Chapter 56
Two quarters of an hour later, Su Jianxing followed Fan Zhuoren on the journey back to Shengyuanzong.

Beside the teleportation formation, Fan Zhuoren painstakingly took out two top-quality spirit stones and handed them to the guards, and announced the name of the destination in a deep voice: "Wanfa City."

The guard weighed the two top-quality spirit stones, but he was also a little bit reluctant, and kindly suggested: "This fellow Taoist, in fact, you can go to Wanfa City and send them one by one through the Xianmeng station along the way. Although the process is a bit cumbersome, you can save the spirit stone ah."

Fan Zhuoren glanced at the guard and thought, don't I know how to save money?They rushed to the deserted city in this way two days ago.Now spending a lot of money, isn't it afraid that Su Jianxing will suddenly figure it out and run away?
"No, go directly to Wanfa City." Fan Zhuoren said with a blank face.

Seeing this, the guard couldn't persuade him anymore, he opened the fence silently and let a few people in, and after everyone stood still, he threw two top-grade spirit stones into the eyes of the array.

The formation was activated, and a dazzling white light flashed from within the formation, making people have to close their eyes or look away.After ten breaths, the white light gradually weakened, and when I looked at the formation again, the people inside had disappeared.

"Two top-quality spirit stones, what can I do wrong?" The guard was obviously a little bit worried about his unaccepted opinion, looked at the empty formation, shook his head and said to himself.

"Brother, what are you doing? Talking to yourself here?" An affectionate call brought the guard back to his senses, and he followed the voice to look, and his eyes fell on the lovable, smiling baby face of the visitor , laughed immediately: "Zhong Qi! You haven't seen anyone for half a day, why did you come here today when you have time?"

"There are a lot of things going on recently, and it's not like you don't know it. The superiors told you to be on standby, so it's hard to go home. Now I'm finally free, let's go home and have a look." As he spoke, Zhong Qi shook the wine in his hand with a smile , said: "Xing'er village, ten years old wine, two cups in a while?"

The word "Xing'er Village" was written on the red paper pasted on the outside of the wine jar, and the guards had already seen it. When he heard about "ten years of wine", he couldn't help swallowing, and his Adam's apple slid up and down.

This is the wine worm in the stomach has been hooked up.

The guard laughed "haha".He reached out and patted Zhong Qi's shoulder: "Good boy, I'm not mistaken about you. I know that your brother likes you, and I'm thinking about you."

His hands are strong, and Zhong Qi staggered when he slapped him, and grinned: "Brother, brother, brother! Be a little bit stronger, my brother's body is not as strong as yours."

The guard looked puzzled: "You guys have already established your foundation, why are you still so weak?"

"Naturally, there is no way." Zhong Qi smiled foolishly, slipped away from the guard, stood two steps away from him, and asked, "Brother, what were you doing just now? I thought you were screwed."

"Hey!" The guard thought of the two top-quality spirit stones just now, and was depressed, so he simply told Zhong Qi, and then sighed: "Those are top-quality spirit stones, and you can buy a few good magic weapons in Zhenbao Pavilion. It’s not worth it just to hurry. But I don’t want people to listen to me at all. Forget it, we don’t understand rich people.”

Zhong Qi said: "I thought it was a big deal? Brother Wang, you haven't touched a few top-quality spirit stones yourself, and you still worry about others."

The guard was a little embarrassed by what Zhong Qi said, and scratched his head.

Seeing this, Zhong Qi said again: "Since it's not your business, don't think about it too much. Brother, when will you be on duty? I'll wait for you and have a drink together."

Hearing the drinking, the guard quickly forgot about the previous incident and smiled happily again.

He looked at the sky, estimated it, and said, "It's almost here, go to my house for dinner tonight." He untied a key in his waist and threw it to Zhong Qi: "You go first, and I'll buy it later on the way." Some appetizers."

"Decree." Zhong Qi took the key and ran away quickly.

The guard watched his back disappear into the corner of the distance, then slowly looked away, and said with a smile: "This kid."

As for Zhong Qi, after turning the corner, his cheerful footsteps stopped.With some doubts on his face, he muttered to himself: "That Su Jianxing, just followed Sheng Yuanzong? The direction of the matter is really becoming more and more unclear."

"Do you want to follow me to have a look?" Zhong Qi was thoughtful.Suddenly, he froze all over, lowered his head and reached out to touch the cuffs of his clothes, as if he was looking for something.

After a long while, he looked dejected again: "Did you not bring it? Forget it, let him go to Brother Wang's house for a drink first."

After finishing speaking, he took the wine and walked briskly again towards Brother Wang's house.

When he reached the door of Brother Wang's house, Zhong Qi paused, looked back, and muttered softly: "Going away?" It seemed that he was communicating with someone.

After a while, as if he had got the answer, his tense nerves suddenly relaxed, he took out the key, opened the door and walked in.

This is a small yard as soon as you enter. When you open the door, you will see three main rooms.There is a kitchen in the northwest corner, but no one uses it all year round, and the door is closed.On the other side of the courtyard wall is Zhong Qi's house, which has exactly the same layout.

Zhong Qi walked into the room, put the wine on the table in the main room, and walked into the east room familiarly, where there were desks, bookshelves, etc., and a royal couch by the south window facing the sea.

Lying on the imperial concubine's couch, Zhong Qi took out an apple from the cosmic bag and put it to his mouth, "Kaba, Kaba" and began to eat. While eating, he thought to himself: "Why are people here so sensitive? I am so low-key. A person is also under suspicion?"

But after thinking about it, I don't know what went wrong with me.

"System, system! Are you there?" Zhong Qi cried out in his heart, but he didn't get any response after waiting for a long time.

Forget it, let's find a chance to leave, the deserted city is too dangerous.Zhong Qi thought to himself.
Inside the City Lord's Mansion, Zhifeng withdrew his consciousness and looked down at the document in his hand.

What is written on the information is Zhong Qi's life:
Zhong Qi, a native of Huangcheng, 30 years old, encountered a wave of monsters when he was out of the city with his parents 20 years ago.

In the tide of monsters, his parents sacrificed their lives to protect each other, and Zhong Qi escaped by chance. Later, he was taken care of by the next-door neighbor, a disciple of the Immortal League named Wang Zhao, and led him to practice.When he was older, he was recommended by Wang Zhao to work in Xianmeng, and he has been working until now.

However, Zhong Qi's aptitude seems to be good, and he actually built the foundation without taking the foundation pill.

Zhifeng continued to look down.

According to the information, Zhong Qi failed to rush back to the city during a wave of monsters five years ago, so he stayed outside the city for a night and built the foundation after returning.

With Zhong Qi's own financial resources and status, it is difficult to get Jidan in the deserted city.

So how did he break through?Accident?A breakthrough before the battle?Zhifeng felt that it was impossible.

In this world of cultivating immortals where foundation building pills are commonly used, Guiyi Sect is a rare sect that prohibits disciples from using foundation building pills to build foundations.

All the disciples of Guiyi Sect broke through the Foundation Establishment Realm by themselves, but this is not something that one person can do casually, let alone in a day.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as Su Jianxing who accepted the inheritance.

Will Zhong Qi also accept the inheritance?
In the past, Zhong Qi's mediocre resume could not catch his eyes at all, even when this information was placed in front of him just now, he didn't take it seriously.

But what Su Jianxing said had some influence on him.Not only did he use his spiritual sense to track down the other party, but he also read the information carefully.

After reading it now, I realized that Su Jianxing's intuition is really accurate, and what she does is also very reliable.

Perhaps, she was really the one they were looking for?
Don't worry, Zhifeng told himself in his heart.He and the little uncle have been here for so many years, even if the answer is right in front of you, don't be impatient.The more you do this, the more you need to calm your mind.

Everything has its own will.

(End of this chapter)

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