When the two of them came out of the hospital, Xiang Wan's face was filled with despair. Thinking of the speechless expression on Doctor Cai's face, he felt ashamed and angry.

Looking at Qi Jin who was completely relieved, he glared at Wan and grabbed his hand as if to vent his anger. Then the two of them strolled slowly on the street, observing the surroundings from time to time and whispering their opinions.

There are a lot of deserted lands in J city, but most of them are near the outside of the city. Outside the city, Xiang Wan is not interested, but there are houses built in the city to live in. If you want to buy it and build a residence, you will either have to pay a one-time resettlement fee or get a house. Let me tell you, if the two of you put it all together, since you want to buy land in the city, choose a more remote location, just not in the downtown area.

Now, a more remote place has its own advantages. When the time comes, we can buy it directly, use most of it to build residences, and use the rest of the vacant land to build shops. Or we can discuss with Qian Ming and the others to see if the hospital can be moved here. In addition to the conditions for buying a house, it has the added advantage of being close to the hospital, and it can also improve the economy surrounding the residence, killing two birds with one stone.

When Xiang Wan told Qi Jin these thoughts, he saw unabashed appreciation and approval in his eyes.

"In terms of foresight, you are more powerful," Qi Jin said with emotion.

The person who was praised was slightly shy: "I also want to sell more houses, so I can't lose money."

Qi Jin knew that she was being modest, and he could think of what she described, and if he thought about it, if he wanted to buy a house, he would indeed give it priority if there was a hospital nearby.

After thinking for a moment, Qi Jin said: "When Director Qian and the others have news about the hospital, you can implement it with them. I'm afraid the situation will change when the land is obtained. It's best to implement it in the contract, and let the government go to the hospital to negotiate, and then signature."

Xiang Wan frowned: "Will Director Qian and the others refuse to agree?"

"No, our conditions are very simple for them, and we will provide the money and effort to build the hospital. They just want to move to another place. The hospital is different from catering. There is no question of whether the business is good or not," Qi Jin paused. , and then said: "Besides, Director Qian and the others really hope that J City can develop, not only for the sake of the people, but also to add luster to their political achievements. Let you take over the land for the sake of the uncles behind us. Secondly, as Director Qian said, they believe in you more than other businessmen. After all, the righteous things you have done have been received by their most admired leader, and everyone knows about it, so don't worry."

Hearing Qi Jin's words, Xiang Wan felt much more at ease, and immediately smiled brightly: "Then when Director Qian has good news, I will mention it to them, and by the way, I have to call my brother, let's go Go, tell him the good news quickly."

"it is good."

The two of them walked towards the hotel. Halfway through, they used a public phone to tell Peng Qingliang about things in City J, and then mentioned the two pieces of land in City C.

Regarding the land in J city, Peng Qingliang was worried that he would not be able to afford it at first. After all, the two of them had no money in their accounts to support an additional piece of land. Later, when they learned that Qi Jin wanted to invest, they immediately agreed and said that they would wait for the money from various businesses this year. After the account is received, Qi Jin will be replenished.

Now we are just waiting for news from Qian Ming.

After hanging up Peng Qingliang's phone, Xiang Wan made another call to the clothing factory. After talking to Xiang Xiong for a while, the two of them walked slowly towards the hotel.

Early the next morning, Xiang Wan was woken up by the hotel owner. He followed her downstairs to answer Qian Ming's call. He immediately woke up and with bright eyes, he went upstairs and trotted straight to Qi Jin's room. The door opened just after two clicks.

Qi Jin raised his hand to look at the time, slightly surprised: "Woke up so early today?"

Xiang Wan quickly got into the room, pulled out a chair and sat down, and said leisurely: "The boss woke me up just now. Director Qian called and said that we would have dinner together in the evening to discuss the land. I guess I didn't run away." Qi Jin also smiled: "That's good, but don't let go of what you need to master. Don't feel embarrassed. If you don't know how to speak, I will tell you when the time comes."

"Let me say it. After all, this is what I decided to do. If you say it, they will inevitably think that we are using Uncle Qi to pull the banner. Moreover, Director Qian is a very good person. He only thinks about development and construction." J City also sincerely considers the people, but I have to mention the conditions that should be mentioned, and I am not a philanthropist now."

The corners of Qi Jin's mouth raised, and his eyes were full of smiles.

After Xiang Wan finished speaking, he went back to the room. After washing, the two of them went out to have breakfast.

Because Qian Ming's side was almost confirmed, Xiang Wan was in a good mood along the way, and he dragged Qi Jin to buy some snacks.

One day during the day, the two of them were shopping outside, and Xiang Wan also decided on the land he was interested in. At 05:30, the two of them went to the hotel that Qian Ming had booked.

Qian Ming and Zeng Wei arrived first, and the two parties exchanged pleasantries again.

Qian Ming was all smiles and didn't mince words: "Yesterday afternoon when I returned to the work, I organized a meeting for everyone and talked about the land in J City. Everyone heard that the target was Miss Xiang and they all welcomed it. However, what we are most concerned about is the Regarding future plans for the land, I wonder if Miss Xiang has any current ideas?"

Xiang Wan pursed his lips and smiled: "Everyone trust me, I will definitely do my best to repay J City. As for the land planning, it actually depends on the location. We have walked around J City a few times in the past two days. If Director Qian is willing Give me the land on Chengnan Road. I plan to use it to build residences in the future. Based on the area there, it is estimated that thirteen seven-story residences can be built. Plus the greenery inside the residence and the shops facing the street, it will be about the same. so."

Before Qian Ming had time to speak, Zeng Wei looked at Xiang Wan with bright eyes: "Miss Xiang means that we want all the land on Chengnan Road? There are not many people living there now, and there are not many open rooms. The store has the least amount of people in the entire city, are you sure you want that area?"

Xiang Wan smiled and nodded: "The advantage of having fewer people is less. Moving out later can also save a lot of trouble. As for the flow of people, these are actually not a big problem. As long as it develops over there, there will be no shortage of people flow."

Qian Ming frowned, thinking deeper than Zeng Wei, and asked directly after thinking for a moment: "The flow of people will naturally increase, but before the development? These are related to the purchase of residential people, and the residential buildings are built in the remote area in the south of the city. Miss Xiang, isn't she afraid that the house won't be sold?"

"Director Qian asked about a key point. I have an idea here and would like to hear your opinions."

Qian Ming and Zeng Wei nodded at the same time.

Xiang Wan chuckled: "I would like to discuss with you two whether J City Hospital can be moved to Chengnan Road in the future."

Qian Ming's body trembled and he looked at Xiang Wan in disbelief.

Zeng Wei was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xiang Wan in shock.

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