Chapter 32 Ocean Drifting (Final War)
Early the next morning, the four of Li Xiaoxiao prepared everything and set off with Zhou Xinkai's team.

As the departure was approaching, Xiao Ran asked Li Xiaoxiao in confusion, "Why don't you earn a captain? Anyway, the four of us cooperate very well. We can also kill water monsters in a team of four."

Li Xiaoxiao shook her head: "It's not necessary, you have to keep a low profile, what if our group of four is attacked by other teams? You saw what happened yesterday, I don't want to be a target."

Xiao Ran thought about it carefully and felt that what she said made sense: "Then why did we choose Zhou Xinkai's team? I think that Zhang Yi is pretty good, handsome and capable."

Li Xiaoxiao saw her look full of spring, and teased: "What kind of expression do you have, do you like her?"

Xiao Ran: "What are you talking about? I just think he is handsome." After speaking, he put his arm around Li Xiaoxiao: "Besides, I only have you in my heart."

Li Xiaoxiao pulled out her hand: "Don't mess with this, I like men."

Xiao Ran continued to lean forward with a smile.

Caroline, who was preparing on the other side, saw this scene, and parted the two jealously: "What are you doing? You secretly hugged me while I was away."

Li Xiaoxiao laughed out loud: "Okay, let's meet up with Fairclair and we're about to set off."

The four of them followed the team onto the ship, and Li Xiaoxiao and Zhou Xinkai asked the four of them to take a helicopter to cover them, so that both sides could attack together to distract the water monster.

Like Li Xiaoxiao, there are quite a few teams who choose to fly, and Zhou Xinkai agreed to her request after a little thought.

With the firing of the signal gun, the battle began.

Countless cannon bullets flew towards the water monster, and the water monster began to fight back in pain after being hit.

They summoned waves and lightning, and Li Xiaoxiaofei was made unstable by the strong air current in the sky.

Fairclair gave up the attack and offered to let him fly the plane.

The three of Li Xiaoxiao threw burning crystal stones at the water monster from different angles.

I have to say that these water monsters are big bosses, so many attacks are just tickling for them.

Compared with the ease in the sky, the ships driving on the sea are not so lucky.

Zhou Xinkai's ship was swayed by the waves, and they couldn't even aim the attack, and many of them missed.

Zhou Xinkai quickly adjusted the battle plan, changed the cannon into a positioning missile, and fired it directly at the water monster's head.

The water monster chose to self-destruct at the end, and the pieces of meat on its body were blown away, setting off even bigger waves.

The surrounding waters are stained green with their green blood.

The fighting on this side was over quickly, and they quickly supported those nearby.

Some teams were not strong enough, and several planes were either directly shot into the water by water monsters, or were struck down by lightning if they failed to evade in time.

The war scene is very difficult for humans, and some sea monsters even join forces.

Li Xiaoxiao looked at the gradually losing war, gritted her teeth, and turned to look at Xiao Ran: "If I fall down in a while, remember to catch me."

Xiao Ran stared at her blankly: "What are you going to do?"

Li Xiaoxiao sighed softly: "The current situation is very unfriendly to us. I have a treasure specially designed to restrain monsters. Now only by using my blood to activate its maximum power can the situation be reversed."

Xiao Ran didn't know what the treasure was, but was only worried about her physical condition: "You used blood to break the formation of the altar not long ago, and now you're cutting blood again. You won't be able to bear it."

Li Xiaoxiao looked at the battlefield below calmly: "I have been ready since we decided to save the sea area."

She took out a large amount of blood-enriching medicine from her backpack and stuffed it to Caroline: "Don't be idle, keep feeding me the medicine until I say it's okay."

Li Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, took out the dagger and pointed it at the top of the shield on the back of her hand, and jokingly took out a basin: "Why don't I continue to inject blood, and then it can be transfused back into my body."

The other three blinked with choked eyes, not daring to look directly.

Li Xiaoxiao saw that in just a short while, two teams on the human side were wiped out by water monsters. She picked up a knife and slashed firmly at her arm.

The blood kept flowing down, and then was absorbed by the shield.

Xiao Ran stood behind her and supported her, letting her lean on him.Caroline gave her a blood-tonifying medicine every now and then.Fairclair tried to keep the plane steady and out of her way.

As more and more blood flowed out, the shield on the back of Li Xiaoxiao's hand shone dazzlingly.Use her as a circle to surround the entire battlefield.

The shield was blessed by the priest, and the water monster started to smoke when it touched it.

A series of screams came from the mouth of the water monster, and the battlefield advantage returned to the human side.

Zhou Xinkai and the others quickly aimed at their heads and fired.

The entire war lasted for half an hour, and these water monsters were finally wiped out.

Li Xiaoxiao fainted a long time ago, Xiao Ran and the others dared not feed her medicine at the moment she fainted, for fear that all their efforts would be in vain.

Li Xiaoxiao was fed a large amount of medicine after the water monster was wiped out.

It's a pity that she lost too much blood, and her face was as pale as death.

With trembling hands, Xiao Ran stretched out her hand under her nose to confirm that she was still breathing before relaxing her body.

Caroline didn't have such a good concentration, so she cried directly: "If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't let her save these people."

Hearing the crying, Fairclair thought something had happened to Li Xiaoxiao, and hurriedly looked over: " she really hopeless?" His voice trembled behind him.

Seeing how worried the two were, Xiao Ran couldn't laugh or cry: "Xiao Hua is fine and still breathing, let's go back and let her have a good rest."

Really care is messed up.

Fairclair quickly adjusted his mood and drove the plane back to Zhou Xinkai's ship.

After the plane stopped, he carried Li Xiaoxiao off, and the two followed.

Watching the four people walking down, Zhou Xinkai couldn't help saluting them, and the people behind him followed suit.

If it weren't for Li Xiaoxiao, their actions would have become more difficult, and perhaps they would have been wiped out.

He thought that Li Xiaoxiao had died, and followed closely behind them: "I will hold a meeting and send out the message that Xiaohua saved us, so that everyone will always remember her contribution."

Xiao Ran glared at him: "Can you be quiet, Xiao Hua is asleep now, if you disturb her to rest, I will blow up your boat."

Zhou Xinkai froze in place, and when he heard that Li Xiaoxiao was fine, he happily led them the way: "Go this way."

This time Li Xiaoxiao woke up from a coma for a week, and Xiao Ran, who had been in a coma for a long time, couldn't help but burst into tears. She thought Li Xiaoxiao had become a vegetable.

Fortunately she woke up.

Xiao Ran and Caroline circled around Li Xiaoxiao, and when she woke up, she realized that she was a little tired after being busy for so long.Fairclair sat with Zhou Xinkai and waited for her to wake up.

Li Xiaoxiao was very touched that they were able to protect her. "thank you all."

Xiao Ran: "It's good that you can wake up."

Li Xiaoxiao rested for a while, took a sip of water to relieve dry mouth, and then looked at Zhou Xinkai: "How is the situation outside now?"

Zhou Xinkai told her the information.

Now the water monsters in many places have been wiped out, but there are still a steady stream of new water monsters, and I am afraid that there will be a fierce battle.

Li Xiaoxiao thought while holding the water glass: "Have you checked the place guarded by the 27 water monsters?"

Zhou Xinkai took out a stack of documents, "Yes, we found a huge altar underneath."

altar?I guessed right.

(End of this chapter)

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