Chapter 300 New Song
Song Jiayan pulled Xu Jiali away, and comforted, "Zhao Qi said that Qin Yun is someone we can't afford to mess with. We can rely on our enthusiasm, but when Sister Wenying comes back, is she going to deal with the aftermath for us? Why should we drag Wen Ying into trouble?" Sister Ying, let her turn against these wealthy families? I know that Sister Wenying is powerful, but she is only one person after all, while the wealthy families have a lot of status and connections."

Song Jiayan didn't say anything, but he was actually more worried about Xu Jiali.

Like him, Xu Jiali has no fame, no background, no background, and was born in an ordinary family.

Even if you don't want to admit it, you don't want to admit it.

But Song Jiayan still knew clearly that it was really too easy for those wealthy families to kill an ordinary person.

Such as buying sharks.

Such as spending money to create various accidents, and then using money to settle the matter.

There have even been some unpopular rumors that someone offered a million dollars to hire someone to step on the sewing machine instead of him.

This society is like this.

Although everyone is now advocating fairness, does corrective fairness really exist?

It's just that compared with the past, the living conditions at the bottom have improved a bit.

As long as there are class gaps and gaps between the rich and the poor in this world, true fairness cannot exist.

Song Jiayan knew each other clearly, he and Xu Jiali were at the bottom.

Xu Jiali didn't want to cause trouble for Sister Wenying, so she nodded when she heard Song Jiayan's words.

"I just can't get used to this woman. Why did Sister Yingying do nothing, as if she has become a thorn in the side of many people?"

"Just because Sister Yingying is almost the same as us, alone? In the eyes of those people, she is at best a nouveau riche. A nouveau riche can be controlled at will."

After Xu Jiali finished complaining, she sighed.

She didn't explain or understand, but she was really aggrieved and didn't want to accept it.

I feel more and more that I can’t survive in this industry, what should I do?
"Song Jiayan, if you become a top singer, will you still know me?"

Xu Jiali turned her head and looked at Song Jiayan seriously.

Song Jiayan was speechless, "You are my friend, you have always been."

"But what if I've always been an amateur?"

Song Jiayan reached out and touched Xu Jiali's forehead, wondering if Xu Jiali had a fever.

"Xu Jiali, you understand that I have never said so many things to anyone. You have always been my friend. Unless you don't want me as a friend, I will never change."

Xu Jiali went straight to her and patted Song Jiayan on the back of the head lightly, dressed in a thin dress, angrily, "Song Jiayan, you are so courageous! How dare you touch my head!"

"I was wrong. I was wrong."

The atmosphere seems to have eased a lot.

But the program team left, and the only people left here were the two of them and Qin Yun.

That Qin Yun looked like an enemy rather than a friend, and seemed to have brought someone over.

These wealthy families always hug each other when they go out.

Xu Jiali is actually not jealous, if she is in this position, she is probably used to it.

She was just dissatisfied with Qin Yun's attitude towards Sister Wen Ying.

It was as if other people were inherently inferior to her.

"Song Jiayan, I think Zhao Qi is a pretty good person, but I didn't expect that at this juncture, he left by himself."

Song Jiayan nodded and did not speak.

He also almost thought that Zhao Qi was their friend, but other people had no position to influence other people's choices.

"Mr. Song Jiayan, hello. I'm Chen Ming."

A strange man in a suit and tie appeared in front of Song Jiayan and Xu Jiali.

He looked calm and seemed to have no other emotions.

Song Jiayan looked at the person in front of him in a daze. He was unfamiliar, had never seen him, and indeed did not know him.

"You are?" Xu Jiali asked first.

"Sorry, I was called by Dr. Wen, and I'm in charge of connecting Mr. Song with your music cooperation."

Men are polite.

"Mr. Chen, hello." Song Jiayan felt a little apprehensive.

I didn't expect this person to come so soon, but he didn't understand anything, what should I say?
"Song Jiayan, don't worry. You said that Dr. Wen is a good friend. I will stand on your side and fight for your best interests. Dr. Wen is my boss."

They were still a little worried, but when they heard that Wen Ying was the boss of this person, they were a little stunned.


Has Sister Wenying become the boss?

This person should not lie.

He took out various documents and materials to prove his identity.

Although Xu Jiali and Song Jiayan are newcomers, they are still very cautious in this regard.

Today's liars have too many thoughts and too many eyes.

What if she deliberately used Sister Wenying's name to deceive him.

"Sorry, Mr. Chen, let's talk about this matter when Dr. Wen comes, what do you think?"

Of course Chen Ming had no objection.

He is also a figure in the circle. When he was asked to bring in newcomers, he was a little curious and didn't directly agree.

But after hearing Song Jiayan's two original songs, he felt that this young man was indeed a seedling.

Now people are impetuous, and few people can calm down and engage in creation.

In the end, Mr. Jiang told him that this task was arranged by the new boss, who was very optimistic about Song Jiayan.

Chen Ming was even more curious, so he took it.

When I saw a real person this time, it was indeed similar to what was said on the Internet, and I was very shy.

Such people are honest and easy to be bullied.

Fortunately, I met him.

He was satisfied when he saw the cautious attitude of the two.

It just so happened that he hadn't met the new boss either, so he naturally stayed when he had this opportunity.

What kind of strange person is the new boss.

I just didn't expect that when he came, the program team left.

Although he doesn't understand what's going on, he's not a gossip, as long as his mission is around.

Qin Yun has always kept a distance from Xu Jiali and the others, and seems to despise these people.

Xu Jiali, Song Jiayan, and Chen Ming were together.

Walking around this town boredly, but standing by the river, Chen Ming felt that Xu Jiali and Song Jiayan were a little absent-minded.

"Mr. Song Jiayan, do you have any other songs?"

Song Jiayan nodded.

Xu Jiali was surprised, "You don't want to talk about new songs? I'm your fan anyway! I like your songs so much, I've listened to both of them a hundred times! Do you want me to listen to new songs first?"

Song Jiayan blushed, not knowing how to explain.

Chen Ming saw the relationship between Song Jiayan and Xu Jiali again, it was great.

It's the kind of friend.

"Mr. Song Jiayan, if you don't mind, can you sing a few lines?"

Chen Ming also spoke, he was really curious.

How many stories are there in this young man's heart?

How many of them were written by him?

Write life into a song, write confusion into a song, and write youth into a song.

Song Jiayan nodded silently, then looked across the river.

"Walking in the streets and buildings, the heart is the horse and the hunting ground. The most amazing fragility and confusion, but that's it.

There is heaven and impermanence outside the sky, and there are mountains and other places outside the mountains.

I stumbled, but my heart returned to the old place. "

The voice that comes slowly is like a storyteller who has told stories for many years.

(End of this chapter)

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