Chapter 55

Su Jianxing lowered his eyes and traced the edge of the teacup on the table, and said calmly: "It's all old things, Elder Qu is now with his wife and young daughter, so naturally he can't remember his wife and biological daughter who lived in the mortal world and shared the joys and sorrows with him. "

Fan Zhuoren: "..."

Caught off guard, he was stuffed with a big old melon from the master of the sect, even if Fan Zhuoren wanted to plug his ears, it was too late.

Is this something he can hear?
He subconsciously glanced at the host, and seeing that Zhifeng was listening with his chin resting, as if he was waiting for the next sentence, he quickly coughed and changed the subject: "In that case, Junior Sister Su doesn't need to worry too much, it's just because of Qu For the face of the elders, my master will not do too much."

"That's really great." Su Jianxing showed a relieved expression.

"However." Fan Zhuoren said: "Since Cheng Qian's death has been found out, Junior Sister Su still has to go back to the sect with us."

Su Jianxing responded immediately: "That's natural. Don't worry, Senior Brother Fan. I've already stood up and told the truth. Naturally, I'm not afraid to have that encounter with you."

Fan Zhuoren: "Well, it's not too late. Now that Cheng Qian's death has been found out, we'll leave in a while."

He has done everything that should be warned and reminded, but some fool bumps into her. If Fan Zhuoren doesn't help her, he will be a fool himself.

As for what will happen after returning to the sect, Fan Zhuoren just said casually, nothing can be guaranteed.

What song is the elder's daughter.Don't say you haven't heard of it, even if it is true, it is impossible for Fan Zhuoren to take her seriously just because she has been in the outer sect for so many years and was fined to serve in the deserted city and no one cares about her.

She was right in saying one thing, Elder Qu now has a delicate young girl by his side, how can he have time to think about a daughter from the mortal world.

The most urgent task is to take this little fool back to return to his life while he is blindly confident.Thanks to her, Master's anger had a place to pour out, and he was able to escape.

Thinking of this, Fan Zhuoren got up and went to recall the disciples who came with him, planning to leave soon.

"and many more."

When he was turning around, Su Jianxing called him to stop.

Fan Zhuoren asked if there were any other questions with his eyes.

Su Jianxing lowered his head slightly, and said with some embarrassment: "Senior Brother Pang and the others came to see me before, and they didn't speak very nicely. Whenever I got angry, I frightened them. If Brother Pang and the others file a complaint in a while, Senior Brother Fan will definitely Don't blame me."

"Oh, it's nothing." Fan Zhuoren wanted to stabilize Su Jianxing at this moment, and he didn't care about other people: "The majestic seven-foot men, if they are so simple, they will be frightened. They are incompetent, so don't worry about it."

Then he asked Su Jianxing: "Are you going to wait here for a while and go with us or..." His gentle attitude gave Su Jianxing the right to choose freely.

Su Jianxing smiled: "There's nothing to clean up at home, so I'll just wait here and go with Senior Brother Fan later."

Fan Zhuoren nodded in satisfaction, and said to Zhifeng with an apologetic expression: "Forgive me, Zhenjun, but you still have to borrow your precious land to let me, Junior Sister Su, stay for a while. After I gather my juniors, I will send them back to the sect."

Zhifeng nodded: "Go ahead, it's just a trivial matter. Taking advantage of this moment, I happen to have something to ask Fellow Daoist Su."

This made Su Jianxing not afraid of running away by himself.Fan Zhuoren hurried out.

Walking out of the main hall, a sense of disobedience flashed in his heart.Fan Zhuoren paused, trying to find out where this feeling came from, but it disappeared so quickly that he couldn't grasp it at all.

Su Jianxing's voice came from behind him: "Senior Brother Fan, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." Fan Zhuoren waved his hands without looking back, he took a step, and soon, his figure disappeared at the entrance of the main hall.

When Fan Zhuoren walked away, Su Jianxing and Zhifeng looked at each other and exchanged glances.

Zhifeng lazily said: "Tell me, what are you hiding? You want to go back to the sect, so why not go back cleanly? You have to admit that you killed the fellow sect brother."

Su Jianxing smiled but said nothing, and drank the cold tea in one gulp.

What are you hiding?you still need to ask?Of course, he hid a heart to make trouble.

After experiencing those days of being oppressed and bullied, being wronged and suffering, these accounts will not be written off because she awakened the memory of her previous life.

Instead, she jotted it down.She will liquidate those who have wronged her in the previous life and this life one by one.

Sheng Yuanzong will be her first stop for liquidation.

Although Su Jianxing didn't say anything, her expression didn't restrain herself, so Zhifeng could see clearly.He wouldn't stop him, but remembering Taichen's warning before he left, he thought about it and reminded him: "No matter what you do, don't put yourself in it, there are still people waiting for you."

Su Jianxing immediately thought of Ah Yue, his eyebrows softened and he said, "Thank you for reminding me, it's just to find justice for my past self, I won't put the cart before the horse."

Seeing her like this, Zhifeng knew that she had misunderstood what he said, but he couldn't explain anything for a while, so he could only sigh in his heart and let her go.

Su Jianxing suddenly remembered something, put down his teacup and said, "I have one more thing to ask the Lord City Master."

"what's up?"

Su Jianxing: "A few days ago when I was in Shuhai Pavilion, I overheard some gossip. But it made me a little concerned."

Zhifeng became a little interested: "What gossip?"

"Those are not important." Su Jianxing didn't intend to repeat what he heard, but said: "But the gossiping person makes me a little concerned."

"Oh? Who?"

"Zhong Qi." Su Jianxing announced his name, and added: "He is a disciple of the Immortal League, and he has built a foundation."

"I have some impression of this name. But this person is not outstanding, and he does things in a strict manner." Zhifeng squinted his eyes and recalled, but he couldn't find the reason why Su Jianxing cared so much from his memory.

"But since you said it, I will pay more attention." Zhifeng finally said.

Su Jianxing's heart warmed slightly.She and Zhifeng don't have a deep friendship, and now she asks for each other because she cares a little after hearing Zhong Qi's gossip that day.Apart from being a little surprised that he was well-informed and knew a lot about Sheng Yuanzong, there was always something that made her feel that something was wrong.

But recently there are many things, she has no time to take care of him, and there is no movement in the imprint of spiritual consciousness.

Su Jianxing has always believed in her intuition, she felt that as long as she stared at Zhong Qi, she would definitely find something.

But she didn't have time, and she had traveled thousands of miles to Sheng Yuanzong, and the imprint of her spiritual sense couldn't work, and she didn't know when she would come back, so she could only ask Zhifeng to pay attention.

On the other side, not long after Fan Zhuoren walked out of the City Lord's Mansion, he saw a group of people from Pang Shan.

Looking at it from a distance, he didn't find anything, but when he got closer and took a closer look, the expression on Fan Zhuoren's face suddenly turned into astonishment.

The first thing he saw was Shan Jin who was covering half of his swollen face.

At this moment, Shan Jin has already applied the jade ointment, and the effect is very good. Compared with before, most of the swelling has disappeared, but it may take three or two days for the swelling to completely disappear.

No wonder Su Jianxing said that when he came out before.

Fan Zhuoren sneered in his heart, Su Jianxing was a little cautious, but that was all he had left.He is very stupid in major matters, and he is so ruthless in his actions.It's no wonder that he killed Cheng Qian regardless.

"Get ready, we'll go back to the sect right away." Fan Zhuoren simply explained that he had nothing to communicate with these brothers who didn't seem very smart.

 Thanks for the big monthly ticket for the hair-ridden
(End of this chapter)

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