Dress up as an eighty-year-old girl, earn money and learn to do everything

Chapter 400: Selfishness to Benefit the Country and the People

Qian Ming has been in the hospital for so many years and has always thought more far-term than others. After Xiang Wan's words, Qian Ming was the first to think of moving the hospital there, so the benefits are obvious.

The foundation of human beings, apart from food, clothing, housing and transportation, the most important thing is birth, old age, illness and death, among which 'illness' is the key.

In this world, every business has its ups and downs, but hospitals have no shortage of patients. If J City Hospital is really moved to Chengnan Road, the flow of people will definitely increase, and Qian Ming dares to vouch for it. If people buy a house, they know there is a hospital nearby. , absolutely heartwarming.

After figuring out these key points, Qian Ming sincerely admired the little girl in her twenties. She was optimistic about the land and thought about the follow-up decisions in such a short period of time. With such a brain, is she really only in her twenties?

No wonder the leaders above are always full of praise every time they mention Xiang Wan.

This is a talent born to do business!

The two were silent for a long time, and Xiang Wan didn't urge him. With a smile on his face, he picked up the tea cup and drank tea while looking at the environment outside the window.

During this period, Qian Ming and Zeng Wei looked at each other.

"Ms. Xiang, this is a serious matter. The hospital has been built for a long time. If we have to move out, there will be a lot of trouble to solve in the future. We cannot get the money to build the hospital alone. Since the last flash flood, After that, the J city government has run out of money, so I’m afraid I can’t give you a clear answer on this matter.”

Xiang Wan turned the tea cup on his fingertips and said casually: "Then if we are willing to pay for the construction of the hospital, can Director Qian reply?"

Qian Ming was shocked again: "You, you mean you will pay for the construction of the hospital?"

Xiang Wan nodded: "Not only will we pay for the construction of the hospital, but I am also preparing to bring in a batch of medical equipment from abroad for use in the hospital. Director Qian, seeing that I am so sincere, can you answer me now?" ?"

Although it is difficult for Qian Ming to make decisions about the hospital by himself, if it is true what Xiang Wan said, she will not only pay for the construction of the hospital, but also import foreign medical equipment later on. There is no need to hold another meeting for everyone to discuss this matter Well, who would refuse such a great good thing?

Anyway, Qian Ming would definitely not refuse.

Thinking of this, Qian Ming put a smile on his face again: "If it is true as Miss Xiang said, then I can tell you clearly here that our J City Government has agreed to this matter. Tomorrow I will go to the hospital director to explain this on behalf of the Government." The only thing is to import foreign medical equipment, I am afraid it will not be easy."

"Director Qian, don't worry. You forgot that our garment factory has cooperation with foreign countries. After so many years of cooperation, we have not only met people in the garment industry. My brother went abroad for this purpose two years ago. , I got to know several medical manufacturers there.”

Qi Jin knew about Peng Qingliang going abroad, but he didn't know that he was going to make connections. He couldn't help but think in his mind: Peng Qingliang must have given instructions to Wan about going abroad. After all, she was still studying at that time, so she couldn't help but think about it. He couldn't spare the time to travel abroad, so he had to do it for Peng Qingliang. From this, it can be inferred that Xiang Wan had already made arrangements for today at that time?At that time, she had already thought of bringing foreign medical treatment back to China?

The answer so far is yes.She did make arrangements like this for today, maybe not for J City, but it must be to throw out big news like today and achieve the effect she wants.

Except for Xiang Wan, who looked calm among the four people present, the other three were either shocked, stunned, or appreciative.

Qian Mingkan recovered from the shock and gave a thumbs up to Xiang Wan: "There are talented people in every generation, and the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Miss Xiang's foresight is the most far-sighted I have ever seen in my life. I admire her." "

"Director Qian deserves the award. When I did this, I also wanted to contribute to the country. Our country is now in a stage of development. If we can learn from other people's good things, it will also enrich our own experience, not only in J City I am also planning to send a batch of medicines to the hospital and the research institute over there in Bei City for research. After all, only what you produce belongs to you, and if it belongs to others, you will eventually have to pay a price."

Zeng Wei stood up suddenly, his face flushed with excitement, and he gave Xiang Wan a standard military salute, sonorous and powerful: "Miss Xiang, I am grateful for your efforts on behalf of the people."

Qian Ming was still stuck in Xiang Wan's words and was deeply shocked. He didn't come back to his senses until he heard Zeng Wei's voice in his ears. He also stood up and bowed to Xiang Wan.

Even Qi Jin on the side looked at her deeply.

Xiang Wan laughed and waved his hands repeatedly: "The two leaders are too polite. The country has given me such a stable life and issued so many policies. They are all what I should do. I don't deserve such thanks. Besides, I also have selfish motives. Leaders, because I am so sincere, my chances will be greater than others."

"That's for sure, everyone has their own selfishness, but Miss Xiang's selfishness is a good thing that benefits the country and the people," Zeng Wei said with a smile.

Qian Ming nodded in agreement: "Old Zeng is right, everyone has selfish motives. Even if Miss Xiang is doing it to increase everyone's chances of buying a house or to go long in the business, things that benefit the country and the people are For real.”

Xiang Wan was no longer modest, and smiled back at the two of them.

The land matter has been settled. We originally planned to leave tomorrow, but due to the land issue, the trip will be delayed for a few more days.

After returning, Qi Jin went directly to the bank to withdraw the money for purchasing the property rights of the land, and then wrote three written contracts, one each for Qi Jin, Xiang Wan and Peng Qingliang, which detailed the allocation of their respective shares. Because of the current The money was all provided by Qi Jin, and it was Qi Jin who was the first to fund the construction of the land later. Therefore, Qi Jin got [-] shares, and Xiang Wan and Peng Qingliang each got [-]. When the profits of the two factories this year are settled, then the two of them will be paid. The money given was used to supplement Qi Jin.

At Xiang Wan's strong request, they wrote him an IOU from the brother and sister on the spot. Finally, the two took the money and went to the ZF to find Qian Ming to apply for the land purchase contract. They also added the hospital relocation and the Chengnan Road land to the contract. , completely pocketed, and will only wait for the design drawings to be sent to Wan next year and then arrange for workers to come and build commercial housing.

A few months later, businessmen in J City heard about the news and asked people to inquire internally. Businessmen from all over the world were very familiar with the names of Peng Qingliang and Xiang Wan. Those two brothers and sisters were masters of whatever they did. Many bosses in the North City followed those two brothers and sisters. After drinking a lot of good soup, and having a strong backstage, there is no doubt that there is also inside information, so they approached Qian Ming, Zeng Wei and others, wanting to buy the land in J city, but Qian Ming and others rejected them and asked them to go back and wait. According to the news, the ZF will launch a public bidding process at that time. Of course, these are all things for later.

At this moment, Xiang Wan took the land ownership contract and happily took Qi Jin out to celebrate. He called Peng Qingliang and told him the good news.

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