That sword fairy is back

Chapter 97 Little Apprentice

True Monarch Mu Yuan returned to the cave, sat down for a while, and immediately sent a summons.

A quarter of an hour later, an announcement came from the door: "Disciple pays homage to Master."

True Monarch Mu Yuan let out a long sigh: "Come in."

Not long after, a man dressed in black came in. He looked very young, only in his twenties, with uncontrollable sharpness in his brows and eyes, and he looked rebellious.

After the man came in, he stood in front of True Monarch Mu Yuan, seeing that he was silent, he also bowed his head and stood silently.

True Lord Mu Yuan looked at him for a long time before slowly asking: "Have you gone out before?"

The man buried his head deeper and remained silent.

Zhenjun Muyuan sighed: "I told you earlier that you have a special status and you have to act cautiously. You are reckless today."

The man suddenly raised his head, revealing a pair of eyes that were exactly the same as Liu Ruqing's demonized eyes: "Master, she may be my only clan member, I have to save her."

"Clan people?" Master Mu Yuan sneered: "If the demon clansmen really have the concept of clansmen, they probably won't be kicked out of the Six Realms after the disaster. You have to remember that your clansmen are the entire Gongsun clan. "

This man is none other than Zhenjun Mu Yuan's youngest apprentice, Gongsun Chun.The surname is Gongsun, and the name is Chun. At the same time, the surname Gongsun also belongs to Zhenjun Muyuan.

From the perspective of kinship, Gongsun Chun is the son of Zhenjun Mu Yuan's family in the Mortal Realm, half of his blood belongs to the Gongsun clan, and the other half belongs to the demon clan.

Gongsun Chun's mother was a demon, but no one knew about it before she gave birth to Gongsun Chun, including herself.

She has been growing up and living in the image of a human being, and later married a child of Gongsun's family, and had Gongsun Chun.During childbirth, Gongsun Chun's mother almost had a dystocia and exhausted her energy, which revealed the characteristics of the demons. Driven by the instinct of the demons, she killed several maids in the delivery room and sucked the blood. repair.

The Gongsun tribe had never encountered such a situation, and many people were scared out of their wits.But after all, the Gongsun family has gradually developed into a family of cultivators since they produced such a powerful monk as Zhenjun Muyuan.Although these years have been comfortable, there is still a sense of vigilance.

After the Patriarch learned of the situation, he immediately ordered people to seal the entire courtyard. While controlling the situation, he sent an urgent message to True Monarch Mu Yuan, asking him to come back and take charge of the overall situation.

After True Monarch Mu Yuan arrived, apart from Gongsun Chun and his mother, there was only a dead silence in the whole courtyard. Even Gongsun Chun's father died in this tragedy.

The demons, who drink the blood, can no longer quit. They will only live on human flesh and blood in this life, and they will never turn back, and they will harm one party from then on.

True Monarch Mu Yuan didn't hesitate, and directly killed Gongsun Chun's mother.But when facing Gongsun Chun, who was in the state of a human baby and had no idea what had happened, True Monarch Mu Yuan hesitated.

The child is innocent, even though this child has part of the blood of the demons, but he is also a child of the Gongsun family, so he cannot be killed calmly.

At this moment, Gongsun Chun opened his eyes and smiled at Master Mu Yuan.The baby's innocent smile reaches the bottom of the heart, leaving only a softness in the heart.

In the end, Zhenjun Muyuan sighed and said to the patriarch: "This son must not be killed. He is destined to be with me, so he will be my disciple in the future." After that, he named Gongsun Chun "Chun" and hoped that his life would be simple. Honest, no longer revealing the demon side.

Although he was accepting disciples, Gongsun Chun was too young at that time, Zhenjun Muyuan had no choice but to entrust Gongsun Chun to the patriarch, and told him to treat him well, so as not to arouse his bloodthirsty viciousness belonging to the demon clan, and it would be difficult to end.

Although the patriarch was afraid, he had no choice but to do so. He even chose a loyal and honest couple from the clan to raise him.

When Gongsun Chun was 16 years old, he was sent to Sheng Yuanzong to formally learn from Master Mu Yuan.

True Monarch Mu Yuan has never concealed his life experience, and took his mother as an example to warn him that he must hide his identity as a member of the demon clan and be cautious in his words and deeds in order to survive in this world.

Gongsun Chunben did the same thing—until he found Liu Ruqing, who was also a demon.

Before that, Gongsun Chun had never met anyone like himself.

Gongsun Chun regained his human eyes, quietly looked back at his master, and asked after a while, "Will she survive?"

Master Mu Yuan snorted and threw him a bottle: "You should take care of yourself first."

Gongsun Chun took it, and found that it was a bottle of wound medicine, and then looked down at his right chest, where the blood from the wound had already soaked the black clothes outside, and there was a tendency to expand.

He was silent, and said with a wry smile: "Senior brother Qu's daughter is really powerful, her sword has the power to eliminate demons, although it didn't hurt my foundation, the wound is difficult to heal."

He had been treated for the injury before he came, but with little effect.Immediately after receiving a summons from Master, I had to hastily bandage up and come.Unexpectedly, Master discovered it.

True Monarch Mu Yuan wasn't too surprised. That girl was carrying the sword cultivator's inheritance. She was able to exorcise the evil spirits from the four disciples and seal the evil spirits with flame stones. Presumably her swordsmanship was also related to killing evil spirits, and she was the natural nemesis of the demon race.

"I'll look at the wound."

Gongsun Chun opened the clothes according to his words.His wound had already been bandaged, but the effect was not very good. There were bright red blood stains oozing out from the front and back, staining the white bandages red.

When he untied the strap, he saw a sword wound passing through his right chest, and there was also a wound on his back at the opposite position.It was from these two wounds that the blood seeping from the bandages came out.

Seeing the wound with his own eyes, True Monarch Mu Yuan couldn't help but take a deep breath.The reason why the wound has not healed is because Su Jianxing's sword energy still remains in the wound, because the sword energy exists, even if the medicine is sprinkled on it, the medicine powder will be crushed by the sword energy in an instant, turning into nothingness, and the healing is natural useless.

It was not similar to what True Monarch Mu Yuan had speculated, the sword energy remaining in the wound told him that Su Jianxing's sword technique had nothing to do with killing evil, it was purely tyrannical and domineering that ignored everything and smashed everything.

Under such a sword energy, it seems that it is nothing more than a mere demonic energy.

How old is Su Jianxing?Even if she got the inheritance, how did she control such a domineering sword energy?Moreover, the sword energy is like this, if one realizes the sword intent in the future, who else can compete with it?
Judging from the heart and bearing she showed after experiencing vicissitudes at a young age, it can be predicted that this woman will have a bright future.

True Monarch Mu Yuan fell silent suddenly, and suddenly felt that his idea of ​​cultivating her as a future master was simply too genius.However, before he was proud, he fell into deep regret.

He shouldn't have given up persuading Su Jianxing to stay in the sect just because of a few words, and only now did he know what kind of disciple he was about to let go.

Why hadn't he paid attention to this kid in the previous few years?
True Lord Mu Yuan thought hard, but couldn't think of why at all.

Today's second update, tomorrow's May [-]st, I also plan to go out to play, and I will devote myself to writing the manuscript tonight...

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