The journey lasted two days and one night. Fortunately, the vehicle was very spacious. Xiaobai and Sora Jian occasionally took the driver's uncle to do some shopping at the service area. The time passed fairly quickly.

The destination was different from what Wen Ying had imagined.

I thought it was a courtyard type, or a private place.

Unexpectedly, it was a place full of mountain flowers.

The mountain is not big, but the flowers all over the mountain look particularly out of place in this season.

The driver didn't explain anything. After getting off the car, he looked at Wen Ying and said, "Doctor Wen, the person you are waiting for is on the mountain, so I won't go up."

"these things……"

The driver looked at the two large boxes of snacks purchased by Xiaobai and Kongjian and thought for a moment.

"We can take these ourselves, we don't need uncle's help to keep them!"

Xiaobai immediately said that it was particularly unreliable for adults to help children keep things.

Just like the New Year's money, if you keep it, it will disappear.

Just don't be too scary!
So they must keep their snacks by themselves!

The driver smiled and said nothing more, but saw Wen Ying take out a plastic bag and stuff two large boxes that were several times larger into the plastic bag.

Then he tied the opening of the plastic bag and Xiaobai picked it up easily.

The movements are natural and smooth, as if they have been practiced hundreds of times.

The driver was stunned, and then thought of Dr. Wen's deeds.

This should be the so-called Kong Jian Talisman, right?

Although he has never seen it, he has heard of it, but ordinary people like him have no chance to see such an enigmatic talisman.

I'm jealous.

I can only be envious.

Unexpectedly, Dr. Wen had just taken a few steps, suddenly turned around, looked at the driver, and walked back again.

"I've worked hard for you these past two days. I played with Xiaobai and Kongjian and bought them food. This is my return gift."

Wen Ying held a space talisman between her fingers.

The driver was immediately stunned.

This is a talisman paper. Is it a space talisman?
The rumor that the doctor was a psychiatrist turned out to be true, and it was not a cover-up.

Did she actually see her desire for something as profound as the Space Talisman?
Wen Ying smiled, turned around and really left this time.

The driver held the space talisman in his hand and watched Wen Ying and the others disappear in front of his eyes at a very fast speed.

My thoughts are exciting and complicated. Should I hand over such a high-end thing?
It can be heard that the doctor said it was a thank you gift to him.

That's his thing, right?

The driver folded the space talisman and put it in his pocket with great caution.

The way up the mountain is not steep, but quite long.

The scenery along the way is very good.

But Kong Jian's expression was a little solemn. He stood next to Wen Ying and said distressedly, "Liger, how come there are so many flowers blooming this season?"

Well, Wen Ying doesn’t know about this issue either.

Logically speaking, there are only a few kinds of flowers that can bloom in this season, but they definitely do not include this kind of hill that appears out of nowhere.

Although the flowers all over the mountains and fields are a bit strange, they give people a comfortable feeling.

"Is this a formation?"

Sora Mian spoke up again.

Xiaobai didn't quite understand, so he came up and said, "What formation? It's not the things in the legend, right? Isn't it impossible for them to exist?"

Kong Jian looked at Xiaobai patiently, "That cauldron, you are also in the legend..."

After half a sentence, Xiaobai understood what Kong Jian meant.


A fox like her can turn into a human being, so what's impossible about the legendary formation appearing in this world?
Xiaobai reached out and touched Kong Jian's head, "You are still smart, no matter how smart you are, you are still my little brother."

"It's a formation."

Some vague memories flashed through Wen Ying's mind. She seemed to have forgotten about the formation, but she seemed to still remember something.

Seeing Liger's thinking expression, Sora was a little frustrated and a little lost.

Liger still can't remember?
"The formation is very mysterious, and it can even change the world. This mountain must have shown its appearance under the cover of the formation. Ordinary people cannot come here, or what they see when they come here is completely different from us."

"Anyway, I think this mountain is very beautiful." Xiaobai felt that the scenery was very good and he was in a good mood.

Wen Ying smiled and said, "Since you like it, let's enjoy the beautiful scenery all the way up the mountain."

According to the skills of the three of them, it only took a moment to go up the mountain.

But there were two children who had a great time picking flower petals and making flower baskets along the way.

Sometimes there are colorful fallen flowers, and sometimes there are butterflies spreading their wings.

The atmosphere of this place is like a fairyland.

It took a full two hours for the three of them to reach the top of the mountain.

Under the setting sun, a man only about 1.7 meters tall stood against the light.

Facing the direction where Wen Ying and the others came.

His whole body seemed to be filled with afterglow, bathed in light, unlike a mortal.

It makes people feel dazed for a moment.

"Doctor Wen, Xiaobai, Kongjian?"

The man took the initiative to speak and revealed the identities of the three of them at a glance.

If you say you know Dr. Wen and Kong Jian, you can be forgiven. After all, they have seen each other in the live broadcast room.

But no one except them knew Xiaobai's identity, but this man knew it at a glance.

"Who are you?" Wen Ying might have to think about it for a moment, but Xiao Bai blurted out the question directly.

"Jiang Zhishang."

"The name sounds ordinary, how can you pretend to be an expert on the top of the mountain?" Xiaobai muttered dissatisfiedly.

Wen Ying exchanged a few pleasantries with Jiang Zhishang, and then followed Jiang Zhishang towards another place.

Unexpectedly, there is a courtyard not far from the top of the mountain.

Wood construction and house walls, etc.

After resting, Wen Ying realized that the person who wanted to see her was the young man in front of her.

But Wen Ying felt some strange aura from his body.

Sora Jian and Xiaobai were taken to the room to have a look, and then went to a swing on the top of the mountain.

Wen Ying looked at the tea cup in front of her, poured a cup of milk directly in, and put in a small bag of sugar.

Stirred up.

Jiang Zhishang looked at this scene and smiled slightly, but did not interfere with Wen Ying's actions.

"Mr. Jiang, you are so young, don't you expect that you like such an old-fashioned way of drinking tea? Now that you are here, I won't hide it. Who are you? What position do you hold? Why are you looking for me? do what?"

Jiang Zhishang took a sip of tea and looked at Wen Ying, "I heard that Doctor Wen is good at divination, why don't you help me with divination?"

What kind of divination? What Wen Ying did was never divination.

But looking at Jiang Zhishang's face, although it was full of fog, it still gave people a very strange feeling.

But there is no crisis in this feeling.

"There is a lot of fog behind you. To be honest, I can't see through it."

The part that wants to be understood is actually not impossible. After all, Wen Ying is a cultivator of immortality now.

But Wen Ying felt it was not worthwhile. Since this person invited her, he should tell the truth.

Rather than wasting her cultivation.

Jiang Zhishang didn't seem to be in a hurry to explain his purpose, and instead asked Wen Ying to stay in the mountain for a few more days.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly simple mountain actually contains a lot of things.

Xiaobai and Sora Jian were having a great time.

During the day, almost no one is seen.

During the past few days living in the mountains, Wen Ying discovered a strange phenomenon.

Jiang Zhishang's body has undergone some subtle changes in order to better confirm this.

After half a month on the mountain, Wen Ying finally stopped someone to sit down and fish in a newly dug pond not far away.

"You are looking for me about the mist, right? Do you want me to be involved in all this?"

"If possible, resolve it completely."

"Why do you think I have this ability? If I read correctly, you should also be a cultivator, right?"

Hearing Wen Ying's words, Jiang Zhishang was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"But I can't leave here."

"You seem to like Xiaobai very much?"

"Young children always make people feel young and energetic." Jiang Zhishang replied with a smile.

"But I think you are much nicer to Xiaobai than to Kong Jian. The gift you gave Xiaobai is not a mortal thing, right?"

Jiang Zhishang smiled and did not answer the question, "I have no intention of harming her."

Wen Ying admitted this, otherwise she wouldn't have stayed here.

"A chance meeting."

"So you are related to Xiaobai's ancestors?"

"Okay, if you don't want to say it, I won't force you. I just want to know what you meant by inviting us here, right? How big a master can you be?"


These two words were beyond Wen Ying's expectations.

Perhaps because he saw Wen Ying's doubts, or perhaps to express his sincerity, Jiang Zhishang explained, "I have reached an agreement with the people at the top. I can make the final decision in these aspects."

"Then what if I don't agree?"

"This is Dr. Wen's freedom. I just hope Dr. Wen can take a look at the foggy incidents that have happened everywhere recently."

In the half month since Dr. Wen went up the mountain, there have been several fog incidents in the country, causing a lot of casualties.

It took an hour to read the information and pictures, and the two of them were silent for a long time.

"Why does your body age so quickly?"

Jiang Zhishang didn't seem to expect Wen Ying to ask such a question that had nothing to do with her.


"Don't even think about lying to me. You have no integrity. How can I trust you?"

After Jiang Zhishang was silent for a long time, he sighed, "I didn't expect you to discover it so soon. My body is indeed...cultivation has done more harm than good to me, and my fate may have been doomed."

"You are the biggest supporter behind the country, right? The fog has never invaded the flower country before. Is it because of you? But now you have a physical problem and you can't suppress the emergence of the fog?"

Jiang Zhishang did not admit or refute, but looked into the distance.

Look at the blue sky and the flowers and grass all over the mountains and plains.

It seemed that through these he could see the unknown distance.

"Doctor Wen really deserves his reputation. My appearance may have been just an accident, but this accident did something beneficial to the country."

Woof woof woof ~ woof woof woof ~
Suddenly there was the sound of a dog barking, and then Wen Ying heard Xiao Bai shouting, "Dahuang, don't run away! I will definitely not pull your tail this time! We, the fox clan, always keep our word!"

Dahuang ran behind Jiang Zhishang and looked at the two children in front of him as if with lingering fear.

One is a fox and the other is a human, but so scary!
Wen Ying could see the grievance in the way it looked at Jiang Zhishang...

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