"Why are you running away! Although I grabbed your tail, I also shared so many delicious things with you!"

Xiao Bai muttered with some dissatisfaction, looking at the big yellow in front of him, he just felt that it didn't understand good people!
Xiaobai still held his own snack spicy strips in his hand.

It is said that no matter adults or children, humans or animals, they can never escape the snack of spicy strips, right?

Xiaobai feels that Dahuang is really ignorant!
Kong Jian is like a loyal follower, standing beside Xiaobai and strengthening Xiaobai.

Jiang Zhishang was slightly startled when he heard this, "Rhubarb?"

Dahuang raised his head even more when he heard Jiang Zhishang's words, and looked at Jiang Zhishang aggrievedly with a pair of eyes that seemed to be able to speak.


You listen!
Is this name given to a dog?


If it weren't for the fact that these two little brats were brought here by Mr.'s guests, he would have given them a lesson!
"Rhubarb is indeed quite vivid."

After hearing Jiang Zhishang's last words, Dahuang stared at him dissatisfied!
Image? ? ? ?
Which eye of yours sees the image!

I am expensive...

Oh, forget it, don't mention it!
But definitely not rhubarb!

"Dahuang, how can you lose your temper when someone shares snacks with you?"

Dahuang's head turned and flicked, and even Jiang Zhishang ignored him!
Reincarnate and run away!

There is an inexplicable aura of loneliness and courage in that back figure~~~
Xiaobai blinked and looked at this scene, "Uncle, isn't this Dahuang a sperm?"

Since accepting the changes in the world, Xiaobai feels that it is normal to encounter a dog that has become a spirit.

But Jiang Zhishang was obviously stunned for a moment when he heard Xiaobai's words, then smiled and did not answer.

"Hmph! It doesn't like it, so I'm not paying attention to it! It's a waste of my hot strips!"

Only then did Jiang Zhishang know what happened.

Xiao Shen has not eaten spicy food since he was a child... Can he have a good look on spicy food like this?

But naturally, he would not tell the child in front of him.

"Xiao Bai, how do you feel on the mountain these days?"

"It's very good!" Xiaobai said something cheerful, "It's very comfortable. Anyway, I quite like it here!"

In Xiaobai's limited vocabulary, naturally he couldn't say anything literate.

Jiang Zhishang also seemed satisfied.

"Old Jiang, your partiality seems too obvious, right?" Wen Ying stood aside and couldn't help but speak.

Isn't her little apprentice cute?

Why don't you ask?

Jiang Zhishang, who was shocked by the word "Lao Jiang", smiled helplessly, "Seeing that the little donor obviously doesn't want to talk to Jiang, why bother."

Sora Jian had no reaction when he heard this.

It was indeed something, although I also felt that there was something wrong with the person in front of me.

But he didn't seem to have any ill intentions towards Liger.

It’s also good for novices.

As for ignoring him?
That just happens to be his wish!

He didn't want to waste time with strangers, he just wanted to be with Liger and Cauldron.

So he doesn't care if these people take him seriously.

Wen Ying just made a joke. Of course she didn't really embarrass him, "Rhubarb?"

"My old friend... remains..."

Apart from these words, Jiang Zhishang didn't explain any more, and Wen Ying didn't ask any more questions.

It's just that Jiang Zhishang's face has changed a bit. When he first met Wenying, he looked like he was only in his early twenties.

But now, only half a month later, he has obviously gone through a lot of vicissitudes, and he looks like he is about to turn 30 years old.

Xiaobai felt that it was a bit boring to hear Yingying and Jiang Zhishang talking here, so he took Kong Jian to play with Dahuang again.

Jiang Zhishang didn't stop him either.

This time, Wen Ying and Jiang Zhishang also chatted for two hours.

Wen Ying said that she still had to think about it and made the decision to leave the mountain the next day.

Jiang Zhishang did not try to stay, but just waited for news from Wen Ying.

That night, Dahuang, who had never paid much attention to Xiaobai, suddenly ran around Xiaobai for a long time, and even took Xiaobai to a rare fruit tree in the mountains to pick a strange fruit.

The fruit was very delicious, and Xiaobai picked three at once.

Dahuang's flesh hurt when he saw it, but he didn't say a word to stop it.

Xiaobai, who rarely looked down on Dahuang, stretched out his hand and touched Dahuang's head, "Dahuang! I am absolutely impressed by you! From now on, we will be friends forever! Although you haven't transformed yet, Daguo believes that you can. ! When the day comes when you transform, you must come to the cauldron, and the cauldron will cover you!"

There were less than six fruits on one tree, so Xiaobai picked three directly and left happily.

Looking at Xiaobai's leaving figure, Dahuang felt that he seemed to understand what those big cakes that humans have been talking about were all about!

Xiaobai’s ability to draw big cakes is really innate!

Since you expect it to transform, why not leave something good for him?

Now he is just a slightly unusual dog, but in the end he is still a dog!

Isn't she worried that she won't be able to transform?

After all, I still don’t care!

Just like her ancestors!

The next morning.

One person and one dog stood on the top of the mountain, watching the three people walking away in silence.

Until the three figures disappeared completely.

"Mr. Jiang, will she agree?"

Xiaobai would definitely be curious if he were here, this... Dahuang can actually talk!

How dare you lie to her!
You have to teach it a lesson!
Jiang Zhishang shook his head, he didn't know the answer either.

This Dr. Wen seemed to be hiding a secret that made him unable to see clearly.

He couldn't find the answer to the confused truth. *
Kikucheng, Kikucheng High School.

This place experienced a tragedy swallowed by fog three days ago.

It seems that no one expected that the fog would instantly envelope the high school because they were unprepared.

lost heavily.

Because they were too late to rescue, they suffered heavy losses.

Of the 300 people in the fog, less than ten survived.

The survivors have been picked up by people from relevant organizations, and a series of protections including psychological counseling have been arranged.

The official people are busy dealing with the aftermath, after all, so many lives have been lost.

Jucheng High School became a forbidden area.

However, there are rumors spreading out from nowhere.

Not many people believed this rumor after hearing it, but it spread.

When Wen Ying, Xiaobai and Kong Jian passed by Jucheng for a rest, they happened to hear this gossip.

They were eating at that time, and the atmosphere in Jucheng might be a little different from that in ordinary cities.

Teahouses are popular here, and occasionally there are storytellers.

Before the fog appeared, this was the way of life for people in Jucheng.

The place where Wen Ying and the others ate happened to be a teahouse, so they happened to hear the news.

"I heard that boy from the Xu family said that his daughter is alive because of a dog! Do you think this is ridiculous?"

"It's really ridiculous! But now even more outrageous things have happened, and I can believe it even if it's a dog."

"Alas, you say, isn't this an evil act of God! Why did such a thing happen!"

"I heard that it was a yellow dog. The little daughter of the Xu family was also confused at the time. Among the choices between death and following the dog, she actually chose that dog! It's really strange that she is actually safe!"

Xiaobai and Kong Jian were busy eating the special snacks here and did not listen to these miscellaneous chats.

But Wen Ying heard it.

Staying in Jucheng for one night, Wen Ying took Xiaobai and Kong Jian to play wherever they could.

There were not many people on the streets, perhaps because they had experienced disasters.

Everyone remains vigilant about going out.

After hearing about Jucheng High School, Xiaobai was curious and wanted to take a look.

The three of them stood outside Jucheng High School, looking at Jucheng High School, which looked no different from ordinary high schools.

From the outside, it looks like an ordinary high school.

Gate, security room, teaching building, playground, dormitory building, etc.

Only the entrance is blocked.

"Little girl, don't look so curious. You could lose your life if you go in here."

Smoking from an old-fashioned pipe, the old man stood beside Wen Ying and the others as if he was passing by.

"My grandson is also studying in this high school. It's a pity that this life is not up to anyone!"

Even though Wen Ying and the others didn't ask, the old man seemed like he couldn't hold it in and kept talking, just like pouring beans.

Only a little bit of muddy tears appeared in his eyes.

Looking at somewhere in Jucheng High School, "My family is a single generation of three generations. I also thought about it. At worst, I will be beaten by my ancestors after I die. This is my life!"

A man kept talking to himself for nearly half an hour, all about his grandson.

Neither Wen Ying nor the three of them interrupted him.

Until he stopped himself, it seemed that he had quickly withdrawn from this emotion.

"You can't enter this place. You are all children and you still have a great life! Don't let a white-haired person send a black-haired person away just because you are curious."

After talking for a while, the old man seemed to turn around and leave without waiting for Wen Ying and the others to reply.

But after taking a few steps, he turned around and came back.

"If you kids accidentally go in and see a dog, you must follow it, you know? It will protect you."

The old man shook his head and really left.

Xiaobai and Kong Jian had not heard anyone chatting before, so naturally they didn't know about dogs. After hearing this, they really became a little interested.

"Sister, what kind of dog can protect them in the fog?"

Sora Jian shook his head, he didn't think so.

Xiaobai was very curious, she wanted to see the dog.

Wen Ying shook her head. She had a hunch, but couldn't explain clearly, about the dog.

Once Xiaobai's curiosity comes, nothing can stop it.

Ever since, Wen Ying looked at her like she was resigned to her fate and started asking around about this dog.

This fanfare naturally attracted the attention of some people.

So, in the middle of the night, Wen Ying and the other three were taken away.

After learning Wen Ying's identity, the overtime leader immediately apologized, "Dr. Wen, I'm really sorry. We didn't know your identity. We were worried that people would be confused, so..."

Wen Ying immediately replied that it didn't matter, she was just passing by by chance.

"Doctor Wen, are you here because of the fog?" When the overtime leader said this, stars seemed to be shining in his eyes.

We all know how powerful Dr. Wen is!
If she was responsible for this, the matter at Jucheng High School might be solved!

"Sorry, I was just passing by."

The light in the man's eyes went out, but he didn't force anything.

After all, no one can be 100% sure about getting out safely.

Everyone's life is his own, how can others make things difficult for others?

"I just want to know about the dog."

Wen Ying's words made the leader who had extinguished his light once again feel hope rekindled.

"That dog..."

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