Chapter 61
Su Jianxing and Elder Ma followed the prestige at the same time, and saw a smear of whiteness at the end of their path, fluttering with the wind.

In the middle of the night, this scene was somewhat terrifying.

Fortunately, everyone is an immortal cultivator, with stable emotions and clear eyes, and quickly saw that it was a person and a woman.

When she got closer, Su Jianxing let out a "hehe" in his heart, but said that it was none other than his "good sister" Qu Qingyao.

At the same time she saw Qu Qingyao clearly, the other party also saw Elder Ma clearly, she was taken aback for a moment, and immediately saluted: "Qing Yao has met Elder Ma."

Elder Ma put his hands behind his back and nodded expressionlessly: "It's so late, what are you doing here?"

Qu Qingyao said crisply: "Back to the old saying, Qingyao came to see my father."

The direction she came from was exactly where Elder Ma and the others were going - Qu Gufeng's retreat.

Elder Ma nodded: "It's late at night, go back quickly."

Qu Qingyao nodded, and couldn't help wondering why Elder Ma was here.She knew that Elder Ma was her father's senior brother, could it be that... came to find her father?

She was full of doubts, and seeing that Elder Ma didn't have the slightest intention to explain, he didn't dare to ask more.

Although Elder Ma is his father's senior brother, he doesn't have much contact with his father in his memory.And every time he sees her, he is not full of love and smile like his parents and other brothers and sisters.Always with a straight face, no expression.

Qu Qingyao was a little afraid of him.

She saluted and left, and when she walked past Su Jianxing, she realized that there was still a person hidden in the dark place, and she was shocked.

"Who?" She subconsciously pointed at Su Jianxing and asked in a trembling voice.

Elder Ma and Su Jianxing looked at her silently, no one had any intention of explaining to her.

In the dead silence, Qu Qingyao suddenly realized that this person hiding in the darkness was with Elder Ma.

She hastily lowered her head to apologize, her frightened expression was like a frightened rabbit, very pitiful.

Su Jianxing under the cloak raised the corners of his mouth slightly.It's been two years, but her little sister hasn't changed at all.

"Go back quickly, don't stay here." In the end, it was Elder Ma who spoke.

Qu Qingyao trembled all over, and said "yes" in a low voice, but her body didn't move for a moment.

Elder Ma and Su Jianxing didn't move, and the three of them looked at each other silently.

After all, it was two against one, Qu Qingyao trembled, knowing that if she didn't leave, they might watch her leave too.

There is still unwillingness in my heart, and I left reluctantly.

Elder Ma and Su Jianxing waited until Qu Qingyao's figure completely disappeared, then turned around tacitly and walked forward.

Not long after, he stopped at the turn at the end of the road.

It was a cave sealed by a stone gate. The stone gate was thick and covered with lines, it should be some kind of composite formation; the stone gate weighed more than ten thousand catties, enough to block all the noise from the outside world.

This stone gate is controlled by mechanism array.But the formation is set in the cave, and once it is closed, it can only be opened from the inside, or after a hundred years, when the spirit stones in the formation are exhausted and lose their effect, someone can open it from the outside.

"Your father is among them." Elder Ma said.

Su Jianxing asked, "How do I get in?"

Elder Ma: "Wait a minute."

After speaking, he took a few steps forward, casually pinched a set of spiritual formulas and punched them into the stone gate.

I saw a wave of water ripples on the surface of the stone gate.

Elder Ma seized the opportunity and threw a summons paper crane into it.

The paper crane was submerged in it, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After that, Shimen regained his calm.

It was also the first time for Su Jianxing to see it. It turns out that the closed life and death gate is not completely isolated from the outside world.A communication channel is still reserved, but the method is more cumbersome.

Thinking of just now when Qu Qingyao said to visit his father, he probably used this channel to contact Qu Gufeng.

Also, different from her.Qu Qingyao was born and grew up in the expectation of Qu Gufeng.

For Qu Qingyao, Qu Gufeng is a good father - if he is not haunted by demons, she can always have this happiness.

And what about myself?When he was ten years old, it was the first time his biological father knew of the existence of Sheng Yuanzong when he found Sheng Yuanzong.

And her presence did not bring joy.

Su Jianxing looked at the closed stone door, and stood there quietly, his whole body was covered by a cloak, and his figure merged with the dark night.

A gust of night wind blew, and with the wind, the corners of her clothes rose high and then fell down again.

This reminded Su Jianxing suddenly of the day when he first met Qu Gufeng.

It was also late autumn, when she found Sheng Yuanzong, she took out the Qiankun bag to explain her intention, and was soon led to wait outside a large hall.

She was wearing thin clothes, but there was a fire in her heart, burning hot in her heart, a feeling of anticipation or fear spread in her heart, waiting for the upcoming, fateful meeting.

She waited from early morning to sunset, and then from sunset to late night. There were people coming and going in front of the hall, and many people had cast their eyes on her.

Every time she thought that the moment she was looking forward to had arrived, but every time, those gazes slipped past her carelessly and landed elsewhere.

The fire in my heart was burned out in such meaningless consumption again and again.

The night in late autumn was really cold. After being hungry all day, she stretched out her arms to hug herself, curled up and squatted down, trying to keep a little warmth for herself.

Just when she thought she was about to freeze, a warm dress fell from her head.

She looked up.Then I saw a slightly familiar but expressionless face.

She opened her mouth to thank this kind person, but the opponent said one step ahead of her, "You shouldn't have come."

She was completely stunned.

The brain was blank for a long time, until the figure of that person disappeared completely for a long time, until the empty stomach "cuckoo" again.

She finally regained her sanity.She remembered where the familiarity of that face came from.It comes from the self she sees in the mirror and reflected in the water every day.

She looks a bit like him.Not because of a coincidence, but - he is the person she was looking for after traveling thousands of miles, he is her biological father, Qu Gufeng.

The only meeting started with a warm robe and ended with the sentence "You shouldn't come".

For the next four years, she never saw him again.Everything she knew about him came from Qu Qingyao's descriptions that he seemed to share but was actually showing off.

Will he meet her?
Obviously he is a person who doesn't want to be involved any more, and obviously wants to use this time to cut off that trace of blood ties in one fell swoop.

But now here, Su Jianxing suddenly raised his heart, as if he had changed back to the self who was full of expectations six years ago.

Realizing this, she was startled suddenly, and stretched out her hand to press on her chest, feeling the rhythm of her heart beating little by little.

At this moment, a rumbling sound came from the stone gate, and the gate——


(End of this chapter)

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