Xiaobai blinked his watery eyes and looked at Wen Ying, as if he was very much expecting Wen Ying to give her a satisfactory or even surprising answer.

However, Wen Ying at this time was not only her master, but also her sister. She was also a liger in Kong Jian's eyes.

This is a very difficult question.

Wen Ying's answer was naturally very confusing, "Of course I like you the most, my little baby."

As she spoke, Wen Ying faced Xiao Bai's face and took another deep breath.

In this case, there is no need to doubt that you will like whoever is in front of you.

What's more, I really can't resist Xiaobai's cuteness after his transformation.

But in the future, shouldn't we change her name? She can't just call her "Xiaobai Xiaobai"?
After all, Xiaobai will be a big girl from now on, and it is not appropriate for people to call her that.

Wen Ying's thoughts had already gone astray, but Xiao Bai was still immersed in the joy that her master loved her the most, unable to extricate herself.

Sure enough, the master likes her the most!

When you see that annoying little brother later, you must let him put himself in his rightful place!
In front of his master, he can always only come second!
Hum hum!
"Xiaobai, how about we give it a name?"

"Xiao Bai? Bai Xiaobai? It doesn't seem right?" Wen Ying frowned and thought.

If this scene is broadcast live, everyone in the live broadcast room will definitely complain about Doctor Wen's bad name.

But the live broadcast was closed when Xiaobai left and planned to transform.

A little girl's body is not something you can look at casually.

Although she is essentially a fox.

"Sister, I am Xiaobai. In my hallucination just now, it seemed that my mother also called me Xiaobai, so Xiaobai is my name, but I am not Bai Xiaobai..."

Xiaobai felt a little aggrieved because he just said she was his biological sister.

Why can't you call her Wen Xiaobai?

Xiaobai's heart began to cry, and he looked at Wen Ying aggrievedly and expectantly.

"Then we won't change the word Xiaobai. From today on, you will be my sister, in front of everyone, so..."

"Wen Xiaobai?" Wen Ying looked at Xiaobai tentatively.

But when he saw Xiaobai, who was so aggrieved and almost dropped the golden bean, he suddenly beamed and grinned.

It's so cute!

I couldn’t help but want to take a big sip!

But looking at the two red lumps on the little white and tender face, Wen Ying still had a conscience. If she continued to sip it so hard, she might make the little guy cry.

No one thought that the carefree, domineering and trouble-making Xiaobai would look like this after his transformation.

Really irresistible!

"Sister, from now on I will be Wen Xiaobai."

"No, from now on I will be Wen Xiaobai."

Unconcealable joy appeared on Xiaobai's face, leaving Wenying stunned for a moment.

Is this kid so happy?
To be so happy just because of a last name.

This was the first time she saw Xiaobai so happy.

Did I overlook something?
Wen Ying thought about it for a long time, because after all, she had never raised a child, but at least she had seen a lot.

Wen Ying felt that she had ignored the psychological problems of children as they grew up, right?
Raising a child is not easy!

Wen Xiaobai, smell Xiaobai, smell Xiaobai.

It sounds weird, but I didn't expect that I was so discerning.

The more you listen, the better it sounds.

"Sister, let's go find Sora Mi, otherwise he will be anxious if he can't see us for so long."

Xiaobai held Wen Ying's hand with a sly smile on his lips.

The hem of her wide short-sleeved clothes swayed, making her feel uncomfortable.

This section of the road took 3 minutes to walk on the way here and only 1 minute on the way back.

"Little brother!" Xiaobai shouted out from a long distance away.

Sora Jian, who was squatting on the ground and drawing circles, heard the sound and paused, then slowly and stiffly raised his head to look at the source of the sound.

Instantly, he blushed.

A little girl about the same height as him held Liger's hand.

She...she...seems a little cute...

No, it's too cute.

Simply cuter than him.

Although Sora Jian doesn't like people using the word cute to describe him, he knows that he is indeed cute.

I have never seen anyone cuter than myself.

But at this moment, looking at the little girl Liger was holding, Kong Jian only thought that she was the cutest!
"Brother, how are you? Are you dumbfounded? You didn't expect me to be so handsome, did you?"

Xiaobai stretched out his hand, and with his small palm, he patted Kong Jian's shoulder in an old-fashioned way.

With the cutest face, the sweetest voice, and the most domineering words.

This scene is not awkward at all, but is extremely endearing.

"What? Are you stupid? Are you impressed by your eldest brother's heroic appearance?"

The stunned Sora Jian lowered his head and nodded when he heard this, but did not speak.

But in Xiaobai's eyes, this is just admitting and giving in.

Well, don't embarrass him anymore.

But there is one most important thing that must be told, no, it is to inform him!
Let him put himself in his position!
"Okay, don't be so coy. People who don't know better think you are the big girl!"

"Brother, let me tell you, now that I have transformed, I must set certain rules for you! Do you understand?"

Empty nodded.

"As long as you understand, we will all be together in the future. We can't live without rules. From now on, big brother's rules will be your rules. Do you understand?"

Sora Mi nodded again.

"You're a teachable boy! The cauldron is quite satisfied with your performance. Do you know if you want to keep it up?"

Sora nods.

"Since we both agree, I now declare that from now on, my name is Wen Xiaobai, your eldest brother, and the master's sister! I will live with the master, ah, no, and sleep with my sister every day. Together, and you must serve us!”

Xiaobai raised his chest and raised his head and spoke very domineeringly, and then looked at Sora Mi with satisfied eyes.

Sora Jian was stunned and forgot to nod for a moment.

What do Xiaobai's words mean?
He didn't seem to react for a moment.

"What? Do you have any objections?" Xiaobai looked at him dissatisfied. This guy is annoying!
"I...I don't have it..." Sora Jian's voice was very low. As long as he looked at Xiaobai's soft and cute face, those opinions seemed to be no longer opinions.

Xiaobai said that they will be together in the future.

Xiaobai became Liger’s biological sister?
Then he also wants to become Liger's biological brother... No, he is actually his biological disciple!

Brother and apprentice, these two identities seem to be a little entangled. How should I choose?

"Song Jian, do you like sister Xiaobai?"

"Liger, like..."

"Sister, who is older between me and him?" Xiaobai didn't want to be the younger sister all the time.

If she becomes Kong Jian's younger sister, how can she be Kong Jian's elder brother?

I definitely can’t be my sister!
Wen Ying was stunned by Xiao Bai's words. Indeed, why was she so confused just now?

In terms of age, Xiaobai is already a hundred years old.

Kong Jian looked so young.

It really can’t be Xiaobai’s sister.

"Then Xiaobai will be your sister?"

Xiaobai was then satisfied, "Although I am a sister, I still want to be his eldest brother! I am his eldest brother! I am his eldest brother!"

Sora Mi thinks about his age. How old are he?

Although he knew that he was no longer young, the two people he was closest to now didn't know about them in front of him.

I'm afraid he is no younger than Xiao Bai.But, seeing how happy they were, I forgot about it and didn’t refute.

There's nothing wrong with being the youngest.

"Okay, cauldron."

Sora Mi retains his original title of Cauldron.

Xiaobai was delighted.

"After Xiaobai gets out of here, should Xiaobai Wen Xiaobai, or should they not let them associate Xiaobai with the current Wen Xiaobai for the time being, do you understand what I mean?"

"Liger, I understand."

"Sister, I also understand, I am your long-lost biological sister!"

Xiaobai remembers that this is how it is played in TV series, which shows that this kind of thing is very common in the human world.

Wen Ying, "..."

Xiaobai was very poisoned by the TV series.

While the three of them were chatting happily, Sora Jian's expression tightened and he stood up instantly.

"Liger, Cauldron, someone is coming."

Wen Ying felt it but didn't take it seriously.

The transformed Xiaobai also felt it, but didn't take it seriously. After all, it was normal for humans to exist.

But Kong Jian felt a trace of murderous intent coming from all directions.

Although it is not close yet, it is very fast.

"how do you want to do it?"

"I will not offend anyone unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I will kill them."

The cute little monk opened his mouth and said such words.

Wen Ying did not refute.

"Then can I come with you?" Xiaobai was a little excited. He hadn't used his power yet after transforming.

"No!" Wen Ying and Xiao Bai said in unison.

Xiaobai, "Why?"

"You are a child now, so you can't act too weird." Wen Ying casually made an excuse.

"Liger is right, I will protect Cauldron and Liger."

Sora added immediately.

My sister is so cute, what if she gets hurt accidentally?

I must not let my sister get involved in danger.

Of course, Kong Jian could only think about this in his heart.

If he said it, his sister would definitely be angry, and he couldn't make her angry.

An hour ago, I realized that Wen Ying had escaped from the mental hospital and a legendary immortal appeared beside her.

Those countries that had issued orders once again informed them of the spies lurking in the country.

These spy gates, 360 five lines, no one knows which line has their people.

Some of them even hold high positions.

At this time, they gathered together in an unfinished building.

This unfinished building has been unfinished for ten years, and there are no people around it. It is an excellent gathering place.

People of different skin colors, different types, and different heights gathered here at this time.

The shortest among them suddenly stood up, "I believe everyone has received the order, right? This time, we must hit it with one hit! We must not let this flower country person live! Including the fox next to her! It's best to Catch them alive, or if you can’t catch them, kill them!”

"Don't worry, we will definitely complete the mission this time even if we don't risk our own lives!"

"I've studied that woman, it's a bit mysterious, but I'm a long-range sniper, and I'm always on target! I can definitely hit that woman in one shot! Let these hateful flower country people see it! The gods they think are nothing more than mediocrity!"


"Anyway, this time, we must try our best to kill that woman and the fox!"

"Where is that little monk?" Suddenly one of them asked.

"I'm just a young monk. I can just do it casually. Why ask alone? Could it be that you are soft-hearted?"

Another person mocked/.

"Okay! Stop the internal strife! Now that the arrangements have been made, we must set off immediately. We must kill the woman before she leaves the forest! Otherwise, it will be easy for the people of the Flower Country to see her, and something will happen unexpectedly!"

So, there is the present scene.

Some of those people were warriors from the Neon Kingdom, holding samurai swords.

Some are long-range snipers.

Some are judo masters.

There is a magic master!

Some are sword masters!
There are even things like the shikigami Shiva that can be summoned.

When these people were lurking in the Flower Country, no one would have thought that some of them were selling pancakes on the road.

Some people are moving bricks at the construction site, and some are selling real estate.

There are also people who serve as CEOs in companies.

There are also people who are... civil servants!

All of this was mobilized just to destroy this anomaly that appeared in the flower country, Dr. Wen.

"Then be careful." Wen Ying was a little worried, but she still didn't stop Kong Jian.

"Okay." As soon as he finished speaking, Kong Jian disappeared in front of the two of them.

Xiaobai blinked, then blinked again, when did her little brother become so fast?

Simply faster than her fastest?

"Sister, can you see him in vain?"

"It's very powerful, so Xiaobai, don't worry."

Xiaobai curled his lips, "I am also very powerful sister, I am much more powerful than before."

Sora Mi stood on the fluttering branches, looking at the man with a samurai sword who was attacking.

I heard that if people in this country fail, they commit seppuku?
I don’t know if Liger and my sister like watching this show?

Forget it, it will dirty their eyes.

The sight of Sora falling from the sky without making a single sound made the pores of the man holding the katana stand up.

In just one second, he rushed towards his katana.

His arms were bent back toward his belly at a weird angle.

He seemed to have no control over his body and movements.


Even though he had never seen it before, he realized that he had met a master this time!

It's a pity that he wanted to make a sound to remind his teammates and opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Sora Jian stood in front of him, looking expressionlessly at the man who was performing hara-kiri for him.

Finally, he said four words: "Amitabha."

The long-range sniper sat on a tall and thick tree branch. He originally planned to shoot Wen Ying to death, but he found a super-fast shadow running in their direction and quickly adjusted his target.

321 bang!
No matter who comes, they are destined to die.

When he ejaculated, the man's mouth was filled with a sneer.

But next second!
His expression was forever fixed in this second, this moment.

When did the bullet he shot appear in front of him?

And quietly took away his life!

This time their opponent was beyond their imagination!
Sora Jian stood not far away and watched the corpse fall down from the tree branch. He recited "Amitabha" and then disappeared again.

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