That sword fairy is back

Chapter 54 Reminder

Chapter 54 Reminder
Fan Zhuoren didn't want to hear it.Killing the disciples of the same sect is a capital crime, and if one is lucky enough to survive, one cannot escape the end of being expelled from the sect after being abolished.

But Su Jianxing didn't care too much, took out a picture bead, input aura and turned it on.

A video appeared in front of several people:

The image is very dark, so dark that you can't see your fingers. You can only tell that it is a forest from the occasional bird song and the "squeak" sound of your feet stepping on the branches when walking.

Afterwards, this scene was maintained for half a quarter of an hour.

Fan Zhuoren was a little impatient: "Didn't you say you want to defend? Why show me these things?"

Su Jianxing stretched out his index finger to his lips, made a "silent" motion, looked at him and said, "Senior Brother Fan, what's the hurry? This is the last scene of Cheng Qian before he died. He recorded it himself, are you sure?" Don't you want to see it?"

Fan Zhuoren: "..." Cheng Qian still has a passion for recording photos when he is about to die, Cheng Qian is simply out of his mind.But he didn't speak in the end, and continued to read.

After another cup of tea, the picture was still too dark to be seen clearly, but Cheng Qian's voice sounded: "Xiao Ayue, have you hidden it? I'll come to you, don't let me find you."

His voice was particularly abrupt in this silent atmosphere, gloomy and ghostly, it didn't sound like a good person anyway.

Fan Zhuoren was startled, but suddenly understood, and cursed Cheng Qian for not being a human being.Before, it was only said that after he escaped from Xianmeng, he kidnapped a little girl named Ah Yue and went to the Forest of No Return.He thought that he simply hated Su Jianxing for defeating him, so he tied up the little girl who was close to her as revenge.

But this, this is not just kidnapping.

To bring a young girl into the Forest of No Return where monsters and beasts are everywhere, is the act of impure minds and unrighteous people.Then let the little girl go and let her run away in a panic in the forest alone——

This cat-and-mouse game is no longer just malicious. Only evil cultivators can do this kind of thing.

Everyone knows that if a monk wants to find someone, he only needs to leave a mark of his spiritual consciousness on the other party. Within a hundred miles, unless the other party has a special way to hide himself, or can directly erase the mark, otherwise there is nothing to hide .

The high-ranking monks imprinted the low-ranking monks, even more silently, so that no one could notice it.

Just look at Cheng Qian's firm direction and brisk steps in the process of searching for Ah Yue, and then listen to his relaxed tone, you can know that he must have left his mark on Ah Yue.

Poor Ah Yue thought that she would have a chance to escape from Cheng Qian's clutches, but she didn't realize that at this moment everything about her, including her wealth and life, was being manipulated by Cheng Qian.

Shameless, beast.

Fan Zhuoren originally just couldn't understand Cheng Qian, but he never knew that he had become so rotten inside.

Such a rotten person got the master's favor, which made the master move the idea of ​​accepting him as a personal disciple.

If this is true--

With this thought, Fan Zhuoren suddenly felt a chill run down his spine, and his limbs trembled at the same time.He couldn't see it, but he knew that at this moment his body must be covered with goose bumps and numb all over.

Fortunately, Cheng Qian died.

It was the first time that Fan Zhuoren felt a tinge of rejoicing from the bottom of his heart, rejoicing that Cheng Qian was dead, and rejoicing that the tingling prediction would never have a chance to come true.

Thinking of this, Fan Zhuoren didn't want to watch Cheng Qian's cat-and-mouse process, and asked, "Can you skip these and just watch the end?"

Su Jianxing said, "If Senior Brother Fan doesn't read it, how can he understand why I killed Cheng Qian?"

Fan Zhuoren waved his hand: "Quickly let it go, I already understand." He really didn't want to watch these processes carefully.

Hearing this, Su Jianxing didn't insist anymore, inputting spiritual power and quickly skimming through the process, he jumped directly to the scene where Cheng Qian caught Ah Yue.

Seeing Cheng Qian approaching Ah Yue step by step, he was complacent, deceiving and coaxing him to ask Ah Yue to tell him about the cultivation method.

Fan Zhuoren's heart skipped a beat.

Naturally, it is impossible for Su Jianxing's cultivation method to be stolen from the sect as Cheng Qian said.Looking at the entire world of cultivating immortals, it is difficult to find a method that allows the five spirit roots to practice quickly.

Fan Zhuoren believed in the inheritance that Su Jianxing said, and only in this way can he explain that Su Jianxing, a waste wood with five spiritual roots, can go from practicing Qi to Jindan in just two years.

If you say greedy, who can not be greedy?

But greedy eyes are greedy, and there are still some things that must have a bottom line.Therefore, even if Fan Zhuoren is greedy, he will not use all means to intimidate and deceive the practice like Cheng Qian did.

But now there is an opportunity of whoring for nothing, who can let it go?
Seeing that the little girl Ayue in the video had already opened her mouth to speak, Fan Zhuoren leaned slightly, with her ears pricked up, staring intently at the picture and waiting for her to speak.

Su Jian glanced at Fan Zhuoren, chuckled, and without hesitation urged the animation to quickly skip to the final ending.

Fan Zhuoren was a little disappointed, but this disappointment was also expected.

After watching the whole process, Fan Zhuoren pondered for a moment before saying: "Junior Sister Su, in my opinion, it is indeed justifiable for you to kill Chengqian, but only in my opinion."

He sighed: "My master valued Cheng Qian the most, and it was my master who was most angered by Cheng Qian's death. As the peak master of one of the nine main peaks of Shengyuan, his opinion is very important. But you have to look at him, not me."

Su Jianxing was not surprised by this, she said: "No matter how powerful Xuanyang Zhenjun is, he has not yet reached the point where he can cover the sky with one hand in Shengyuanzong."

Fan Zhuoren took a deep look at her, and kindly warned: "Junior Sister, don't be too naive, the power that power can bring is beyond your imagination. Don't think that everything is safe with you at the Golden Core level. There are many people in the sect, and everyone has their own ideas." They are all different. Think more about everything, make a decision before you act, and you can live for a long time."

He also finished reading the content of the Photo Pearl, and felt that Su Jianxing's killing Cheng Qian was a kindness to Kaiyang Peak disciples like them, so he said a few more words.

Before changing, he would never have said these words.

Su Jianxing was stunned for a moment, but she didn't understand why Fan Zhuoren treated her uncharacteristically, and even said a few heartfelt words, but she felt the kindness, and smiled slightly: "Brother's kindness, I appreciate it."

Fan Zhuoren frowned, knowing that Su Jianxing didn't listen, he opened his mouth and was about to say something, when Su Jianxing suddenly said: "It seems that Senior Brother Fan really doesn't know me."

Hearing this, Fan Zhuoren's eyes flashed with doubt.

Su Jianxing said: "I am the daughter of Qu Gufeng."

Qu Gufeng——

The name turned around in Fan Zhuoren's mind, and he suddenly said, "You are Elder Qu's daughter? Why haven't I heard of it?"

He wanted to ask, since she is Elder Qu's daughter, how could she not have heard of it?In my memory, it seems that Elder Qu has only one daughter named Qu Qingyao. A few years ago, she joined Yaoguang Peak as Master Jin Feng's sect.

(End of this chapter)

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