Mo Zhi pursed his lips and remained silent, staring down fixedly, why didn't he not look forward to this so-called right time.

"Sui Sui, it will be your 20th birthday in a few days, do you have anything you want?"

After going through some things, Lin Qinghan always felt that Su Suizhu was different from before, and the relationship between the two seemed to be a little strange because of that person.

He could only try to find topics between the two of them, trying to get back the closeness they had before.

"There's nothing more important to me now than coming home."

Su Suizhu shook his head with a smile, but his eyes always seemed to be full of thoughts, a little absent-minded.

20th birthday.

In my memory, my parents said that as long as the 20th birthday is over, no matter what she wants to do, they will never stop her
But what does it mean to be 20 years old?

So many confusing things happened in the middle, she just wanted to find an answer as soon as possible.

"Father, mother's birthday is almost here! Shouldn't we also celebrate her and give her some birthday gifts that mortals like?"

A Ci's small thin tail lightly brushed the back of Mo Zhi's hand, his little head tilted to one side as if he was thinking about something.

"A Ci, I want to."

"What does the emperor think?"

"I want to send you to her side."

"Ah? But Ah Ci is the child of Father and Mother! As long as you are together, Ah Ci will be by Mother's side, Father. Do you not want Ah Ci anymore?"

Ah Ci heard the strange meaning in Mo Zhi's words. His spiritual intelligence opened up early, and he also mastered it quickly. He is no longer the ignorant little snake cub that was just born!

"How could the father not want you anymore, maybe she will only keep you between the two of us?"

Ah Ci suddenly understood Mo Zhi's loss and melancholy, and slowly crawled towards his shoulder, while Snake Xinzi gently licked his cheek.

"Father, don't worry, as long as mother is willing to recognize Ah Ci, A Ci will definitely let her keep Father Huang by her side!"

Mo Zhi stroked Ah Ci's snake head lightly, put away the bitterness in his eyes, and felt very relieved in his heart.

The location of Wuwang Mountain can be near or far, and those who are destined can enter the mountain. Similarly, the trip out of the mountain is also by chance, and the three of them soon arrived outside the familiar mountain village.

Su Suizhu withdrew his hand, and the water boat disappeared in an instant.

"Sister, go back quickly, my parents must be at home waiting for us to go home and reunite."

Su Shengsheng couldn't wait to grab Su Suizhu's arm, and was about to trot back.

Lin Qinghan had also been away from home for a long time, and because she had not communicated with the family for a long time, she separated from the two of them here.

Along the way, I met many uncles and aunts in the village, and they were all surprised when they saw them.

Su Shengsheng also enthusiastically waved and greeted everyone, while pulling Su Suizhu to run, the siblings rushed to the front of their house as quickly as possible.

At the door, Su Suizhu hesitated.

Recalling the past, it is vivid in her mind, the inexplicable voice made her run away quickly, the disturbance caused by the little mummy, Wang Siqing's testimony, and the fire at home.
To this day, she still wants to ask, what are parents doing for?
If they went in at this time, would they still be at home?Can everything go back to how it was before?
"Sister, what's wrong with you? Go in!"

Su Sheng shook her arm.

Su Suizhu had just set foot in the house, but at that moment, something seemed different, and he felt a faint sense of spiritual power flowing between his forehead.

This feeling is as if in the first world, she sensed those ghosts in Wanyingjing, as well as the voice of that evil spirit.
The closer you get to the inside, the more obvious this feeling becomes.

"Father, I brought my sister back!"

"Sui Sui, you are back! Let mother see, my good daughter is suffering outside!"

Hearing the sound, a familiar figure came out of the room first, and when he saw the person coming, he hurried forward with tears in his eyes.

Su Suizhu's hands hidden in his sleeves had secretly gathered spiritual power.

She really cared about the parenting relationship from childhood to adulthood, but all of this was too abnormal.

Shu Yingyue walked up to Su Suizhu, but didn't continue to touch her.

Su Shengsheng flung himself into Shu Yingyue's arms, seeming to resolve the distance in this matter just right.

Su Suizhu still stood where he was, and asked tentatively, "Mother, I'm fine, where's dad?"

"Hey, don't mention it. For some reason, your father has been going back and forth in the mountains all year round. He was accidentally bitten by a snake a few days ago. He is still lying in bed and can't get up."

Bitten by a snake?

Regarding Shu Yingyue's words, Su Suizhu was dubious, she was like this, if she cheated once, that trust would be compromised.

Not to mention, after the fire that day, the three of them abandoned themselves and disappeared.
"Sister, let's go see Dad quickly."

Su Shengsheng rushed forward and grabbed Su Suizhu's hand, trying to drag her into the inner room.

"Shengsheng, otherwise you'd better ask brother Qinghan to take a look. We're not doctors, so we don't see any tricks."

Su Suizhu's eyes gradually darkened, and he said to Su Shengsheng with a serious face.

Su Shengsheng subconsciously avoided her gaze, "Father was bitten by a snake a few days ago, Mother must have asked the doctor to see it, you may not have been home for a long time, let's go in quickly."

Su Suizhu suddenly sneered, opened Su Shengsheng with a palm, took two steps back, and distanced himself from the two of them.

"Stop pretending, tell me, why did you suddenly disappear that year? And why did you deliberately trick me back now?"

Su Shengsheng covered his chest with his hands, and looked at Su Suizhu in disbelief.

"Sister? You hit me?"

"Sui Sui, what's the matter with you? Are you bewitched again?"

Shu Yingyue nervously protected Su Shengsheng in her arms, and questioned Su Suizhu with a look of surprise on her face.

Although she hid it well, Su Suizhu was no longer that naive and ignorant little girl. The trials in the past not only improved her cultivation, but also her insight and judgment of the nature of things.

In addition to those subtle and almost imperceptible demonic powers, Su Suizhu even captured her vigilance.

This gentle woman who had been called her mother for more than ten years, seemed not as simple as imagined.

"Sui Sui, mother knows that you were once bewitched by monsters and poisoned by snakes, that's why you gave birth to those false illusions, but none of that is real! Now everything is over, wake up, come back, Father, Mother and Shengsheng look forward to you coming home soon, and our family can finally be reunited!"

Shu Yingyue stretched out a delicate hand to Su Suizhu, feeling a little sickly and delicate as always.

Su Suizhu's eyes moved slightly, and he slowly raised his hand.

Just when he was about to touch that hand, Su Suizhu suddenly raised his hand.

The vines that suddenly rose up from under her feet were about to entangle her by a hair's breadth, but at this time, because of her unsuspecting operation, they quickly opened the distance between them.

However, the vines not only did not retreat, but also crazily extended and rose after chasing people, chasing Su Suizhu directly.

When Su Suizhu raised his palm, there was a ball of flames, and with a squeak, the whole vine turned into a ring of fire and quickly pulled away.

After a while, there was a low roar, and there was nothing left on the ground except for some scorched black marks.

Su Suizhu raised his eyes and looked at the two calmly.

"If you have any other tricks, just use them." (End of this chapter)

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