Chapter 31 Ocean Drifting (Rescue Operation)
Li Xiaoxiao woke up after sleeping for three consecutive days. Fortunately, they didn't encounter any water monsters in these three days.

After Li Xiaoxiao woke up, it took a long time before she got up and went out. As soon as she got out of the room, she saw three other people sitting in front of the dining room with heavy faces.

Her voice was hoarse: "What's wrong?"

Seeing her waking up, several people sat up happily, but then slumped down again thinking of the information they had read in the past three days.

Li Xiaoxiao knew at a glance that they were hiding something from her, so she went to the side and poured a glass of water before sitting down: "Tell me, what happened?"

The three of you told Li Xiaoxiao briefly about the situation in the past three days.

These three days can be described as a catastrophic destruction of the ocean map. Many players were attacked by various water monsters and lost their lives before they had time to react.

There are also many people who escaped death, because the task was not completed and had to start fleeing.

Many islands have been destroyed, and the entire map world has really become an ocean world.

Li Xiaoxiao took a sip of water and put down the water glass: "Don't worry, we just need to tell you how to defeat the water monster, so as to reduce casualties."

Xiao Ran shook his head: "It's useless, we sent it out a long time ago, but there are still many people who can't see it. Once we swipe the screen, we will be sprayed by players on other maps."

Caroline nodded: "That's right, we've done everything we should do. It's like hitting a stone with a pebble, and it doesn't have any effect."

Li Xiaoxiao: "It's okay, as long as we have a clear conscience."


Li Xiaoxiao looked at the three people who were still not very happy, and sighed in her heart: "Since you want to save people, let's make a detailed plan."

The three looked at her with bright eyes: "You agree?"

Xiao Ran: "Don't you think we are the Holy Mother? There are only four of us who want to save the whole map. I..."

Li Xiaoxiao interrupted her with a smile: "I know, we are all flesh and blood people. This map may have something to do with the altar we destroyed."

"When I was in a coma, I entered another dream. Martinez had already infiltrated his power into various places. I think there are other places besides the altar we destroyed."

"And besides destroying the altar, our task is to save the sea area. I think it is to save the ocean map."

"In this way, we are not considered the Holy Mother, but just convenient."

The three of them seemed to have an excuse, and their eyes became firmer.

The four listed many plans around how to save the sea area, removed some that didn't seem to work well, sorted out the others and sent them to chat in the world, and marked it up to themselves whether they believed it or not.

Also established a community chat that belongs exclusively to the ocean map. Whenever there is danger, send it out. Not only can you ask for help, but you can also avoid the cynicism of some players on other maps.

Several people floated the submarine and replaced it with a helicopter.

The water monster has a great advantage in the water, and now the land is constantly decreasing, and it is unknown when it will be encountered.Only in the sky is their only choice now.

A week later, many ocean map players formed a nearby team to rescue the original residents of the map on board the ship while organizing an anti-water monster plan.

The water monsters in many areas have been killed and are temporarily safe.

Li Xiaoxiao and the others drove the plane and came forward to help when they encountered a water monster, and then went to the most serious area.

There are more than 20 water monsters there, and they are bigger than those in other places.

There are not many players left who stick there, and the original residents have already left in batches.

Luckily they stayed there for some reason and refused to leave, otherwise they would be more troublesome running around.

Li Xiaoxiao and the others drove for half a month and finally arrived near the destination, where several huge ships were parked.

A few people landed, and Zhou Xinkai, the temporary captain, came to meet them with a few people.

Zhou Xinkai stepped forward to shake hands with Li Xiaoxiao: "Thank you for providing the method to defeat the water monster, and thank you for coming to support."

After a group of people greeted each other, they were taken to the conference room.

There were already more than 20 people sitting inside.

Zhou Xinkai introduced to them: "These are temporary captains who came to support from nearby. We are preparing for a meeting today to eliminate the water monster."

Li Xiaoxiao and the others nodded to the others as a greeting, and then sat down.

Zhou Xinkai turned on the projector and listed the characteristics and weaknesses of more than 20 nearby water monsters: "These are all the information we have discovered in the past half a month."

"We found that they are not far from each other, as if they are guarding something, and once one of them is attacked, the nearby ones will immediately support."

"It was not easy for us to collect all the information of these 27 water monsters in the past half month. So I think we will divide into 27 teams, and one team will deal with one water monster."

"In this way, our chances of winning are greater."

After Zhou Xinkai finished speaking, he looked at the group of people sitting below. Li Xiaoxiao had just arrived so he was not the first to speak.

One of the men with a crew cut was the first to speak: "We only have 23 teams here, and they are still uneven. How can we divide them into 27 teams?"

Another person echoed: "That's right, what if some people are not qualified to lead?"

After the man finished speaking, he looked arrogantly and disdainfully at some thinner people, especially Li Xiaoxiao and the others.

Caroline rolled her eyes directly. If the enemy now was not a water monster, she would have made a move a long time ago.

Let him look down on girls, if you don't beat him all over the floor, you will be sorry for her talent.

But this picture can only be imagined, when all the water monsters are wiped out, she will definitely rush up and blow his dog's head.

Stimulated by his disdainful expression, some people immediately stood up and quarreled with him, and the scene got out of control for a while.

Li Xiaoxiao's head hurt from the noise, and she slapped the table vigorously with both hands: "Enough!"

She looked at the noisy and red-faced people, and said calmly, "If you refuse to accept the other, then fight. Anyway, you should have medicine, as long as it doesn't hurt your life, you can do anything."

Some people seemed to be poked, and they were a little dissatisfied: "How do you talk? The most important thing for us now is to deal with water monsters. How can we fight our own people?"

These people just entered the ocean community when they came, and they didn't even know that the method of dealing with water monsters was originally shared by Li Xiaoxiao and others.

They will only feel that their machismo is being questioned by women, how can this be tolerated.

Li Xiaoxiao didn't want to talk nonsense with this group of people, so she said directly: "Instead of going to the battlefield to break out the civil strife, it's better to resolve the conflict now, which happens to let the outsiders choose their own captain."

"In this way, there will be no dissatisfaction, and a new captain can be selected."

In order to prevent another chaotic scene, Zhou Xinkai directly brought everyone to the deck and gathered people from other ships together.

And tell everyone the news about the selection of the captain, anyone who is interested can participate in the election.

Zhou Xinkai announced the rules: "You can't hurt your life, you can't use any weapons and props, you can only compete with bare hands, and whoever wins can be elected as the captain."

The rules have been released, and someone has long wanted to challenge Li Xiaoxiao.

Li Xiaoxiao firmly refused to be elected as the captain, saying that she and her partners had already chosen the captain to follow, and those people gave up.

After a day of screening, 27 teams were finally determined. Everyone had a rest overnight, and the next morning began to hunt down water monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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