Immortal cultivator lay down and won, the cold demon emperor brought his cubs to chase me down

Chapter 191 If she wants to marry in this life, she can only marry her own national teacher

Chapter 191 If she wants to marry in this life, she can only marry her own national teacher

The national teacher frowned, a little hesitant and puzzled.

There were slight ripples on the surface of the water, the national teacher looked sideways vigilantly, and his ears moved.

"Go back to the pilgrimage hall first."

Just leave as soon as she said, but Su Suizhu was a little confused, the national teacher just hugged her like this, and walked out of Yunze Palace directly under the gossip eyes of the palace people.

Su Suizhu couldn't help reminding him, "National teacher, I'm only tied up, but I can still walk."

"Wait until you walk back? Don't you want to wait for the eleventh prince to catch up and take you back to continue your marriage?"

The national teacher just looked ahead, with a serious expression.

Su Suizhu was powerless to refute, although she could usually make the wind blow at her feet, but at the speed of the national teacher just now, she was far behind.

Anyway, it's not too late.

But why was it different from what she thought, the national teacher first carried her out of the Yunze Hall like a gust of wind, and it was only halfway, and on the way, he walked back to the pilgrimage hall without any haste.

"My lord, otherwise let me go."

He was not in a hurry, which meant that there was no danger of being caught again, and Su Suizhu didn't have to worry.

The national teacher lowered his head, his eyes swept across her body from top to bottom, and then turned back to her face.

"The wedding dress is all ready, even if it doesn't work today, or you will wait for His Majesty to marry you and the eleventh prince tomorrow?"

Su Suizhu suddenly understood, it turned out to be like this.
"That can't be done! If I want to marry, I have to marry a national teacher, how can I marry someone else!"

The next moment, Su Suizhu hung her hands on the neck of the national teacher without hesitation. Anyway, the matter has come to this point, so she will add more fire and just sit down!
The national teacher paused, his body froze.

"Who wants to marry you?"

"You, you want to marry me."

Seeing someone from the palace not far away looking over, Su Suizhu even raised his voice, and took advantage of the opportunity to lean on the national teacher's chest.

At least the national teacher didn't have too many unreasonable thoughts about her. After last night, it was very safe for both of them to share the same bed.

Su Suizhu also probably understood what the so-called double cultivation was all about.

But that's just the influence of innocence in name, in essence, it's the real innocence!

And what she cared about was only the substance.

At this time, there were others watching, and the national teacher couldn't argue much, so he could only purse his lips, but his feet were faster.

Later, when they arrived at the pilgrimage hall, the national teacher simply carried her into the room, pretending not to see the surprise of the people in the palace behind.

Anyway, she doesn't care anymore, and neither does he.

"What's going on here? My national teacher would like to ask, how did you make yourself like this?"

The national teacher put the person on the side of the bed, and immediately sat beside her, still not understanding how this thing could be used by her like this.

"It was just following the incantation taught to me by the national teacher. In the end, the golden clothes wrapped me up like a rice dumpling, and only my head and feet were exposed. After that, I recited the incantation backwards, and my body was untied, but my hand was still the same." He was bound tightly, unable to escape at all."

Su Suizhu was a little bit annoyed, but he didn't dare to question the national teacher face to face, he could only try his best to calm down and tell how miserable he was by this crap!
The national teacher seemed to be in disbelief, "Are you sure you followed the spell that the national teacher taught you?"

"That's right, isn't it just that the sky is so big that all things grow, tonight, this evening, what evening?"

"Wait, what are you reading today?"

The national teacher frowned, and immediately discovered the problem.

Su Suizhu emphasized innocently, "This is what the national teacher taught me."

"Su Suizhu, you might as well just be stupid! What your teacher taught you is clearly tonight, tonight, and tonight!"

The national teacher was speechless for a while, took a deep breath, rubbed his temples, and felt a little pain in his head.

She has recited all the spells wrong, who will be trapped if she is not trapped?

She actually dared to act alone today. If he hadn't arrived in time, would it be possible that she would obediently marry someone like this?

"Ah? No, no, it's not Jinxi"

Seeing him like this, Su Suizhu couldn't help but feel guilty, and his confidence and voice gradually disappeared.

He looked down at the restraints on his wrists, thought for a moment, and tried to chant the corrected mantra in a low voice.

no response
Su Suizhu raised his head, looked at the national teacher as if asking for help, and was completely puzzled at the same time.

The national teacher lost to her, and stared at her coldly, "Read backwards."

If it weren't for the fact that the golden clothes were only affected by the user's spells, he would have stopped talking nonsense with her here!

Su Suizhu immediately followed suit, and the bondage disappeared instantly, and his whole body felt relaxed.

The golden clothes returned to their original state again, and fell into the hands of the national teacher.

"Remember, if there is another time, no one can save you!"

The national teacher pulled her wrist, brushed her palm lightly, and immediately there was an extra black bracelet.

"Is this the change from the golden clothes?"

Su Suizhu touched the bracelet in surprise, the color is clear, the quality is as pure as jade, and the tentacles are cool and moist, but isn't the golden clothes translucent?

The national teacher responded, and the eyes of the two met at this moment, and they both stayed for a moment.

Su Suizhu was dressed as a newlywed, and at this time she covered her face with a veil. Although it was half hidden, she could still see the delicate and charming appearance underneath, but it added a little bit of hazy charm and charm.

The national teacher raised his hand close to her cheek by accident, and Su Suizhu subconsciously turned his head to avoid it.

"What are you hiding from? It's not like my teacher hasn't seen your face."

The national teacher still stretched out his hand and took off her veil, a bright color flashed across her eyes like fireworks, but when she looked over, it disappeared in an instant.

"Your Highness, you cannot go in!"

The palace servants outside the door were sensible, and they probably couldn't stop them anymore, they raised their voices from a distance, at least they had fulfilled their duties.

After all, the two entered the room so intimately, and the palace people were very sensible and interesting.

The national teacher and Su Suizhu glanced at each other, the palace is so big, the one who should come is still here.

Mu Che was not polite at all, he kicked open the door of the room, and went straight in to arrest people, as if asking for a crime.

"Your Highness came here so late, what is your business?"

"What's the matter? The national teacher snatched away the bride of His Highness, but he intends to openly make an enemy of His Highness?"

Mu Che was also wearing a red wedding dress, and when he raised his sleeves, a sharp long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, pointing directly at the national teacher, with an undisguised murderous aura.

The national teacher chuckled, "Your Highness is fighting each other with swords and swords. Could it be that there is some misunderstanding? When did someone from the national teacher become His Highness's bride?"

Mu Che tightened his grip on the long sword in his hand, and his gaze fell on Su Suizhu again. Although his eyes were cold and gloomy, his tone was soft, half threatening and half coaxing.

"Sui Sui, as long as you are willing to go back with my highness and continue to hold the wedding, my highness doesn't have to pursue it, and we will continue as before."

Su Suizhu's expression was complicated when he faced this face similar to Lin Qinghan's.

However, the national teacher did not intend to give her a chance to reply, and stretched out his hand to hold Su Suizhu in his arms forcefully, provoking Mu Che directly with his actions.

"Of course not. We just double-cultivated last night. She is already a member of my country's teacher. If I want to marry in this life, I can only marry my country's teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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