I, a psychiatrist, see through fate is reasonable, right?

Chapter 353 The cauldron is about to transform

Chapter 353 The cauldron is about to transform

A remote and backward small mountain village in the northeastern part of Shitou Village.

The people in the village are feudal and superstitious.

Almost every household knows some so-called taboos from childhood to adulthood.

If a child cries, it means it is possessed by something dirty.

If a child is sick, his soul is lost.


Such things as this have allowed this backward and remote village to develop its own set of rules.

That is to worship the great immortal.

The legend of the Great Immortal originated from a long, long time ago. No one knows when this long time began.

All they know is that since they were sensible, the old people in the village have told them about the Great Immortal.

And the Great Immortal, in this place, is similar to a god-like existence.

Slightly wealthy families, or families who want to realize their wishes even though they have lost all their money, will worship the great immortal.

The Xiaobai clan is the clan of great immortals that Shitou Village has always worshiped.

There seems to be some kind of contract between humans and the fox tribe, which requires humans to pay a price and the fox tribe to help them realize their wishes.

But few people have seen the real Immortal, or it may be said that the Immortal is too mysterious and never shows up in front of people.

Or very little.

The stone is in a remote and remote area. Outside the village are the vast white mountains. There are some legendary and taboo existences in the mountains and forests.

People are in awe of everything in the mountains and forests.

Only specialized hunters will go into the mountains to hunt during specific times.

In this way, the Fox clan has been enshrined by Stone Village for nearly 600 years.

Maybe, six hundred is a doom.

After encountering the invasion of some uncontrollable forces, the village chief of Stone Village took the lead in wiping out the fox tribe he worshiped and ushered in another great immortal.

At this time, the only surviving little fox of the fox tribe was lying in the vast mountain scenery, unconscious.

The figure of the fox mother beside him gradually disappeared between the sky and the earth, and Xiaobai slept in a dark place.

When it woke up again, it found that everything around it was pitch black.

I don’t know where I appeared, but it was very dark.

But then a hand held it up, and Xiaobai's eyes saw light bit by bit.

What I thought was a dark room when I saw it turned out to be a human thick cotton-padded jacket.

It was held warm in someone's arms.

Xiaobai moved his head and looked around, but he didn't see his mother.

Xiaobai was a little anxious.

Didn't mom come to find it?
Why did you find it and then lose it?
Perhaps seeing Xiaobai twisting and turning, the person holding it placed Xiaobai on the ground.

He stood quietly and watched Xiaobai running around, running further and further away.

From early morning to dusk, there is no order at all.

Xiaobai appeared in front of him again with his dirty body. Before he could speak, Xiaobai fainted.

Put Xiaobai in his arms and cover him with his coat.

Take it home quietly.

In the early morning of the next day, he took Xiaobai and left Stone Village.

But when Xiaobai woke up again, he seemed to have forgotten everything and became an ordinary fox again.

But knowing Xiaobai's identity, how could he really regard Xiaobai as an ordinary fox?
In a faraway land, even if he had to start all over again, he had passed it down to future generations. This was the great immortal that their ancestors had worshiped since the beginning.

The younger generations of the family must be treated with respect.

Like watching flowers on horseback, Xiaobai saw his past.

It wasn't until a hundred years later that he met the young Dr. Wen.

Xiaobai woke up at night. After Wenying and Kongjian had dinner, they were sitting on the swing together.

The swing was made by Wen Ying herself from wood and vines.

It just so happens that there are many trees in this forest, so it is easier to do.

Swinging on a swing with a liger was something that Kong Jian had never thought about, but he never expected that it would come true under such circumstances.

He is very satisfied.

Especially cherish the time spent with the liger.

So when he saw Xiaobai waking up and staring at their swing position, Kong Jian didn't want to tell Liger that Xiaobai had woken up.

But then he discovered that Xiaobai's mood was a little...off?

Xiaobai didn't rush over to him like usual, pull him down, and fight with him for the liger.

Instead, he saw confusion and...sadness in Xiaobai's eyes?
I felt a little distressed for a moment.

Kong Jian looked up at Liger, "Liger, the cauldron is awake."

Wen Ying got off the swing and walked towards Xiao Bai, and Kong Jian followed suit.

Although he doesn't want Da Guo to compete with him for ligers, Da Guo is actually quite good to him.

I don’t know what happened to the cauldron, it looks a little sad.

"Xiao Bai?" Wen Ying shouted softly.

Xiaobai's eyes seemed unfocused. When he heard Wenying's voice, his eyes moved, "Master, I saw my mother..."

"But my mother left. I thought she didn't want me anymore. I was so stupid that I couldn't become a real fairy. But now I know that it was my mother who sacrificed herself to save me."

In just a few words, a tragic life experience appeared in the ears of Wen Ying and Kong Jian.

Kong Jian looked at Xiao Bai and realized that Da Guo was like me and had no family.

It turns out that the cauldron is just like me, only the ligers are left.

He will never fight the liger with the big pot again, they can be together forever.

"Master, Xiaobai only has you. I don't even know who my enemy is. Hundreds of years have passed and I don't know if they are still alive or not. Suddenly I feel like a fool. No wonder they didn't like to follow me when I was a child. I play and think I’m stupid.”

Wen Ying stretched out her hand and gently hugged Xiaobai, "My Xiaobai is very smart and not stupid at all. You and I and Kong Jian are all your family."

Xiaobai nodded and buried his head in Wen Ying's arms, still unable to hold back his tears.

This is a memory it forgot, and it just returned to its body.

Is it God's will?

The image of his mother's face flashed in his mind, as well as the image of him running back to the village and almost being caught.

If it had been caught that time, the world might not have had it.

"Cauldron, I, I...I'll accompany you." Kong Jian also began to express his position.

They all came close to losing everything.

An hour later, a voice with a strong nasal sound appeared in Wen Ying's ears, "Master, I'm hungry..."

The pitiful little head popped out and stared at Wen Ying.

Sora Jian immediately stood up and said, "Big pot, I have a lot of delicious food, all for you."

So Xiaobai looked at this little brother who had been trying to steal its owner, took out many snacks and placed them in front of him.

Looking at it with concern.

"Thank you, brother."

Sora looked down and blushed a little.

Wen Ying tilted her head and looked at Xiaobai, recalling its voice just now in her mind, "Xiaobai, are you going to transform?"


Only then did Xiao Bai realize that his voice had indeed changed.

This change is not a big deal to it, but judging from the human voice, its voice is a bit...a little girl's?

It is domineering!awesome!
A cauldron with the aura of a king!

How could it be the voice of a little girl?
Oh my god!
Come to Dao Lei!
Crack it!

How will it meet people in the future?Xiaobai closed his mouth tightly and refused to speak.

How will it lead all the beasts in the future!

"Liger, I heard it too, the sound of the cauldron...is the cauldron still a cauldron?"

Xiaobai couldn't hold back, stretched out his claws and threw it at Sora Jian, "If you dare to call me eldest sister, I will kill you!"

Sora saw a pop and sat on the ground, "Cauldron... I was wrong... Cauldron... I didn't dare..."


When he realized that he couldn't hold it back and made a female voice again, Xiaobai turned around and ran away.

Kong Jian wanted to chase after him, but Liger held him back. "Song Jian, please go away. Liger will go see it later."

Sora Jian nodded and said no more, but in his head he was thinking about what he should do to prevent Cao Guo from being angry when he faced him in the future.

The cauldron is a girl, and he wants to hold the cauldron.

The sky is getting darker and darker.

Kong Jian couldn't hold it back, "Liger, can you go see the cauldron?"

He wanted to go, but thinking about Liger's words, what if he made the cauldron angry.

But he was really worried about the cauldron.

Da Guo is a girl. It is very dangerous to go out alone.

Kong Jian automatically ignored Xiao Bai's glorious past. Who dares to mess with him?

Wen Ying stretched out her hand and pinched Kong Jian's cheek, "Okay, Liger will go and see now. You wait here and don't run around."

Kong Jian nodded obediently and sat down.

I also felt a little uneasy in my heart.

Wen Ying saw Xiaobai by a small river. Xiaobai was standing on a stone submerged in the river, lowering his head and looking at his reflection in the water.

It's still it.

As long as it doesn't choose to transform, it will still be itself, that super powerful Fox Great Fairy Xiaobai!
Just the sound of it…

Am I not allowed to speak anymore?
Damn it, when that little monk heard its voice, he was going to scream!


Xiaobai's body stiffened, his back to Wen Ying, and he refused to turn around.

"What do you think about me?"

"Of course the master is very nice."

"Then do you think I'm great?"

"Of course the master is the most powerful!"

"Then do you think I'm better, a girl or a boy?"

"Of course it's a girl! How can the master be a man!"

"Then why are you so afraid of your own voice? So afraid of transforming?"

"I..." Xiaobai didn't know what to say.

Yes, the master is a woman, but women are the most powerful, even more powerful than those men.

But Xiaobai still felt in his heart that if he wanted to transform, he should be a cool and handsome guy!

But God likes to play tricks on it the most.

"What's wrong with being a girl? Wouldn't it be nice if you could sleep in the same bed with me and talk about some topics that are exclusive to us girls?"

Hearing this, Xiaobai, who was originally full of tangles, his eyes suddenly lit up.


If it is a girl, it can be with its owner every day and sleep together!
Kong Jian doesn’t get such treatment!
Isn't it much better than now to be able to listen to the master's inner thoughts?

As for the power of Wangba Qi, if the master is so powerful, it can do it too!
"This outfit is for you. Although I don't know your height, I and I are dressed like sisters~"

Xiaobai's eyes lit up again, he turned around and took the clothes in his hand.

Hum, pretend to be sisters with the master, make Kongjian angry to death, let Kongjian be jealous!

It seems that becoming a girl is not that uncomfortable anymore. Anyway, if Sora dares to mock her, she will beat him!

Forgive him for not daring to resist.

"Master, regarding the transformation, I actually planned to give the master a surprise, but he didn't expect to be discovered by the master."

"If you transform now, I'll help you guard it."

Wen Ying looked around, and Xiao Bai chose to transform.

There is a certain amount of pain in the transformation, but it doesn't hurt to the bone marrow, and it can be endured.

Putting on the clothes given by Wen Ying, Xiaobai looked at himself in the river.

Is it too small?
I thought it could be as big as its owner!
A little frustrated!

"Master...I...should I not change my form?" Xiaobai looked at Wen Ying with a trembling voice.

Wen Ying turned around when she heard the voice and looked at Xiao Bai.

The Xiaobai in front of me looks to be about the same height as Sora Mi, with two small black braids hanging down, the same length as Sora Mi... so cute!

Her pink little face is so bouncy that even just looking at it makes you want to go up and take a sip!
But Wen Ying discovered that this super cute baby's eyes seemed to be full of tears?
"Who bullied you?" Wen Ying immediately reached out and hugged Xiao Bai.

He reached out his hand and started to pinch her little face.


Master, you look like this, you don’t seem to be comforting me, do you?

But the owner seems to like it very much?
Does that mean you don’t like the little monk?
Xiaobai was slightly happy.

In Xiaobai’s world, people probably don’t know that boys and girls can like each other!

"Master... I"

"Don't call me master, from now on, you are my sister, do you understand?"

Xiaobai nodded, not really understanding.

Why did she become a sister?
The master has no sister.

Has it become its owner's sister?
Seeing Xiao Bai's dazed look, Wen Ying took a deep breath on her little face and said, "You want to call me sister, you know?"

Xiaobai was stunned.

Really stunned.

When its owner sucked its face, it froze.

Does the owner want to kiss it?
But the force didn't feel like a kiss. Did the owner want to bite its face?

Woohoo, that will hurt a lot, right?
But it doesn't seem to hurt at all. What on earth is the master going to do?
But seeing his master's eyes shining with excitement, Xiao Bai didn't ask what was in his heart.

Of course, in Xiaobai's world, there is no such thing as petting a cat.

And it's a fox.

Although now transformed into a human being.

But its essence is still a fox.

It felt that even if it transformed, it was still a fox.

Seeing Xiao Bai stunned there, Wen Ying took the opportunity to take a few more sips. If Xiao Bai knew about masturbating the cat, she would probably reject her.

It's better to take advantage now and take advantage.

After all, it was inconvenient for Sora to see him as a boy.

Xiao Bai just felt...this feeling seemed pretty good?

Quite comfortable?

So before Wen Ying made her next move, she couldn't help but blush.

"Sister, do you like me more or the little monk?"

Wen Ying didn't expect that just by taking a few more puffs and taking advantage a few more times, Wen Ying would encounter such a frustrating (heart-breaking) problem.

How should I answer this question?

Waiting online, very anxious!

(End of this chapter)

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