"That dog is a bit strange. Not only the little granddaughter of the Xu family has seen it, but the other survivors, without exception, have all seen this dog that appeared in the fog of Jucheng High School."

The leader who spoke seemed a little troubled. Where is such a capable dog?

Unfortunately, after the surviving people came out, the dog disappeared.

Otherwise, he would definitely keep this dog ancestor to take care of him!
These days, nothing is reliable, you have to experience it yourself.

This dog should exist, right?

"What kind of dog?" Wen Ying asked directly.

"From their description, it was a yellow dog. Physically, it was no different from an ordinary big yellow dog, but everyone who saw it said that the dog had a very special pair of eyes."

The leader seems to be beginning to doubt everyone's description.

But everyone's description is a little different, "They said that dog is smarter and more understanding of human nature than all dogs in the world! They can feel it through its eyes. This is a very magical feeling. They He said he remembered it correctly, that dog was different. Its eyes seemed to be able to speak."

"That's right!" The leader who spoke nodded heavily, and then said with certainty, "Yes, he can speak!"

"In their panic, when they looked into the dog's eyes, they seemed to hear the voice of someone speaking. It was also by following this instruction that they left the fog safely."

Talking eyes?

The leader couldn't say anything else. After all, he only heard what others said and had never seen it with his own eyes.

Xiaobai is very interested in talking dogs.

I was a little frustrated because Rhubarb couldn't speak before, but I didn't expect to meet a talking dog in this strange place?
Xiaobai looked at Wen Ying coquettishly, "Sister, let's go take a look, okay?"

The man didn't know Xiaobai. When he saw Xiaobai calling Doctor Wen's sister, he couldn't help but smiled and replied, "Doctor Wen's sister is so lively, but the dog has disappeared. We searched for a long time but couldn't find it. Doctor Wen I’m afraid I won’t be able to see it anymore.”

Being so spoiled by Xiaobai, Wen Ying naturally didn't like scanning her letters.

"I want to meet the survivors, just one."

"That's...ok! But they can't be stimulated anymore."

Wen Ying took out a piece of talisman paper from her pocket and handed it to the leader, "This is the peace talisman. It can help you resist a death attack."

The leader held the peace charm and smiled from ear to ear.

Give yourself one more life!
This is something that money and power cannot buy!

Sure enough, being able to get in touch with Dr. Wen has only advantages and no disadvantages.

Next, the leader personally arranged for someone to meet with one of the young men and said, "Doctor Wen, this young man's thinking is clearer. It will be easier for him to ask questions."

When Wen Ying saw the young man, the leader left consciously.

The young man leaned on the hospital bed, not wearing a hospital gown, but wearing his own clothes, "Who are you? I'm going to be discharged from the hospital today."

"I heard you said you've seen a talking dog?"

Xiaobai's straight face naturally won't chat in a roundabout way.


The young man looked at Wen Ying and the others in confusion, "What do you want to do?"

That dog was his savior, there was no way he would betray that dog!

Wen Ying thought for a moment, "You should know the person who accompanied us just now, right? Then our identity cannot be bad people or people who are dangerous to you."

The man nodded.

He didn't know the leader just now, but since he came out of the fog of Jucheng High School, he has encountered official visits and other arrangements.

Naturally, I saw what kind of leadership level that person was.

Unexpectedly, I would accompany the three people in front of me to see him this time?
Oh no, not to look at him, but to ask him some questions.

People from the government are here, so I hope they can cooperate.

"That dog can indeed talk. No, it can't talk. It's just... we looked at it and when we looked at it, we felt that it could talk. It's like communicating with thoughts in the novels about cultivating immortals. You can understand. ?"

Young people like to read novels, and they are familiar with this type of novels. Naturally, they know it very well.

How to describe this feeling.

Communicate ideas!
When the young man said this, his attitude was a little eager, as if he was afraid that the person in front of him would not believe what he said.

But everything he said was true!

This feeling is really amazing!

If things like Jucheng High School hadn't happened, he wouldn't have believed that there was such a thing as being able to communicate with thoughts in the world!

"Understood." Wen Ying immediately confirmed his words.

The young man breathed a sigh of relief, "So I think that dog must be extraordinary!"

Everyone knows this.

"Then did it say anything to you?"

The young man seemed to be recalling something, "It just asked me to follow it, and then got something like a key. Then I banged it, and it fell from nowhere. When I opened my eyes again, it had come out."

"Then do you know where the dog is?" Xiaobai looked at the young man with hope.

Although he didn't understand that the little girl in front of him was so young and yet asked questions like an adult, the young man still shook his head.

"If it is a god-like existence, then we will definitely not be able to find it. It can only appear when it wants to. Such a big thing happened this time. If there really are gods in this world, they should not watch the destruction of mankind. ?”

The young man's thinking began to diverge and he said a lot of nonsense.

Wen Ying took out her phone, found a photo, and handed it over.The young man didn't understand what it meant, but he still looked at the phone and saw the dog he had always dreamed of seeing again!
His breathing started to quicken, "How do you, how do you have a photo of it?"

Wen Ying put her phone away and had some guesses in her mind.

"I happened to see it once. I thought it looked cute, so I took a photo."

The young man obviously regarded Wen Ying as a destined person, and Taotaotao began to talk a lot about his own imagination.

Xiaobai looked at Wen Ying, wanting to see what her sister had shown this man, but her sister didn't say anything at this time, so naturally she wouldn't make trouble.

When they left, Wen Ying specially gave the young man a peace charm.

After leaving the hospital, Xiaobai looked at Wen Ying impatiently, "Sister..."

How could Wen Ying not know what Xiaobai was thinking? She casually opened the album and handed over the phone.


"How is that possible! It's actually rhubarb?"

"Sure enough, I was right! This big yellow is no ordinary dog ​​at all! Humph!"

Xiaobai muttered to himself, and Sora Jian stood aside and saw this photo. Unexpectedly, the god-like dog that appeared in Jucheng High School was actually the rhubarb on the mountain?
So, the dog is hiding in front of them?
After leaving the hospital, Wen Ying took Xiaobai and Kong Jian to Jucheng High School again.

Jucheng High School was shrouded in fog after entering the gate.

There were a few people nearby.

Only a handful.

But some of these people don't seem to be locals.

They had been walking around outside Kikujo High School, more like observing.

When he saw Wen Ying and two children standing outside Jucheng High School, someone actually came over.

"Beauty, this is not a place you can come to. You'd better leave as soon as possible!"

Knowing that this person meant well, Wen Ying did not leave.

"Thanks for the reminder, I just came to take a look."

"Oh, good words can't persuade you...forget it...everyone is here for the good stuff anyway, so I won't advise you anymore. But don't bring these two kids in!"

"good stuff?"

Wen Ying really didn't know what good thing it was?

"You don't know? You really don't know?" The speaker was looking at Wen Ying's expression, trying to tell whether Wen Ying was lying.

But Wen Ying really didn't know.

Naturally, there are no flaws.

"You don't know about the pen?"

"What pen?" Wen Ying frowned.

What else happened here that the authorities didn’t mention at all?
"Magic pen...shh, please keep your voice down. Someone seems to have gotten a pen with special functions from inside! In short, it's very magical! Look at the people hiding around you, they are all here for this money Come! Of course I...want to see it too."

"Since the pen has been taken away, you can't get it if you go in, right?"

"This... since there is a pen, there must be other more magical things! Who doesn't want to become Superman all of a sudden?"

"Since that pen is so magical, won't anyone try to snatch it away?"

"Robbing? What are you thinking about! I can tell you that the pen has been handed over to the superiors! Does the superiors understand? Hey, I have people above, so I know the news. You must not tell others!"

Having said this, the man did not continue talking to Wen Ying, but turned around and left.

Wen Ying remembered what Jiang Zhishang said to her.

She has no intention of entering this Jucheng High School.

On the same day, Wen Ying took Xiaobai and Kong Jian back to her hometown.

I have been away for a long time, and the clinic is closed and still the same.

Xiaobai was a little excited when she saw the clinic. She hadn't been back for a long time and this was her home court.

The younger brother must listen to her!
Kong Jian looked at this place curiously, is this the home of Liger and Cauldron?

When I opened the door, I could see that although the clinic was not spotless, someone was cleaning it.

It should be Aunt Zhang.

After simply cleaning up, Wen Ying took Xiaobai and Kong Jian to find Uncle Zhang.

Surprisingly, the door of the grocery store was closed.

You know, Uncle Zhang gets up very early every day and opens the door, even if he is sick.

But now the door to the grocery store is locked.

"Xiaoying? You're back!" The neighbor greeted Wen Ying in surprise.

Wen Ying smiled and said, "I'm back."

"It's good to come back. We thought you couldn't get used to the life here and went to live in the city."

"Aunt Miao, why didn't Uncle Zhang open the door?"

"You mean Lao Zhang? Their grocery store has been closed for several days, and we don't know what to do. If we want to buy things, we have to go far away. Xiaoying, who are these two children?" (This chapter over)

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