Chapter 301
Song Jiayan's voice is very unique. The lyrics and melodies he wrote can always easily enter a person's heart.

Everything seems to be as special as him.

Both Xu Jiali and Chen Ming were quietly listening to Song Jiayan's new song, each with their own images in their hearts.

Young and frivolous, everyone once had an unreachable distance in their hearts.

All the way forward, he also went on a rampage, and finally licked the wound alone.

Later we grew into what we are today.

It's not good or bad, it's growth.

"Who hasn't lived up to a few expensive times, if the boy laughed and cried and was tired, he said he was going to wander.

Leave the appearance of an adult, and watch the years are imminent, there will always be someone who will become your far away. "

The three looked into the distance.

Song Jiayan's voice echoed in Xu Jiali and Chen Ming's minds, even if the voice stopped, their hearts were still melancholy.

"Mr. Song Jiayan"

"Mr. Chen, call me Xiao Song if you don't mind."

Mr. Song Jiayan always said Mr. Song Jiayan, Song Jiayan himself felt a little embarrassed and awkward.

Chen Ming smiled, "Okay, Xiao Song, then you can call me Brother Chen too."

Song Jiayan did not refuse.

Chen Ming was already older than him, and he was still a senior in the industry.

If it is really Miss Wenying's person.

Then this brother, he is willing.

"Xiao Song, your songs deserve to be heard by more people. In this circle for many years, I have seen too many musicians of all kinds. You are unique. Your music has its own characteristics. This characteristic It is easy to enter the hearts of others and cause resonance, so you will definitely become a well-known singer, believe me.

Keep your original intention and keep working hard, even if you become famous, you must not be arrogant or impetuous, and be yourself.Only with love and reverence for music can this road go on for a long time. "

"Thank you Brother Chen, I will."

Song Jiayan was very talented, but Chen Ming didn't say that.

After many people know that they have talent, they start to slack off.

He didn't want Song Jiayan to become such a person, even if the risk was very low, he didn't want to.

Anyway, this is the first person the new boss asks him to bring, and he must submit a perfect answer sheet.

"Brother Chen, what about me?" Xu Jiali blinked and looked at Chen Ming.

Chen Ming was a little confused.

"Xiao Xu, do you want to sing too?"

Xu Jiali shook her head, "I'm out of tune, so I don't want to torture everyone's ears. I mean, what do you think of me after you've been in this industry for so many years?"

"Xiao Xu, you are very sincere, straightforward, and real, very good. You are still a big beauty, and you and Xiao Song both have a sincere heart."

Xu Jiali curled her lips. After hearing these answers, she already knew what they meant.

This seems to be a compliment, and each word is also a compliment, and when combined together, it is still a compliment.

But in such an environment, in such a context, this praise loses its meaning.

As if to tell her, you're a nice guy, but we're not right.

Isn't this a scumbag quotes?

Xu Jiali didn't ask any more questions, after all, they were just acquaintances.

It is impossible for others to teach her everything.

This is reality.

I can't just because I participated in a show, hugged Sister Wenying's thigh, and gained a lot of fans, I don't know the heights of heaven and earth.

Song Jiayan turned around and glanced at Xu Jiali.

As night fell, Xu Jiali felt a little impatient.

"It's the second day. Sister Wenying hasn't come back yet? Xiaobai didn't come back to say anything, is it a little abnormal?"

Song Jiayan nodded, he thought so too.

"Mr. Chen, we have something to do. We are going to the other side of the river. Can you go back first?"

When Song Jiayan opened his mouth, suddenly someone walked towards the riverside, with an unfamiliar face, his body straightened, and every step he took seemed to be full of strength.

"Mr. Song, Ms. Xu, it's not safe here at night, everyone should go back and rest earlier."

"Who are you?" Xu Jiali didn't intend to leave.

"I'm someone sent by the government, you can't stay here at night."

After seeing the certificate in the other party's hand, Chen Ming left.

Xu Jiali hesitated, she really didn't want to leave.

She has lost sleep all night because of this matter, and now she is leaving, she is so worthy of Sister Wenying.

"Miss Xu, I know you're worried about Dr. Wen, but you really can't stay here at night."

"But we've spent the night here before."

"Miss Xu, didn't Dr. Wen tell you before he left that there might be danger there?"

"I know you are worried about Dr. Wen. Our people have already gone to look for Dr. Wen. You can wait for the news in the town."

Wait for the news, wait for the news, wait for the news.

Always wait for news.

Xu Yiran said he was waiting for news about the matter, but there was no news at all.

Now we are still waiting for news about Sister Wenying.

Although dissatisfied, Xu Jiali is a good citizen who abides by the law.

Still in the eyes of these people, Song Jiayan dragged him away.

The town under the night seemed to be much quieter.

On weekdays, they would go out and walk around the streets to play chess and mahjong, and the number of people with parents in the east and west in the west was also reduced by [-] to [-]%.

"Song Jiayan, do you feel that something is not normal here?"

Song Jiayan nodded Wannian, "I heard people say in the afternoon that the people in the street office asked everyone not to come out at night and stay at home."

"Do you feel that something big is about to happen?"

Song Jiayan still nodded, but he didn't know what was going on.

"I have a bad feeling. I always feel that Sister Wenying is also related to this incident, and the departure of the program crew is also related to it, including those people who suddenly appeared from nowhere today and claimed to be the government."

"Me too." Although Song Jiayan didn't like to talk, he was more thoughtful.

Also feel the strangeness here.

"I don't know where Xiaobai is, and whether he has met Sister Wenying. Why don't you come and tell us, I'm so worried about them."

"Don't worry too much, Xiaobai is a great immortal, so there should be no problem."

Xu Jiali nodded, that's all she could do to comfort herself.

For one night, nothing happened.

At dawn, Xu Jiali got up.

In other words, her panda eyes are heavy again.

Xu Jiali didn't even bother to wash up, so she knocked on the door of the next room.

The next room is Song Jiayan.

Song Jiayan was also in a bad state of mind.

"Jia Li, what is your plan so early?"

"Hush!" Xu Jiali put her finger to her mouth, "Come with me."

The two left the hotel carefully, and there was no one on the street.

But along the way, all the people walked aside, for fear of being discovered.

Until the river.

"Jiali, are you going to see Sister Wenying?"

"Don't try to persuade me. I must go to see Sister Wenying. It's been two days. I'm really worried. I can't eat or sleep. I have to go! If you are afraid"

"I want to say, I'll go with you." Song Jiayan seemed to have made a decision long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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