That sword fairy is back

Chapter 62 You Shouldn't Come

Chapter 62 You Shouldn't Come
The door was so dark that nothing could be seen.

Elder Ma: "Go in, your father is waiting for you inside."

Su Jianxing glanced at him.

Elder Ma: "What's wrong?"

Su Jianxing: "...Forget it, it's nothing." There is no need to say a few slanderous words.

Elder Ma: I always feel that this girl wants to scold him.

Su Jianxing lifted his cloak and looked at the dark hole,
Taking a deep breath: "I'm going in."

Elder Ma urged: "Go, go."

Su Jianxing didn't hesitate any longer, and walked slowly into the cave.The stone gate slowly descended behind her, but the dim yellow lights on the stone walls on both sides of the cave continued forward without being obvious.

She walked down the light.It was an extremely long passage extending obliquely downwards, winding like a maze.

It took Su Jianxing a cup of tea to reach the end of the passage.After stepping through the arched door at the end, the eyes suddenly opened up. It was a cave with a top wall about tens of feet high and could accommodate hundreds of people.

Recalling the winding passage that she walked through just now, she guessed that she should be in the middle of the mountain at this moment.

The light in the cave is not too dark, at least it can make people see everything in front of them clearly.There was a futon on the ground in the center, and there was a person sitting on the futon. Apart from that, there was nothing else.

Su Jianxing stood at the end of the passage, watching the people on the futon calmly.

His eyes were tightly closed, his hair was disheveled and his beard was unshaven.No matter what, there was no way to overlap with the image of the silent, serious but fair-faced man in her memory.

Is this person Qu Gufeng?Why is it so different?

For a moment, Su Jianxing thought Elder Ma was a donkey to her.

Just thinking about whether to leave, the person on the futon seemed to sense something, and suddenly opened his eyes.

Those eyes were dazed the moment they saw Su Jianxing, and murmured two words: "Wanniang..."

Su Jianxing stopped when he wanted to leave.

She was a little surprised, she didn't expect to hear this name from his mouth.

Wanniang, Su Wan, is the name of her aunt Su.But the first time she saw this name was on the marriage certificate she found when she was packing up her aunt's belongings.

She turned her head to look at him, and when her eyes met, he was startled suddenly: "No, you are not her." Immediately, he trembled all over and closed his eyes tightly, as if he was enduring some great pain.

After a while, the trembling stopped, and he opened his eyes again.But at this time, the clarity in his eyes had disappeared.

Those eyes were dark, and the whites of the eyes were invisible, black energy and blood energy intertwined, and there seemed to be countless things rolling in them.

It is indeed the appearance of madness.

"You shouldn't come." Those dark eyes looked at Su Jianxing for a long time, so long that she thought that if she didn't speak first, maybe they would just look at each other in silence like this, a hoarse, hoarse sound came from his mouth. It was a depressing sound, and if you didn't distinguish it carefully, you might not be able to hear the content. The sound was more like the neighing of a wild animal.

Su Jianxing felt that his temper had always been pretty good, but for some reason, at this moment, here, at this moment, he suddenly became a little upset.

Suddenly, he turned on his toes and walked towards that person step by step.She landed heavily, and the echo of the sound of the soles of each step hitting the ground echoed throughout the cave.

Da da da--

She came in front of him, stopped only an arm's length away from him, squatted down and bent over to meet those eyes.

"You shouldn't have come." Staring at the pair of eyes that were tossing back and forth between sobriety and madness, he repeated that sentence softly.Her voice was very soft, but it was still amplified and elongated by the cave.

After the words fell, she suddenly laughed softly, but her eyes suddenly became sharp: "Twice."

She stretched out two fingers, shook them in front of the other party, and said, "You said this sentence twice."

"The first time was six years ago, when I was just ten years old, I just lost my mother, and I traveled thousands of miles alone to find you." She bent one finger and counted the past, "It was so cold that day, I waited from dawn to It's dark, and I'm finally waiting for you."

Having said that, she closed her eyes, stopped the turbulent emotion that even she hadn't expected, and continued: "You said 'you shouldn't come'."

She opened her eyes and looked at him seriously, with a clear spring in her eyes: "That time we met, that was the only sentence you said to me." After finishing speaking, she took a long, deep breath: "Six It's been years, this is the second time we've met, and you still say the same thing."

She curled up a second finger.

"I don't want to come either. But, I'm not reconciled." She said, the stream of clear water slipped down her cheeks, but she didn't care, she clenched her hands tightly, and there seemed to be countless complicated emotions in her eyes. His eyes were still fixed on him.

"Elder Qu." After a long time, Su Jianxing seemed to have controlled his emotions a little, and said slowly: "I came to Sheng Yuanzong to find my father, and my father's name is Qu Gufeng. They all said that you are Qu Gufeng, but there are not many people with the same name and surname in this world. You seem to have never admitted anything. Today, I want to ask, are you my father?"

The black and red aura in Qu Gufeng's eyes trembled, paused for a very brief moment, and then continued to roll.His expression didn't change much, his face was indifferent.

"Father, why are you ignoring me? I'm your daughter, the daughter of you and Wan Niang." The tears in Su Jianxing's eyes fell even faster.

Hearing those two words, the black and red aura in Qu Gufeng's eyes became even more intense.

Su Jianxing stretched out his hand, covered the lower half of his face, leaving only a pair of almond eyes, and leaned forward slightly: "Father, look at me, look at these eyes, do they look like your maid-in-law? "

Qu Gufeng looked at her, and there was some emotion in his eyes, and the blackness and redness gradually faded away.

Su Jianxing bent his eyes and asked him, "Is she smiling like this?"

He didn't answer, just looked into her eyes blankly, but his eyes seemed to be looking at another person through her.

In the memory, the face that had almost faded to the point of no trace suddenly appeared in his mind.That pair of eyes similar to those of the person in front of him always smiled at such an angle.

It's just that the smile is gentle and tolerant, and there are strands of affection in the eyes like spring water and shallow waves, subtle but provocative.

"No, you're not her." Qu Gufeng opened his mouth and finally said.

The pair of eyes in front of him perfectly inherited the shape of the pair of pupils in memory, and they would bend into the same arc when smiling.

But it's different, the smile in these eyes is cold, everything is cold.

This realization made Qu Gufeng feel cold all over.He vaguely felt that something he didn't want to see was about to happen.

No, can't, don't, don't say.

"Of course I'm not her." Su Jianxing put down his hands, revealing his entire face.The corner of her mouth curled up in a sarcastic arc, and her cold words pierced into Qu Gufeng's heart like a sharp sword.

"She's dead."

 Ahhhhh... There are too many things to do during the day, and I failed to save the manuscript. There is a high probability that I can only write this chapter today, and I will add it tomorrow.At the same time, I would like to thank "I am the dog of the grass god" for voting for my monthly ticket and reward.

(End of this chapter)

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