Chapter 249 Is Mother Not Planning to Recognize Ah Ci?

Lin Qinghan's eyes darkened accordingly, and this was not what he wanted to hear.

"Sui Sui, have you met him in the next world? Has your treatment of him changed?"

"Who are you referring to? Brother, if I'm not mistaken, Ah Che is also you, right?"

Of course Su Suizhu knew who he was asking, but she didn't want to mention that person anymore.

Lin Qinghan was slightly startled, and was silent for a moment before opening his mouth.

"When did you see it?"

"Probably when you know that I like to pick lotus, and you insist on marrying me. But I'm also very glad that that person is you, otherwise I might really be doomed."

Su Suizhu said a few words and smiled lightly.

Lin Qinghan couldn't help frowning slightly, it turned out that she had secretly made a judgment in her heart, but why didn't she reveal anything at the end?
"Sui Sui, don't you blame me? I make things difficult for you, even"

He also forcibly married her twice, threatened her, and frightened her.
Lin Qinghan originally thought that by pretending to be another person, she could approach her as a matter of course.

He originally thought that such a person with such a different personality, even if he had the same appearance, how could she really recognize him?

However, he forgot that she has always been a very transparent woman.

He can't lie to her either. After returning to reality, he has never been honest with her.

Su Suizhu shook his head and looked at him with some amusement.

"Brother, are you confused? It's all about doing tasks. Our identities and roles in it don't belong to our true selves. All things have a definite direction. They are originally to achieve the final result, just like the first In this world, you push me into the well, and there is Yurou's child.
I know, it's all involuntary, and you don't have to worry about it. "

"But what about him? Are you so close to him that you can't help yourself?"

Now that the words are so clear, Lin Qinghan still wants to ask her, even though the so-called national teacher is wearing a mask, can she really not see that he looks almost identical to Mo Zhi?

Shuangxiu with the national teacher, and the intimacy in front of him, even the national teacher regarded her as a fiancée and swore sovereignty strongly, she didn't seem to refuse.

But are these also considered involuntary tasks?
In the second trial world, her mission is clearly him!
It's not that Lin Qinghan couldn't see her deliberate approach to him at that time, nor could she guess what she wanted to do.

But all her trust was given to the national teacher, and she didn't want to try to give him a chance.

She clearly saw his hints, his intentional connivance, but still coldly pierced the hairpin into his heart...

Originally, it was just his big bet at that time, betting that she would not be willing to do something to him, and betting that he was Lin Qinghan's face.

If she didn't do it, then he would tell her about the seal of the scales. He even pulled out the scales from his heart in advance and prepared to give them to her to help her complete the task.

His ostensible mission was to hinder her, and he did everything according to the requirements of the world spirit, but he just pretended to embarrass her a little bit, even if he used the Jingyuan beast to besiege her, he was never willing to hurt her.

In the final analysis, all he wanted was the extravagant hope of staying with her for a short time.

However, he still lost the bet.

Even in the end, she was still the United Nations division, pushing the matter to the point of no return, and it hurt his heart even more.

He didn't give that scale away, he just wanted to wait for her to come back out of frustration.

But neither.

She also got the merman's scales from other places, and he knew that if it wasn't for the heart protection scales, only the queen's tail scales would have the same effect.

Therefore, it was the national teacher who helped her in the end.

Lin Qinghan regretted and blamed herself, even if he didn't want to admit it anymore, he was only a stumbling block preventing her from completing the trial task from the beginning to the end...

She says she doesn't care now, but won't she really hate herself because of it?

But he was more worried about her feelings for Mo Zhi, he noticed the difference
"It's all over, it was just a compromise under the circumstances at that time, he was just a dummy in the illusion to me, and the one who was close to him couldn't be regarded as the real me.

Just like me and him have been husband and wife and had children, but so what?Now back to reality, can you say that the child is mine? "

Lin Qinghan was at a loss for words, her explanation was a little vague, she clearly avoided what he asked on purpose, but she blocked all his words.

Indeed, he also couldn't recognize those illusory relationships in the Trial Realm.

"Father, mother, do you not intend to recognize Ah Ci?"

Above the clouds, Mo Zhi was wearing a flowing black shirt, with a little black snake hovering over his shoulder, all looking down at the three people in the water boat below.

The originally bright eyes of the little black snake also dimmed a little at this moment, and he lowered his head in some disappointment.

"No, how can there be a mother in this world who would deny her own flesh and blood?"

At most, she will only deny her husband.
Mo Zhi pursed his lips and didn't say what was in his heart, his eyes reflected her calm expression while talking and laughing at this moment, and the melancholy in his heart was even worse.

Even if she hasn't awakened yet, but the past is ahead, how can she hate him less?

"But father, didn't you say that mother will not forget the happy time with us, and the scene of her marrying you? Since she remembers that you are her husband and Ah Ci is her child, then we Why don't you go down and meet her right away?"

Ah Ci looked at Su Suizhu, who was so close at hand, and was very puzzled. He wanted to avoid things that could be done as long as his father moved his fingers a little.

"A Ci, maybe this time is not the best time."

Mo Zhi didn't know how to explain to Ah Ci.

Su Suizhu in the Trial Realm originally had a fourth Trial Realm to bring her back to the starting point of reality because of the fate of the third Trial Realm.

Even if she remembers the past with him, even the lingering relationship with him, and the existence of Aci, for her, once she returns to reality, those things will be regarded as an illusion.

And that's what she said just now.

Everything in the illusion is fake, how could she recognize it?
But in reality, the previous mutual disgust and tit-for-tat confrontation, as long as you recall a little, you can realize the difficulty of moving forward.

It wasn't that he didn't want to see her, maybe she didn't want to see him at all.

In the third world, she would rather choose to die than refuse to do real couple cultivation with him.
The boundless bitterness in Mo Zhi's heart spread silently.

"Then when is the right time? When are we going to follow?"

Ah Ci was eager to pierce through, the snake head only wanted to pierce through this thick and thin cloud immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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