Chapter 71 Misty Prairie
The next day, the old village head came to Houshan with his two granddaughters.

The three of Li Xiaoxiao have been waiting for a long time.

The three of them prepared the things needed for the seal according to the system's prompt.

They made Kimilla and Chinchilla sit at the table, arm in arm.

Li Xiaoxiao was in charge of drawing amulets and chanting mantras, Gao Xin was in charge of guarding the surroundings, and Mu Bai used vines to seal the cave, leaving only a small opening.

Chirp, quack, quack, chirp.

A jerky and incomprehensible incantation sounded.

The witch Xu Tong on the two sisters was activated.

The cave monster seemed to be aware of it, and made various strange calls.

Following a golden light shot from the two sisters, they flew into the cave.

The cave monster's cry became more and more fierce, and finally calmed down.

[Ding~ Congratulations to the player for completing the rescue of the girl and the village.Get 1000 million points, advanced gift pack X1, record stone X1, and the blessing of the witch. 】

[The player will leave this place in 10 minutes, please be prepared. 】

The three took back the things, leaving behind the chairs where the two sisters were sitting.

"Village Chief, our mission is complete and we are leaving. Before we leave, I want to tell you one thing."

"Existence is reasonable. I hope the village head will not blame himself too much."

After Li Xiaoxiao finished speaking, the three of them disappeared here in a flash of white light.

The old village chief watched them disappear, and then looked at his granddaughter, with tears in his eyes.

"Yeah, existence is reasonable, otherwise the other I wouldn't let them come back to save me."


The three returned to the witch's hut.

It has been turned into an abandoned hut.

Gao Xin didn't understand Li Xiaoxiao's last sentence, so she couldn't help being curious: "Sister Hua, what do you mean by your last sentence?"

Li Xiaoxiao smiled mysteriously, "You'll know later."

The three of them went down from the second floor and saw the witch sitting in the living room.

The appearance of the witch has changed back to her original beautiful face.

In fact, she has always been Kela, not one of her children at all.

Kela smiled weakly: "Thank you for changing the past, so I can die without regret."

Gao Xin still didn't understand: "No, what are you talking about?"

The witch gave the three of them the broken sky-peeping mirror: "This sky-peeping mirror was destroyed by a mysterious force. Although you can't know what's going on in the future, you can still check what happened nearby. Maybe this will help you."

Several people took it with both hands and thanked them.

Kela held his last breath: "You have to be careful of Martin and his group. They are too powerful. I also risked my life to reverse the disaster. If you want to deal with them, you must work hard to become stronger!"

After the witch finished speaking, she turned into fragments and disappeared, the house also disappeared, and the nearby woods changed back to normal trees.

Li Xiaoxiao looked at the fragment of the sky-peeping mirror in his hand thoughtfully, and sighed softly.

Kela's soul is a kind person, not only giving them a big gift, but also leaking a little information to them.

Mu Bai put away the box and walked ahead first: "Let's go, meet Lin Jiancong and the others."

"Oh, no, you haven't told me what happened yet."

Li Xiaoxiao patted his head like a puppy: "If you want to know, just follow."

After she finished speaking, she followed Mu Bai's footsteps and left.

"Wait for me." Gao Xin hurriedly followed.

The last chance for Li Xiaoxiao and the others to save the village together was that the village chief used the altar to send them back.

It would be better to say that Kela secretly reunited them once before sending them back.

Kela is a smart child, even if there is a hint of malice in her heart, she has already used the sky mirror to make arrangements before the malice has completely controlled her consciousness.

The sky-peeping mirror is with the village chief, and she has been secretly using the sky-peeping mirror to learn more about things since she became a partner with the village chief's son.

She knew that one day she would be manipulated by a witch, and she didn't want her beloved to be involved in this dispute.

So she kept implying that she was abandoned and not worthy of other people's love.

In this way, step by step, the village chief's son was pushed back to a safe village, and he became a puppet of the witch.

Yet she underestimated the wickedness of the witch.

The witch not only used her children, but also brought her evil thoughts to the extreme.

That's why so many disasters befall the village later.

After seeing her beloved being killed by her own child, Kela finally collapsed and sealed off the whole world.

No matter how powerful a witch is, it is no match for a person with extremely evil thoughts.

After that, Kela took advantage of the deal with the Martin family while covering up his desire to save the village.

She incarnates as a new witch and stays here, in order to use players to help her fulfill her wish.

But those players had misunderstood the target of the mission, even if Kela sent them together, they didn't think about it.

The witch was so angry that she could only keep them forever.

The bones in that cave monster left many players' bones.

When Li Xiaoxiao and Mu Bai checked, they saw the remaining things with the system logo.

In order to prevent more players from being lost here, the system can only give hints.

The two of them deduced the truth of the matter from this.

Li Xiaoxiao's seal will be so smooth.

In the final analysis, the game does not want more players to fail, and wants to end this task early.

But why is it so hasty?
What the hell is going on in the game world?

After listening to what Li Xiaoxiao said, Gao Xin instantly felt that the game he was playing was not the same game as the two big shots.

At that time, when I saw those disgusting bones, I just wanted to vomit, but the two big brothers could still find clues from there.

The psychology of the bosses is indeed stronger than that of ordinary people.

The three soon joined the others.

When Li Xiaoxiao returned to the room, she found that there was still a letter in the box Kela gave her.


Hello beautiful lady,
I am very happy that I can wait until the day of liberation. I know that you are the most special one among this group of people, so I entrust you with the control of the secret realm.

Remember to guard against the people of the Martin family. They are very powerful and have experimental bases almost all over the grassland.Among them, there is the largest base in the heart of the grassland. There may be what you are looking for, but it is very dangerous.

I wish you a safe journey.

Ke rubbish stay.


Li Xiaoxiao looked thoughtfully at the starry sky outside the window.

It seems that this world map needs to be saved by itself.

come on?Li Xiaoxiao, you are the best!

After the second-year illness, Li Xiaoxiao took out the fragments of the secret realm.

The fruit hiding in Xiaomang space immediately flew out.

"Ah, this is my other half, give it to me quickly."

Guozi looked at the other half in Li Xiaoxiao's hand, drooling.

Li Xiaoxiao directly threw it to swallow it.

[Ding, congratulations to the player Damanghua for regaining the secret realm, and the deducted points will be returned to each player's account. 】

Li Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows, can it still be like this?

The fruit swallowed the other half and returned to the Xiaomang space to absorb.

It really is the smartest one, following the boss, not only can get back its own things, but also get other great supplements.

It won't be long before it's back on top!
Xiaomang looked at Guozi squatting on the side with a disgusted expression, absorbing energy obscenely.

It moves its own brain seeds.

I used to underestimate this host. Since she is so powerful, can I ask her for help in that matter?

Li Xiaoxiao didn't know what Xiaomang was scheming, and the successive adventures made her physically and mentally exhausted.

She just wants to rest now.

(End of this chapter)

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