I, a psychiatrist, see through fate is reasonable, right?

Chapter 315 Dr. Wen is not colorblind, is he?

Chapter 315 Dr. Wen is not colorblind, is he?
Doctor Wen looked at his completed masterpiece with satisfaction.

"Of course it's done!"

[Doctor Wen is not colorblind, is he? 】

[I also have such a small idea, or red-green color blindness? 】

[I didn't realize that Dr. Wen had this problem before?What to do now!It won't be wiped off by a click, right? 】

[I'm a little worried that something will happen, I can't bear to watch it anymore! 】

The woman in the nurse's uniform looked impatiently at the ground. When she saw the green all over the ground, she almost couldn't catch her breath, and her expression became angry, "It's done? Are you kidding me? Good! Very good!" Good! You have the ability! Today's work is unqualified, you wait for punishment!"

The woman in the nurse's uniform turned around angrily, planning to leave.

Only this time, she didn't seem to have the good luck of last time.

Because she just turned around, Dr. Wen was already standing in front of her with a smiling face, "Isn't my job done well? Don't you say I know that? Besides, I just came to our mental hospital. Don’t you have any training? No food, no sleep? Aren’t you simply abusing employees?”

The woman dressed as a nurse jumped when Wen Ying suddenly appeared in front of her, and she backed away quickly.

"To shut up!"

"Why shut up, am I not telling the truth?" Wen Ying stepped forward again, looking curiously at the nurse pretending to be a woman.

"Such a big mental hospital, or an old castle, it's impossible to have no money, right?"

The woman pretending to be a nurse gritted her teeth, but she seemed to have thought of something and didn't make a move.

He just stared at Wenying angrily.

"It's fine if you don't have money, and your attitude is not up to standard. I'm still a new employee. I can come here because of my recognition of our mental hospital. It's fate. Do you know? From now on, we are a family, and this is how you treat your family." ?"

A nurse pretending to be a woman will be laughed out of anger!

Approved?fate?family?Unqualified attitude?
Do you really think she is here for vacation, or is she going home?
The head nurse has never seen such an arrogant human being!


"What are you! Is what I said wrong? If you don't believe me, ask the dean! The dean must think that what I said is correct! You must treat the mental hospital as our home, don't you do it? You are perfunctory every day What happened? Do you think you are part of our mental hospital? God, you are such an employee!"

Wen Ying looked at the nurse pretending to be a woman in disbelief.

The woman's face turned red, then white, and then livid.

Many colors took turns on the woman's face, until the woman's mouth burst open, "Shut up!"

Open your mouth wide!

She bit Wen Ying, and then the limbs of the woman pretending to be a nurse turned into the legs of a spider!
Except for the head, which is still a human head, the whole body is crooked, and the rest of the body has become a spider.

The thick spider legs look a bit like mutants.

Wen Ying stepped back quickly, "Good guy, it turned out to be a spider spirit!"

"But I'm neither Bajie nor Tang Sanzhu!"

[Mom!This special effect is probably going to beat even a certain Hollywood! 】

[I never knew that Dr. Wen could talk so much, we love to hear more! 】

[Here even the spider spirits have appeared, it can't be the world of Journey to the West! 】

[Dream back to Datang!Hey, I want to go too!Look at the once prosperous Datang! 】

[I think too, but I just think about it!If you want me to cross, I will definitely not go!Human life was so worthless in those days, and a cold could kill you, and you had to serve people as slaves. Anyway, I only like the convenience of modern life! 】

[Has no one thought about a question, when the spider spirit regains its human form, will the clothes still be there? 】

[Puff laugh!Upstairs is so strange! 】

[This is a good angle, and it can provide material for some people's late-night movies, right? 】

[Analyze carefully, the clothes are all in pieces, if it turns into a human, it seems a bit hot? 】

The topic floor suddenly turned crooked.

"Don't worry, head nurse, do you think barbecue spiders are delicious?"

When she heard don't worry, the nurse pretending to be a woman felt that this human being was scared and begged for mercy!
Finally let out a bad breath!
But want her to just stop?
how can that be possible!
She must teach this human being an unforgettable lesson, at least tear off her two arms and let her use her feet to clean up!
If you can't complete the task every day, you will be punished every day!
Finally die here!
But the head nurse suddenly heard the second part of Wen Ying's words!

BBQ Spider!



This is contempt for her Chi Guoguo!
She was angry, her anger had reached its limit!
This human must die!
puff!With a bang, the spider monster woman really spit out spider silk threads!
Dense spider silk threads shot towards Wenying, from different directions, as if they wanted to wrap Wenying up, and then deal with it casually!

The head nurse's eyes were full of angry hatred, and the pleasure of being about to succeed in revenge!
Stupid human being, let you be rampant one last time before you die!

Stupid human being, does that scare you?
Seeing Wen Ying standing there blankly, the head nurse just felt refreshed!

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly!
That stupid human took out a lighter from his pocket, lightly lit it, and burned it to the silk thread of the spider spirit.


The fire is starting to spread!
The head nurse watched in horror as the flames burned towards her body, and in an instant, she knew that this was not an ordinary flame!

How could ordinary flames burn her!
Humanoid recovery.

The expected scene in the barrage did not seem to appear, and many people looked at this scene with some disappointment.

The clothes are gone, and the head nurse is indeed not wearing...


Have you experienced smoke?

His whole body was pitch black, and strange scars began to spread on his body, scars that appeared in an instant!
No one can think about such a corpse, oh no, what kind of thought is it the body.

"The barbecue spider has turned into a human like this? Bad luck! If you turn into a human again during the next barbecue, I will make you lose your mind, you know? Do you know how many people watching the live broadcast have psychological shadows caused by your behavior? "Wen Ying muttered dissatisfied.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, this thing is not strictly human!"

Wen Ying also explained it specifically.

In a room on the second floor of the castle, the person who saw Wenying's behavior through the window looked around the castle, including the sky, in puzzlement.

Where are those things hidden?

This human being doesn't look like a faux pas!


There was a momentary freeze on the screen.

Then a flashing pattern flashed, and the screen returned to normal.

The head nurse was neatly dressed and stood two meters away from Wen Ying, with serious eyes and a cold voice, "The cleaning task is completed, you have 10 minutes to eat, newbies, and go to take care of the patients immediately after eating!"

After all, the head nurse turned around and was about to leave.

She just took a step and appeared, then stopped.

Turning around to look at Wen Ying, only to see this human with arms folded around his chest, looking at him with a smile on his face.


"The place to eat is in the basement of the castle. You need to go there yourself. The ward is on the second floor. You can choose the patient as you like!"

After finishing speaking, the head nurse ran away non-stop, in a panic.

I was afraid that Wenying would speak out to keep her.

But when she walked to the door, sure enough, the devil's voice appeared again, "Where do I live? Is it in your office?"

Inhale, inhale, inhale.

The head nurse turned around and looked at her with a smile on her face, "The dormitory is also in the basement, you can choose whatever you want."

Such a big right?

Absolutely uneasy.

Not only Wenying thought so, but also the people in the live broadcast room.

This is Yang's conspiracy, but Wen Ying still has to accept it.

"Let's eat first. I've been here for so long, and I'm a little hungry. I just want to see how the food is at home."


【Should I say Doctor Wen is brave or stupid?Do you really take care of yourself like this? 】

[If there is such a home in the world, then this home is hell!It is the existence that should be destroyed the most! 】

[Doctor Wen didn't do it on purpose, did he? ? 】

Wen Ying was talking, and walked towards the entrance of the basement of the castle.

The entrance to the basement, which I hadn't seen before, now appeared brightly in Wenying's sight, and there was also a sign with three large characters: Basement.

I'm afraid people won't see it.

[Did the hint in the basement just appear?Why do I have the illusion that it was specially for Dr. Wen to see? 】

[You're not the only one who thinks this way, probably because you're afraid that Dr. Wen will smash the basement with a punch, right? 】

[Doesn't anyone want to hear that the doctor is in the basement, how can we watch the live broadcast?If the drone enters the basement, the height is limited, so it won't be discovered? 】

Discussions are discussions, and everyone watched Wenying walk towards the suggested place.

The steps in the basement are not long, and it takes more than ten seconds to reach the basement. The dark and damp basement is similar to everyone's imagination.

There was even standing water on the floor which was dirty and smelly.

But this stench cannot be smelled by everyone through the screen, so the people in the live broadcast room don't know.

But Wenying was devastated by these stench.

I wanted to be patient, but this smell really... directly hits the soul!

Wen Ying frowned, took out a mask from her pocket, and put it on.

[Good guy, Doctor Wen is fully prepared!This pocket must be the rumored treasure chest! 】

After walking about ten steps, Wen Ying saw the cafeteria of the mental hospital, which was quite large.

It is an open canteen filled with tables and stools.

From Wenying's point of view, half of the canteen is filled with people or non-human things.

Each of them lowered their heads and looked at a plate in front of them. There was something dark on the plate.

They reach out and grab it and put it in their mouth.

Standing on one side, Wenying could even hear the sound of them chewing.

Wen Ying walked towards the person who was ordering food. He was an androgynous cafeteria aunt or uncle!
"Anything else to eat?"

"Look for yourself!" The impatient voice didn't even glance at Wen Ying.

Wen Ying looked towards the window, good guy, I feel a little wronged when I say this is pig food.

This is the food in the mental hospital?

Wen Ying stretched out her hand, put on the gloves, and then snapped!
"Uncle and aunt! What are these things! Can this be eaten?"

Seeing a human being who is not afraid of death, this androgynous cafeteria uncle and aunt put on a cold face, "If you like to eat or not! If you don't eat after 10 minutes, you will end up with him!"

He looked towards the position where the old man didn't know what the aunt was pointing at.

A man with a separated head and body sits on a separate table and stool.

Sitting on the stool, but putting her head on the table, the plate of food and the plate appeared at the incision on the man's neck. Even though she was standing some distance away, Wen Ying couldn't hold back and almost vomited.

The head rolled around on the table, yelling, "My meal, my meal, my meal."

And the other things in these places ate the plate of food in front of them without squinting, as if they couldn't see or hear what happened on this table.

Seeing Wenying's complexion changed drastically, the cafeteria uncle or aunt who was holding a super big spoon and basin directly scooped up the things with a spoon and put them in the basin with a big head.

"Here's the new one! This is your meal, don't leave any leftovers~"

There was a hint of disgust in that smile, Wen Ying looked at the bowl of rice and asked again.

"Is this food edible?"

Huge sound!
It resounded in the hall of the cafeteria, and everyone who heard the sound couldn't help shaking their bodies!
But those things didn't look up, and after a while, they continued to eat with their heads down as if nothing had happened.

"Eat these things right away, if you dare to leave any leftover, I'll screw your head off."

Yin Cece's voice, combined with this fat and disgusting face, does have a terrifying and shocking effect.

But Wen Ying was still grinning, "So you've eaten it? Then after you finish this pot, make me another one. I want sweet and sour pork ribs, sweet and sour fish, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, and spicy prawns. These few will do." .”

The moment Wenying finished speaking, the cafeteria master or aunt began to mutate!

Wen Ying covered her mouth in shock, with an incredulous expression on her face, her mouth trembling, "You, you...you are...a cockroach! It's disgusting!"

Facing Wen Ying's expression, the cockroach monster was very satisfied!

Are you scared?
Are you trembling?

But it didn't work!
I have to unscrew your head, and I will use your head to serve food in the future!

Of course, his thoughts are not clear to Wenying, or else he is really surprised that he has so many functions here with such a brain?

But being proud and feeling the fear of this human being is the most wonderful thing in the world.

Is this human actually disgusting?
This human actually said he was disgusting! ! !

He regretted it!

He wanted to screw off the human head at the end, first cut off her tongue and dedicated it to the head nurse, then peeled off her skin to make a mat, and cut off all her hands and feet for flower fertilizer.

He wants to make this human being bleed out little by little in fear, pain and despair!
"Don't you know that you are disgusting? How can you do this job! Did you hide your background from the person in charge! Don't you know that cockroaches are the last thing in this world, absolutely not allowed to enter the kitchen!! I want to sue you and report you! I want to murder all the family members in this family!"

(End of this chapter)

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