I, a psychiatrist, see through fate is reasonable, right?

Chapter 316 You are not the new leader, are you?

Wen Ying's aura really scared the cockroach monster.

The cockroach was frozen in place, speechless at Wenying's question.

Can cockroaches not enter the kitchen?
Murder the lives of everyone in this family?

After a while, the cockroach began to think, what home?

Is there any family in this mental hospital?
Think about it carefully, it seems that there is no such thing?

Who is this human being in front of him, and why is he so powerful?
Shouldn't it be...

The cockroach monster suddenly remembered a story it had heard from a human somewhere before!
That unlucky guy is a small employee of a branch company. He is a salted fish on weekdays. He is lazy when he can. Not only is he lazy, but he also influences other people, calling others to be lazy with him.

But because most people did it later, no fault was found out, so it went on like this.

Until one day, a new intern came to the company.

The intern is a girl.

When the interns came in, everyone was very enthusiastic, because the interns looked lively, cheerful and good-looking, with a beautiful smile.

The interns are still very diligent and always do something for them.

Until one day, when they felt mature, they began to instill interns that every day is a day of salted fish, and every day is a day of hard work, but the money they earn can’t get into their pockets, so why bother?

This kind of thinking appears in the ears of interns every day.

At first, the intern refuted, but when she saw that everyone in the group was like this, she did not continue to refute.

But his hard work had an impact on others. When she was praised, the rest of the group would be criticized.

Later, she became a thorn in the eyes of these people, and she wanted to get rid of it quickly!
Of course, they also succeeded in achieving this goal through some dishonorable means!

However, on the second day after the success, the intern transformed into the leader of the branch!

These people are all dumbfounded!

As a result, he was naturally dissuaded.

Before, the monster cockroach felt that it didn't understand these humans, but now, it seemed to feel the aura in that story from the beautiful human in front of it!

Could it be that this is a human being who came to Weibo for a private visit?
Is it actually a spy sent by the leader above?
Only this kind of person will clamor that we are all one family, just like pyramid schemes.

Only a fool would take it seriously, they are all the targets of blood sucking by the boss, who doesn't know?

But just such a person appeared in front of him, in the area under his jurisdiction, he could speak so frankly.

It can't be said!
If you don't perform well, you're really doomed!

Thinking of this, the cockroach monster's expression suddenly turned pale!
It quickly recovered its human form, and looked at Wen Ying with a pale face, "I, I, I... I know I was wrong, what do you want to eat, I will do it right away!"

"I don't want to eat a meal made by a cockroach, understand!"

Wen Ying still looked fierce.

"Chengcheng, I'll ask other people to do it right away." The cockroach monster said with a smile on his face, and then left quickly.

It is the person in charge of the kitchen, and it also has a chef under it. Originally, he didn't cook, but today he just happened to be in the mood to cook, but he didn't expect to encounter such a problem.

My life is miserable!
Bad luck!
Soon, another person came over.

The man looked at Wen Ying tremblingly, and his heart was pounding. He was also afraid of what to do!
"What are you?" Wen Ying asked directly.

"I, I... I'm a human... Can I?"

With a trembling voice, Wen Ying looked carefully at the person in front of her.

"Sweet and sour pork ribs, sweet and sour pork loin, spicy prawn and seaweed egg soup, understand?"

The man nodded with a wry smile.

I understand, I understand, but how can there be so many good things in the kitchen!

The good things in the kitchen are limited, and they are all for the leaders, and he can't get those things with his authority.

But he didn't dare to refute, not even the person in charge of the kitchen, he was so daring at the bottom.

After entering the back kitchen with a mournful face.

All the figures in the cafeteria hall looked up in Wen Ying's direction.

See you soon!

No one has ever dared to treat a cockroach monster like this!
It's not that no one has tried it. Those who have tried it have either been filled into the sewer or made into flower fertilizer. How did this human being in front of him succumb to the cockroach monster?
You must know that the cockroach monster is not an ordinary cockroach monster, and many people in this mental hospital would not choose to offend it.

It is the leader of the cafeteria!

have certain hidden rights.

Not to mention, the cockroach monster is also famous.

Wen Ying randomly chose a table to sit down, and there was no one who could avoid those eating.

Behind her were two figures eating.

Wen Ying turned around and looked at them. They were two humans.

The kind that really looks human, not the monster kind.

It's just that of the two humans, one is thin and small with white hair, and the other looks very strong, but when Wen Ying looked behind him, his eyes dodged and he was terribly frightened.

The two secretly looked at Wen Ying, but dared not speak.

Since Wen Ying entered the cafeteria, she has not heard anyone else's voice except her own.

"Are you also the cleaning staff here?"

The two men shook their heads.

"Then you are nurses?" The two looked at each other, then nodded, but did not make a sound.

But after a while, they remembered this tough woman and said, you too?

She is a cleaner? ? ?

A janitor at a mental hospital?
How dare a cleaner dare to be so arrogant to an npc!

My goodness!

This person can't be a fraudster!
Suddenly, the thin white-haired man asked in a low voice like a mosquito, "Are you really a cleaner?"

Apart from Wen Ying, probably only his partner, a very strong man, could know what he was talking about through his mouth movements.

Wen Ying spoke directly, her voice as usual, "Yes, I just finished cleaning, and the head nurse asked me to eat, is there any problem?"

Wen Ying's voice sounded like thunder in this quiet cafeteria.

Everyone heard her words.

A cleaner?

Nima, a cleaning worker scared the cockroach to death?

"Aren't you trying to lie to us?"

The thin white-haired man continued to ask.

"Go and see for yourself, my yard is pretty clean."

A few people actually ran out when they heard this.

It's just that when they saw the green everywhere... they fell silent.

Is this clean?
Seeing their expressions when they came back to the cafeteria, Wenying was very proud, "Is it very clean? The head nurse praised me!"

Only when Wen Ying looks over, will the face of the person she is facing appear in the camera.

And the others can only see a vague figure, as if it has been mosaiced.

The person who was asked looked at Wen Ying inexplicably, but did not answer him.

Just put his head down and continue eating.

"She should be crazy, please ignore her."

The voice was very low, but Wen Ying heard it.

Those who originally wanted to make small moves were all stunned when they heard this.

Originally thought that the status quo could be changed, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a neuropathy, and I guess it would end badly.

They naturally dare not follow suit.

[What's the situation?Why can't I see the faces of those people clearly? 】

[We can clearly see the cockroach monster just now!But let alone, I really dare not eat food made by cockroaches! 】

[I have a little idea, don't you realize that only when Wen Ying looks at someone can we see whose face clearly? 】

【this!Scared to death!Is it still high-tech?Or is it completely metaphysical? 】

[I heard that person's voice just now, and I think Dr. Wen is crazy!Isn't this the domain of Dr. Wen?I think these people need a psychiatrist! 】

[It can be heard that doctors don't treat diseases for free, and these people don't conform to Wen Ying's rules for seeing a doctor. 】

[How about we try to ask Dr. Wen? 】

There are really quite a few people who ask Doctor Wen in the barrage in a whimsical way.

I thought that Dr. Wen was going to explain the neuropathy, but I saw these barrages in a blink of an eye.

"See a doctor? Are you going to let me see a doctor here for these things that don't know whether they are monsters or people?"

Wen Ying obviously didn't expect that everyone was thinking about such a thing, but it seemed quite interesting.

"Actually, it's not impossible, then let's choose someone who is destined later, we can't let your doctor Wen work hungry, can we?"

When Wen Ying spoke to the void, the figures around said they witnessed the whole process.

Fortunately, I didn't believe her!
Talking to the air, what kind of predestined person or doctor?
It really is a neuropathy!

Almost killed them!

By the way, this is not a patient in this mental hospital, is it?

One by one looked at Wenying suspiciously. Are they the same as them, or are they patients in the hospital?

Just at this moment, the only human among the cooks walked towards Wenying tremblingly with a plate.

Although the portion of each dish is not big, it can still fill you up.

The key is that there are so many dishes and soup.

Put the table in front of Wen Ying full, and when the others saw the food in front of Wen Ying, they were all stunned.

Why do they eat pig food!
No, not even as good as pig food!
And this woman is eating such a good meal!
Sweet and sour pork ribs!

Sweet and Sour Pork!

Spicy prawns!

Cold preserved eggs!

Egg Seaweed Soup!
Look at the plate in front of them again, a plate of something dark and unknown, occasionally bloodshot.

It has to be eaten, there can be no leftovers!

There used to be people who were unwilling to eat, and were afraid of eating that kind of... meat.

As a result, his neck was broken on the spot.

Bloody lesson!
But why is this human being in front of him?
Is it because she is good-looking or is she insane?
Not everyone can handle that kind of vibe, and they've had it for a long, long time.

An instant explosion!
Someone got up and ran towards the chef, "I want to report! This person is not a leader at all, she is a new cleaner!"

"Yes, I can testify! She is a newcomer!"

"This newcomer has cheated you and even threatened the head chef! She must be punished!"

Among those who spoke happened to be the thin white-haired man and the very strong man.

Hearing these words, Wen Ying glanced at them disapprovingly.

Then I picked up the chopsticks and tasted the sweet and sour pork ribs.

Not to mention, it tastes really good.

I didn't expect such craftsmanship to exist in the mental hospital, which is worthy of praise.

The people who stood up were just a few who didn't hold back their emotions, and most of them were watching the show.

They don't act rashly.

In this ghost place, their lives may be lost at any time, they must be cautious and cautious, and keep vigilant at all times.

There are other people exploring the way, and they naturally enjoy it.

Hear the reports of these nurses.

The chef suddenly looked at Wen Ying, seeming a little puzzled.

He can't decide this kind of thing, he should tell the head chef.

The head chef also came out from the back kitchen when he heard the movement outside, which had never happened before.

After all, it is also his job to ensure the order of the cafeteria, and he must not make the leader feel dissatisfied.

But as soon as he came out, those people repeated the previous report to him again.

The cockroach monster's face was ugly, and he looked at Wen Ying, who was eating deliciously with chopsticks.

It seems that the low air pressure that I can't feel has something to do with myself.

The cockroach monster walked towards Wen Ying, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong.

If there is a new leader in the mental hospital, someone should inform him.

After all, he usually does a lot of filial piety.

Is this human being really not a leader?

Really just a cleaner?

The face of the cockroach monster was even uglier. What would happen to his face if he let other people in the yard know that he was being played by a new cleaner!
Hateful human cleaners!

How dare you deceive him!

The cockroach monster stretched out its fingers and screwed off the strong man's head with a click, and threw it aside.

The very strong man obviously didn't expect that he was obviously surrendering, so why did he bring his life into danger?
No matter what he thought, he was dead too.

His partner, however, backed away quickly.

Get down, don't dare to look again.

He knows the cockroach monster!
He casually killed the humans around him out of anger!

If the person standing in that position just now was him, then his fate would be torn apart!
These hateful npcs!

One day I will tear you to pieces!
At this moment, he did not dare to act rashly!
This copy is too important to their country!

Must go back alive!

The cockroach monster walked towards Wenying, with a fierce face, and stretched out his hand to sweep over the table in front of Wenying.

Dare to eat!
Unfortunately, Wen Ying grabbed his outstretched claws.

During this period, Wen Ying also specially put on white gloves.

"It's shameful to waste, don't you understand? You are still the head chef! It's a waste to overturn such a good dish! Wait for me, I'll finish eating first, and we'll talk about our business."

Wen Ying really wanted to eat food, it tasted good, and she was a little hungry.

But she speaks so well, in the eyes of the cockroach monster, that is a provocation!

Chi Guoguo's provocation!
This hateful human made him so ashamed, and still provoked him in front of so many people?

He must teach this human being a lesson he will never forget!

like to eat?
very good!

Just cut off her mouth!

Prefer to use your hands?

very good!

Those two hands are very good for brooms!

Isn't she a cleaner?
Then be a cleaner for the rest of your life!

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