone who deliberately obstructed her men from tracking."

"Mr. Ma is too powerful!"

Shangguan Aoxue's words confirmed his previous guess.

Qi Diaozhe suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

I thought maybe there was someone else who could do this except him.

There is also the younger generation of a certain family.

It is known that Zhang Ling’s true identity is likely to be the next heir of Haohan Capital.

If this is the case.

Then he must speed up the process of pursuing Zhang Ling.

Think of this.

The suggestion made by Li Xi's think tank made him scoff.

Now he thinks it's worth a try.

Shangguan Aoxue heard clearly what Qi Diaozhe was talking to himself.

She thought she heard wrongly.

So in response to Qi Diaozhe's words, I asked:
"Are you sure you want to use what you once thought were despicable means to win back Zhang Ling?"

Qi Diaozhe nodded impatiently and said:

"So do you have a better idea?"

Shangguan Aoxue who always thinks of himself as noble.

For the sake of her family, she has long lost the noble bottom line she once maintained.

Then he showed an even more excited look than Qi Diaozhe and shook his head and said:
"Great! I thought you should have done this a long time ago."

She believes that as long as Qi Diaozhe uses some means to win back Zhang Ling.

Then her plan to win over Li Xiang would be relatively simple.

Because she believes that men are always more rational than women when it comes to relationships.

Especially a successful man like Li Xiang.

People often regard career as the most important thing in life.

Therefore, we should regard feelings as a small thing that adds icing on the cake in life.

The so-called icing on the cake means that it is dispensable.

So she thought that when Li Xiang saw Zhang Ling leaving him, Li Xiang's dream of pursuing true love would be completely shattered.

Then she, Shangguan Aoxue, would naturally become Li Xiang's best match.

In other words, Li Xiang would definitely marry her without a doubt.

Qi Diaozhe at this moment.

It seems that he knows Shangguan Aoxue best.

So when he saw a silly smile on Shangguan Aoxue's face.

He said coldly and mercilessly:
"You are dreaming again. Stop it! Based on my understanding of Li Xiang, even if there were only you and Li Xiang left in the world, Li Xiang would not choose you."

Shangguan Aoxue restrained her smile and asked in return:

"How are you better than me?"

Qi Diaozhe also asked himself a question that he did not clearly understand:
"What do you mean?"

Shangguan Aoxue looked at Qi Diaozhe seriously and said:

"How dare you say that to me? To be honest, even if you use those despicable means to try to force Zhang Ling to submit, based on my understanding of Zhang Ling, she would not let you succeed easily even if she died."

In order to save his own face, Qi Diaozhe said:
"Ms. Shangguan, you seem to have forgotten one thing. We are strategic allies. You and I are now doing something that hurts each other. What's going on?"

Shangguan Aoxue said without showing any weakness:

"Who should I blame? You were the first one to say something hurtful to me."

Qi Diaozhe looked somewhat ashamed and said "I'm sorry" first.

After hearing Shangguan Aoxue's words of forgiveness.

Qi Diaozhe then pointed to the direction of the terminal door and said:
"Let's go. It's getting late. To express my apology to you, how about I treat you to a meal in a quiet place?"

Shangguan Aoxue hesitated a little and did not answer immediately.

Qi Diao Zhe continued:
"Don't get me wrong. I just wanted to discuss the next plan with you."

Shangguan Aoxue then nodded in agreement and said:

"Do you want me to call Li Xi now and ask her to come over?"

To be honest, for Qi Diaozhe, if Li Xi came, it would definitely affect his appetite.

Because he didn't like Li Xi's character from the bottom of his heart.

Especially when the three of them are discussing plans together.

Li Xi always gave orders to him and Shangguan Aoxue.

It would be fine if what Li Xi said hit the point.

But this woman was obviously saying stupid things but she didn't even realize it and kept scolding them for being stupid.

This made Qi Diaozhe feel a little regretful.

At the beginning, we chose to make Li Xi one of the allies.

So after hearing Shangguan Aoxue's suggestion, he said seriously:

"You can call her. But I have a small request for Miss Shangguan."

Shangguan Aoxue asked curiously:

Qi Diaozhe continued:
"Then please wait until we have almost finished eating, Miss Shangguan, and then contact Li Xi."

Shangguan Aoxue understood and said:

"Oh, I understand! To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that Li Xi is the most beloved granddaughter of the old patriarch of the Li family, I really wouldn't want to choose to be an ally with Li Xi."

Qi Diaozhe once again seemed to have met a soulmate, his eyes sparkling with light as he said:
"I never thought you would have such an idea."

There was also the same light flashing in Shangguan Aoxue's eyes as in Qi Diaozhe's.

To be honest, if she didn't have a very high level of self-control.

at this time.

I would really be excited to hug Qi Diaozhe like most people.

Release the joy in your heart.

But if she really did that.

Then the next day there will definitely be a situation where scandals and gossips are flying everywhere.

She devoted all her energy to the Shangguan family.

But there were always some voices in the Shangguan family who opposed her being the head of the family.

Then the scandals and gossip will inevitably make the voices against her in the Shangguan family more difficult to control.

So Shangguan Aoxue doesn't dare to take this risk easily.

She suppressed the throbbing in her heart.

He just said "hmm" lightly.

XX Hotel.

In a small but elegant and quiet box.

Shangguan Aoxue has always found it difficult to calm down.


It’s not like she had never had dinner with Qi Diaozhe before.

But today, when she faced Qi Diaozhe, she actually felt like she was going on a date with the man she loved for the first time.

No, this shouldn't be the case!
Li Xiang is her destined man.

Qi Diaozhe, a man whom even Zhang Ling looks down upon.

How could Shangguan Aoxue like him?

If you like it.

That proves that Shangguan Aoxue's taste and vision are far inferior to Zhang Ling's.


Absolutely not!

She would never allow this to happen.

So she had to force herself to kill the inappropriate thoughts in her mind.

People are sometimes very strange!
The more you want to deliberately forget something.

But the fact is harder to forget.

So Qi Diaozhe walked into Shangguan Aoxue's heart so openly.

Shangguan Aoxue tried to ease the current ambiguous atmosphere.

She recounted Li Xiang's whereabouts abroad as if she was telling a story.

He even expressed his own guess based on the existing information.

That is, she guessed that in addition to liking Zhang Ling, Li Xiang also liked sugar women.

Because Shangguan Aoxue found out that Mr. Liu, whom Li Xiang met abroad, was a sugar woman.

Qi Diaozhe was skeptical about Shangguan Aoxue's speculation.

Because simply by knowing sugar girls, we can conclude that Li Xiang likes sugar girls.

This is a bit too arbitrary.

You know, Qi Diaozhe also has many friends who are sugar daddies.

But he was very clear that his hobbies had always been women.

Rather than those sugar-eating women.

Because in Qi Diaozhe's opinion, there is an essential difference between sugar-eating women and natural women.

This conclusion is based on the fact that current medical technology cannot completely transform a woman who eats sugar into a woman in the true sense.

That is, women who eat sugar are currently unable to truly give birth to children like women.

So in Qi Diaozhe's subconscious mind, he believes that a woman who can give birth to children is a real woman.

Qi Diaozhe denied Shangguan Aoxue's conjecture.

And briefly expressed his point of view.

He confessed that he also knew quite a few sugar daddies.

This made Shangguan Aoxue temporarily give up her previous guess.

It's quite strange to say.

Shangguan Aoxue gave up her guess.

However, Qi Diaozhe felt that Shangguan Aoxue's guess was close to the truth.

Maybe that's the truth!


Although he didn't know why he felt this way now?

Perhaps it was because Qi Diaozhe was unwilling to believe from the bottom of his heart that Li Xiang would be as Shangguan Aoxue guessed.

That's why he shook his head violently.

Trying to get rid of these unnecessary conjectures from my head.

Shangguan Aoxue saw Qi Diaozhe's abnormal reaction.

She said with some concern:
"You are shaking your head. Are you feeling unwell? I heard that the epidemic in the country you visited is very serious. If you are not feeling well, go to the hospital as soon as possible."

Qi Diaozhe said jokingly with a serious expression:

"Why don't you sit further away from me? Aren't you afraid of getting sick too?"

Shangguan Aoxue smiled with relief and said:

"That's great! I've been feeling very tired these past few days. If I really get sick from this, I can take the opportunity to take a few days off. This is a good illness."

To be honest, rest is indeed a luxury for Shangguan Aoxue.

If you tell this to outsiders.

No one will believe it.

Qi Diaozhe deliberately said with a bit of sadness:

"I thought you would say you would share the good and bad times with me. Alas, it seems I was overthinking it!"

Shangguan Aoxue asked with a hint of surprise in her eyes:
"Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of me sharing the good and bad times with you?"

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