Chapter 72 Misty Prairie
the next day.

Li Xiaoxiao told everyone about the heart of the grassland mentioned in Kela's letter.And I will also tell you about meeting the Martin family on the last map.

She had a premonition that the power of Ma Martin's clan must permeate the entire game.

Martinez, as the connector, must have some kind of relationship with the game developer.

This time they may be able to go to the heart of the grassland to get more clues.

The group packed up and said goodbye to the animal leaders for the last time.

Now their mission here has been completed, and the witch Kela and the protective barrier have also disappeared.

Here, they don't need to worry about the mutants hurting them.

Before setting off, the wildebeest leader told them that they only need to go all the way east to find the heart of the grassland.

A few people followed the main road, stopped and stopped, and finally reached the heart of the grassland after a month.

The weeds here grow denser, and a single weed is taller than a person.

Looking at the weeds that looked like faults, several people were shocked and more vigilant.

"The Heart of the Grassland is indeed more dangerous than other places. Look, there are almost no animals around here."

Lin Jiancong first stepped forward to check whether the weeds were real, but he was attacked by the ferocious weeds as soon as he got close.

He took a few steps back to avoid the attack, then patted his chest in fear and said in shock: "This weed can still attack!"

The weed didn't seem to intend to hurt him, more like warning him not to approach.

"It seems that the secrets in the Heart of the Grassland are very important. Almost all mutants are guarding the vicinity to prevent outsiders from entering."

Mu Bai tried to use his ability to communicate with these mutants, and found that it was possible to do so.

So he muttered something to the weeds, and the weeds made way for them.

Everyone looked at him in shock.

"how did you do it?"

Mu Bai explained: "The dryad spar given by the witch can give me the ability to communicate with plants. I tried it just now, but I didn't expect it to be possible." After speaking, he walked in first.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoxiao followed closely behind him.

With Mubai's cheating skills, several people entered the center of the heart of the grassland without any effort.

In front of them is a huge research institute, with a total of three floors on the ground, and the underground is unknown.

'Huahua, be careful, I feel an ominous atmosphere inside. 'The fruit that has absorbed energy appears.

It felt that this research institute was very dangerous, and wanted to persuade Li Xiaoxiao to leave quickly.

Li Xiaoxiao narrowed her eyes and looked at the research institute.

[Ding~ Players are requested to destroy the experimental base and get the grassland spar. The task time is seven days. 】

【One week later, if the player does not complete the task, then the mystery hidden in the grassland will come, and the whole grassland will be plunged into a terrifying fog. 】

[It is detected that the task is more difficult, and all participating players will increase their attributes and skills by 50% until the end of the task. Good luck to all players~]

Lin Jiancong was stunned after hearing the mission: "Is this mission serious?"

He entered the game early, and it was the first time that he directly increased various attributes and skills by 50%. It seems that the hidden mystery is very dangerous, or the research institute itself is very dangerous.

Li Xiaoxiao was thoughtful, and these abnormalities directly confirmed her conjecture.

The game absolutely definitely encounters incomprehensible difficulties that lead to changes in the content of the game itself, in unpredictable directions.

Li Xiaoxiao suggested that everyone take out familiar props and weapons and put them in a backpack to avoid the system being disabled. This research institute is so dangerous, maybe there is some kind of medium that will affect the system usage.

Sure enough, when everyone sneaked into the research institute wearing protective clothing, they found that they couldn't use the things in the system.

Now there is only one chat panel left open.

This is still Xiaomang's permission to use part of his energy to open it, and the time is only seven days.

If the time is too long, the main system will discover the abnormality here, and when the time comes, it will be known that Li Xiaoxiao and Xiaomang signed the contract privately.

At that time, Li Xiaoxiao would be dismissed as abnormal.

Liu Yuedong gave a thumbs up to Li Xiaoxiao's godlike appearance.

Zhang Xiaomeng looked at her with star eyes.

Several people decided to divide into two groups to search separately.

Mu Bai, Liu Yuedong, Zhang Xiaomeng first team, Li Xiaoxiao, Lin Jiancong, Gao Xin first team.

The two teams searched separately.

Li Xiaoxiao led Lin Jiancong and Gao Xin cautiously to the left.

Most of them are some research equipment here.

The three of them searched one by one, but none of them were found.

Li Xiaoxiao sent a message to the other team, and they said they didn't see anyone either.

On the contrary, Mu Bai found that a large number of organs, animal and plant fragments were soaked in bottles and jars, and these things seemed to be from that year.

With his gloved hand, Mu Bai picked up a piece of plant fragments with the tongs placed on the side.

The plant fragments can actually wriggle when clamped, and it seems that they haven't died yet.

But this is even more strange and weird.

Are these things mutant fragments?
Mu Bai thought in his heart and put down the fragments, and then studied the organs next to him.

As a doctor, these organs are no strangers to him.

It can be seen at a glance that the owner of these organs must be in poor health.

Look at the blackened lungs, the pustular arms...

Of course, this does not rule out the changes that occurred after these organs were soaked for a long time, and it is also possible that the researchers made them like this.

Mu Bai's intuition told him it was the latter.

jingle bell ~ jingle bell ~
A piercing alarm sounded.

The six of them found a hidden place to hide.

Da Da Da~
A group of lifeless teams walked in, and they arrived at their posts like robots to work.

Li Xiaoxiao noticed that their expressions were very stiff, and they were somewhat disgusted with the work at hand.

At this time, a group of people pulling a trailer came in from the gate.

The things they were pulling were covered by a white cloth, so Li Xiaoxiao couldn't see clearly.

Wait until the moment when the white cloth is uncovered.

Li Xiaoxiao gasped.

These people are devils!

The cart is full of human organs, and only the last cart is plant fragments.

These people seemed to be used to it, and calmly moved these things to their posts and began to prepare medicines.

Mu Bai wrote down the potions prepared by those people who were closer.

It was found that this was exactly the same as some of the medicinal formulas recorded in the notebook Kela gave him later.

It seems that Kela's dispensing of potions that can turn animals and plants into mutants is obtained from here.

What kind of mystery is hidden in this research institute?

Even the system was judged as dangerous.

jingle bell ~ jingle bell ~
Four hours later, the bell rang again.

All the researchers numbly put down their work and cleaned up the workbench.

They packed everything up and left.

Six people came out from the dark.

They searched the room again.

Li Xiaoxiao found that some of the experimental products with a high degree of decay were evacuated and replaced with new ones.

She stepped forward to check with gloves on, and found a note pressed underneath.


run away!Twenty hours later it will detect the entry of outsiders.

If you want to enter the interior, you can only be a researcher, and a researcher will rest for two hours every four hours of work.

Note, if you don't have absolute strength, you must leave quickly, it is very dangerous here!
If you sneak in, you can find it, I am number 680!
good luck,


Gao Xin and Lin Jiancong, who were surrounding Li Xiaoxiao, also saw the contents of the note.

"Sister Hua, what should I do now?"

This note looks very weird, how did the number 680 know they got in?
Does he have special skills, or is he also a player?

Li Xiaoxiao thought for a moment and sent the contents of the note to the community chat.

Unexpectedly, Mu Bai also found two notes with more information on them.

They are the information left by 468 and 579 respectively.

(End of this chapter)

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