Immortal cultivator lay down and won, the cold demon emperor brought his cubs to chase me down

Chapter 190 I was in a rush to get married, but I asked my teacher if he agreed

Chapter 190 I was in a rush to get married, but I asked my teacher if he agreed

Su Suizhu unconsciously looked at his still bound hands.

Although the golden clothes were in the way, if it really reached that point, it would not be completely useless.

A wedding is just a common ceremony, and this world is not a reality after all, and it is nothing to her at all.

As long as he can find a chance to escape before, this marriage will not come true!

Su Suizhu followed Mu Che to the front of the main hall, all eyes were filled with joy, decorated with lanterns and festoons, red silk hanging, and pearls and treasures.

Although the time was short, the arrangement was not perfunctory at all.

You Xing sat on it, dignified and noble, with an elegant smile on her face, it could be seen that she was quite happy to see this hasty marriage.

"Che'er, Sui Sui's hand"

Su Suizhu was about to mention it, but Yu Xing's eyes fell on her wrist first.

"Mother, don't worry too much. This is a little joke Sui Sui played with Erchen, and it will be solved after the wedding."

Although Mu Che was speaking to You Xing, his eyes were fixed on Su Suizhu at this moment, always showing a dark look.

Is it a hidden threat?

Su Suizhu didn't care about it at this time, he just pretended not to see it.

"Your Majesty, this is actually quite uncomfortable, but I really can't untie it myself. I wonder if you can help me untie it now?"

You Xing concentrated on thinking for a moment before asking, "Sui Sui, where did your magic weapon come from? The restriction on it seems to be only induced by the spell of the body owner."

Only attracted by the spell of the body master?That is to say, the national teacher must come to solve it?
That's over, Mu Che said just now that he will be relieved after the wedding.
This national teacher is going to kill her!

"Mother, save something to say later and talk about it later, and now my son-in-law has to marry Sui Sui."

Mu Che spoke before Su Suizhu, obviously a little more impatient, and didn't want to waste time on other things at all.

With a wink to the side, the ceremony officer immediately came out to smooth things over.

"Your Majesty, let's start quickly, don't delay the time."

You Xing nodded and said no more.

Su Suizhu's expression was a bit ugly, if so, wouldn't it mean that Mu Che wouldn't let her go, and she couldn't leave here at all?
It's not just about this wedding.
Su Suizhu couldn't help but glanced around this magnificent but also terrifying underwater palace. Could it be that he was going to be trapped here?
"Married in the contract, pray for the white head, worship the sun, moon, heaven and earth, worship."

Satisfied, Mu Che was about to bow his head, but saw the absent-minded person beside him, even the center of his eyebrows were knit together.

Is that why you don't want to?

The joy in Mu Che's eyes turned into coldness, and he held Su Suizhu's arm with one hand, narrowing his eyes slightly, and his gentle tone was full of danger.

"Sui Sui, since you promised, you have to keep the promise, otherwise, I will be angry."

"Ache, I. I actually."

Before Su Suizhu finished speaking, Mu Che suddenly let go and took two steps back, and then a strong external force pulled her whole body over.

The waist was held firmly in his arms by a strong arm, and when Su Suizhu looked up, he saw the face that she had scolded countless times but was also looking forward to at this moment.

"No wonder you didn't go back for a whole day. It turns out that you are rushing to get married here. Have you asked my teacher if he agrees?"

The national teacher still looked indifferent as usual, and now he was lowering his head slightly, scanning the person in his arms with his lazy eyes half down.

It seemed to be questioning, and it seemed to be asking something that made him very unhappy, and the tone was not very good.

"Master, you are finally here!"

Su Suizhu was about to burst into tears, and when he was excited, he raised his hands and wrapped them around his neck.

Anyway, people are here now, no matter what, Shuo Potian will save her!Gotta take her away!
Otherwise, he wouldn't even think about leaving!

The national teacher's expression was slightly stagnant, and there was a trace of enthusiasm on his face.

How can she hug when we meet
I haven't seen you for a day, why did you become so enthusiastic all of a sudden?
Seeing the two people's intimacy as if no one was watching, Mu Che changed his face in an instant, and his whole body was full of hostility.

"Put her down! National Teacher, if you are here to congratulate my highness on her wedding, my highness will naturally treat you as a guest of honor, otherwise"

Mu Che only gave one look, and silver armored guards immediately surrounded the two of them.

Obviously, Su Suizhu must be kept, or none of them should leave!
Su Suizhu looked at the national teacher as if asking for help immediately, his lips were flattened with anticipation, and his clear water eyes were as innocent and pitiful as a deer.

At the same time, the arms around the back of his neck tightened even more, and they simply hugged his neck.

Now the national teacher is her life-saving straw, she can't let go no matter what!

The national teacher looked a little unnatural, "Let go first."

Su Suizhu shook his head and begged in a low voice, "Master, don't leave me behind"

"Sui Sui, come here."

Mu Che couldn't bear it anymore, suppressed his anger, and tried his best to be as gentle as possible in Su Suizhu's voice, but still couldn't hide the strength in it.

When she is stupid?

Must be!

The silver armored guards around them also gradually moved closer to the middle.

Su Suizhu was not afraid, and kept looking at the national teacher, as if he couldn't hear Mu Che's call.

where is this place?But in the underwater palace of the Merman Queen!
Moreover, both of them were surrounded, and the national teacher's performance was also unusually calm.

After a little thought, she can figure it out. She dares to conclude that since the national teacher has the ability to come here alone, his cultivation must be immeasurable. How can he be afraid of these silver armored guards?
The national teacher's eyes flicked across his body, but there was no wave in his eyes. His sleeves were lifted up, and the silver armored guard was broken by a menacing impact and fell to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the two had already moved outside the palace in an instant.

The national teacher hugged Su Suizhu and quickly arrived at the entrance of the enchantment. He didn't even see a chasing figure behind him. This speed was comparable to taking off.

The moment the water broke through, Su Suizhu instinctively closed his eyes and tightly grasped the back collar of the national teacher's shirt.

She still remembered the embarrassment of being poured with water last time, and she was afraid that she would not be spared this time.

"You are so brave and dare to act without your own national teacher's back, Su Suizhu, you are really more and more promising."

Seeing her like this, the national teacher couldn't help the corners of his lips twitching slightly, and couldn't help but sneer.

Su Suizhu opened his eyes, only to realize that the two of them were already outside the pool, and they were not even wet.

With hindsight, it turns out that high cultivation still has such magical effects.

He sighed secretly that he was such a good-for-nothing!

This will be stared at by the national teacher, Su Suizhu can barely squeeze out a smile to resolve the embarrassment.

"I am a member of the National Teacher, so of course I will only become more and more promising!"

The national teacher snorted lightly, with a vague look of avoidance in his eyes, and slightly turned his head away.

"It's all out, and you still haven't let go of your national teacher, haven't you hugged enough?"

Having said that, he still maintained the posture of holding Su Suizhu.

Who cares to hug him!

Su Suizhu immediately raised his arm, took it off his neck, and brought the tied hands to his eyes, with a small expression of aggrieved and not daring to curse.

"National teacher, it's you, the golden clothes, who almost killed me. I was forced to marry by the eleventh prince, and I didn't even have a chance to escape."

(End of this chapter)

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