That sword fairy is back

Chapter 96 Results

Master Mu Yuan didn't care about the eyes of the other two, he only looked at Su Jianxing.

After the initial shock faded, Su Jianxing looked at Zhenjun Mu Yuan quietly, and quickly understood what was in his eyes.Then--

She glanced at Qu Gufeng and sighed: Her real father is really lucky!

As far as he is concerned, he has good talent and good image, and is liked by many female nuns;

No matter how good a senior brother is, even if he has experienced many setbacks, Elder Ma, the senior brother, will always stand by his side to protect him;
There is also a good wife, although the time with him is short, she has given him the best love and dedication in the world that belongs to a beloved person;

There is also a good girl, Su Jianxing herself.She is a person with good talent, quick practice, and a bright future (self-proclaimed), and she is a child of other people's family.Although Su Jianxing didn't really want to recognize Qu Gufeng in his heart, in the eyes of outsiders who knew the relationship between the two, he, Qu Gufeng, had such a good daughter who grew up so sensible and didn't have to worry about it.

Finally, there is a good master.Qu Gufeng has been haunted by demons for so many years, if Su Jianxing hadn't appeared in the end, he wouldn't know if he would have survived in the future, but Zhenjun Muyuan would rather suppress his cultivation and continue to manage the sect, waiting for the return of this apprentice.

Is Master Mu Yuan sincere in wanting to promise him the position of head teacher?Maybe there is.But other than that, it is more of a temptation and a warning.

This sentence is not only for Su Jianxing, but also for Qu Gufeng.

How is Qu Gufeng a man?Naturally, people have nothing to say, and the word-of-mouth in the sect for many years is not empty words.It's just that at that time, Qu Gufeng only had the Dao in his heart and had no other distractions.

But the current Qugufeng has tasted the taste of love, and then lost it after a short period of time, which left an indelible mark and regret in his heart.So much so that now he is still brooding over the past.

It's too affectionate, and it becomes a defect instead.So after Qu Gufeng got rid of the evil spirits, he disappeared for a few days. Although he didn't say what he did, he was able to summon several peak masters in the Nine Peaks to do things for him by himself. True Monarch Mu Yuan's affairs at hand.

But when Zhenjun Mu Yuan asked, it was obvious that he was not satisfied with Qu Gufeng's current situation.

why?Su Jianxing's eyes glanced at Tong Yuezhi who was lying in a trapped formation, not knowing whether he was alive or dead, and suddenly a burst of enlightenment surged in his heart.

All these thoughts were completed in just a few breaths. Su Jianxing blinked and asked, "Why me? Even if you are not satisfied with Elder Qu, Zhenjun, there should be other disciples who can consider it."

True Monarch Mu Yuan also blinked, the expression on his face did not violate harmony at all, on the contrary, it made people feel that he was very kind.

True Monarch Mu Yuan: "I have taken in five apprentices in my life, two of them died a long time ago, and one was injured, and his ambition is not here." When he said this, his eyes turned to Elder Ma.

Elder Ma lowered his head.

True Monarch Mu Yuan continued: "The remaining two, I am most optimistic about Qu Gufeng." After speaking, he paused, and then said: "But now, I think you are more suitable. "


Su Jianxing was speechless, the position of head teacher is not Chinese cabbage, whoever is suitable will be the one.If she really believed it, she was stupid.At the same time, Su Jianxing did not ignore that Zhenjun Mu Yuan did not mention his little apprentice at all.

She waited, but before Master Mu Yuan continued to speak, he was also looking at her fixedly, as if he was waiting for his answer.

Master Mu Yuan probably doesn't want to talk about the little apprentice?or what happened?
Su Jianxing was a little curious, but he wasn't the one to chase after him.She bowed respectfully and said: "Thank you Zhenjun for your favor, but I already have a place to go."

"Oh? You don't intend to stay in Sheng Yuanzong anymore?" Zhenjun Mu Yuan showed surprise, and glanced at Qu Gufeng.

Qu Gufeng laughed and said: "When the child grows up, he has his own thoughts. As a parent, there is no other way but to support him." He really had a smile on his face and a pain in his heart.

In front of this daughter who recognized him halfway, I really can't find any father's majesty, so I can only say some nice words.

Hearing his words, Su Jianxing smiled slightly, and Master Mu Yuan looked at him with a half-smile.

Elder Ma was aware of the inside story, and gave his junior brother a look of hatred.

Qu Gufeng: "..."

Master Mu Yuan said: "Gufeng, your child is much more courageous and courageous than you. You should learn more from her about this."

Qu Gufeng understood that Master was pointing him, and immediately listened respectfully.

Zhenjun Muyuan swept Su Jianxing's body up and down, and said with some regret: "Since your destination has been decided, I won't stop you much, but if you are wronged outside in the future, Shengyuanzong will always be your home. If your father is not up to the task, then come to me, the master, and I will support you."

Before Su Jianxing had time to get rid of his relationship with his own father, another master came.But she could feel that True Monarch Mu Yuan didn't have any malice, and she also wholeheartedly considered him to be her elder, but she was only fulfilling the duty of being an elder.


But Su Jianxing still smiled and thanked.

True Monarch Mu Yuan said again: "We should have prepared a generous gift when we met for the first time, but I was in a hurry when I came out, and I missed it for a while. After all, I can't tell you to return empty-handed." After speaking, he opened his palm, revealing one of the red ones. Bright as fire spar.

"This is the red lotus fire crystal, which is transformed from the red lotus fire seed, and contains the red lotus karmic fire. It is better than the fire stone you used to seal the demon before, and it is more suitable for the ring in your hand."

Su Jianxing looked down at the ring in his hand.I admire Zhenjun Mu Yuan's eyesight a little bit, and actually saw the difference of this ring.

Now that he was noticed, Su Jianxing smiled generously: "The real gentleman has good eyesight." Then he took the red lotus fire crystal, thanked him, and embedded the red lotus fire crystal in the place where the fire stone was before in front of everyone. s position.

Fits perfectly, perfectly.Su Jianxing looked at it and was very satisfied.

True Monarch Mu Yuan is humble. It is not at 01:30 that the red lotus fire crystal is better than the flame fire stone.The red lotus karmic fire is said to be a fire that can burn out all evil thoughts.Elder Ma's natal magic weapon is a red lotus.

Although this red lotus fire crystal is worse than the red lotus, it is not far away.

Seeing Su Jianxing accepting the red lotus fire crystal, Master Mu Yuan nodded, seemingly very happy.

He turned to the two disciples and said, "Forget it, the matter here has come to an end for the time being. Afterwards, disciples from the Ten Sects of Xianshan will have to prepare for it. Our Saint Yuanzong has not undertaken such a conference for nearly a hundred years, so we must do our best."

Qu Gufeng and Elder Ma should be together.

Finally, Master Mu Yuan glanced at Tong Yuezhi, and said: "Since she has learned the lesson, let her go down the mountain by giving her some property."

As soon as True Monarch Mu Yuan got out of the horse, he sorted everything out neatly, and didn't stay long after that, a flash of light flashed by, and he had already left.

Elder Ma also bid farewell to Qu Gufeng, and took Tong Yuezhi away before leaving.Although people are old-fashioned, but the head teacher has spoken, the final result will be dealt with by the prison hall.

For a moment, only Qu Gufeng and Su Jianxing were left looking at each other.

Qu Gufeng: "Go back?"

Su Jianxing: "...Go back."

I heard that many authors choose Riwan on May Day? ?The concubine can't do it, let's stabilize 4K.

Thanks to book friend 151027095448828 for the 4 monthly tickets

Thanks to book friend 161111101031614 for the 2 monthly tickets

Thanks for the hair-ridden 2 monthly tickets.

thank you all!

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